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Импортёры новых вики

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page New wikis importers and the translation is 59% complete.
На этой странице описываются стандарты и руководящие принципы, связанные с использованием прав, доступных глобальной группе участников «импортёры новых вики» ("new wikis importers").

New wikis importers are users who regularly deal with the import of pages to the new wikis created per the language proposal policy, from their respective test wikis (Incubator, BetaWikiversity or OldWikisource). This is a merely technical routine task that should be done by experienced importers (see the log of past imports).

Глобальные группы участников

As of 2011, a global group has been created; the group will be active only on newly created wikis which need such import,[1] being disabled on each of them after the import has been completed and checked and no longer than 6 months after the wiki creation.

Technically, this is currently achieved with an opt-out wikiset which excludes from the global group all existing wikis; the group is automatically active on new wikis; the new wiki is then opted out from the global group as above, being added to the wikiset.

This group supersedes the previous practice of assigning temporary local sysop and/or importer rights to new wikis importers.


Users with established experience in importing wikis (usually Incubator sysops) are added to the global group. Make a request on Steward requests/Global permissions (SRGP). You need to prove that you have imported using XML upload before, without having caused problems or issues. The request will be approved by a steward if there is a consensus for the user to become a new wikis importer after a short period of discussion. The opinion of Language committee members, as well as bureaucrats of Incubator, BetaWikiversity or OldWikisource, obviously carries extra weight.

The global right can be removed by a steward as with other global groups.


  • What's the purpose of the group?
    1. To make it easier for regular importers, and don't have to request temporary rights each time a wiki is created; reducing bureaucracy and speeding up the opening of new wikis
    2. Ensure that imports are performed by experienced users, to avoid occurrence of accidents as in the past, for instance import done using wrong character encoding or containing Incubator prefixes in titles, which means that wikis have to be deleted and re-imported.
  • Isn't XML upload bad and dangerous?
    Yes, it can cause harm. But it has been used for all previous imports, causing problems when performed by inexperienced users. Now that only experienced users can import new wikis, this will add an extra level of control.
  • What is a new wiki?
    A new wiki is a wiki which has been just created (see Wiki-Setup (Create) on Phabricator) and doesn't contain any content.
  • What should be imported?
    Any relevant content from respectively Incubator, BetaWikiversity or OldWikisource.


This is the list of permissions, with explanations, which new wiki importers have. The automatically generated and translated list is on Special:GlobalGroupPermissions/new-wikis-importer.


  • Импорт страниц из других вики (import)
  • Импорт страниц через загрузку файлов (importupload)


  • Удаление страниц (delete)
  • Восстановление страниц (undelete)
  • Просмотр истории удалённых страниц, без доступа к удалённому тексту (deletedhistory)
  • Просмотр удалённого текста и изменений между удалёнными версиями страниц (deletedtext)
  • Переименование страниц без создания перенаправления со старого имени (suppressredirect)
  • Изменение настроек защиты и правка каскадно защищённых страниц (protect)


  • Обход ограничений скорости на IP-адрес (autoconfirmed)
  • Принудительное создание локальной учётной записи для глобальной учётной записи (centralauth-createlocal)
  • Правка пользовательского интерфейса (editinterface)
  • Правка страниц, защищённых как «Allow only autoconfirmed users» (editsemiprotected)
  • Редактирование общесайтовых CSS-файлов (editsitecss)
  • Редактирование общесайтовых JSON-файлов (editsitejson)
  • Редактирование общесайтовых JavaScript-файлов (editsitejs)
  • Правка страниц, защищённых как «Allow only administrators» (editprotected)
  • Переименование страниц (move)
  • Переименование страниц с их подстраницами (move-subpages)
  • Обход ограничений скорости (noratelimit)
  • Выполнение действий, запускающих CAPTCHA-проверку, без необходимости прохождения CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
  • Игнорирование списка запрещённых названий или имён участников(-ниц) (tboverride)
  • Включить двухфакторную аутентификацию (oathauth-enable)


  1. This doesn't include special wikis, including chapter wikis, which are not started on Incubator, BetaWikiversity nor OldWikisource. Those can be added to the “all existing wikis” set immediately.

См. также