Idin global husus
![]() | For Legal and Security reasons the Wikimedia Foundation has decided that two factor authentication is required for the roles on this page. This requirement was instituted before some groups were added, so the late additions may or may not require 2FA. |
Special permission groups
This user right was created on 27 Pébruari 2009 for User:Jimbo Wales. It was originally equivalent to the Steward group, and has since lost most of its permissions.
The global flow creator global group allows users to create Flow pages on any WMF wiki on which it is installed, as well as several miscellaneous rights. It contains only several WMF staff, and is not in active use since Flow is not being actively developed.
The Ombuds commission is a small, board-selected group directed to investigate allegations of CheckUser abuse.
This group has the checkuser-log right globally, in order to view CheckUser logs at any Foundation-hosted project.
Ékspor rekursif nyaéta grup global nu ngidinan pamaké pikeun ékspor kaca nu boga kaca numbu saluareun wates nu dilarapkeun ka pamaké normal. Hak ngan ukur dipasihkeun ka pangguna anu ngagaduhan kabutuhan anu tiasa dibuktikeun sareng tiasa dipercaya pikeun ngagunakeunana kalayan leres sabab tiasa nempatkeun beban beurat dina server Wikimédia.
Saméméh nyieun grup, hak ngan sadia pikeun administrator sistem.
The original proposal is located at Requests for comment/Wikimedia Foundation staff permissions.
Wikimedia Foundation staff members are those employees of the Foundation with both the need for rights beyond those of normal users on a global scale and the technical ability to use them.
System administrators handle the technical management of the servers which host our projects. As these individuals have the technical ability and permission to effect changes, the Sysadmin global group was implemented to encourage them to do so more easily and in a more transparent manner.
The Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee has a custom global group allowing them to view abuse filters, deleted content, and IP address information.
Kelompok global wmf-email-block-override ukur ngawengku hak sboverride
. Anggota hiji-hijina nyaéta Maryana Iskander, CEO Yayasan Wikimédia.Hal ieu ngijinkeun anjeunna ngirim surél sanajan alamat surélna aya dina daftar hideung surél
WMF Researcher Rights diciptakeun ku Tim Hukum sareng Advokasi Komunitas Yayasan Wikimedia pikeun nyayogikeun hak global samentawis ka sababaraha NDA'd staf sareng kontraktor anu ngabantosan dina panalungtikan hukum tangtu anu henteu ngabutuhkeun globalisasi. Paket Hak Staf lengkep. Dumasar kana prinsip aksés pangsaeutikna sareng kusabab kabutuhan anu timbul sababaraha kali, grup parantos dirobih janten grup global anu langkung permanén anu tiasa disayogikeun ka Staf atanapi Kontraktor WMF (permanén atanapi samentawis) nalika aranjeunna meryogikeun aksés ngan ukur dibaca kana eusi anu dihapus. atawa téks na log disumputkeun tapi teu merlukeun sagala hak sejenna dina pakét Staf pinuh. Éta ogé dianggo pikeun Panalungtik pihak katilu NDA anu meryogikeun API aksés kana eusi anu dihapus salaku bagian tina panalungtikan anu disatujuan.
The Meta-Wiki hosts the global rights log, where any user (registered or not) may view the creation and deletion of global groups and the changes to their permissions. A detailed description of the various rights may be found on Please note that some rights are detailed in the appropriate extension page there.
Two-factor authentication
The Wikimedia Foundation made two-factor authentication (2FA) mandatory for selected global user roles in December 2018. The requirement is recorded at the top of various Meta-Wiki pages as imposed by "the Wikimedia Foundation"; the addition of that text was itself the announcement (by a Foundation employee). No broader announcement was made and the requirement is enforced by manual audits.