विशेष वैश्विक अधिकार
![]() | For Legal and Security reasons the Wikimedia Foundation has decided that two factor authentication is required for the roles on this page. This requirement was instituted before some groups were added, so the late additions may or may not require 2FA. |
Special permission groups
User:Jimbo Wales हेतु सदस्य अधिकार २७ फ़रवरी २००९ को निर्मित हुआ।
The global flow creator global group allows users to create Flow pages on any WMF wiki on which it is installed, as well as several miscellaneous rights. It contains only several WMF staff, and is not in active use since Flow is not being actively developed.
ओंबड्समन आयोग एक छोटा सा समूह होता है, जिसे मण्डल चुनता है। इसके द्वारा सदस्य-जाँच की जाँच करते हैं।
इन सदस्यों के पास सदस्य-जाँच का वैश्विक अधिकार रहता है, जिससे यह संस्थान द्वारा प्रस्तुत सभी परियोजना में यह लॉग देख सकते हैं।
Recursive export is a global group that allows the user to export pages with linked pages beyond the limit applied to normal users. The right is only assigned to users who have a demonstrable need and can be trusted to use it correctly as it can apply a heavy load to the Wikimedia servers.
Before the creation of the group the right was only available to system administrators.
वास्तविक सुझाव Requests for comment/Wikimedia Foundation staff permissions पर देख सकते हैं।
विकिमीडिया संस्थान के कर्मचारी वे सदस्य होते हैं, जिसे सामान्य सदस्यों से अधिक अधिकार प्राप्त होते हैं। जिसका उपयोग वे तकनीकी कार्यों में करते हैं।
हमारे सर्वर जो परियोजना को चलाते हैं, उसे तकनीकी रूप से प्रणाली प्रबन्धक संभालते हैं। उनके पास तकनीकी जानकारी होती और बदलाव करने का अधिकार भी होता है। प्रणाली प्रबन्धक का वैश्विक समूह भी इसी तरह का कार्य करता है, लेकिन यह और भी पारदर्शी होता है।
The Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee has a custom global group allowing them to view abuse filters, deleted content, and IP address information.
The wmf-email-block-override global group includes only the sboverride
right. Its sole member is Maryana Iskander, CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation.It allows her to send email despite the fact that her email address is listed on the email blacklist.
The WMF Researcher right was created by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal and Community Advocacy team to provide a temporary global right to some NDA'd staff and contractors assisting in specific legal research who do not require the full global Staff Rights package.
Under the principle of least access and because the need has come up multiple times the group has been converted into a more permanent global group that can be given to WMF Staff or Contractors (permanent or temporary) when they need read-only access to deleted or suppressed text and logs but do not necessarily need other rights in the full Staff package. It is also used for NDA'd 3rd party Researchers who need API access to deleted content as part of their approved research.
मेटा-विकि में वैश्विक अधिकर लॉग रहता है, जहाँ कोई भी सदस्य जिसका खाता भी न हो, वह भी इसके निर्माण और बदलाव को देख सकता है। इसमें सभी अधिकार की जानकारी अच्छे से विवरण सहित दी जाती है और यह MediaWiki.org में भी होती है। कृपया ध्यान दें, कुछ अधिकार उसके एक्स्टेंसन के पृष्ठ पर दी गई होती है।
Two-factor authentication
The Wikimedia Foundation made two-factor authentication (2FA) mandatory for selected global user roles in December 2018. The requirement is recorded at the top of various Meta-Wiki pages as imposed by "the Wikimedia Foundation"; the addition of that text was itself the announcement (by a Foundation employee). No broader announcement was made and the requirement is enforced by manual audits.