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Latest comment: 1 month ago by Neil Shah-Quinn (WMF) in topic Weekly registrations

Weekly registrations


Hi! Thanks for this research. Could you please define what you mean by "weekly registrations" on this paper? I find the figures quite high in absolute if they are meant as new registrations per week. Thanks! Joalpe (talk) 00:50, 29 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Hi, thank you for reading it! As you suspected, "weekly registrations" means new Wikimedia account registrations (so autocreations are not counted) per calendar week.
What makes you say they are high? Taking Portuguese Wikipedia as an example, figure 4 says there are about 2,000 registrations per week. Wikistats says there are about 9,000 per month, so that matches up quite well. (Wikistats excludes "proxy-created" users and I include them, but they're only about 1% of the total.) Neil Shah-Quinn (WMF) (talk) 03:02, 29 January 2025 (UTC)Reply