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ICOM Publications and Documentations Department


ICOM – International Council of Museums is a membership international association and a non-governmental organisation which establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities. The association serves as a platform both digitally on its website and on paper with its numerous publications.

Description of the Publication

ICOM publishes a vast array of materials: peer-review journals, books, online editorials (ICOM voices), codes of conduct, press releases, proceedings, study series, annual reports. Some of ICOM publications are already available for free online (ICOM online library, institutional documents, standards and guidelines) but they are either under copyright or without a clear indication of the open licence.

Implementation of Open Access
Starting point

We contacted twice the Publications and Documentations Department of ICOM asking more information about their open access policy. We offered our consultancy towards an implementation of open access within ICOM publications.

Challenges and recommendations
  • compliance with Open Access: since ICOM publications do not comply with the definition of open access, they are not an eligible platform for researchers who need/want to publish in open access