Stewards/elections 2011/votes/Fr33kman
Fr33kman talk · contribs · SULutil (accounts) / stalktoy · globalcontribs · crosswiki-ness · confirm eligibility
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- Languages: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Personal info: Hi, I am Fr33kman a Wikimedian who normally haunts Simple English Wikipedia where I am an administrator, checkuser and bureaucrat. I have been editing the English Wikipedia since about 2005 as an anonymous user and then created my account in Dec 2006, starting editing in 2007. To be completely honest I started out editing articles and moved later to doing admin-ish things. I then found simplewiki and fell in love. I believe completely that Wikipedia is the encyclopedia that anyone can edit also infers (greatly) that it is the encyclopedia that anyone can read. For that reason I support simple language versions of language wikis because not everyone has a degree level education and may need a more easy to understand version. I do a lot of cross wiki antivandalism work and am a member of the SWMT where I do a lot of work as a global sysop. My language skills are not what they once were, I can converse in basic Japanese and I used to speak much better French and Dutch than nowadays (I'm 42) but I can still understand much of what I read in those languages. Much of a steward's work comes in English, just like the global sysops. I have, and will always seek a second or third opinion on a matter before using the steward tools and if in doubt, I'll let someone who understands better handle it. I do use machine translation, but it's no where near perfect and only can really aid in clear cut cases. I'm applying for steward because we need many more stewards than we have, I have a good amount of knowledge of what stewards do and how the tools work, and I am often easy to contact quickly. Thanks for reading and I hope you take part in this election, we also need more voters! :)
- Sprachen: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Informationen zur Person: Hallo, ich bin Fr33kman, ein Wikimedianer, der normalerweise in der einfach-englischen Wikipedia (simple english wikipedia) aktiv ist und dort Administrator, Checkuser und Bürokrat ist. Ich habe bereits 2005 begonnen, in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia als anonymer Benutzer zu editieren und habe dann meinen Account im Dezember 2006 erstellt und 2007 begonnen zu editieren. Um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich zuerst begonnen, Artikel zu editieren, und bin erst später zu administratorbezogenen Aktionen umgeschwenkt. I entdeckte dann Simplewiki und verliebte mich. I glaube völlig daran, dass Wikipedia eine Enzyklopädie ist, die jeder bearbeiten kann, woraus man auch schlussfolgern kann, dass jeder die Enzyklopädie lesen kann. Deshalb unterstütze ich die einfachen Sprachversionen von Wikipedia, denn nicht jeder hat einen Hochschulabschluss und braucht vielleicht eine einfachere Version, um sie zu verstehen. Ich bekämpfe viel Vandalismus und bin ein Mitglied des SWMT, wo ich auch viel Arbeit als globaler Administrator mache. Meine Sprachkenntnisse sind nicht mehr so, wie sie mal waren, aber ich kann mit elementarem Japanisch kommunizieren und konnte früher einmal besser Französisch und Niederländisch als heute (ich bin 42), aber ich verstehe immer noch viel von dem, was ich in diesen Sprachen lese. Viel der Stewardarbeit ist in Englisch, genauso wie die der globalen Administratoren. Ich habe immer um eine zweite oder dritte Meinung gebeten und werde dies auch weiterhin tun, bevor ich die Stewardtools einsetzen werde, und im Zweifel werde ich jemand anders, der es besser versteht, machen lassen. Ich benutze Maschinenübersetzungen, aber diese sind nicht perfekt und können wirklich nur in eindeutigen und einfachen Fällen helfen. Ich bewerbe mich als Steward, weil wir mehr Stewards brauchen, als wir haben, ich verstehe auch, was Stewards machen und wie die Tools funktionieren. Ich bin auch oft einfach und schnell zu erreichen. Danke fürs Lesen, und ich hoffe, dass ihr in der Abstimmung teilnehmt, denn wir brauchen auch mehr Wähler! :)
- Kielet: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Moi, olen Fr33kman, Wikimedian käyttäjä joka kummittelee tavallisesti selkokielisessä englanninkielisessä Wikipediassa, missä olen ylläpitäjä, osoitepaljastimen käyttäjä ja byrokraatti. Olen muokannut englanninkielistä Wikipediaa noin vuodesta 2005 ilman käyttäjätunnusta ja joulukuussa 2006 loin käyttäjätunnuksen, jolla aloitin muokkaamisen vuonna 2007. Rehellisesti ottaen aloitin artikkelien muokkaamisella ja myöhemmin siirryin ylläpitotehtäviin. Sitten löysin selkokieliwikin ja rakastuin. Uskon täysin, että Wikipedian tarkoitus olla kaikkien muokattavissa oleva tietosanakirja tarkoittaa myös, että sen tulisi olla myös kaikkien luettavissa. Siitä syystä kannatan selkokielisiä kieliversioita, koska kaikilla ei ole korkeakoulutusta ja helpommin ymmärrettävä versio voi olla tarpeen monille. Teen paljon wikienvälistä vandalismintorjuntaa ja olen jäsen SWMT:ssä, jossa toimin globaalina ylläpitäjänä. Kielitaitoni ei ole aivan sitä mitä se joskus oli, pystyn keskustelemaan perustasolla japaniksi ja puhuin joskus paljon parempaa ranskaa ja hollantia kuin nykyään (olen 42-vuotias), mutta voin silti yhä ymmärtää paljon lukemastani noilla kielillä. Suuri osa ylivalvojien työstä on englanniksi, aivan kuin globaalien ylläpitäjienkin. Olen aina pyrkinyt, ja tulen pyrkimään, saamaan toisen tai kolmannen mielipiteen asiaan ennen ylivalvojatyökalujen käyttöä ja jos en ole varma, jätän asian jonkun paremmin kieltä ymmärtävän hoidettavaksi. Käytän joskus konekääntäjiä, mutta niiden tulos ei ole lähelläkään täydellistä ja ne voivat oikeastaan auttaa vain selkeissä tapauksissa. Haen ylivalvojaksi koska heitä tarvitaan paljon enemmän kuin mitä meillä tällä hetkellä on, koska minulla on hyvä käsitys siitä mitä ylivalvojan työ pitää sisällään ja miten työkaluja käytetään, ja olen usein helposti ja nopeasti tavoitettavissa. Kiitos että luit tämän ja toivon että otat osaa äänestykseen, tarvitsemme myös lisää äänestäjiä! :)
- 言語: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- 候補者の情報: 候補者の情報 : こんにちは。私は Fr33kmanです。シンプル英語版ウィキペディアで管理者、チェックユーザー、ビューロクラットを務めています。英語版ウィキペディアでは、2005年ごろからIPユーザーとして活動、2006年12月にアカウントを作成し、2007年からアカウントで編集を始めました。正直なところ、私は記事編集からスタートして、その後、管理系の仕事をするようになりました。さらにシンプル英語版ウィキペディアを発見してほれ込みました。私は、ウィキペディアが誰もが編集できる百科事典であれば、同時に誰もが読める百科事典であるべきと(大いに)推考します。それゆえに、私はシンプルなバージョンの言語版を支持しますーなぜなら、だれもが学位レベルの教育を身につけているわけではなく、もっとわかりやすいバージョンを必要とする場合もあるからです。
- Taalvaardigheid: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Persoonlijke informatie: Hallo, ik ben Fr33kman, een wikimediaan die normaal rondspookt op de Eenvoudig Engels-Wikipedia, waar ik moderator, checkuser en bureaucraat ben. Ik bewerkte de Engelstalige Wikipedia sinds ongeveer 2005 als anonieme gebruiker en maakte vervolgens in december 2006 mijn gebruikersaccount aan, waarmee ik in 2007 ben begonnen te bewerken. Om helemaal volledig te zijn begon ik met het bewerken van artikelen en ging ik later moderatorachtige dingen doen. Toen vond ik de Eenvoudig Engels-Wikipedia en werd ik verliefd. Ik geloof er volledig in dat het idee dat Wikipedia de encyclopedie is die iedereen kan bewerken (in hoge mate) met zich meebrengt dat het ook de encyclopedie moet zijn die iedereen kan lezen. Om die reden ondersteun ik de versies met eenvoudig taalgebruik, omdat niet iedereen hoger onderwijs heeft gehad en behoefte kan hebben aan een eenvoudiger te begrijpen versie. Ik doe veel aan het bestrijden van cross wiki-vandalisme en ik ben lid van het SWMT, waar ik veel als global sysop doe. Mijn taalvaardigheden zijn niet wat ze ooit waren, ik kan converseren in eenvoudig Japans en ik kon vroeger veel beter Frans en Nederlands dan tegenwoordig (ik ben 42), maar ik kan veel van wat ik in die talen lees nog steeds begrijpen. Veel stewardswerkzaamheden gebeuren in het Engels, net als bij die van de global sysops. Ik zal altijd om een tweede of derde mening vragen over een zaak voordat ik de stewardstools gebruik en als ik twijfel zal ik die laten afhandelen door iemand die er een beter begrip van heeft. Ik maak gebruik van machinevertalingen, maar die zijn lang niet altijd perfect en kunnen alleen helpen in zaken die helemaal duidelijk zijn. Ik stel me kandidaat als steward omdat we veel meer stewards nodig hebben dan er zijn, ik heb redelijk wat kennis van wat stewards doen en hoe de tools werken, en ik ben vaak gemakkelijk en snel te bereiken. Dank voor het lezen en ik hoop dat u deel gaat nemen aan deze verkiezingen, we hebben ook meer stemmers nodig! :)
- Языки: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Личная информация: Привет, я - Fr33kman, участник Simple English Wikipedia, где я являюсь администратором, чекъюзером и бюрократом. Я участвую в английской Википедии где-то с 2005 года в качестве анонимного участника, в декабре 2006 года я создал свою учётную запись, начав редактирование в 2007. Честно говоря, я начал с редактирования статей и позднее переключился на "админскую" деятельность. Затем я открыл simplewiki и влюбился. Я безоговорочно верю, что Википедия - это не только энциклопедия, которую каждый может править, но и энциклопедия, которую каждый может читать. Поэтому я поддерживаю упрощённые версии вики, так как не у каждого читателя есть учёная степень, поэтому нужны более лёгкие для понимания версии. Я активно борюсь с кросс-вики вандализмом как член SWMT, где я вношу большой вклад как глобальный администратор. Мои языковые навыки уже не столь хороши, сколь были раньше: я знаю основы японского, и я гораздо лучше знал французский и датский раньше, чем сейчас (мне 42 года), но я всё ещё понимаю большую часть того, что я читаю на этих языках. Большая часть работы стюардов связана с английским языком, как и работа глобальных администраторов. Перед использованием инструментов стюарда, я всегда буду искать второй или третий вариант решения проблемы, а при возникновении сомнений я попрошу кого-нибудь более сведущего о помощи. Я использую машинный перевод, но он никогда не бывает идеальным и может помочь лишь в очевидных случаях. Я выдвигаю свою кандидатуру, потому что нам нужно больше стюардов, чем сейчас, я хорошо разбираюсь в работе стюардов и их инструментах и со мной легко связаться. Спасибо за чтение, и я надеюсь, что вы примете участие в этом голосовании: нам нужно больше избирателей! :)
- Gjuha: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Informacion personale: Çkemi, unë quhem Fr33kman një anëtar të Wikimedia. Zakonisht rri te Wikipedia Anglisht të Thjeshtë ku jam administrator, checkuser (kontrol përdorë), dhe burokrat. Unë kam qënë duke redaktuar Wikipedia Anglisht nga 2005 si përdorës i paemër dhe pastaj kriova llogarin në Dhjetor 2006, dhe fillova duke redaktuar në 2007. Për të qënë krejtësisht i sinqertë unë fillova duke redaktuar artikuj pastaj vazhdova duke bërë gjëra administratorësh. Pastaj gjeta Wikipedia e Thjesht dhe rash në dashuri. Besova krejtësisht që Wikipedia është enciklopedia që kushdo mund të redaktoj do të thotë (shumë) që është edhe enciklopedia që të gjithë mund ta lexojnë. Për atë arsye, unë mbështes versione të gjuhëve të thjesht e wiki e gjuhëve sepse jo të gjithë kanë edukim të plotë dhe duhet një version që është e lehtë për të kuptuar. Bëjë shumë punë crosswiki (në të gjitha wikit) antivandalizëm dhe jam anëtar të SWMT ku bëjë shumë punë si sysop (operator sistemash) globale. Aftësit për gjuhë nuk janë siç ishin, por mund të flas në Japonisht të thjesht dhe mund të flisja më mirë Frëngjisht dhe Holandez se sa sot (jam 42 vjeç) por akoma mund të kuptoj shumicën e atë që lexoj në ato gjuhë. Shumica e punëve të kujdestarët vjen në Anglisht, si sysop (operator sistemash) globale. Unë kam bërë, dhe do vazhdoj të kërkoj opiniona të tjera në një problem para që të përdorë mjetet e kujdestarëve dhe në qoftë se nuk jam i sigurtë, do ta lejoj dikë që e kupton më mirë të merret me problemin. Unë përdorë përkthim me bot, por nuk është përfekte dhe vetëm më ndihmon në rasta të qarta. Unë po nominoj veten si kujdestarë sepse na duhet më shumë kujdestarë se sa kemi tani, kam një sasi të mirë njohuri e çfarë bënë një kujdestarë dhe si punojnë mjetët, dhe është e lehtë për të më kontaktuar shpejtë. Faleminderit që keni lexuar këtë dhe shpresoj që do merrni pjesë në votimin, na duhet gjithashtu më shumë votues! :)
српски / srpski:
- Језици: en, simple, ja-2, fr-1, nl-1
- Лични подаци: Здраво! Ја сам Fr33kman, Викимедијанац који највише времена проводи на Википедији на једноставном енглеском где сам администратор, чекјузер и бирократа. Доприносио сам на Википедији на енглеском језику отприлике од 2005. као непријављени корисник, а затим сам у децембру 2006. направио налог и почео са доприносима током 2007. године. Да будем потпуно искрен, у почетку сам уређивао чланке, а касније сам почео да се бавим администраторским пословима. Онда сам открио Википедију на једноставном енглеском и заљубио се. У потпуности верујем да чињеница да је Википедија енциклопедија коју свако може да уређује подразумева (у великој мери) да је то енциклопедија коју свако може да чита. Због тога сам подржао верзију на једноставнијој варијанти енглеског језика, јер немају сви факултетску диплому и потребна им је једноставнија верзија да би разумели. Радим доста у спречавању вандализама и члан сам SWMT где обављам доста послова као глобални администратор. Моје језичке вештине нису као што су некада биле, могу помало да разговарам на јапанском, а знатно боље сам некада разговарао на француском и холандском него што је то данас случај (имам 42 године), мада још увек могу да разумем доста онога што прочитам на тим језицима. Већина стјуардског посла се обавља на енглеском, као што је то случај са глобалним администраторима. Као и до сада, и убудуће ћу тражити друго или треће мишљење у вези конкретне ствари пре него што употребим стјуардске алатке, а ако сам у дилеми препустићу неком ко то боље разуме да се побрине за то. Ја користим машинско превођење, али оно није увек савршено и могу да помогнем само у случајевима који су јасни. Подносим захтев за стјуарда јер нам је потребно знатно више стјуарда него што их имамо, добро сам упознат са тим шта стјуарди раде и како алатке функционишу, а често ме је лако контактирати у кратком временском периоду. Хвала на читању и надам се да ћете узети учешће на овим изборима јер нам је потребно што више гласача! :)
Questions: See Stewards/elections 2011/Questions#Fr33kman
Accounts checked till now, see result here. For the ElectCom, —DerHexer (Talk) 14:58, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
[edit]- –Juliancolton | Talk 00:00, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Hoo man (talk) 00:02, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Mardetanha talk 00:02, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- -- Dferg ☎ talk 00:05, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- fetchcomms☛ 00:09, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Jafeluv 00:25, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- —DerHexer (Talk) 00:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Gordonrox24 | Talk 00:29, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Nixón 00:47, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- –SJ · talk | translate 00:48, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Grunny (talk) 01:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
1ForTheMoney 01:43, 7 February 2011 (UTC)(vote ineligible [1]: no SUL account, links from meta to enwiki but not vice versa) Shanel 00:39, 28 February 2011 (UTC)- FASTILY (TALK) 01:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- (edit conflict) Support - Reaper Eternal 01:50, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- — Tanvir • 02:03, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Ajraddatz (Talk) 02:27, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support has my trust James (T C) 02:37, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- -- Maximillion Pegasus 04:11, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Tempodivalse [talk] 04:23, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Torin 05:34, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support--Wikiwind 06:20, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Saloca 06:46, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- MoiraMoira 07:54, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Jan eissfeldt 08:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --BG7 09:13, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support –BruTe talk 09:49, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- ⇒SWATJester Son of the Defender 10:29, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- CasteloBrancomsg 10:46, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support mickit 11:22, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- No reason why not. Ruy Pugliesi◥ 12:38, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Popo le Chien 13:56, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Anoopan 13:58, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- —
Sasan700 14:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Savhñ 16:05, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support VR-Land 16:51, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --FlügelRad 17:16, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Yep. Diego Grez return fire 18:17, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --MF-W 18:42, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --WizardOfOz talk 19:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support —mc10 (t/c) 19:36, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- ChristianH 19:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - Experienced and trustworthy user. Ottava Rima (talk) 20:24, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Sure. Trijnstel 20:37, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - Trusted and friendly user. Tiptoety talk 20:45, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Lolsimon 00:01, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Eddylandzaat 01:20, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Support -- බිඟුවා සාකච්ඡාව 04:38, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Law soma D C 08:13, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Support--Mayur (talk•Email) 12:50, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- INS Pirat 17:58, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Seems to exercise (and not hesitate from exercising) sound judgment. Chaojoker 18:19, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Looks like a strong candidate and I appreciate your crosswiki experience. Zachlipton 19:10, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - Romaine 23:53, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Support--Shizhao 00:29, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Junius 03:11, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support--Jusjih 10:21, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - --Zivax 13:39, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
- WereSpielChequers 15:18, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
- rubin16 17:46, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support USchick 23:04, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Fully relevant experience; glad to see an experienced Wikimedian to join stewards. --Millosh 23:25, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - has my support and confidence. This vote is in my personal capacity and not as official statement of the Foundation...--Philippe 05:34, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
Support —Ancient Apparition 06:51, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Capsot 11:33, 10 February 2011 (UTC) Even though your language skills might not be too developed yet, you seem to be an open-minded person and I liked things I read in your statement, so I decided to support you! Good luck! Capsot 11:33, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Aristeas 19:52, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
- Christian Giersing 21:43, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Seems experienced. And we need Japanese speaker.--aokomoriuta 02:57, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Holder 08:41, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
- Marine-Blue [ talk contribs ] 11:12, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Experienced user with willingness to perform nonstandard tasks. --Tomo suzuki 13:20, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Experienced user and I liked his way of communicating. Alakasam 14:45, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Vssun 15:05, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --miya 16:14, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
- I'll go with the crowd here. Marauder09
Long live the thrash
(vote ineligible [2]: no SUL account; no links from meta) Shanel 00:39, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Support --Petri 20:31, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Gamma127 00:42, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Support-- Bertrand GRONDIN
→ (Talk) 11:04, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Ingolfson 11:20, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Brandon5485 21:55, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Support. --Bff 22:22, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Zeljko 02:30, 13 February 2011 (UTC)
- Yes, please -- Quentinv57 (talk) 10:30, 13 February 2011 (UTC)
- looks good --Guerillero 20:21, 13 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Berny68 05:34, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Ohgi 08:52, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - he is often the voice of calm and reason, perfect choice for a steward. --Peterdownunder 12:51, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
- Foxie001 17:54, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Support--chaser - t 20:59, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Convinced me. Good luck. --Floflo 21:47, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Support - seems to be a good guy. Spoladore 02:44, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Banfield - Amenazas aquí 13:58, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Experienced candidate. Will be helpful. --Mercy 14:06, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
- Njaelkies Lea 15:21, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Gott wisst 05:52, 16 February 2011 (UTC) Really positive input across many wikis.(vote ineligible [3]: does not have 600 edits before 01 November 2010) Shanel 00:39, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Support--Zivax 08:53, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Walkerma 16:30, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
Support ...calls support! --Demonaire Rai 17:14, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
(vote ineligible [4]: does not have 50 edits between 01 August 2010 and 31 January 2011)Support Thewiikione 23:52, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
- Support. AGK 20:22, 17 February 2011 (UTC)
- support :) Trustworthy and perceptive. sonia 22:20, 17 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Woody 23:17, 17 February 2011 (UTC)
Support -- With multilingual capabilities, it will bring cross-wiki advantages to resolve issues. --Visik 05:06, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
- Keegan 05:58, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
Support looks good to me WormTT 10:17, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Vigorous action 10:18, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --アルトクール(Home in JAWN) 15:10, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Deansfa 20:01, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Udufruduhu 20:43, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Sergey Semenovtalk 02:57, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Slon02 05:56, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Zinnmann 10:01, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Poco a poco 16:55, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Support. User, as far as I know, is a good enough candidate for steward. Hazard-SJ ± 20:23, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Support --Kiran Gopi 05:09, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
- 01:26, 21 February 2011 (UTC) No serious objections User:Kleuske [5]
Support --Lucas Nunes 02:33, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Nifky? 06:02, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Comte0 15:26, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Rubicon 12:08, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
(vote ineligible [6]: does not have 50 edits between 01 August 2010 and 31 January 2011)Shanel 00:39, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Support K90 01:23, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
Support The Three Headed Knight 05:21, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Béria Lima msg 17:23, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Experienced and valuable editor, multilingual capabilities. MZaplotnik (contribs) 09:17, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
Support I like what he declared "(...) I believe completely that Wikipedia is the encyclopedia that anyone can edit also infers (greatly) that it is the encyclopedia that anyone can read. For that reason I support simple language versions of language wikis because not everyone has a degree level education and may need a more easy to understand version. (...)". Assuming good faith and support. Maybe little experience but let's give a chance. Maurice Carbonaro 09:43, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
- Blanket
Support for all candidates as opposition to the blanket opposition by User:Riffic, in support of open balloting. --Yair rand 21:40, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Kubek15T C 14:15, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Alpha Quadrant talk 04:24, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
Support Zyephyrus 17:43, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
- Yes --Dalibor Bosits © 17:58, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
- LeinaD (t) 19:14, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
[edit]Oppose --Cekli829 05:07, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- I'm sorry to oppose, but your unblock of Samlaptop in Simple Wikipedia, overruling a community ban was an action that disappointed me. I have a lot of respect for the work you do, but that was a poorly taken decision in my opinion. Admins do not have the right to overrule community decisions. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 13:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- I was planning on not making any comments about oppose votes made, but this needs a response. Samlaptop made a request to be unblocked to the simple admins mailing list; the only way he can. I started a discussion with Sam about why he should be ublocked, what has he learned, why did he vandalize in the first place, etc. Almost every active sysop at simple is on that mailing list and saw the emails back and forth, I then asked the other admins what they thought, some said nothing, some said no, some said yes, try an unblock. So I did. An admin then complained that it should have been a community decision and so I reblocked Sam but left his talk page access open and began the unban decision there. This descussion has not closed but there is both support and opposition to the idea; the results has yet to be determined. fr33kman 23:53, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- I am not making this oppose on whether Sam should have been unblocked or not; my only issue is that he was banned by the community and not blocked, and the decision to unban him lay in the hands of the community, and not the admin(s). I disagree with your decision to go ahead with an unblock there without seeking community approval. I would definitely have supported otherwise, but I was quite disappointed by your decision, so this is kind of a weak oppose. Also, I'm quite sure my one oppose wouldn't affect this elections result much. Cheers, Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 13:41, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Well, I understand your point, and understand your oppose, but remember most active users on simplewiki are admins, so I guess I felt asking the list (the only way Sam can appeal) was the best thing. fr33kman 00:08, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
- I am not making this oppose on whether Sam should have been unblocked or not; my only issue is that he was banned by the community and not blocked, and the decision to unban him lay in the hands of the community, and not the admin(s). I disagree with your decision to go ahead with an unblock there without seeking community approval. I would definitely have supported otherwise, but I was quite disappointed by your decision, so this is kind of a weak oppose. Also, I'm quite sure my one oppose wouldn't affect this elections result much. Cheers, Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 13:41, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- I was planning on not making any comments about oppose votes made, but this needs a response. Samlaptop made a request to be unblocked to the simple admins mailing list; the only way he can. I started a discussion with Sam about why he should be ublocked, what has he learned, why did he vandalize in the first place, etc. Almost every active sysop at simple is on that mailing list and saw the emails back and forth, I then asked the other admins what they thought, some said nothing, some said no, some said yes, try an unblock. So I did. An admin then complained that it should have been a community decision and so I reblocked Sam but left his talk page access open and began the unban decision there. This descussion has not closed but there is both support and opposition to the idea; the results has yet to be determined. fr33kman 23:53, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Skydrinker 12:43, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Blanket 'NO' votes for all candidates as a form of protest against open balloting. riffic 18:05, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Oppose Given what I have seen on Commons I think you need a bit more experience. You seem the kind of guy who jumps into the deep end of the pool, without checking it first. That is not a bad thing, though, but you might want to slow down sometimes, look at the big picture and learn before you do.--Snaevar 13:19, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
Oppose User uses colloquial writing style in his native language (English). I feel that stewards should use formal language, especially when discussing steward functions, as stewards are representing Wikipedia and Wikipedia uses encyclopedic language. Also, Wikipedia is serious business. Bluerasberry 15:42, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
[edit]- Not enough multilingual. --Flopy 19:41, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Davecrosby uk 20:25, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
- Language also an issue, though others have more experience. Carolmooredc 14:56, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- Neelix 17:14, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
- --Soenke Rahn 11:33, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
- Elvaube 03:20, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
Neutral : not enough contributions from my point of vue. VonTasha 10:55, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
Neutral -- PhantomSteve/talk|contribs\ 04:53, 24 February 2011 (UTC)
Neutral –Tommy Kronkvist, 20:28, 27 February 2011 (UTC).