Schema talk:MobileWikiAppEdit
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Maintainer: | Mikhail Popov & Shay Nowick |
Team: | Mobile Apps |
Project: | Mobile Apps |
Status: | active |
Purge: | Auto-purge just eventCapsule PII after 90 days, keep the rest indefinitely |
This page holds a JSON schema that specifies a data model for EventLogging.
[[Category:Schemas (Mobile Apps team)]]
Added "loginAttempt","loginSuccess","loginFailure" to allowed `action` values 2020-11-24
Added "rollbackAttempt", "rollbackSuccess", "rollbackFailure" to allowed `action` values 2022-06-23
Link to eventlogging Logstash:,pause:!f,value:0),time:(from:now-24h,mode:quick,to:now))&_a=h@dc93756
iOS uses opt-in statistics
[edit]Since version 5 (released in March 2016), the official iOS app has asked users to opt into collection of statistics rather than allow them to opt out. This includes submissions to these logs, so keep in mind they now suffer from significant selection bias and are not useful for calculating population quantities like overall number of edits.—Neil P. Quinn-WMF (talk) 20:52, 29 June 2016 (UTC)
wikidataDescriptionEdit Note:
[edit]Pending change: For enwiki edits ONLY where `wikidataDescriptionEdit` is not NULL, wikidatawiki is not changed, edit goes to Wikipedia. This applies to both Android and iOS.