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Research:Revision scoring as a service/Word lists/eu

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eu euskara (Wikipedia) 250 - - - - - See: Word lists requested no no no -
Generated list [1]

Words in the generated list commonly appear in reverted revisions but not in others. This list is generated using a TF-IDF approach.

  1. abstinence
  2. accumulation
  3. adjectival
  4. advantages
  5. aedeagus
  6. allotransplant
  7. alteration
  8. alterations
  9. altering
  10. ampallang
  11. amputated
  12. amputation
  13. andropodium
  14. anejaculation
  15. apadravya
  16. asesino
  17. atrophy
  18. aupa
  19. autonomic
  20. baculum
  21. biologically
  22. bitte
  23. blankaart
  24. blocked
  25. bluntly
  26. bulbourethral
  27. bulbous
  28. calcified
  29. callosobruchus
  30. carcel
  31. carved
  32. catheter
  33. causative
  34. chaos
  35. circumcised
  36. circumciser
  37. circumcisions
  38. clamp
  39. claspers
  40. classifies
  41. clitoral
  42. clitoris
  43. cloacal
  44. constricted
  45. constricts
  46. contested
  47. contractions
  48. copulatory
  49. corrects
  50. curled
  51. deferens
  52. dilated
  53. dilation
  54. diphallia
  55. dipped
  56. disruption
  57. downward
  58. downwards
  59. ducts
  60. dydoe
  61. echidnas
  62. einsteigen
  63. ejaculate
  64. ejaculation
  65. ejecting
  66. elective
  67. enables
  68. engorged
  69. engorgement
  70. entrapment
  71. envying
  72. epididymis
  73. erectile
  74. esto
  75. etarras
  76. evolve
  77. exceedingly
  78. exceeds
  79. excessively
  80. expose
  81. extort
  82. facetiously
  83. facilitates
  84. filaments
  85. frenum
  86. freudian
  87. fuck
  88. gametes
  89. gangrene
  90. gilipollas
  91. girth
  92. goiburuko
  93. gomco
  94. gonopodium
  95. gorilla
  96. grafts
  97. hardened
  98. hemipenes
  99. hijos
  100. hola
  101. homologous
  102. homology
  103. horizontally
  104. hypospadias
  105. iatrogenically
  106. implants
  107. impotence
  108. inability
  109. indwelling
  110. inherently
  111. inhibits
  112. interferes
  113. intersex
  114. interventions
  115. intromittent
  116. involve
  117. ischaemia
  118. jurako
  119. kaixo
  120. kaka
  121. kangaroos
  122. krichel
  123. lengthen
  124. lifestyles
  125. ligament
  126. londreseko
  127. lubricants
  128. lymphangiosclerosis
  129. madagaskarreko
  130. marketed
  131. marsupials
  132. matched
  133. meatus
  134. medically
  135. micropenis
  136. mierda
  137. milah
  138. mistakenly
  139. mockbuster
  140. mogen
  141. necessitate
  142. neonatal
  143. neovagina
  144. nerves
  145. neuropathy
  146. noted
  147. occasionally
  148. orgasm
  149. orifice
  150. ostriches
  151. outweigh
  152. paleognathes
  153. pampered
  154. papules
  155. paraphimosis
  156. pedo
  157. pene
  158. penectomy
  159. penes
  160. penii
  161. penile
  162. pesnis
  163. peyronie
  164. phallological
  165. phalloplasty
  166. phimosis
  167. pizzle
  168. plastibell
  169. polla
  170. positioned
  171. potentially
  172. predecessors
  173. preputial
  174. priapism
  175. priapus
  176. propelled
  177. prostaglandin
  178. prostate
  179. prostatic
  180. pubescence
  181. pudendal
  182. pudra
  183. punitive
  184. puta
  185. puto
  186. raphe
  187. rarely
  188. reassignment
  189. recommend
  190. refractory
  191. relies
  192. retract
  193. retracted
  194. retraction
  195. rips
  196. roosters
  197. satisfactory
  198. sebaceous
  199. secretions
  200. separates
  201. shlong
  202. shrinkage
  203. sildenafil
  204. snatching
  205. sois
  206. somewhat
  207. sorcerers
  208. soy
  209. spermatozoa
  210. spongiosum
  211. spongy
  212. spontaneously
  213. stiffen
  214. stiffening
  215. subincision
  216. succeeds
  217. sufficiently
  218. summarizing
  219. superstition
  220. supplying
  221. surgeries
  222. surgically
  223. swapped
  224. sympathetic
  225. technically
  226. tingling
  227. tonto
  228. traidor
  229. transsexuals
  230. traumatic
  231. traverses
  232. turkeys
  233. unable
  234. unbiased
  235. undergo
  236. unnecessary
  237. unsterile
  238. upward
  239. upwards
  240. urethral
  241. urination
  242. urine
  243. vasodilation
  244. veneration
  245. vesicles
  246. vigorous
  247. violates
  248. vosotros
  249. whippersnapper
  250. wikisaurus
  251. withdrawn
Generated common words

Common words appear on all revisions reverted or otherwise. In the English language this would include words like 'the' or 'is' which are meaningless on their own. This list is generated using a TF-IDF approach.

  1. aeb
  2. alde
  3. align
  4. all
  5. alpeak
  6. alsazia
  7. ameriketako
  8. and
  9. arabera
  10. ardenne
  11. aren
  12. argipena
  13. armarria
  14. arte
  15. artean
  16. arteko
  17. asko
  18. atari
  19. aurkibidea
  20. aurrera
  21. automatikoa
  22. auvernia
  23. azalera
  24. azken
  25. baina
  26. baino
  27. baita
  28. banaketa
  29. bandera
  30. banderaikur
  31. bat
  32. batean
  33. baten
  34. batera
  35. batez
  36. batuak
  37. batzuk
  38. behar
  39. bere
  40. berria
  41. berriz
  42. bertan
  43. beste
  44. bezala
  45. bigarren
  46. biografia
  47. birzuzendu
  48. bizi
  49. biztanle
  50. biztanleria
  51. border
  52. bottom
  53. buruzko
  54. category
  55. cellpadding
  56. cellspacing
  57. center
  58. champagne
  59. charentes
  60. class
  61. com
  62. commonskat
  63. comt
  64. dago
  65. dagoen
  66. data
  67. daude
  68. defaultsort
  69. del
  70. dela
  71. demografia
  72. den
  73. dena
  74. denbora
  75. dentsitatea
  76. dira
  77. diren
  78. ditu
  79. duen
  80. dute
  81. duten
  82. ean
  83. edo
  84. egilea
  85. egin
  86. egiten
  87. egoera
  88. egun
  89. eko
  90. eman
  91. era
  92. ere
  93. erreferentzia
  94. erreferentziak
  95. errepublika
  96. errolda
  97. eskualdea
  98. espainia
  99. espainiako
  100. estatu
  101. eta
  102. euskal
  103. euskaltzaindia
  104. file
  105. fitxategi
  106. font
  107. formatnum
  108. franche
  109. frantzia
  110. full
  111. gainera
  112. garaia
  113. gaur
  114. geografia
  115. gero
  116. guztien
  117. hainbat
  118. hala
  119. handia
  120. hartu
  121. hartzen
  122. hasi
  123. hau
  124. hauek
  125. hego
  126. heriotzak
  127. herri
  128. herria
  129. herrialdea
  130. herriko
  131. higher
  132. hiri
  133. hiria
  134. hiru
  135. historia
  136. hizkuntza
  137. hori
  138. htm
  139. html
  140. http
  141. ikus
  142. image
  143. infotaula
  144. international
  145. ipar
  146. irudi
  147. irudia
  148. irudiaren
  149. iucn
  150. iucnredlist
  151. izan
  152. izen
  153. izena
  154. izenburua
  155. jaiotzak
  156. joan
  157. jpg
  158. kanpo
  159. kategoria
  160. kokapena
  161. kokapenmapa
  162. lang
  163. languedoc
  164. left
  165. lehen
  166. list
  167. lorrena
  168. lortu
  169. lotura
  170. loturak
  171. lur
  172. mapa
  173. mar
  174. margin
  175. mende
  176. mendea
  177. mendeko
  178. midi
  179. mota
  180. munduko
  181. nagusia
  182. name
  183. narrastiak
  184. nbsp
  185. net
  186. nongo
  187. ofiziala
  188. oharrak
  189. oina
  190. old
  191. ondoren
  192. org
  193. oso
  194. osoa
  195. pdf
  196. php
  197. png
  198. poitou
  199. probintzia
  200. probintziako
  201. property
  202. pyr
  203. red
  204. ref
  205. rekin
  206. ren
  207. right
  208. roussillon
  209. san
  210. size
  211. solid
  212. sorrera
  213. sortu
  214. spatial
  215. species
  216. status
  217. style
  218. svg
  219. system
  220. taxonomy
  221. testua
  222. the
  223. thumb
  224. tik
  225. title
  226. udalerri
  227. udalerria
  228. udalerriak
  229. ugaztun
  230. url
  231. urtarrilaren
  232. urte
  233. urtea
  234. urtean
  235. web
  236. webgunea
  237. width
  238. www
  239. xlsx
  240. zela
  241. zen
  242. zerrenda
  243. zion
  244. ziren
  245. zirriborro
  246. zirriborroa
  247. zituen
  248. zituzten
  249. zuen
  250. zuten

Bad words

Bad words are words unwelcome on any page. This would include curse words, spam and other content that would be reverted regardless of where it is inserted.

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Informal words

Informal words are words unwelcome on article namespace but would be acceptable on talk pages. This would include words such as 'hello' or 'hahaha' which would be fine in discussions but not in articles.

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