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Stewards/Elections 2020/Statements

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The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

This page lists all statements of the eligible candidates.

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See Stewards/Elections 2020.


The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: hu-N, en-2
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi everyone, I'm Bencemac! I'm bureaucrat of the Hungarian Wikipedia since 2017 and administrator of Wikidata since 2018. I am also OTRS agent since 2016 and global renamer since 2018. I'm from Hungary and if I'm correct, I'm the first candidate from there.

    I'm applying for stewardship to accomplish the following few goals. First of all, I'd like to add Hungarian to the language list. I'd like to help those who can reach stewards only in my native language. Secondly, I would like to help in (I think) less popular sides. For example, as far as I know, the backlog of steward OTRS queue is sometimes big. As a steward, I'd like to help answering these mails in order to reduce the work. Since I'm an OTRS agent, I have dealt with thousand tickets and I think I'm experienced in many aspects of OTRS; general questions, permissions, legal complaints and sensitive information too.

    My focus would be also SRGP because I feel confident enough and experienced because of my years as a bureaucrat. My help would be expected with SRUC requests as well. Currently, I deal with local rename requests only from huwiki, because originally, I applied for GR to help my single huwiki colleague, but I'm willing to help there too. I deal (mainly from Wikidata's RfD process) with cross-wiki spam and pages created by LTA accounts. As a steward, it'd be much easier, and I also would be a useful hand cleaning after globally (b)locked accounts. I use IRC when I'm online and I am willing to do help there as well.

    Thanks for reading my statement! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, I'll do my best to answer them.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Bencemac

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: ja-N, en-3, fr-1, ko-1, zh-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi, all. I am Bletilla who have been an administrator since 14th February 2008 in Japan. Whilst I am mainly active in Japanese Wikipedia, I think Wikipedia needs more stewards who read and write Asian languages as native languages.

    Because I am a good adjuster, I would adjust various problems in Wikipedia for peaceful solutions as a Steward. I would like to volunteer for many jobs of Wikipedia which I have not been able to join because of my job for living for many years.

    My experience on translation to edit articles in Wikipedia in recent years would be very important for you to understand each other in different Wikipedia.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Bletilla

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: ne-N, en-4, hi-2, dty-2, hif-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello everyone, I am BRPever and I've been editing Wikipedia since 2015. I am a native Nepali speaker and I am easily able to communicate in English as well. I am mainly active on Simple English Wikipedia, where I am a sysop and Nepali Wikipedia. I am also active in some large projects like Wikidata where I am a sysop and commons, and somewhat active in Meta and English Wikipedia. As an SWMT member, I also help in monitoring small wikis via different IRC channels. Other than that being a Global sysop and Global rollbacker, I usually deal in the areas where steward bit can greatly help my ability to stop cross-wiki spam, vandalism and abusive LTA's. It will also help me prevent abuse from LTAs that start vandalizing other wikis after being blocked on Simple and cross-wiki spammers that are active on Wikidata.

    I am active in many IRC channels including #wikimedia-stewardsconnect and #wikimedia-gsconnect under the nickname BRPever and I think I can be helpful in dealing with urgent requests there which sometimes go un-noticed because of less steward availability.

    Other than that I would like to help at steward request pages, mostly at SRG, SRM, SRGP and SRP. I am also aware of Stewards policies, and other relevant policies like CheckUser, Oversight and privacy policies.

    Thank you for your consideration. --BRP ever 13:33, 24 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#BRPever

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en-3, hi-2, mr-2
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi all, I would like to offer my candidature for the Stewards position. I live in Mumbai, India. I have been a active user on English Wikipedia and I am a administrator on Commons since 5 October 2019. I speak English, Hindi and Marathi, I help out as a OTRS volunteer. Thank you for taking time out to look at my candidature.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Fitindia

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en, oc, cs, ca, fr, es, sk, it, la
  • Personal info: (English)
    Dears, I'm a candidate to the position of Steward to increment one step up my contribution to this universe I am so fond of. My name is Joan Francés Banc (officially for now Jean-François Blanc). I am a sysop and bureaucrat of the Occitan language Wikipedia, and also a regular contributor the oc-wp and to other projects (63404 edits on 740 wikis. Most edits on oc.wikipedia.org (35342). Oldest account on oc.wikipedia.org (2005-09-16 13:34)). I want to help more an bring my "lesser used language" perspective to the stewardry. Feel free to ask any question.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Jfblanc

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: de, en-3
  • Personal info: (English)
    Dear audience, I would like to apply for stewardship.

    I'm from Germany, speaking de-N and en-3 and am able to get a clue of the writers intention for most European languages with assistance of machine translation. I live in UTC+1, my activity windows is mostly is between 6 and 18 UTC. I'm usually present at IRC when available.

    I'm a wikimedian since around 2009, sysop on dewiki and commons since 2012, dewiki arbcom member for 5 terms since 2011, OTRS admin since 2014, meta admin since 2019. I've also been member of the Ombudsmen commission from Feb 2017 to Jan 2020, recently in the advisor role. I consider dewiki and commons as my home wikis.

    I have experience with the checkuser tool as a CU at Commons since 2014, but I have never been oversighter, and have never been interested in account renaming.

    One may notice that I already have a lot of roles, but I can remember only one or two issues of conflict of interests in the past, which could be easily revolved by completely abstaining from the issue. I think in all of the advanced functions my activity was above average all the time so I cannot consider anything as too much yet. In case I get elected, I will in any case not be available for the OC or any arbcom as long as I'm in the Steward role.

    My activity as Steward would likely be a little bit of everything with some focus on steward requests at meta and the stewards queue on OTRS. I do not see myself as the next famous vandal fighter, but crosswiki issues will definitely be on my schedule, although I haven't done as much as desirable in the area up to today.

    Thank you for your interest.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Krd

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: fr-N, pt-3, en-3, es-2, it-1, de-1, nl-1, bm-1, ta-1, vi-1.
  • Personal info: (English)
    Dear wikimedian people,

    My real name is my user name : Lionel Scheepmans. I am a French native speaker Belgian guy borns in 1969. I can easely communicate in English and Portuguese and I also have some basic capacities in Spanish, German, Dutch and also Malinké, Tamil and Vietnamese language. Finally, I'm also a good user of Deepl for European languages and Google translate for other one .

    All my background is displayed on my Meta-Wiki user page and all my curriculum and academic works on my French Wikiversity user page. My complete CV is also available on this page. In summary, I am very active on Wikimédia Movement on line since 2011 and off line since 2014. I am one of the founding member of Wikimedia Belgium chapter, and I'm actually in the board since two years with cumulative function of administrator in our wiki-site. I've started to be administrator in fr.wikiversity in 2015 and more recently, I've took back the interface administration. All statistical information about my online activities can be check on the Wikiscan tool.

    Actually PhD student in anthropology making my thesis about Wikimedia movement, I feel very confident about what I can bring to the Wikimedia movement as a steward. If I'm selected, my knowledge of minority cultures and my experience of living in the "Global South" (Africa, India, South America) will certainly help me in my interventions on Wiki projects created in minority languages than we all want, I think, see developing.

    A nice end of the day to all! Lionel
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Lionel_Scheepmans

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en-4, mt, it-2 (at a very basic level I can also understand most Romance languages)
  • Personal info: (English)
    I had been a steward for eight years, and would like to continue counteracting spambots and generally monitoring small wikis and act when necessary, as I did to various degrees for about a decade now (although registered in 2006). I'm an admin on en (also os)/simplewiki (also cu), commons/meta, also respond to info-en queues; often encounter crosswiki vandals or spammers (even if not bots), whether reported locally on the bigger wikis I look out for (although most still require only a single block as they do not venture beyond that one site) or on #cvn-sw - metawiki itself seemingly attracts quite a few long-term abusers too, who I also hope I helped with in years previously. I would like to integrate my present patterns of activity with my past actions in the role, and so hope you could support my request.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Lofty_abyss

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: cs, en-3
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello everyone, I'm Martin Urbanec and I'm editing Wikipedia since 2014. I'm a Czech Wikipedia administrator since 2015 and bureaucrat since 2016. Since December 2017, I also serve as a Czech Wikipedia checkuser, and I was an arbitrator since November 2016 to February 2019, when my mandate expired. Outside of Czech Wikipedia, I'm a global renamer and Meta Administrator since 2019. I'm also a Wikimedia system administrator since May 2019 (see my Phabricator account). During my work in CU/sysadmin roles, I have learnt how to deal with sensitive information.

    Especially during recent time, I notice that stewards are less responsibleresponsive at the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel, and I would be happy to provide my hands to help the movement. I would be also happy to help the steward's team with my technical knowledge, by helping to maintain the steward's tools. I'm also happy to help with work that needs to be done, which doesn't necessarily have to be the work I would like to do.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have, --Martin Urbanec (talk) 08:31, 15 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

    Full Disclosure: I work for / provide services for the Wikimedia Foundation link to WMF userpage, but I do not think that my status as Foundation staff conflicts with the stewards position, as my role as a staff member is communicating with Czech Wikipedia community, my homewiki under stewards policy.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Martin Urbanec

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en-N, es-3
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello! I'm MusikAnimal. I've been an active contributor for about six years. My home wiki is the English Wikipedia, where I serve as an administrator and CheckUser. I also hold sysop rights here on Meta, and global abusefilter-helper and interface editing rights. My expertise is counter-vandalism, particularly high-profile vandalism and fighting long-term abuse. Over the past year especially, a lot of this abuse has involved multiple wikis, so I am in a position now where I think stewardship would be helpful. In addition, I devote considerable time to developing tools, bots and gadgets, and I suspect stewardship will bring such contributions once I see ways to improve various workflows.

    I admittedly am not currently very active at stewardship venues here on Meta, but I do hope to help out at SRG which often seems backlogged. As it is I tend to be very busy fighting vandalism through my work with AbuseFilter and patrolling recent changes, and I suspect this by itself will keep me busy as a steward. I am readily available on IRC and will be able to tend to urgent requests there.

    I am a native English speaker, with an aspiring fluency in Spanish. I do hope to contribute more to Spanish projects as my skills improve.

    Full disclosure: I work for the WMF as a software engineer. I'd like to offer assurance that there is no detrimental crossover between this role and my potential stewardship. As explained in a few questions, should I find myself in a position where there could be a conflict of interest, I would simply recuse myself. However, I doubt this will be commonplace as my focus has always been counter-vandalism where presumably little would be put into question. It is my passion for the mission that led to my employment, and I hope this decision won't inhibit the greater passion I have as a volunteer.

    Thank you for your consideration, MusikAnimal talk 20:03, 15 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#MusikAnimal

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en, es-1, fr-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hi everyone, I'm Riley and I have been editing for 8 years. My homewikis are Meta, where I am an sysop as of late, and Commons where I have been a sysop since 2016. As a SWMT member, my area of expertise and consistent activity is countervandalism. Currently, I use global rollback/global sysop permissions to fight vandalism, spam & long-term abuse. I am active on IRC which I view as a important communication tool for stewards to handle time-sensitive requests.

    I speak English but am functional in French and Spanish. Through my time on Commons, I have become comfortable helping editors that speak many different languages as it is a diverse multi-lingual project. When I am not helping on Meta & smaller wikis, I can be found writing content on the English Wikipedia, helping out with autoblocked users/verifying permissions on OTRS and creating accounts with the Account Creations team. Working with OTRS & ACC has taught me the impacts of collateral damage from blocks and this has helped me develop sound judgement when placing blocks. Between my Commons and SWMT experience, I have a well-balanced perspective of the challenges both small and large projects face.

    My primary focus as a steward, after finding an experienced mentor, would be to devote my time in the areas of greatest need and familiarity which I believe to be on IRC at #wikimedia-stewards (vandalism/LTAs), the stewards OTRS queue and steward noticeboards (global [b]lock requests, permissions, etc)

    Admittedly, I have only recently been given the global sysop permissions, however, I view this as a bonus as it appears I will be the only global sysop running for steward this year. Note: now one other GS running this year. ~riley (talk) 09:05, 4 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

    Thank you for your consideration, I hope you can place your trust in me. ~riley (talk) 08:34, 23 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

    Disclosure: I recently returned to activity after having life altering events over the years that restricted my ability to edit. These life events are long behind me and my activity has been incredibly strong since then. I am committed to maintaining my activity and hope you will give me the chance to prove I will be an active steward. ~riley (talk) 06:31, 11 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#~riley

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: it, en-3, ja-2
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello. I'm Sakretsu, a wikipedian since a decade now. I'm mainly active on it.wiki, where I've been asked to serve as a sysop and an interface-admin. Among other things, I'm interested in every technical aspect of MediaWiki (templates, modules, etc.), and I happened to assist developers in testing experimental phases of the software, such as the switch from Tidy to RemexHTML or the deployment of new features like partial blocks. Lately, I've been focused on the development of simple gadgets to facilitate counter-vandalism on it.wiki. I'm glad that one of them turned out to be useful on Wikidata as well :-) You can also find me on Phabricator, TranslateWiki, other Italian and non-Italian Wikimedia projects, and IRC.

    As some of you may remember, in December 2018 I requested global rename permissions aiming to raise attention on renames and their impact on local projects. Over the past year, we managed to address some of the issues together, clarify the rename policy, and achieve better coordination. Personally, I processed requests whenever I felt confident enough both to avoid causing any kind of disruption in local projects' activities and to establish a decent level of communication in the language of each requester. I prioritise quality over quantity, so if you notice a wrong rename of mine, please let me know. As volunteers, we already accomplish something out of the ordinary, but I still believe that we could do better in order to improve our global ecosystem in mutual respect of each other's needs and community consensus.

    As a steward, I would keep the same mindset. To be honest, I'm always uncomfortable getting more responsibilities, let alone one like this. Moreover, I have no interest in collecting fancy flags that I would never use. The only reason I convinced myself to submit my candidacy this late lies in the encouragement of a couple of esteemed users. I'm very grateful for their consideration. Afterall, trusting the users who had believed in me on my home wiki has also been a good choice. I may not have as much cross-wiki experience as other users do, but I do understand, at least, the frustration of having to deal with cross-wiki harassment and abuse. If I had been granted the ability to perform global actions, I could be helpful by contributing to and keeping an eye on global abuse filters, blocking LTAs and IP address ranges, hiding Italian and Japanese gross or highly inappropriate usernames as the isechika socks that I've occasionally reported, and by listening to the concerns and suggestions of local communities about the global environment. Possibly I could do more, although I cannot guarantee anything until I realize how time-consuming these activities can be.

    As I'm conscious of privacy concerns, the issue of language barriers, and community dynamics and consensus, if I have your trust, I promise I will do my best so that the worst that could happen would be me being removed for inactivity next year :-) Regardless, let's hope for a great year to come. Thank you for reading and a special thanks goes to those who truly care about Wikimedia sites and protect them as best they can.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Sakretsu

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: en, ms
  • Personal info: (English)
    I want to help my language wiki that is Malay Wikipedia to prevent any spam created article by anon users. As interface administrators in the Wikipedia, there some parts of feature I can't get access to install into all Malay Wikimedia related projects, that only high tier admin can. I am also want to help any small Malay Wikimedia-related projects that ditch by old community. Me and my other Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia's members want to revive this small projects. If I got the access as stewards, I can give them and other potential users that really want to achieve the Wikimedia 2030's movement to gain sysop access as they got positive support from community consensus.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#SNN95

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: ko-N, en-2, ja-2(reading), ja-1(writing), bi-1, tpi-0.5, eo-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello! I'm a user who is using ‘Sotiale’ under my pen name. I first started editing in Korean Wikipedia in 2009. And it was in 2012 that I actively participated.

    I have been an administrator (since 2012), bureaucrat and CheckUser (since 2013), Oversight (since 2019) on Korean Wikipedia, an administrator (since 2012) on Korean Wikisource, an administrator (since 2012) on Korean Wikiquote. In multilingual projects, on Wikidata, I became an initial temporary administrator in 2012 and then re-requested for permission and have been an administrator since 2013. Also I have been bureaucrat (since 2014) on Wikiversity BETA. It's not in operation now, but I've served as a member of Arbitration Committee on Korean Wikipedia.

    Globally, I have been Global Renamer since 2014. I'm a Global rollbacker. Through SWMT activities, I have engaged in anti-vandalism activities and reporting some LTAs and spambots. Please check my SUL info. In the past, I worked on OTRS info and permissions, but now I only handle OTRS Tickets for OS work. I'm communicating and collaborating with other users at IRC #stewards, #GS, #rename and some restricted channels, for my work.

    If there's anything about me, I think it's CheckUser experience over 6+ years, OS access, a timezone(UTC+9), an experience in some sister projects. I already work as CU/OS locally, and I have experience in Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikiversity, Wikinews as an editor or admin. As a result, I have experience with administrator tools and personal information tools, general editing on Wikimedia projects. If I become a stewards, I will try to concentrate on what I can do to help you rather than what I want to do. Nevertheless, I would like to focus more on:

    • SRCU - I will help SRCU. Although only technical checking is possible due to language barrier, I think my experience will help with the processing of requests.
    • spambots and cross-wiki LTA - I would like to work with SWMT members and Global sysops to help with handling of spambots and cross-wiki LTAs. Especially, for spambots, I will work to find the farm of spambots through CheckUser of loginwiki, for LTAs, I will deal with kowiki's cross-wiki LTAs/banned user by WMF. Other LTA cases will be dealt with through my small experience and collaboration with SWMT members.
    • IRC #stewards connection and OS - Because I'm a local Oversight, I'm always connected to IRC. If it's not my time at work, I think I can quickly respond to requests. And I have experience using OS tools, so I can do a little bit of help with urgent OS requests. The same applies to other urgent requests.

    My timezone is UTC+9. Most stewards are at night at this time of day. This may not be important in assessing me, but I expect to be able to fill the void. I sometimes saw users in trouble in this timezone, and I thought I'd help them. In general, if I'm not too busy to access Internet, someone can contact me from UTC 23:00 to 14:00. (if it is a difficult day to edit, I can only do limited things through IRC.)

    With the suggestions of some grateful users, I was able to decide to challenge stewardship. The things that I might lack, as always, will be filled with communication and collaboration with other users or stewards. Although my experience may not satisfy you enough, I would be more than happy to help the community with it. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Sotiale

The 2020 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

  • Languages: pt-N, en-4, es-2, it-2
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hey everyone! I'm Tks4Fish and I've been editing actively since 2018. My home wiki is ptwiki where I am a sysop, oversighter, and checkuser, having been recently reconfirmed to that position with 100% of the valid votes. Besides ptwiki, I'm reasonably active at Commons, where I'm a file renamer and rollbacker. I also volunteer at OTRS where I help deal with license issues. I have an active Phab account and have submitted some patches.

    As a steward, I plan on dealing with LTA's, which I have experience in dealing with from ptwiki. I will help with stopping global LTA's such as Carlos Eduardo1989 (talk · contribs), an LTA from ptwiki that harasses users in multiple projects. I will also be available to answer requests here and in IRC, where I have noticed that there is a lack of activity from stewards lately on both of these. I plan on helping with the rename requests once I've gained proper training and knowledge in that area.

    In IRC, I'm active from ~4 PM until ~4AM (UTC), and plan to assist the current and elected stewards there. My activity on the steward request pages here in Meta is not high due to almost always requesting locks at #wikimedia-stewards.

    I am a native speaker of Portuguese, and also understand Spanish and Italian, which helps me to understand other latin-based languages, such as gl and fr.

    Thanks for your consideration. —Thanks for the fish! talkcontribs 22:44, 16 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2020/Questions#Tks4Fish