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- Languages: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- Personal info: I've been a steward since last year's elections. During the past year I mostly spent time on SWMT work and the various Meta request pages. I could usually be found idling in #wikimedia-stewards as well. I enjoyed working with other stewards and SWMT members and I'd like to continue doing so this year.
- Idiomas: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- Información personal: He sido steward desde las elecciones del año pasado. Durante el transcurso del mismo he pasado mucho tiempo colaborando en el SWMT y en las diferentes páginas de solicitudes de Meta. Puedo ser fácilmente encontrado en #wikimedia-stewards. He disfrutado trabajando con los otros stewards y miembros del SWMT y me gustaría continuar colaborando también este año.
- שפות: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- מידע אישי: אני דייל מאז הבחירות האחרונה ואני עובד עם בקשות על אישורים ובSWMT. גם כן, אני נמצא על IRC ב#wikimedia-stewards. נהניתי לעבוד עם הדיילים אחרים וחברי SWMT והייתי רוצה להמשיך לעשות זאת בשנה הבאה.
- 言語: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- 候補者の情報: 昨年の選挙でスチュワードになりました。昨年は SWMT 活動と、メタの様々な依頼ページとを中心に、時間を使いました。普段 #wikimedia-stewards で待機することにしています。これまでスチュワード仲間や SWMT メンバー各位との活動で、充実した時間を過ごしました。これを今年も続けたいと思います。
- Taalvaardigheid: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- Persoonlijke informatie: Ik ben een steward sinds de vorige verkiezingen. Gedurende het afgelopen jaar heb ik vooral tijd besteed aan kleine WMF-projecten (SWMT-gerelateerd werk) en de verschillende verzoekpagina's hier op Meta. Daarnaast was ik vaak te vinden in #wikimedia-stewards. Ik heb met plezier samengewerkt met de andere stewards en SWMT-leden en wil dat graag nog een jaar doen.
- Языки: nl, en-3, de-1, fr-1
- Личная информация: Я стюард после прошлогодних выборов. В прошлом году я в основном занимался работой в SWMT и исполнением различных запросов на Мете. Я также обычно доступен на #wikimedia-stewards. Мне было приятно работать с другими стюардами и членами SWMT и я хотел бы продолжать делать это в этом году.
- Excellent steward and vandalism fighter. —DerHexer (Talk) 00:06, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- we need him --Jan eissfeldt 00:24, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Brilliant steward. Katerenka (d) 00:24, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- confirm. –Juliancolton | Talk 00:32, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Support, of course. Good active steward. —Innv {ru-ws} 00:41, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Hard worker. Confirm. ++Lar: t/c 01:52, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- continues to be helpful and available, confirm James (T C) 06:48, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- We definitely need him. Pmlineditor ∞ 07:27, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- keep MoiraMoira 07:35, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --Taichi - (あ!) 07:57, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. --Bsadowski1 08:01, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Full support. Davin 08:40, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- More than worthwhile --Herby talk thyme 09:29, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --WizardOfOz talk 10:37, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- reconfirm. -Barras talk 12:01, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- confirm --Church of emacs talk 12:32, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Helpful, we need him!!--Nick1915 - all you want 12:44, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep. ChristianH 13:50, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Ruy Pugliesi◥ 14:28, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- OK. Marcus Cyron 17:36, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Technical steward , priceless , confirm --Mardetanha talk 18:00, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
- Keep.--Jusjih 04:09, 8 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep JZ85 08:03, 8 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep - Way to go - Freaky Fries 08:07, 8 February 2010 (UTC)
- keep, of course --FiliP ██ 11:43, 8 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep Razorflame 07:17, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --Jyothis 16:57, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep -
DustSpinner 22:22, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
sure bastique demandez! 23:37, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
- keep without a shadow of a doubt oscar 00:55, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep - Taketa 13:14, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
- Confirm, and thanks for serving.Finn Rindahl 00:18, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep--Dalibor Bosits © 12:16, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- clone and keep billinghurst sDrewth 13:41, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- No doubt there. Alphos [bother me] 14:23, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- confirm, good steward --Mercy 21:35, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- mreow ! mreoooow
DarkoNeko 23:39, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep Lymantria 12:55, 12 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep -FASTILY (TALK) 22:05, 14 February 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. The steward. --Millosh 13:31, 15 February 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. No worries, Cirt (talk) 02:36, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
- Confirm. Possibly one of the best stewards. Annabel 07:51, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. --Egmontaℨ♤ 11:42, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
- Hard working user and steward. Keep. --Kanonkas 19:08, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --FollowTheMedia 00:02, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep Looks okay. --Caspian blue 05:22, 20 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --Stepro 03:57, 21 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --junafani 23:49, 21 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep Cenarium (Talk) 18:12, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
- Confirm. Thank you for continuing on. NonvocalScream 01:07, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep LeinaD (t) 17:06, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
- reconfirm. John Vandenberg 03:57, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep Roger Davies talk 15:43, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
- I felt comfortable this year with every single member of the team. This is true, regardless of the mere count of actions and the amount of interactions on wiki, mailing list, IRC, social networks or real life. Therefore I'd feel much more comfy if all current stewards are confirmed. --M/ 23:03, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
Keep --Djordjes (talk) 23:24, 28 February 2010 (UTC)