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Stewards/confirm/2011/Andre Engels

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, xWikiness, recent logs, all logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-3, de-2.5, fr-1, nds-1, experience in 'scanning' the contents of articles in other languages
  • Personal info: I used to be a rather inactive Steward, but in the last few months I got active especially with checkuser requests. Apart from that a little bit of action in many different Steward activities: granting sysop, bots and global-ip-exempt rights, working back deletion backlogs in small wikis, global blocking and locking, oversight actions. On a more personal level, being able to see deleted pages has enabled me to set interwiki right in cases where a page had been moved without creation of a redirect. I'm one of the oldest still participating Wikipedia editors (first edit in March 2001), and through my bot work one of the most multilingually active.
  • Idiomas: en
  • Información personal: su discurso aquí
  • Языки: en
  • Личная информация: здесь должно быть заявление

Comments about Andre Engels
