Privacy policy/Oropos-Creece
(Note: This started off as an exact copy of the current policy as of 2014-05-20T12:13:26.)
![]() | Die Community-Diskussion für diesen Entwurf einer Datenschutzerklärung wurde am 14. Februar 2014 beendet. Wir danken den vielen Community-Mitgliedern, die sich seit dem Start am 3. September 2013 an dieser erfolgreichen Diskussion beteiligt haben. Euer Beitrag trägt dazu bei, eine transparente Datenschutzerklärung zu entwerfen, die die Werte unserer Gemeinschaft wiederspiegelt. Wenn Du dich für die Diskussion und die nächsten Schritte für den Entwurf interessierst, kannst du in den Wikimedia-Blogeinträgen von Februar und Mai mehr erfahren. |
Die Wikimedia Foundation ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die kollaborative Websites zur Sammlung freien Wissens (wie Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons und Wiktionary) betreibt.
Diese Erklärung erklärt wie wir Ihre persönlichen Daten sammeln, benutzen, und teilen.
- Wir sammeln sehr wenige persönliche Daten über Sie.
- Wir vermieten oder verkaufen deine Daten nicht an Dritte.
Durch Benutzung der Wikimedia-Websites erklären sie sich mit diesen Bestimmungen einverstanden.
Die Wikimedia-Bewegung beruht auf einem einfachen, aber wirksamen Prinzip: Wir können zusammen mehr schaffen als eine Einzelperson. Damit wir zusammenarbeiten können, ist es jedoch notwendig, dass Daten über unsere Nutzer erfasst, weitergegeben und analysiert werden. Nur so können wir erforschen, wie die Wikimedia-Seiten noch nutzerfreundlicher, sicherer und vorteilhafter gemacht werden können.
Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass das Erfassen und die Nutzung von Informationen Hand in Hand mit Transparenz gehen sollten. In dieser Datenschutzerklärung wird erläutert, wie die Wikimedia Foundation, das ist die gemeinnützige Organisation, die die Wikimedia-Seiten wie auch Wikipedia betreibt, Daten, die wir von Dir durch Deine Nutzung der Wikimedia-Seiten erhalten, erfasst, nutzt und weitergibt. Dabei musst Du verstehen, dass Du mit der Nutzung der Wikimedia-Seiten der Erfassung, Übertragung, Verarbeitung, Speicherung, Offenlegung und Nutzung Deiner Daten wie in der Datenschutzrichtlinie beschrieben zustimmst. Daher ist es wichtig, diese Bestimmungen aufmerksam zu lesen.
Wir sind der Ansicht, dass man nicht verpflichtet sein sollte, personenbezogene Daten bereitzustellen, um am freien Wissensaustausch teilzunehmen. Du musst daher keine Daten wie Deinen richtigen Namen, Ihre Adresse oder Ihr Geburtsdatum angeben, um ein Standard-Konto einzurichten oder Inhalte zu den Wikimedia-Seiten beizutragen.
Wir verkaufen oder vermieten Deine Daten nicht und geben sie nicht an Dritte weiter, die Dir etwas verkaufen wollen. Wir verwenden sie, um herauszufinden, wie wir die Wikimedia-Seiten noch interessanter und zugänglicher machen können, um zu sehen, welche Ideen funktionieren und um dafür zu sorgen, dass Lernen und das Leisten von Beiträgen noch mehr Spaß machen. Kurz gesagt: Wir nutzen diese Daten, um die Wikimedia-Seiten für Dich besser zu machen.
Es sind schließlich Menschen wie Sie, also Verfechter/-innen von freiem Wissen, die es nicht nur möglich machen, dass die Wikimedia-Seiten existieren, sondern dass sie auch wachsen und sich weiterentwickeln.
Da alle (nicht nur Anwälte) leicht verstehen können sollten, wie und warum ihre Daten erfasst und verwendet werden, benutzen wir in dieser Bestimmungen statt formeller Begriffe einfache Sprache. Hier findest Du eine Liste von Übersetzungen einiger Schlüsselwörter, um Ihnen das Verständnis zu erleichtern:
Wir erkennen auch an, dass nur wenige unter Euch sich mit in der Datenschutzerklärung verwendeten Fachbegriffen wie „Zählpixel“ und „Cookies“ auskennen. Unabhängig davon, ob Dir die Datenschutzterminologie neu ist oder Du ein/e Experte/-in auf dem Gebiet bist und nur Dein Wissen auffrischen möchtest, findest Du unser Glossar wichtiger Begriffe vielleicht hilfreich.
Was diese Datenschutzerklärung erfasst und was sie nicht erfasst
Mit Ausnahme der unten aufgeführten Punkte bezieht sich diese Datenschutzerklärung auf die Erfassung und den Umgang mit Deinen persönlichen Daten, die wir durch Deine Nutzung von Wikimedia-Seiten erhalten. Diese Erklärung gilt außerdem für Daten, die wir von unseren Partnern oder Dritten erhalten. Unten sind weitere Details zum Geltungsbereich dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie aufgeführt.
Oropos Attika Greece
Der Klarheit halber ist festzuhalten, dass diese Datenschutzerklärung unabhängig von der jeweiligen Sprache folgende Geltungsbereiche hat:
Jedoch deckt diese Datenschutzvereinbarung manche Situationen, wo wir Informationen sammeln oder verarbeiten, nicht ab. Zum Beispiel können für bestimmte Nutzungsmöglichkeiten, etwa imWikimedia-Shop, oder für Sites und Angebote von Drittanbietern, etwa auf Wikimedia Labs,separate Datenschutzvereinbarungen gelten. Um besser zu verstehen, was diese Datenschutzvereinbarung abdeckt, schauen sie bitte weiter unten
Sind Daten durch Gemeinschaftsrichtlinien abgedeckt, beispielsweise durch die CheckUser-Richtlinie, so kann diese Gemeinschaft zusätzliche Regelungen und Verpflichtungen vorschreiben, die über die in dieser Richtlinie hinausgehen. Es dürfen so jedoch keine neuen Ausnahmen erzeugt oder der durch diese Richtlinie gebotene Schutz reduziert werden.
Arten von Daten, die wir von Dir erhalten, wie wir sie bekommen und wie wir sie verwenden
Deine öffentlichen Beiträge
Was von Ihnen auf der Wikimedia-Seite hochgeladen wird, kann von jedem gesehen, sowie genutzt werden.
The Wikimedia Sites were primarily created to help you share your knowledge with the world, and we share your contributions because you have asked us to do so.
When you make a contribution to any Wikimedia Site, including on user or discussion pages, you are creating a permanent, public record of every piece of content added, removed, or altered by you. The page history will show when your contribution or deletion was made, as well as your username (if you are signed in) or your IP address (if you are not signed in). We may use your public contributions, either aggregated with the public contributions of others or individually, to create new features or data-related products for you or to learn more about how the Wikimedia Sites are used.
Unless this Policy says otherwise, you should assume that information that you actively contribute to the Wikimedia Sites, including personal information, is publicly visible and can be found by search engines. Like most things on the Internet, anything you share may be copied and redistributed throughout the Internet by other people. Please do not contribute any information that you are uncomfortable making permanently public, like revealing your real name or location in your contributions.
You should be aware that specific data made public by you or aggregated data that is made public by us can be used by anyone for analysis and to infer information about users, such as which country a user is from, political affiliation, and gender.
Kontoinformationen & Registrierung
Sie müssen kein Benutzerkonto erstellen, um eine Wikimedia-Website zu benutzen
Wenn Sie ein Benutzerkonto erstellen, müssen Sie weder Ihren echten Namen noch Ihre E-Mail-Adresse angeben.
Wenn Sie kein Benutzerkonto erstellen, werden Ihre Beiträge öffentlich Ihrer IP-Adresse zugeordnet.
Sie möchten ein Konto erstellen? Toll! Sie möchten kein Konto einrichten? Kein Problem!
You are not required to create an account to read or contribute to a Wikimedia Site, except under rare circumstances. However, if you contribute without signing in, your contribution will be publicly attributed to the IP address associated with your device.
If you want to create a standard account, in most cases we require only a username and a password. Your username will be publicly visible, so please be careful about using your real name as your username. Your password is only used to verify that the account is yours. Your IP address is also automatically submitted to us, and we record it temporarily to help prevent abuse. No other personal information is required: no name, no email address, no date of birth, no credit card information.
Once created, user accounts cannot be removed entirely (although you can usually hide the information on your user page if you choose to). This is because your public contributions must be associated with their author (you!). So make sure you pick a name that you will be comfortable with for years to come.
To gain a better understanding of the demographics of our users, to localize our services, and to learn how we can improve our services, we may ask you for more demographic information, such as gender or age, about yourself. We will tell you if such information is intended to be public or private, so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to provide us with that information. Providing such information is always completely optional. If you don't want to, you don't have to—it's as simple as that.
Information Related to Your Use of the Wikimedia Sites
We may use common technologies to collect information about how you use Wikimedia Sites.
We use this information to enhance your user experience and to develop new features.
We want to make the Wikimedia Sites better for you by learning more about how you use them. Examples of this might include how often you visit the Wikimedia Sites, what you like, what you find helpful, how you get to the Wikimedia Sites, and whether you would use a helpful feature more if we explained it differently. We also want this Policy and our practices to reflect our community's values. For this reason, we keep information related to your use of the Wikimedia Sites confidential, except as provided in this Policy.
Information We Receive Automatically
Like other websites, we receive some information about you automatically when you visit the Wikimedia Sites. This information helps us administer the Wikimedia Sites and enhance your user experience.
Because of how browsers work and similar to other major websites, we receive some information automatically when you visit the Wikimedia Sites. This information includes the type of device you are using (possibly including unique device identification numbers, for some beta versions of our mobile applications), the type and version of your browser, your browser's language preference, the type and version of your device's operating system, in some cases the name of your internet service provider or mobile carrier, the website that referred you to the Wikimedia Sites, which pages you request and visit, and the date and time of each request you make to the Wikimedia Sites.
Put simply, we use this information to enhance your experience with Wikimedia Sites. For example, we use this information to administer the sites, provide greater security, and fight vandalism; optimize mobile applications, customize content and set language preferences, test features to see what works, and improve performance; understand how users interact with the Wikimedia Sites, track and study use of various features, gain understanding about the demographics of the different Wikimedia Sites, and analyze trends.
Daten, die wir sammeln
Wir verwenden eine Reihe verbreiteter Techniken, zum Beispiel Cookies, um besser verstehen zu können, wie Sie die Wikimedia-Seiten nutzen, um unsere Angebote sicherer und leichter benutzbar zu machen und um darauf hinzuwirken, Ihre Erfahrung persönlicher zu gestalten.
We actively collect some types of information with a variety of commonly-used technologies. These generally include tracking pixels, JavaScript, and a variety of "locally stored data" technologies, such as cookies and local storage. We realize that some of these technologies do not have the best reputation in town and can be used for less-than-noble purposes. So we want to be as clear as we can about why we use these methods and the type of information we collect with them.
Depending on which technology we use, locally stored data can be anything from text, pictures, and whole articles (as we explain further below) to personal information (like your IP address) and information about your use of the Wikimedia Sites (like your username or the time of your visit).
We use this information to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and their interaction with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. We will never use third-party cookies, unless we get your permission to do so. If you ever come across a third-party data collection tool that has not been authorized by you (such as one that may have been mistakenly placed by another user or administrator), please report it to us at
Locally stored data, JavaScript, and tracking pixels help us do things like:
- Provide you with a personalized experience, such as using cookies to know your language preference, to remember the user preferences you set so we can provide you with the customized look and feel that you want, and to tell you about interesting Wikimedia issues and events in your area.
- Deliver more relevant content to you faster. For example, we may use local storage to store your most recently read articles directly on your device, so they can be retrieved quickly. Also, we may use cookies to learn about the topics searched so that we can optimize the search results we deliver to you.
- Understand how you use the Wikimedia Sites, so that we know what works and what is useful. For example, we might use cookies to learn about the list of articles you are following on your watchlist so that we can recommend similar articles that you may be interested in.
- Understand how you use the Wikimedia Sites across different devices, so that we can make our varied Wikimedia Sites more efficient and effective for you.
- Make the Wikimedia Sites more convenient to use, such as by using cookies to maintain your session when you log in or to remember your username in the login field.
Want to know even more? You can read more about some of the specific cookies we use, when they expire, and what we use them for in our FAQ.
We believe this data collection helps improve your user experience, but you may remove or disable some or all locally stored data through your browser settings, depending on your browser. You can learn more about some options you have in our FAQ. While locally stored data may not be necessary to use our sites, some features may not function properly if you disable locally stored data.
While the examples above concerning information about you collected through the use of data collection tools are kept confidential in accordance with this Policy, please note that some information about the actions taken by your username is made publicly available through public logs alongside actions taken by other users. For example, a public log may include the date your account was created on a Wikimedia Site along with the dates that other accounts were created on a Wikimedia Site. Information available through public logs will not include personal information about you.
If you choose to provide your email address, we will keep it confidential, except as provided in this Policy.
We may occasionally send you emails about important information.
You may choose to opt out of certain kinds of notifications.
You have the option of providing an email address at the time of registration or in later interactions with the Wikimedia Sites. If you do so, your email address is kept confidential, except as provided in this Policy. We do not sell, rent, or use your email address to advertise third-party products or services to you.
We use your email address to let you know about things that are happening with the Foundation, the Wikimedia Sites, or the Wikimedia movement, such as telling you important information about your account, letting you know if something is changing about the Wikimedia Sites or policies, and alerting you when there has been a change to an article that you have decided to follow. Please note that if you email us, we may keep your message, email address, and any other information you provide us, so that we can process and respond to your request.
You can choose to limit some of these kinds of notifications, like those alerting you if an article changes. Others, such as those containing critical information that all users need to know to participate successfully in the Wikimedia Sites, you may not be able to opt out of. You can manage what kinds of notifications you receive and how often you receive them by going to your Notifications Preferences. You can learn more about email and notifications and how to change your preferences in our FAQ.
We will never ask for your password by email (but may send you a temporary password via email if you have requested a password reset). If you ever receive such an email, please let us know by sending it to, so we can investigate the source of the email.
Direct communications between users (such as messages sent through the "Email this user" feature), to the extent such communications are nonpublic and stored in or in transit through Wikimedia Foundation systems, are kept confidential by us, except as provided in this Policy.
Umfragen und Feedback
We may ask you to provide us with information through a survey or provide feedback, but you will never be obligated to participate.
Participating in optional surveys or providing feedback helps us make the Wikimedia Sites better. Because every survey and request for feedback may be used for various purposes, we will tell you, at the time we give you the survey or request for feedback, how we plan on using your answers and any personal information you provide. If you don't feel comfortable with how we plan on using the survey or feedback results, you are not obligated to take the survey or give feedback.
GPS & Other Location Technologies
If you consent, we can use commonly-used location technologies to show you more relevant content.
Some features we offer work better if we know what area you are in. But it's completely up to you whether or not you want us to use geolocation tools to make some features available to you. If you consent, we can use GPS (and other technologies commonly used to determine location) to show you more relevant content. We keep information obtained by these technologies confidential, except as provided in this Policy. You can learn more by checking out the list of examples of how we use these technologies in our FAQ.
We may automatically receive location data from your device. For example, if you upload a photo using the Wikimedia Commons mobile app, please be aware that the default setting on your mobile device typically results in the metadata associated with your photo being included in the upload.
Sometimes, we may automatically receive location data from your device. For example, if you want to upload a photo on the Wikimedia Commons mobile app, we may receive metadata, such as the place and time you took the photo, automatically from your device. Please be aware that, unlike location information collected using GPS signals described above, the default setting on your mobile device typically includes the metadata in your photo or video upload to the Wikimedia Sites. If you do not want metadata sent to us and made public at the time of your upload, please change your settings on your device.
When you visit any Wikimedia Site, we automatically receive the IP address of the device you are using to access the Internet, which can be used to infer your geographical location.
Finally, when you visit any Wikimedia Site, we automatically receive the IP address of the device (or your proxy server) you are using to access the Internet, which could be used to infer your geographical location. We keep IP addresses confidential, except as provided in this Policy. For example, if you make a contribution without signing into your account, your IP address used at the time will be publicly and permanently recorded. If you are visiting Wikimedia Sites with your mobile device, we may use your IP address to provide anonymized or aggregated information to service providers regarding the volume of usage in certain areas. We use IP addresses for research and analytics; to better personalize content, notices, and settings for you; to fight spam, identity theft, malware, and other kinds of abuse; and to provide better mobile and other applications.
Unter welchen Umständen dürfen wir Ihre Daten weitergeben?
Wir dürfen Ihre Informationen weitergeben, wenn Sie uns die spezifische Erlaubnis hierzu erteilen.
Mit Ihrer Genehmigung
We may share your information for a particular purpose, if you agree. You can find more information in the list of examples in our FAQ.
Aus rechtlichen Gründen
We will disclose your information in response to an official legal process only if we believe it to be legally valid. We will notify you of such requests when possible.
We may access, preserve, or disclose your personal information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. However, if we believe that a particular request for disclosure of a user's information is legally invalid or an abuse of the legal system and the affected user does not intend to oppose the disclosure themselves, we will try our best to fight it. We are committed to notifying you via email at least ten (10) calendar days, when possible, before we disclose your personal information in response to a legal demand. However, we may only provide notice if we are not legally restrained from contacting you, there is no credible threat to life or limb that is created or increased by disclosing the request, and you have provided us with an email address.
Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal objections or defenses you may have to a third party's request (whether it be civil, criminal, or governmental) to disclose your information. We recommend seeking the advice of legal counsel immediately if such a request is made involving you.
For more information, see our Subpoena FAQ.
If the Organization is Transferred (Really Unlikely!)
In the unlikely event that the ownership of the Foundation changes, we will provide you 30 days notice before any personal information is transferred to the new owners or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
In the extremely unlikely event that ownership of all or substantially all of the Foundation changes, or we go through a reorganization (such as a merger, consolidation, or acquisition), we will continue to keep your personal information confidential, except as provided in this Policy, and provide notice to you via the Wikimedia Sites and a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list at least thirty (30) calendar days before any personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
To Protect You, Ourselves & Others
We, or users with certain administrative rights, may disclose information that is reasonably necessary to:
- enforce or investigate potential violations of Foundation or community-based policies;
- protect our organization, infrastructure, employees, contractors, or the public; or
- prevent imminent or serious bodily harm or death to a person.
We, or particular users with certain administrative rights as described below, may need to share your personal information if it is reasonably believed to be necessary to enforce or investigate potential violations of our Terms of Use, this Privacy Policy, or any Foundation or user community-based policies. We may also need to access and share information to investigate and defend ourselves against legal threats or actions.
Wikimedia Sites are collaborative, with users writing most of the policies and selecting from amongst themselves people to hold certain administrative rights. These rights may include access to limited amounts of personal information regarding recent contributions and activity by other users. They use this access to help protect against vandalism and abuse, fight harassment of other users, and generally try to minimize disruptive behavior on the Wikimedia Sites. These various user-selected administrative groups that have their own privacy and confidentiality guidelines, but all such groups are supposed to agree to follow our Access to Nonpublic Information Policy. These user-selected administrative groups are accountable to other users through checks and balances: users are selected through a community-driven process and overseen by their peers through a logged history of their actions. However, the legal names of these users are not known to the Wikimedia Foundation.
We hope that this never comes up, but we may disclose your personal information if we believe that it's reasonably necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm or death to a person, or to protect our organization, employees, contractors, users, or the public. We may also disclose your personal information if we reasonably believe it necessary to detect, prevent, or otherwise assess and address potential spam, malware, fraud, abuse, unlawful activity, and security or technical concerns. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ for more information.)
An unsere Dienstleister
Wir dürfen Ihre personenbezogenen Daten unseren externen Dienstleistern oder Auftragnehmern gegenüber offenbaren, um die Wikimedia-Seiten zu betreiben oder zu verbessern oder Dienste bereitzustellen, die in Einklang mit unserem Leitbild stehen.
As hard as we may try, we can't do it all. So sometimes we use third-party service providers or contractors who help run or improve the Wikimedia Sites for you and other users. We may give access to your personal information to these providers or contractors as needed to perform their services for us or to use their tools and services. We put requirements, such as confidentiality agreements, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your information consistently with, and no less protective of your privacy than, the principles of this Policy. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ.)
Zum Verstehen und Experimentieren
Wir dürfen freiwilligen Entwicklern oder Forschern den Zugang zu Systemen gewähren, die Ihre Daten enthalten, um ihnen zu ermöglichen, die Wikimedia-Seiten zu schützen, zu entwickeln und zu ihnen beizutragen.
Wir dürfen zudem nicht-personenbezogene oder aggregierte Daten an Dritte weitergeben, die die Wikimedia-Seiten analysieren möchten.
When we share information with third parties for these purposes, we put reasonable technical and contractual protections in place to protect your information consistent with this Policy.
The open-source software that powers the Wikimedia Sites depends on the contributions of volunteer software developers, who spend time writing and testing code to help it improve and evolve with our users' needs. To facilitate their work, we may give some developers limited access to systems that contain your personal information, but only as reasonably necessary for them to develop and contribute to the Wikimedia Sites.
Similarly, we may share non-personal or aggregated information with researchers, scholars, academics, and other interested third parties who wish to study the Wikimedia Sites. Sharing this information helps them understand usage, viewing, and demographics statistics and patterns. They then can share their findings with us and our users so that we can all better understand and improve the Wikimedia Sites.
When we give access to personal information to third-party developers or researchers, we put requirements, such as reasonable technical and contractual protections, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your information consistently with the principles of this Policy and in accordance with our instructions. If these developers or researchers later publish their work or findings, we ask that they not disclose your personal information. Please note that, despite the obligations we impose on developers and researchers, we cannot guarantee that they will abide by our agreement, nor do we guarantee that we will regularly screen or audit their projects. (You can learn more about re-identification in our FAQ.)
Weil Sie es veröffentlicht haben
Informationen, die Sie schreiben, sind öffentlich und können von jedermann betrachtet werden.
Any information you post publicly on the Wikimedia Sites is just that – public. For example, if you put your mailing address on your talk page, that is public, and not protected by this Policy. And if you edit without registering or logging into your account, your IP address will be seen publicly. Please think carefully about your desired level of anonymity before you disclose personal information on your user page or elsewhere.
Wie schützen wir deine Daten?
We use a variety of physical and technical measures, policies, and procedures to help protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
We strive to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We use a variety of physical and technical measures, policies, and procedures (such as access control procedures, network firewalls, and physical security) designed to protect our systems and your personal information. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as completely secure data transmission or storage, so we can't guarantee that our security will not be breached (by technical measures or through violation of our policies and procedures).
Wie lange bewahren wir Ihre Daten auf?
We only keep your personal information as long as necessary to maintain, understand, and improve the Wikimedia Sites or to comply with U.S. law.
Once we receive personal information from you, we keep it for the shortest possible time that is consistent with the maintenance, understanding, and improvement of the Wikimedia Sites, and our obligations under applicable U.S. law. Non-personal information may be retained indefinitely. (Check out the list of examples in our FAQ.)
Please remember that certain information is retained and displayed indefinitely, such as your IP address (if you edit while not logged in) and any public contributions to the Wikimedia Sites.
For the protection of the Wikimedia Foundation and other users, if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Wikimedia Sites.
Wo befindet sich die Stiftung und welche Bedeutung hat dies für mich?
You are consenting to the use of your information in the U.S. and to the transfer of that information to other countries in connection to providing our services to you and others.
Die Wikimedia-Stiftung ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation mit Sitz in San Francisco, Kalifornien; mit Servern und Rechenzentren in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, die Wikimedia-Websites zu benutzen, egal ob innerhalb oder außerhalb der USA, stimmen Sie der Sammlung, Übertragung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung, Bekanntgabe und anderen Benutzungen Ihrer Informationen wie in dieser Datenschutzerklärung angegeben, zu. Sie stimmen außerdem der Übertragung Ihrer Daten durch uns aus den USA in andere Staaten und Länder, die andere oder geringere Datenschutzgesetze haben können als Ihr Land oder Ihr Staat, verbunden mit der Bereitstellung von Diensten für Sie, zu.
Unsere Antwort auf sogenannte "Do-Not-Track" (DNT) Anfragen:
Wir ermöglichen keine Verfolgung durch Websites Dritter, die Sie nicht besucht haben.
Wir stellen Dritten Ihre Daten nicht zu Werbezwecken zur Verfügung.
We are strongly committed to not sharing personal information with third parties. In particular, we do not allow tracking by third-party websites you have not visited (including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms), nor do we share your information with any third parties for marketing purposes. Under this Policy, we may share your information only under particular situations, which you can learn more about in the “When May We Share Your Information” section of this Privacy Policy.
Because we protect all users in this manner, we do not change our behavior in response to a web browser's "do not track" signal.
For more information regarding Do Not Track signals and how we handle them, please visit our FAQ.
Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie
Erhebliche Änderungen an dieser Richtlinie erfolgen erst nach einer mindestens 30-tägigen öffentlichen Kommentierungsphase.
Because things naturally change over time and we want to ensure our Privacy Policy accurately reflects our practices and the law, it may be necessary to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to do so in the following manner:
- In the event of substantial changes, we will provide the proposed changes to our users in at least three (3) languages (selected at our discretion) for open comment period lasting at least thirty (30) calendar days. Prior to the start of any comment period, we will provide notice of such changes and the opportunity to comment via the Wikimedia Sites, and via a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L or a similar mailing list.
- For minor changes, such as grammatical fixes, administrative or legal changes, or corrections of inaccurate statements, we will post the changes and, when possible, provide at least three (3) calendar days' prior notice via WikimediaAnnounce-L or similar mailing list.
We ask that you please review the most up-to-date version of our Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Wikimedia Sites after this Privacy Policy becomes effective constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy on your part. Your continued use of the Wikimedia Sites after any subsequent version of this Privacy Policy becomes effective, following notice as outlined above, constitutes acceptance of that version of the Privacy Policy on your part.
Falls Sie Fragen oder Vorschläge über die Datenschutzerklärung haben, oder über die Informationen die unter dieser Datenschutzerklärung gesammelt werden, weden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail unter oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt.
Vielen Dank!
Vielen Dank, dass sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben. Wir hoffen, Sie genießen die Benutzung der Wikimedia-Websites und schätzen Ihre Beteiligung im Erstellen, Überarbeiten und anhaltendem Arbeiten um die größte Quelle von freien Wissen der Welt zu verbessern.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass im Falle von Unterschieden in der Bedeutung oder Interpretaton zwischen der orginalen englischsprachigen Version dieser Datenschutzerklärung, die orginale englischsprachige Version Vorrang hat.