QW2023의 로컬 노드는 무엇이며 어떻게 구성합니까?
로컬 노드는 퀴어링 위키백과 2023 기간 동안 QW2023 조직 팀과 협력하여 한 그룹의 사람들이 자율적으로 조직한 이벤트이며 선택적으로 이전과 이후로 확장됩니다.
그 목적은 주요 QW2023 컨퍼런스와 동일합니다: 아웃리치를 발전시키고 위키미디어 퀴어 커뮤니티를 참여시키고 연결하지만 현지/지역 및/또는 주제에 초점을 맞춥니다. 도시 또는 지역적 초점이 국가적 또는 민족적 초점보다 선호됩니다. 주제별 노드는 프로그램에 통합된 경우 옵션입니다.
로컬 노드 이벤트는 전 세계 모든 지역에서 발생할 수 있습니다. 지역 간 이동이 바람직하고 표현이 덜 중요하기 때문입니다.
지역 커뮤니티와 함께 지역 노드 이벤트를 조직하면 위키미디어 LGBT+를 처음 접하는 사람들을 지원하고 안전한 공간에서 커뮤니티 구축을 촉진하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 또한 국제 대면 행사에 참가할 수 없는 사람들, 특히 물리적, 재정적 또는 법적 이동성이 문제인 경우 대안을 제공할 수 있습니다.
관련된 모든 사람을 위한 성공적인 이벤트를 보장하는 방법에 대한 정보 및 권장 사항을 찾고 있다면 노드 지침 페이지를 확인하십시오. 행사 전 효과적으로 준비하고 당일 행사를 원활하게 관리할 수 있도록 실용적인 팁과 가이드라인을 제공합니다.
로컬 노드 이벤트 구성을 위한 체크리스트
로컬 노드 이벤트 구성을 위한 체크리스트
로컬 노드 이벤트를 조직하는 데 열정적이고 헌신적입니까? 다음은 염두에 두어야 할 사항 목록입니다:
퀴어링 위키백과에 관심 있는 분들이나 지역 노드 행사 기획자와 교류하고 싶다면 위키미디어 LGBT+ 채널을 자유롭게 이용해주세요. 퀴어링 위키백과 조직 팀에 대한 특정 질문이 있는 경우 QW2023 |
로컬 노드 이벤트 목록
로컬 노드 이벤트를 발표할 준비가 되면 아래에 새 섹션을 만드십시오.
아래 틀을 복사/붙여넣기 할 수 있습니다.
틀: [도시, 지역, 국가], [날짜], [시간]의 [이벤트 유형]
다음과 같이 이벤트를 소개합니다:
그룹 XXX는 퀴어링 위키백과 2023 로컬 노드 이벤트에 여러분을 초대하게 되어 기쁩니다...
- 시간: [날짜 및 시간]
- 장소: [여기에 도시와 국가]
- 언어: [모국어 사용, 통역 제공 또는 즉석]
- 접근성: [휠체어 접근, 코로나 대책이나 관련]
- 자세한 정보: [별도 페이지 링크, 관심 등록 방법...]
이벤트의 범위를 여기에 설명하십시오. 온보딩, 네트워킹, 연구 또는 사교 이벤트입니까? 특정 온라인 프로그램 세그먼트에 대한 병렬 이벤트? 현지 프리젠테이션, 교육, 워크숍이 포함됩니까?
이벤트의 주요 연락처는 무엇이며(사람이 아니라 이메일 주소여야 함) 연락 및/또는 추가 정보를 요청하는 방법입니다.
Meetup in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17th May 2023
This meetup is to inform and inspire each other with LGBT+/Diversity issues in technology. It will also be a watch party for Queering Wikipedia 2023 with conversations between participants. In total 20 participants can fit (5 confirmed) to be participating.
- When: 17th May 2023, 17hs UTC
- Where: : Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Languages: English and Dutch
- Accessibility: Wheelchair Access
- More information: This event is open to all.
Meetup in Ahmedabad, India, 6th May 2023
This meetup is to further the work being done in collaboration with Ahmedabad Global Shapers in India to close content gaps about queer people on Wikipedia from India. It will also be a watch party for Queering Wikipedia 2023 with a series of conversations between participants.
In total 15 participants (virtually and physically) attended the meetup.
- When:6th June 2023, 12hs UTC
- Where: : Ahmedabad, India
- Languages: English
- More information: This event is open to all.
Meetup in Accra, Ghana, 12th May 2023
This meetup is to further the work being done in collaboration with LGBT+ Rights Ghana to close content gaps about queer people on Wikipedia from Ghana. It will also be a watch party for Queering Wikipedia 2023 with a series of conversations between participants.
- When: 12th May 2023, 12hs UTC
- Where: Accra, Ghana
- Languages: English
- Accessibility: Wheelchair Access
- More information: This event is limited to LGBT+ Ghanaians and their Allies in the Wikipedia community who are willing to contribute to the sum of all knowledge. Registration details will be shared soon.
Online Discussion Panel in Bogotá, Colombia, 12th May 2023, 11hs UTC-5
Wikimedia Colombia together with Plurales UR (center of intervention and academic extension) are happy to invite you to the online conversation regarding Trans activism and visibility on the internet, with guests from El Archivo Trans in Argentina, the Vice Presidency of the Republic of Colombia and the LGBT Wikiproject.
- When: 12th May 2023, 11hs UTC-5
- Where: Bogotá, Colombia
- Languages: Spanish
- More information: https://urosario.edu.co/eventos/nuestra-u/activismos-y-visibilidad-trans-en-internet
Panel in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13th May 2023, 17hs UTC-3
The group Wikimedia Argentina is happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Construcción de memoria LGBTT+ y Wikipedia".
- When: 13th May 2023, 17hs UTC-3
- Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Languages: Spanish
- Accessibility: wheelchair access
- More information: In this panel we will identify content gaps in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons regarding argentinian LGBTT+ community, along with two local LGBTT+ activists. If you are interested in participating, please contact comunidad
wikimedia.org.ar for further details.
Meetup in Zagreb, Croatia, 12-14th May 2023, 14-20h UTC+2
Croatian GLAM and HrW initiative, with support of Multimedia Institute, are happy to invite you to the local MeetUP in sync with Queering Wikipedia 2023. https://web.facebook.com/events/567305172173041
- When: 12-14th May 2023, 14-20h UTC+2
- Where: net.culture club MaMa, Zagreb, Croatia
- Languages: Croatian, English, partly Spanish
- Accessibility: wheelchair access
- More information: This is an informal Meetup for LGBTIQ+ community and Wikimedians in the lounge and screening setting. We will watch program, support with interpretation and translation, discuss content, participation and methodological gaps in Wikimedia regarding LGBTIQ+ community. We will offer introduction and Skill Sharing in Wikidata, but also open for improvised peer2peer learning on Wikimedia and open content. If you are interested in participating, please contact GLAM
mi2.hr for further details.
Meetup in Lagos and Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria on 17th May 2023
Wiki For Human Rights Nigeria in collaboration with Bisi Alimi Foundation, are happy to invite you to the Nigeria local Meetup in sync with Queering Wikipedia 2023.
- When: 17th May 2023
- Where: Lagos, Uyo
- Languages: English
- Accessibility: wheelchair access
- More information: This is a meetup for members of the LGBTIQ+ community and ally Wikimedians in Nigeria, which will offer an opportunity to identify the contents gap and why it's important the Nigerian community participate. We will also have a watch party to sync with the QW2023 conference. If you are interested in participating, please contact hadassahlove31
gmail.com or check here QW2023/Nigeria Node for further details.
Meetup in New York City, US, 17 May 2023
Wikimedia New York City is happy to invite you to a Wikidata session on LGBT-related figures in religion/mythology.
- When: 17 May, 2023, 21:30 - 24:00 UTC
- Where: Brooklyn Public Library
- Languages: English primarily, all languages welcomed
- Accessibility: wheelchair access
- More information: w:Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/May 2023
Panel in Berlin, Germany, 16th May 2023, 18:30-20:00h UTC +2
Wikimedia Deutschland, in collaboration with Spinnboden Lesbian Archive, is happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Despite everything(?) - On the visibility of queer history on the internet".
- When: 16th May 2023, 18:30-20:00h UTC +2
- Where: Wikimedia Deutschland Office
- Languages: German and English (Livestream will offer German and English audio)
- Livestream: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83743367143
- Accessibility: Office has wheelchair access, but no wheelchair accessible toilets
- More information: How visible and accessible is queer history on the internet? Whose history and narratives are only a few clicks away and which searches remain unmatched? The internet offers diverse and creative ways to show queer lived realities and break through boundaries of the analogue world - and at the same time the digital cannot do without the analogue. Queer stories in the digital space move between hope and self-discovery, dominant narratives and stereotypes, hate speech and being seen. Together with people from wikipedia and queer archives we would like to explore the significance of queer history in the digital space and discuss possibilities, setbacks and visions for the future.
Meetup in Pucallpa, Perú, 12th May 2023
Wikimedistas de Perú, in collaboration with the Shipibo LGBTQ Collective, is happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Aproximaciones colectivas a la marcha del orgullo desde la experiencia universitaria".
- When: 12th May 2023
- Where: Yarinacocha, Pucallpa
- Languages: Spanish
- Accessibility: Wheelchair access
- More information: The event aims to bring together the Peru user group with an indigenous LGBT collective in this Amazonian region. It will be the framework for presenting the results of the research project conducted with students from the Law and Political Science Faculty of San Marcos National University (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Spanish).
Panel and Edit-a-thon in Mexico City, Mexico, 13th May 2023, 11:00 hs UTC-6
Wikimedia México is happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Editatón Queerieng Wikipedia".
- When: 13th May 2023
- Where: Mexico City, Mexico
- Languages: Spanish
- Accessibility: Wheelchair access
- More information: The local event will begin with a talk with Alex Argüelles and Hacklib, who are LGBT+ activists for free knowledge and will share their experience in relation to access to Queer information, Open LBGT+ Culture, the decentralization of the voices of privileged groups and the empowerment of marginalized communities. Later, it will continue with a day of editing on Wikipedia on topics related to the conference.
Hands on in Bogotá, Colombia, 17th May 2023, 11:00 hs (UTC-5)
Wikimedia Colombia together with Plurales UR (center of intervention and academic extension) are happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Encuentro LGBTQI+ para sumar juntxs".
- When: [17th May 2023]
- Where: [Bogotá, Colombia]
- Languages: [Spanish]
- Accessibility: [wheelchair access]
- More information: The event brings together persons from different environments to colectivelly find information about LGBTQI+ communities in Colombia. The purpose of the event is to gather a group of 15 people from different social sectors to work for three hours, in the joint construction of a list of names, references and important data on representative information of the LGBTQI+ movement for Wikipedia and also for other projects of the wikimedia ecosystem.
Digital meet-up and editathon, Projekt HBTQI, Sweden
- When: 16th May 2023, 19:00-21:00 (GMT+2)
- Where: Digital meet-up
- Languages: Swedish, English
- More information: Projekt HBTQI, meet-up and edidathon with the Swedish LGBTQI+ wiki project.
Online panel in Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 May 2023, 6:30 PM (UTC-3)
Wikimedistas de Uruguay is happy to invite you to the Queering Wikipedia 2023 local event "Memorias LGBT y pasado reciente en Uruguay".
- When: Friday, May 26th, 6:30 PM (UTC-3)
- Where: Online broadcasting through Wikimedistas de Uruguay Youtube channel
- Languages: Spanish
- More information: Wikimedistas de Uruguay web page or please contact info(@)wikimedistas.uy for further details.
In the context of the Month of Memory and the activity Queering Wikipedia 2023, Wikimedistas Uruguay is pleased to invite you to participate in this activity. The objective will be to discuss the memory of the LGBT community in the last civil-military dictatorship in Uruguay and the democratic transition, and those projects that seek to preserve and make available the experiences of LGBTIQ+ people in that historical period. The aim is to learn about the different strategies that have been used to collect this information and the importance of written/printed materials and oral testimonies, in order to finally reflect on how to take this information to Wikipedia.