Stewards/elections 2007/statements/Hillgentleman
The following Election below has ended so please do not vote here since all votes made after the conclusion of the elections will be discounted or removed.
- edit multilingual text
- Identity confirmed by Cary Bass 13:55, 19 November 2007 (UTC).
- Languages: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Personal information:
- I have been a registered user in Wikimedia since last summer. My first account was on Wikipedia in Cantonese. Since then I have edited on a variety of wikis in the Sinitic family, usually jotting down things I have just learnt, or discussing policies. On Meta, I have helped out in the translations. On Wikiversity, I took part in the discussions in formulating research guidelines; and I have translated some of the Wikiversity policies into Chinese.
- Since this spring I have been a sysop in Wikiversity beta, the multilingual coordination and incubation site for Wikiversity, and in Cantonese Wikipedia. I have been a sysop on Meta since late November.
- I am learning to use the interwiki robot, which has brought me to visit the wikis in many an interesting language. I thought up a trick which Patrick has improved on and coined "recursive conversion", which may help wikis without their resident robots to automate certain simple but tedious editings.
- I do hope that more and more good wikizens from smaller wikis speaking diverse languages volunteer to become stewards. After all, stewardship is a job, not a rank. In small wikis lie the bulk of stewards' work. Their voices are important. So here I am.
Español :
- Idiomas: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Información personal:
- He estado registrado en Wikimedia desde el verano pasado. Mi primera cuenta fue en la Wikipedia en cantonés. Desde entonces, he editado en varias wikis de la familia Sinitica, usualmente escribiendo lo que aprendo o discutiendo políticas. En Meta, he ayudado con traducciones. En Wikiversidad, tomé parte en discusiones que formularon las research guidelines; he traducido algunas políticas de Wikiversidad al chino.
- Desde esta primavera he sido administrador en Wikiversity beta, la coordinación multilingüe y sitio de incubación para Wikiversidades, así como de la Wikipedia en cantonés. He sido administrador en Meta desde noviembre
- Estoy aprendiendo a usar el robot interwiki, lo que me ha hecho visitar wikis en muchos idiomas interesantes. Ideé un truco con Patrick que mejoró la "conversión recursiva" que ayuda a las wikis con sus robots residentes a automatizar ciertas tareas simples pero tediosas
- Espero que más wikiciudadanos de las wikis pequeñas hablando muchos idiomas sean voluntarios a steward. Después de todo, esto es un trabajo, no un premio. En las wikis pequeñas está la mayor parte del trabajo de los stewards. Sus voces son importantes. Así que, aquí estoy.
- Sprachen: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informationen zur Person:
- Ich bin ein registrierter Wikimedia-Benutzer seit letztem Sommer. Mein erster Account war auf Wikipedia in Kantonesisch. Seither habe ich eine Vielzahl von Wikis der sintischen Familie bearbeitet, für gewöhnlich Dinge niederschreibend, welche ich gerade lernte oder Grundsätze diskutierend. Auf Meta half ich bei den Übersetzungen aus. Auf Wikiversity nahm ich an den Diskussionen zur Formulierung der Forschungs-Richtlinien teil; und ich habe einige Grundsätze der Wikiversity ins Chinesische übersetzt.
- Seit diesem Frühjahr bin ich Sysop auf Wikiversity-beta, der multilingualen Koordination und Entwicklungsseite für Wikiversity, sowie in der kantonesischen Wikipedia.
- Ich lerne den interwiki-Bot zu verwenden, welcher mich dazu gebracht hat Wikis in verschiedenen interessanten Sprachen zu besuchen. Ich erfand einen trick, welcher von Patrick verbessert wurde und prägte "recursive conversion", was Wikis helfen könnte, ohne deren lokalen Bots, bestimmte einfache aber langweilige Bearbeitungen zu automatisieren.
- Ich hoffe, dass mehr und mehr gute Wikianer von verschiedenen kleinen Wikis verschiedene Sprachen sprechend, sich freiwillig melden Steward zu werden. Letztendlich ist der Stewardstatus ein Job, kein Rang. In kleinen Wikis liegt ein Haufen Arbeit für Stewards. Ihre Stimmen sind wichtig. Also bin ich hier.
Français :
- Langues : zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informations personnelles :
- Je suis enregistré sur Wikimedia depuis l'été dernier. Mon premier compte est sur la Wikipédia en chinois cantonais. Depuis lors j'ai contribué sur divers wikis en langues chinoises, pour la plupart pour écrire des notes sur ce que je viens d'apprendre, ou pour discuter des politiques. Sur meta, j'ai aidé du côté des traductions. Sur la Wikiversité en anglais j'ai pris part à la discussion sur les research guidelines ; j'ai également traduit certaines politiques de la Wikiversité au chinois.
- Depuis printemps dernier je suis sysop sur Wikiversity beta, le site pour la coordination multilingue et la période d'incubation des Wikiversités, ainsi que sur la Wikipédia en cantonais.
- Je suis en train d'apprendre à utiliser le robot interwiki, qui m'a mené à visiter les wikis dans beaucoup de langues intéressantes. J'ai inventé le recursive conversion, qui peut aider les wikis sans bots à automatiser certaines contributions simples mais ennuyeuses.
- J'espère que plus de contributeurs des petits wikis parlant diverses langues postuleront pour devenir steward. Après tout, être steward, c'est un boulot, pas un grade. La plupart du travail des stewards concerne les petits wikis. Leurs voix sont importantes. Donc je suis là.
Bahasa Indonesia:
- Bahasa yang dikuasai: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informasi pribadi:
- Saya telah menjadi pengguna terdaftar di Wikimedia sejak musim gugur yang lalu. Akun pertama saya terdaftar di Wikipedia bahasa Kantonis. Sejak saat itu saya telah menyunting bermacam-macam wiki dalam keluarga bahasa Cina, biasanya mencatat hal-hal yang baru saya pelajari, atau membicarakan kebijakan-kebijakan. Di Meta, saya membantu dalam penerjemahan. Di Wikiversity, saya mengambil bagian dalam diskusi perumusan pedoman penelitian; dan saya telah menerjemahkan beberapa kebijakan Wikiversity ke dalam bahasa Cina.
- Sejak musim semi ini saya menjadi opsis di Wikiversity versi beta, situs koordinasi dan inkubasi untuk Wikiversity, dan di Wikipedia bahasa Kantonis.
- Saya sedang mempelajari penggunaan robot interwiki, yang membawa saya mengunjungi wiki-wiki dalam berbagai bahasa yang menarik. Saya menggagas trik yang diperbaiki Patrick dan menciptakan "konversi rekursif" yang mungkin membantu wiki-wiki tanpa robot sendiri untuk mengotomatisasikan penyuntingan-penyuntingan yang sederhana tapi membosankan.
- Saya berharap akan ada semakin banyak warga-wiki dari antara para sukarelawan di wiki-wiki yang masih kecil dalam berbagai bahasa yang kelak akan menjadi Steward. Bagaimana pun juga, Steward adalah sebuah tugas, bukan pangkat. Di wiki-wiki kecil inilah beban terbesar para Steward. Suara mereka sangatlah penting. Karena itulah sekarang saya berada di sini.
- Lingue: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informazioni personali:
- Sono un utente registrato su Wikimedia dalla scorsa estate. Il mio primo account è stato sulla Wikipedia in cantonese. Da allora, ho editato su diverse wiki della famiglia dei dialetti cinesi, di solito appuntando cose che avevo appena imparato, o discutendo delle policy. Su Meta, ho cercato di dare una mano con le traduzioni. Su Wikiversity, ho preso parte alle discussioni relative alla formulazione delle linee guida ed ho inoltre tradotto alcune delle policy in lingua cinese.
- Da questa primavera sono amministratore su Wikiversity beta, la wiki di coordinamento multilingue e sito di incubazione per Wikiversity, e sulla Wikipedia in lingua cantonese.
- Sto imparando ad utilizzare gli interwiki robot, che mi ha portato a visitare le wiki in molte lingue interessanti. Ho trovato uno stratagemma che Patrick ha migliorato, implementando la "recursive conversion", che può aiutare sulle wiki senza dei propri bot residenti ad automatizzare alcune modifiche semplici ma noiose.
- Spero che un numero sempre crescente di Wikipediani da tutte le wiki più piccole e che parlano diverse lingue si rendano disponibili per essere steward. Dopo tutto, essere steward è un compito, non un grado. Nelle wiki più piccole è il grosso del lavoro che è compito degli steward. Le loro voci sono importanti. Ecco perché sono qui.
- 言語: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- 候補者についての情報:
- 昨年夏よりウィキメディアの登録ユーザとなりました。最初に登録したのは広東語ウィキペディアです。それ以来シナ語族のさまざまなウィキの編集に参加してきました。たいていは、自分が習ったことを書き下ろしたり、方針作りに参加してきました。メタでは翻訳のお手伝いをしています。ウィキバーシティではresearch guidelinesの作成に参加しました。そして幾つかのウィキバーシティの方針を中国語に翻訳しました。
- 今春からウィキバーシティ・ベータの管理者をしています。これはウィキバーシティの言語間の協調のための場所であり、また新規プロジェクトを育てる場所でもあります。また広東語ウィキペディアでも管理者をしており、2007年11月末からはメタの管理者をしています。
- 私はいま言語間ボットについて勉強しています。それでさまざまな興味深い言語のウィキを訪れるようになりました。私はrecursive conversionを考え付き、Patrickが改良してくれました。この方法を使えばある種の単純だが労力を要する作業を自動化することを、ボットの使われていないウィキでも支援することが出来るだろうと思われます。
- さまざまな言語を話す小規模なウィキからもっともっと多くのウィキユーザがスチュワードになることを私は希望しています。なんにせよ、スチュワードというのは仕事であって、階級などではありません。小規模なウィキにはスチュワードの仕事が山のようにあります。小規模なウィキの意見は重要なのです。それで私は立候補いたしました。
- 話: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- 個人資料:
- 我舊年夏天嚮廣東話維基百科註冊。之後我嚮好幾處唐話維基寫過文,記下我啱啱學到嘅嘢,或者討論下政策。嚮維基元,我幫過手譯告示。嚮維基學府,我有份傾研究指引;譯過幾份政策做中文。
- 今年春天,我做咗維基學府 beta (多語言協調同埋培養新計劃嘅維基)上同埋廣東話維基百科上嘅操作員。今年十一月,我開始做維基元操作員。
- 我學緊用維基相連機械人, 渠帶住我去探好多唔同話嘅維基。我諗過一種阿 Patrick 改良過、叫做「recursive conversion」嘅計仔,可以幫一尐無自己*:機械人嘅維基做啲簡單但唚氣嘅功夫。
- 我好希望多尐細維基講唔同話嘅優秀公民參加做服務員。講到尾,服務員係份工,唔係階級。而細維基係服務員嘅重心。細維基嘅聲好重要。所以我企出來選。
- Języki: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informacje o mnie:
- Jestem zarejestrowanym uzytkownikiem Wikipedii od zeszłego lata. Moje pierwsze konto było na Wikipedii po kantońsku. Od tej pory edytowałem na wielu wiki z chińskiej rodziny jezykowej, zwykle pisząc o rzeczach, o których się właśnie dowiedziałem, lub dyskutując zasady. Na Meta pomagałem w tłumaczeniach. Na Wikiversity brałem udział w sformułowaniu zasad badawczych i tłumaczyłem część zasad na Chiński.
- Od wiosny jestem administratorem Wikiversity beta, wielojęzycznego projektu koordynującego dla Wikiversity jak również w Kantońskiej Wikipedii.
- uczę się korzystać z robota interwiki, który doprowadził mnie do wikipedii w wielu interesujących językach. Wymyśliłem trik, który został usprawniony przez Patricka jako "konwersja rekursywna" pomagający wikipediom bez swoich własnych robotów w automatyzacji prostych, ale pracochłonnych edycji.
- mam nadzieję, że coraz więcej wikipedystów z mniejszych wikipedii, mówiących różnymi językami, zgłosi się na ochotnika do bycia stewardami. W końcu jest to praca a nie zaszczyt. W mniejszych wikipediach jest najwięcej pracy dla stewardów. Ich głosy są ważne. Więc oto jestem.
Српски / srpski:
- Језици: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Лични подаци:
- Регистрован сам корисник Викимедијиних пројеката од прошлог лета. Мој први налог је био на Википедији на (кинеском) кантонеском. Од тада сам уређивао викије на језицима синитске породице, углавном додајући ствари које сам тек научио или разговарајући о политикама пројеката. На мети помажем у преводима. На Викиверзитету учествујем у формулисању упутства за истраживање; а превео сам политику Викиверзитета на кинески
- Од овог пролћа сам администратор на Викиверзитету бета, вишејезичком пројекту за координацију и инкубацију Викиверзитета. Администратор сам и на кантонеској Википедији.
- Учим како да користим интервики бота, што ме је довело до посета многим занимљивим језицима. Смислио сам трик који је Патрик разрадио и именовао "рекурзивном конверзијом", који може помаћи викијима без резидентних ботова приликом аутоматизације послова.
- Надам се да ће све више и више Викимедијанаца који говоре различитим језицима и с малих су викија хтети да постану стјуарди. На крају крајева, стјуардство је посао, а не титула. Већина рада стјуарда лежи на малим викијима. Њихови гласови су важни. Па тако ево и мене.
Português :
- Línguas: zh-yue, zh, en, fr-0.5, de-0.5
- Informações pessoais:
- Eu sou usuário registrado na Wikimedia desde o último verão. Minha primeira conta foi criada na Wikipédia em cantonês. Desde então, eu tenho editado em várias wikis da família cinítica, geralmente escrevendo, resumidamente, sobre coisas que eu tenha aprendido recentemente, ou discutindo sobre políticas. No Meta, tenho ajudado com traduções. Na Wikiversity, eu participei das discussões para formulação das regras para pesquisa; e eu traduzi parte das políticas da Wikiversity para o chinês.
- Desde a última primavera, eu sou sysop no Wikiversity beta, a coordenação multilingüística e incubadora para o site da Wikiversity, e na Wikipédia em cantonês. Eu sou sysop no Meta desde novembro último.
- Eu estou aprendendo a usar o interwiki robot, o que me ocasionou visitar wikis em várias línguas interessantes. Eu criei um truque, aprimorado pelo Patrick, que cunhou a "conversão recursiva", que poderá ajudar wikis que não tenham bots próprios para automatizar certas tarefas simples, mas tediosas.
- Eu espero que, mais e mais, wikicidadãos oriundos de pequenas wikis e que falem línguas variadas se candidatem a Steward. Afinal de contas, ser Steward é um trabalho, e, não, uma posição. O grosso do trabalho dos Stewards está nas pequenas wikis. Suas vozes são importantes. Portanto, aqui estou eu.
Questions / Frage / Domande / Pertanyaan/ أسئلة
[edit]- H先生, 上面個啲個人資料可以有書面中文版本嗎?我對維基香港語唔熟識。--Simon Shek 05:08, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Simon Shek, Thank you for your question. I am not familiar with Wikimedia Hong Kong. Hillgentleman 06:09, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- 我係唔明你嗰啲維基式香港粵語中文,而唔係香港維基媒體協會。根本完完全全是兩回事。--Simon Shek 08:35, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for the suggestion. You are warmly welcome to contribute your translations into vernacular Chinese. If you don't know Cantonese, which is an ancient tongue of China, it is not difficult to learn. It is better to understand the language before diving into the personelle affairs of Wikipedia in Cantonese, or the subtle and deep issue of "attitudes". Thanks. Hillgentleman 04:30, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- In order to let other non-Cantonese speaking ethnic Chinese participants to evaluate the appropriateness of your application, it would be much better for you to provide a Chinese translation to them. -- Tomchiukc 16:43, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your comment. My application is entirely appropriate since I have followed the procedures. Certainly I can translate the message into Vernacular Chinese, but I trust that you and many others can also do it well. And I would prefer it that way. If anybody has any problem in finding what she wants amongst these many translations, I am sure she will give us a shout. And I would be grateful if you could take note of my reply to your comment below. Hillgentleman 02:48, 2 December 2007 (UTC)
- In order to let other non-Cantonese speaking ethnic Chinese participants to evaluate the appropriateness of your application, it would be much better for you to provide a Chinese translation to them. -- Tomchiukc 16:43, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for the suggestion. You are warmly welcome to contribute your translations into vernacular Chinese. If you don't know Cantonese, which is an ancient tongue of China, it is not difficult to learn. It is better to understand the language before diving into the personelle affairs of Wikipedia in Cantonese, or the subtle and deep issue of "attitudes". Thanks. Hillgentleman 04:30, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- 我係唔明你嗰啲維基式香港粵語中文,而唔係香港維基媒體協會。根本完完全全是兩回事。--Simon Shek 08:35, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Yes / Sí / Oui / Ya / Ja / Za / Evet / За /支持 / مع الترقية
[edit]- PhiLiP zhwiki 01:52, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Hard worker, fairly active on both local projects and meta. The man who offers help before being asked! Not so much involved into Foundation issue, but his translation shows his good understanding in several issues :) --Aphaia 03:15, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Shinjiman 05:35, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- per Aphaia! :) --.snoopy. AKA dario vet · (talk) 08:44, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Support --Edmund the King of the Woods! 09:47, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --P@d@w@ne 10:08, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- ----Anonymous DissidentTalk 10:16, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Snowolf 10:20, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Active everywhere, also on botwiki! :-) --Filnik 11:59, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Nanae 12:08, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- bonne chance ! Ofol 12:46, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- .anaconda 12:47, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Kronin▄¦▀ 12:50, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- 為人言理,足堪大任。--Itsmine 13:06, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Ral315 (talk) 13:24, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- We need more people who are able to deal with local issues. --Millosh 14:28, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Jon Harald Søby 14:43, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- (+)--Freegiampi 20:41, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Support Captain panda 21:18, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Fabexplosive The archive man 11:05, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Semolo75 12:18, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Thogo (talk) 14:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --DarkAp89 16:15, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Alastor Moody (talk) 23:52, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I was one of the voices urging Hillgentleman to stand for Steward. He works hard and cares about getting things done right. I believe he will be a good steward. ++Lar: t/c 04:14, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Hatukanezumi 18:28, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
- Work on Wikiversity is exceptional. I've had excellent experiences with this user. Has my full support. AmiDaniel 05:58, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
Support--Belinzona 09:14, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
Support. It is important to have people with experience in smaller projects as stewards; they bring some important ballance. In my experience, Hillgentleman was always a hard worker, eager to cooperate, and with innovative ideas. --Smeira 10:55, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
- Support. Thanks for all of you contributions Wikimedia. --JWSurf 19:02, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
Support I've looked through the many contribs here and on en.WV in detail, and the contribs on zh-yue.WP to a lesser extent, and feel confident this user is a community builder who will be a good steward capable of being very productive in that role on wikis besides the zh-* Wikipedias. John Vandenberg 12:21, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
- Support. Athaenara ✉ 23:20, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
No / Non / Nein / Tidak / Przeciw / Hayır / Против /反对/ ضد الترقية
[edit]- 你的工作好像是一個普通的維基人也可以做到的,不明白你的參選目的。--W.F. Siu 13:35, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your comment. Again, the bulk of steward work are on maintaining small wikis. Without sysop tools, it is impossible to clean up the mess left by vandals - as you can see from, for example, user:drini/daylog. As I said, there should be more stewards from small wikis, who understand the needs for small wikis. Hillgentleman 06:06, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Your period of being a Wikipedian is not very long, and I SERIOUSLY doubt tour experience of handling the wikimedia projects, or even the knowledge of how a wikimedia site is actually running. I really apperciate your effort of translating the rules in the Wikiversity, BUT this effort doesn't make you be a competent Steward. Therefore, NO OFFENCE, you have a long way to go before your stewardship.
To add with, according to your record in the contribution between the chinese and the cantonese wikipedia, it reveals that you have totally different stance towards different public in the SAME issue-- pretending open to the chinese wikipedians, but back to authoritarian in the Cantonese one . It is a back-stabbing behaviour, and is not acceptable at all. I worried that if you become a Steward, the community would be chaotic by your behaviours.
Last but not least, I think that your reason for being a steward, is just for electing as the board committee, but not a steward, as steward is the executor, while the board is for planning. --香港賓拉登 14:29, 26 November 2007 (UTC) (UTC) Contre, STRONGLY OPPOSE!!! It is rare to me to oppose anyone since I've been here in Wikimedia for 3 years, but I think Mr hillgentlemen is NOT a suitable candidate for the stewardship at this moment. I agree with 黑武士仲尼's comment on Mr H's statment of reason for being a stward. Also, reviewing those decisions which had been made by Mr H in those wikis he administrates, I can see some worrying signs of authotorianism, unfriendliness to non-adminstrative users & even doctrinairism. At this moment, I'm not convinced that Mr H won't bring these worrying behavior to his stewardship. I do agree with Aphaia, & do appriates Mr H's hardwork. But I'm afraid I've to say that it's better for Mr H to gain a better understanding to the spirits of Wikimedia before gaining the post of stewardship. MORE experience in LARGE Wikis is appreciated, stewardships shall be for ALL the wikis, not matter its size & language.--Jérry~雨雨 16:26, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- 反對。Agree with 香港賓拉登, his attitude in Cantonese Wikipedia is far worse than in Zhongwen. I do not think he is a constant, at least his attitude is not. --Simon Shek 05:03, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Please kindly provide examples. My attitude is constant. I argue equally hard everywhere. I argue about issues and ask for objective facts. I much suspect that your impression is due to language difference, to wit, English does not hit you as hard as Putonghua, which in turn hits you less than your native tongue. Please kindly provide examples, so that one knows where he can improve. Hillgentleman 05:59, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Factual remark: 黑武士仲尼 is the 2nd opposer who signed as 香港賓拉登. Zhongwen means Chinese (country) hence Chinese Wikipedia supposedly. --Aphaia 05:44, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Correction: Zhongwen = 中文 = China-script = Chinese (language). The Chinese language wikipedia is written in Vernacular Chinese (白話文), which is in practice indistinguishable from Guo Yu = Pu Tong Hua. Hillgentleman 04:55, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your comments. I am constant. I do things that need to be done. I argue hard in issues that I believe in. And I do not hesitate to admit and correct my mistakes. I would be grateful if you could provide links to where I have done wrong to your contributions on Wikipedia in Cantonese, so that I can fix it. Hillgentleman 16:47, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Let me emphasize that stewards are only servants who carry out clear community decisions, and also that they cannot use their tools in their home wikis. And competence is not measured by time. In particular, I took part in the discussions and amendments on the Consensus policy on the Zhongwen wikipedia. Hillgentleman 16:47, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Though he does some good job on meta, I experienced his judgment was sometimes unreliable. guillom 09:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- It would be great if you could provide examples, so that I could improve. So far, on meta, I have primarily been providing viewpoints and arguments. Hillgentleman 05:59, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- You have just told the other people that what you did before by the information, just a user of many differ Wiki projects. And I can only see that you are interested in Wiki projects. But, that is not enough to be a Steward. I don't think that you are going to share all the duties on Wiki. By the info, I think you can just help the projects that you are interested in. And I know that your attitude is not so good on the "zh" Wiki projects. So that, I don't think it is good for you to be a Steward at this moment.--Βικέντιος×Vincent×瘟神×やくびょうがみ 11:20, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- No. - Mailer Diablo 18:18, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Simon Shek just want you to describe yourself in written Chinese, but not in Cantonese slangs. According to your contribution records in Chinese Wikipedia, it shows you have ability in writing ordinary Chinese. You, however, answered that's not related to WMHK. It shows you're trying to evade your actual aim to become a steward. --Wrightbus 09:43, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks. He wrote "我對維基香港語唔熟識", which was rather confusing. You are mistaken. I do not use slangs. See my reply above. :-) Hillgentleman 04:24, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Coredesat (en.wp) 21:26, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Not enough experience. –Ejs-80 01:31, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Agree with Ejs-80, pls try again later. --Matthaeus hk 07:13, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Poupou l'quourouce 10:39, 29 November 2007 (UTC) lack of experience
Oppose: User do not have sufficient experience and proper attitude to manage the duty as a steward. User who vote for "Yes" to him shall better reconsider your vote. -- Tomchiukc 16:41, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your remark. I would be grateful if you could provide an example that shows that I do not have proper attitude. So far nobody has given any. Thanks. Hillgentleman 16:46, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Zginder 02:21, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose--Dnssgh 05:13, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
- anon-vote: diff-1, diff-2, please login to vote, thanks, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 16:07, 30 November 2007 (UTC)Oppose--MM21 15:49, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose, Stewardの經驗はなけねばなりません--MM21 17:01, 30 November 2007 (UTC)(Sorry for not logging in ^^)
- MM21, Thank you. In my own one-man wiki, I am a Bureaucrat and CheckUser. But that probably wouldn't be good enough for you.:-) Hillgentleman 01:24, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Adambro 19:44, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
- -- @pple 04:09, 4 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose - Questionable judgment in the past regarding several issues; doesn't seems to actually "get" what small wikis are about, despite claiming to represent them. – Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 00:52, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
- I would be grateful if you could provide examples. Certainly I can only know well those wiki were I have worked. Hillgentleman 02:04, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
- --MF-Warburg(de) 18:25, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
Not yet. John Vandenberg 03:24, 6 December 2007 (UTC) Stewards must first be well respected on their home wiki before being trusted with small wikis.- John Vandenberg, Thank you for your comment. I invite you to visit the first of my home projects, the wikipedia in Cantonese. The start of the voting phase is not announced there. In fact, the regular contributors in the Cantonese wikipedia rarely vote - we discuss. If you check above, I have only one vote - that of user:shinjiman, from the community, which is a support. Those who voted against in the poll above, who claim to know the wikipedia in Cantonese are in fact editors in the Wikipedia in Chinese, and they rarely contribute in wikipedia in Cantonese, and they hardly know the community. It is no surprising that so far they have not managed to produce a single example. It is not a coincidence that they are all members (or closely related to) Wikimedia Hong Kong (whose hard work I salute). To set things in context, earlier this year, core members of the Wikimedia Hong Kong (most of which hardly contribute to wikipedia Cantonese) appeared suddenly,
demanding to vote for recalling one of the sysops.demanding a vote to recall the sysop user:RockLi, the bulk of the cited reasons were about his behaviour on WMHK. To say it briefly, the community told them that before any poll we should discuss the matter first, for their reason was insufficient for a recall; and that they insisted that they had the right to vote immediately. I was one who argued strongly that this would set a very bad precedence had we let it pass, for other external parties who do not contribute could follow suit and set up votes and "decide things for us". For details see zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI. English translations are provided. And I think it is fair to say that (some of) these folks have held it against me ever since. :-( Hillgentleman 05:36, 6 December 2007 (UTC) - For example, #3, Jérry~雨雨 had only six contributions ([1]), the fourth of which being a "vote" to recall a sysop, and the rest are on his own user-page, one of them being the removal of the welcome message. Ladies and gentlemen, in what way does he speak for wikipedia in Cantonese? Hillgentleman 05:17, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- I am sorry that I had to tell this long story just to set things in context and clear up the misunderstanding. I hope someday, members of wikimedia Hong Kong could come to our village pump for a nice long chat - the invitation was extended since February, and it is still good. :-) Hillgentleman 05:31, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for explaining. John Vandenberg 06:13, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- I think a wikimedian has right to experess his opinion in any wiki, REGARDLESS of how much he contributed in that wiki, I don't think such attitude can be a steward.
- In what way YUYU speak for wikipedia in Cantonese? According to my knowledge, he had never done such thing, or said to do it. Please CALM DOWN, and THINK TWICE before typing anything here again. --香港賓拉登 13:54, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- I have never heard that asking a simple question automatically qualifies one as non-calm. The question was actually addressed mostly to John, and to the folks who have a similar misunderstanding. See also my reply below. Hillgentleman 00:45, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Actually, Mr H's words seem a live presentation of the worries I expressed in my oppositional statements. I think that Mr H's emotional problem is the main obstacle to his stewardship, rather than incorrect concepts and attitudes I mentioned above. & I have to clarify that I do not represent Hong Kong chapter in these elections on meta, Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects. I hope everyone can respect my rights to express my views and opinions, as a humble and private Wikipedian in Wikimedia projects. In fact, I'm quite disappointed that Mr H links extra obligations and orientations of the voters. I don't think is good and acceptable at all. --Jérry~雨雨 14:11, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- Mr. Hong Kong Bin-Laden and Mr. Yu Yu: I have always maintained that your opinions are always welcomed; during the "vote" on zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI I even invited you to discuss the matter in the village pump; however, you simply voted and left, and did not discuss the issue with us, and refused to consider from the view point of the wikipedia in Cantonese at all; and with your votes in zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI you participated in an attempt to decide an issue for the community. That is unacceptable. Hillgentleman 00:00, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Mr. Yu Yu, Surely you are expressing only your views. I don't think anybody reading my comment would be led to think otherwise. I merely cleared up some misunderstanding on, for example, your position. No more. In order to answer the expected question: "Why would these members of the Chinese wikipedia oppose so strongly this member of the Cantonese wikipedia?" I had to tell the story briefly. I am sorry if that caused your misunderstanding. Again, I invite you to the village pump in the Cantonese Wikipedia for a nice long chat. You are welcome to discuss in any language, be it German, French, Guo Yu or in English.:-) Hillgentleman 00:40, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Hi there, I'm saddened to see two respectful colleagues of mine not to come in good terms, but anyway, it is better to express opinions rather than hiding them in a cloak. I am afraid Hillgentleman misses some points: Said, "It is not a coincidence that they are all members (or closely related to) Wikimedia Hong Kong (whose hard work I salute)." Jeremy's comments seems to me fair enough and while Hillgentleman called it "misunderstanding" and said he just gave the story, it is not clear yet in his response why he could judge it "not a coincidence". Argument without reasoning is not preferred by all means, and I am still puzzled why Hillgentleman referred to WMHK in this context. It looks like confusion of community level decisions on an individual basis of editors each and the organizational level activities which WMF and chapters bear, and in my understanding, this kind of confusion is not welcome in any layer - specially among people who are in position of trust including steward. --Aphaia 01:19, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, I respectfully disagree. 1. "Jeremy's comments seems to me fair "<-- Mr. Yu Yu accused me of various faults without providing any example or evidence. 2. "It is not a coincidence" <-- I have provided evidence in the form of the page zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI. 3. "Why did I bring out WMHK?" <-- The reason is that, in February, core members of WMHK suddenly appeared wikipedia in Cantonese demanding a vote to recall the sysop user:RockLi, the bulk of the cited reasons were about his behaviour on WMHK. We told them that what they cited had nothing to do with wikipedia in Cantonese. I invited them to the village pump to discuss the matter (including whether we want to set up a procedure for such desysopping) but they did not. And then they put heavy pressure on us to desysop him. The rest are as I have told. 4. "confusion of community level decisions on an individual basis of editors each and the organizational level activities" <--- No, of course not. I never claimed any WMHK involvement in this vote. Yet I want to put things into context and answer the question on why there is this strange phenomenon that Chinese wikipedians rarely participate in the Cantonese wikipedia would claim to know so well (but without citing any example) and vote against somebody from the Cantonese wikipedia. Hillgentleman 01:36, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for providing the background of your reasoning. While I still think your original wording unclear, I think I can understand the context you provided. At least as reasoning of your own. As the connection you provided, I still it not appropriate even for the zh-yue RFA. Your wording sounds like the oppositions you concern was affliated by WMHK, not from a group of editors who were eventually its core members. I believe we strictly draw a line between A.) the organization, that is, its representatives and B.) its members each who are acting on an individual basis, and in this point I wonder we take the issue in as same way. For the dispute in question, specially if you take it as zh-yue vs WMHK zh editors dispute, I am not sure one of those project the most appropriate to discuss the issues: Maybe better on meta RFC perhaps? --Aphaia 01:54, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, Again, I needed to clarify some misunderstandings as shown on John's vote. I cited the vote zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI only to answer the expected question on why there is this strange phenomenon that chinese wikipedians who rarely participate in cantonese wikipedia would claim to know so much about a cantonese wikipedian. I do not implicate WMHK in this vote. Honestly I never thought WMHK was ever involved in this vote. Otherwise there would be a dozen opposes from their ranks. If I go out on a limb, the most I can say is that such opinions on me, as Yu Yu's and Hong Kong bin-Laden's, came mostly from one incident wherein they themselves were at fault (being outsiders, pressurising the local community in a community/policy matter). Hillgentleman 02:04, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your clarification. I accept happily your clarification that it was not your intention to combine WNHK and their individual votes. The latter point is, while it is an important community issue discussed here and there (e.g. Meta talk:Requests for adminship), I feel your election page is not the best place to develop this issue. Thanks. --Aphaia 02:30, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for helping me clarify. Yet all along I have been asking for examples and evidence for the various claims. Please provide them. :-)Hillgentleman 03:02, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your clarification. I accept happily your clarification that it was not your intention to combine WNHK and their individual votes. The latter point is, while it is an important community issue discussed here and there (e.g. Meta talk:Requests for adminship), I feel your election page is not the best place to develop this issue. Thanks. --Aphaia 02:30, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, Again, I needed to clarify some misunderstandings as shown on John's vote. I cited the vote zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI only to answer the expected question on why there is this strange phenomenon that chinese wikipedians who rarely participate in cantonese wikipedia would claim to know so much about a cantonese wikipedian. I do not implicate WMHK in this vote. Honestly I never thought WMHK was ever involved in this vote. Otherwise there would be a dozen opposes from their ranks. If I go out on a limb, the most I can say is that such opinions on me, as Yu Yu's and Hong Kong bin-Laden's, came mostly from one incident wherein they themselves were at fault (being outsiders, pressurising the local community in a community/policy matter). Hillgentleman 02:04, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for providing the background of your reasoning. While I still think your original wording unclear, I think I can understand the context you provided. At least as reasoning of your own. As the connection you provided, I still it not appropriate even for the zh-yue RFA. Your wording sounds like the oppositions you concern was affliated by WMHK, not from a group of editors who were eventually its core members. I believe we strictly draw a line between A.) the organization, that is, its representatives and B.) its members each who are acting on an individual basis, and in this point I wonder we take the issue in as same way. For the dispute in question, specially if you take it as zh-yue vs WMHK zh editors dispute, I am not sure one of those project the most appropriate to discuss the issues: Maybe better on meta RFC perhaps? --Aphaia 01:54, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, I respectfully disagree. 1. "Jeremy's comments seems to me fair "<-- Mr. Yu Yu accused me of various faults without providing any example or evidence. 2. "It is not a coincidence" <-- I have provided evidence in the form of the page zh-yue:WP:ROCKLI. 3. "Why did I bring out WMHK?" <-- The reason is that, in February, core members of WMHK suddenly appeared wikipedia in Cantonese demanding a vote to recall the sysop user:RockLi, the bulk of the cited reasons were about his behaviour on WMHK. We told them that what they cited had nothing to do with wikipedia in Cantonese. I invited them to the village pump to discuss the matter (including whether we want to set up a procedure for such desysopping) but they did not. And then they put heavy pressure on us to desysop him. The rest are as I have told. 4. "confusion of community level decisions on an individual basis of editors each and the organizational level activities" <--- No, of course not. I never claimed any WMHK involvement in this vote. Yet I want to put things into context and answer the question on why there is this strange phenomenon that Chinese wikipedians rarely participate in the Cantonese wikipedia would claim to know so well (but without citing any example) and vote against somebody from the Cantonese wikipedia. Hillgentleman 01:36, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for explaining. John Vandenberg 06:13, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose. Actually, the statements above worry me and made me question your ability to make decision under pressure. I think that, people should have the right to express oppositions; it's not good to link one's identity with his orientation, you need a better control on your emotion. Moreover, before the next time you apply for stewardship, you may need some training on your emotion-control and pressure-resistance.--dbslikacheung 14:04, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your comment. Please read my reply to Mr. Yu Yu above. Everybody can have her opinion. Yet I would consider my will to uphold the spirit of the foundation issues, the health and integrity of the wiki, and not to let set of precedence of a wiki issue being decided by outsiders, against the pressure of a dozen of people who rarely participate in the wiki, speaks louder than your words. Hillgentleman 00:08, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- 別人已經說了。因爲你的態度不好,我和別人都不能支持你。哦, 是吗?(User:O) 22:26, 07 December 2007 (GMT)Translation: "The others have spoken. Because your attitude isn't as optimal as it should, the others and myself cannot support you."
- It is only expected that disputes would appear in any wiki. And in any dispute we cannot expect everybody comes away happy. Yet at least we can uphold the principles. That is what I did. And I assure you that I did my best in the circumstances. Even if some attacted me personally, I kept only to the facts. In doing so I might have upset some. That is a pity, and I am sorry about that;but it is life.Hillgentleman 00:13, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
- O, 難道你不奇怪,他們如此強列認為我態度不好,何以一個例子都舉不出?Hillgentleman 00:15, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose:Unidentified person. I have no confidence for give him stewards power.--pedist 09:38, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
- Hi, Encyclopaedist. I am puzzled by your comment. My identity has been confirmed by Bastique. Hillgentleman 15:04, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
- It is no contradiction between two things in my opinion - Cary knows your real name and age and it is hidden from the rest of the community. And even as for Cary his knowledge about your identity might be not greater than those two things. --Aphaia 08:19, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, I simply wasn't sure what he meant. However, if that is what you want to know, I would not mind telling you my name and showing you my picture. But how much can you infer from that? Let us remember that the principal virtue of a wiki system is that we can collaborate without the need to meet each other; and that everybody should be judged purely from his contributions. Hillgentleman 08:25, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Perhaps it were wise of me to let Pedist himself reply you. However I supposed it may be a reasonable interpretation. As for me, it doesn't matter, but I have seen several similar argument around "identification" in regard to access to confidential data or whatever and in those cases people were not satisfied with the information you just offered me - like name a/o photo provided online by the person who they haven't seen personally. And while I've kept my supportive vote toward you, I think we disagree on this issue, since treating confidential information is not only on-wiki things but also things "in real life", that is, things with legal implication which you as a person in real life obtains legal responsibility, and I am not surprised people may take off-wiki things into consideration. --Aphaia 09:04, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Yes. A steward needs to be responsible for the actions legally. Your point should be discussed as a matter of steward policy, in the same way that trustees have always been required to declare their identities. Or, rather, oversight and checkuser policies. Hillgentleman 09:17, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Perhaps it were wise of me to let Pedist himself reply you. However I supposed it may be a reasonable interpretation. As for me, it doesn't matter, but I have seen several similar argument around "identification" in regard to access to confidential data or whatever and in those cases people were not satisfied with the information you just offered me - like name a/o photo provided online by the person who they haven't seen personally. And while I've kept my supportive vote toward you, I think we disagree on this issue, since treating confidential information is not only on-wiki things but also things "in real life", that is, things with legal implication which you as a person in real life obtains legal responsibility, and I am not surprised people may take off-wiki things into consideration. --Aphaia 09:04, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia, I simply wasn't sure what he meant. However, if that is what you want to know, I would not mind telling you my name and showing you my picture. But how much can you infer from that? Let us remember that the principal virtue of a wiki system is that we can collaborate without the need to meet each other; and that everybody should be judged purely from his contributions. Hillgentleman 08:25, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- It is no contradiction between two things in my opinion - Cary knows your real name and age and it is hidden from the rest of the community. And even as for Cary his knowledge about your identity might be not greater than those two things. --Aphaia 08:19, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Hi, Encyclopaedist. I am puzzled by your comment. My identity has been confirmed by Bastique. Hillgentleman 15:04, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose:On behalf of your reply, it seems that you can't deal with the criticism well. Steward should have a high degree of problem solving technique.--華德禹 07:03, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
- Hello. Asking questions, clarifying matters, engaging in difficult dialogues and keeping the fundamental principles in mind are bases for solving real and difficult problems. Please clarify what you mean, so that we all can improve.:-) Hillgentleman 08:10, 10 December 2007 (UTC)
Oppose, OPPOSE. It is not a mature time yet to let Mr. Hillgentleman to get a stewardship. I agree with Jérry~雨雨's argument. Moreover, after reading all the replies written by Mr. H, I can see he is not using a very mature way to defense himself. Mr. H might have a potential to be elected in this position in the future, but at this point, I don't think he has enough experience and maturity to be a steward. However, this is a good try. I wish Mr. H will acquire experience in the coming future. [Eno] [TALK] 02:36, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- Eno, Thank you for your encouragement. However, your comment is rather subjective. To help me understand you, would you explain precisely in what way was my response immature? I do not hesitate to engage in dialogues to find out the truth of any matter. For me, what are immature are such behaviours as shouting that the software doesn't work without providing details of the bugs, giving accusations without providing evidences, and refusing dialogues and failure to consider others' point of view. Hillgentleman 14:07, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- Oh, maybe you misunderstand my point. "...not using a very mature way..." doesn't mean it is immature; it just mean it is not mature ENOUGH. It is just my point of view; each person has their own definition of "mature". Others might think your way to express (or choosing of word) is mature enough, but I am another kind. Did I answer your question? --[Eno] [TALK] 15:54, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- Eno, Thank you for your encouragement. However, your comment is rather subjective. To help me understand you, would you explain precisely in what way was my response immature? I do not hesitate to engage in dialogues to find out the truth of any matter. For me, what are immature are such behaviours as shouting that the software doesn't work without providing details of the bugs, giving accusations without providing evidences, and refusing dialogues and failure to consider others' point of view. Hillgentleman 14:07, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- Hello. Strictly speaking, "not mature enough" is contained in "immature". But that is not the point, anyhow. In order that we can improve on our understanding and our dialogue, I still want to know: In what way do you think my reply is "not mature enough"? Hillgentleman 00:56, 15 December 2007 (UTC)
Neutral / Neutrale / Neutre / Netral / Wstrzymuję się / Tarafsız / Воздержались /中立/ محايد
[edit]- Refus de vote, à cause du système de confirmation des stewards. Hégésippe | ±Θ± 05:56, 26 November 2007 (UTC)Translation: "Refusal to vote, because of the stewards confirmation system." —translated by Pathoschild.
- Efbé
20:20, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- -- lucasbfr talk 12:26, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Crockspot 06:45, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
- Je ne sais pas. --OosWesThoesBes 18:41, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
The explanation given is more than satisfactory; it indicates that the situation is more complex than I had first assumed, and my reason to oppose was invalid. I am not yet convinced that the candidate is suitable or inappropriate, so I have merely struck out my original oppose until I have time to ponder further. John Vandenberg 06:13, 6 December 2007 (UTC)(belated support)- the wub "?!" 12:26, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- 我想投反對票,因為我曾經與你有對節,而且你處理得不好,但是某些原因不想投下反對票,這票中立票是給你一個反思。--Flamelai 05:15, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
- Bapti 11:40, 16 December 2007 (UTC)