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The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement
- Languages: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Personal info: Bureaucrat on, sysop on and on, I'm pleased to give a hand for Wikimedia general housekeeping as well. Sometimes I help with translations and OTRS cleaning up. I was one of the founder members of Wikimedia Italia.
- Sprachen: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Informationen zur Person: Bürokrat auf, Sysop auf und auf, ich bin erfreut Wikimedia auch beim generellen Haushalten zur Hand zu gehen. Manchmal helfe ich mit Übersetzungen und OTRS Aufräumarbeiten. Ich war einer der Gründer von Wikimedia-Italia.
- Idiomas: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Información personal: Burócrata en Meta, administrador en las Wikipedias italiana e inglés simple. Me da mucho gusto ayudar al mantenimiento de Wikimedia. A veces ayudo con traducciones y en OTRS. Soy uno de los fundadores de Wikimedia Italia.
- Langues: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Renseignements personnels: Bureaucrate sur, sysop sur et, je suis content de donner un coup de main sur le nettoyage en général sur Wikimedia. Parfois j'aide avec les traductions et sur OTRS. Je suis l'un des membres fondateurs de Wikimedia Italia.
Bahasa Indonesia:
- Bahasa yang dikuasai: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Informasi pribadi: Birokrat di, opsis di dan, saya dengan senang hati juga membantu Wikimedia secara umum juga. Sesekali saya membantu penerjemahan dan pembersihan OTRS. Saya juga adalah salah satu pendiri Wikimedia Italia.
- Lingue: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Informazioni personali: sono burocrate su meta, amministratore sulla Wikipedia in lingua italiana e in quella simple.english, sono disponibile a dare una mano per le funzioni relative ai progetti di Wikimedia in generale. A volte cerco di rendermi utile con alcune traduzioni e con la pulizia di OTRS dallo spam. Ho partecipato alla costituzione dell'Associazione Wikimedia Italia.
- 言語: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- 候補者の情報: メタ・ウィキのビューロクラット、イタリア語版ウィキペディアと簡単な英語版の管理者です。ウィキメディアプロジェクト全般の草取りをお手伝いするのを嬉しく思います。ときどき翻訳をお手伝いし、OTRS のたまった仕事を片付けるお手伝いをしています。またウィキペディア・イタリアの発足時のメンバーでもあります。
- Taalvaardigheid: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Persoonlijke informatie: Bureaucraat op Meta, beheerder op en op, Ik help graag met het algemeen 'huishouden' van Wikimedia. Soms help ik met vertalingen en OTRS op te schonen. Ik was een van de stichters van Wikimedia Italië.
- Línguas: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Informações pessoais: Sou Burocrata no Meta-Wiki, sysop na e na; fico, também, feliz em dar uma mão com a limpeza geral da Wikimedia. Às vezes, eu ajudo com as traduções e com a manutenção do OTRS. Eu fui um dos membros-fundadores da Wikimedia Itália.
- Языки: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
- Личная информация: Бюрократ на, администратор в и, я рад работать над уборкой в проектах Викимедиа. Иногда я помогаю с переводами и разгребанием OTRS. Я был одним из учредителей Викимедиа Италия.
The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- M7 is a great user, just not as active as I'd like. He does pop up on occasion though, which is good. Majorly talk 00:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Support M7 is an excellent steward. — Aitias // discussion 00:42, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Doing a good job as a steward, thanks, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 00:56, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Great--Vituzzu 01:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Although you are not so frequently available on IRC (AFAIK), you are doing a good job. Thank you! --Thogo (talk) 01:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Active enough for me & does a very good job with the steward tools. — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 02:07, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- One of the weirdest steward we have on wikimedia as he always shows up when you least expect him too..very useful against trolls and also does a good job with permissions ..--Cometstyles 03:07, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Doing an ok job. Not terribly active, but no reason to remove. Prodego talk 03:34, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- I hadn't thought of weirdness as a reason to keep, and coming from Cometstyles I'm not sure what to think! :) Another steward whose counsel I value. Would be a loss if he did not continue. ++Lar: t/c 04:14, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Confirm. Good work. MBisanz talk 06:40, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- binding... I cannot imagine meta without M7--Nick1915 - all you want 13:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Of course & thanks --Herby talk thyme 15:48, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Active and trustable, confirm —Dferg (meta-w:es:) 16:07, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Active, sometimes jumps out like Jack-in-the-box. Keep. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 18:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- *
Support --Archenzo 20:14, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Obvious keep. Keep it up! Razorflame 21:32, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Support--Pigr8 22:31, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Keep yes --Fabexplosive The archive man 10:18, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- A hard-working, fast ;) person. Keep, of course. Regards, —DerHexer (Talk) 12:31, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep, definitely one of our best. →Na·gy 19:50, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- Endorse. Keep up the good work. - Mailer Diablo 04:18, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Support --oscar 22:53, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
- Confirm. — Dan |talk 00:02, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
- Confirm Active and trusted. --Meno25 00:06, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Support.--Jusjih 03:08, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Support ---Zyephyrus 22:25, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep very good and profesional work as a steward Vuvar1 01:25, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
- * support Thanks for the job you're doing. Finn Rindahl 12:47, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep –Ejs-80 22:51, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Support, per above. Alex Pereira falaê 16:07, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Support quite active. :) Kylu 20:53, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Support Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 04:27, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Support Hégésippe | ±Θ± 14:14, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Support εΔω. Clever, trustworthy and discreet. No need for hyperactivity to feel confident having him around. 18:02, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- Efficient, strong support. Clem23 21:18, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep Active steward. --Millosh 13:21, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep--Shizhao 14:02, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
Support Alefbe 06:04, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- keep --FiliP × 17:43, 21 February 2009 (UTC)