الاستراتيجية/حركة ويكيميديا/2018-20/التوصيات/الاستثمار في تنمية المهارات
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This is an archive for draft recommendations. Visit Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Recommendations to read the final recommendations. |
الارتباط بالتوصيات الأخرى
his recommendation proposes the idea of prioritizing skill development throughout the Movement. It is supported by the ‘Manage Internal Knowledge’ recommendation. |

يجب أن نستثمر في كل من الأفراد والمنظمات الشريكة لتطوير المهارات التقنية التي لا غنى عنها اللازمة للمساهمة، وكذلك المهارات التي تركز على الأشخاص، مثل التواصل وحل النزاعات والحوار بين الثقافات، لتمكين التغيير الثقافي الذي نتصوره. وهذا يتطلب أساليب مختلفة، من بينها: منصة عادلة وشفافة ومناسبة للسياق، تعتمد على المعرفة والخبرات الموزعة.
Currently, training and mentorship are generally inaccessible across the Wikimedia Movement. Our communities struggle to grow and thrive consistently. Newcomers face a steep learning curve and often get discouraged and leave, while seasoned Wikimedians are neither encouraged nor empowered to scale their contributions in the Movement. Stakeholders are frequently isolated, forced to reinvent the wheel instead of accessing, leveraging, and building upon existing capacities. When it does exist, skills development is unevenly distributed, with well-organized, well-resourced projects or groups having greater access to resources than others,[2] and barriers (linguistic, technological, cultural) preventing others from accessing training opportunities and materials.[3] Because we are planning to build a more distributed organization intentionally, the Movement-wide skills imbalance may risk being amplified, unless investment for skill development and training is designed as a priority from the start. Developing the skills of our communities is a necessary prerequisite to achieving the strategic direction in 2030. We will not be able to reach other goals without them. |
To equitably invest in skills development for both stakeholders and partner organizations, we recommend an approach based on several actions. We must start by reducing the need for skills development programs through more effectively leveraging the knowledge we already have. This will involve assessing and mapping current skills that are present as well as those that are needed to support the overall needs of the Movement. This can be done by creating more fluid user experiences and enabling easier access to existing information thanks to effective internal knowledge management. We must build solid learning pathways for individuals and organizations, both online and offline. Online, we should create a coherent and fluid learning experience, preferably through a platform or network of material, offering a wide set of contextualized learning resources about both Wikimedia projects and Movement processes. This includes “learning packs”[4] oriented toward newcomers (individuals, affiliates, or partners), including welcome packs, growth plans, toolkits for them to enter and thrive in our Movement, and delivering skills recognition (eg. through open badges certification) to acknowledge the result of the efforts. Offline, capacity building should be distributed at all levels (individual, local, regional, global), and include multiple formats (train-trainers programs, training, mentoring[5], coaching, workshops, clubs, camps,[6] conferences, and hackathons), creating a dense network of peer-support for both individuals and organizations to grow. This will require both local empowerment so that people can decide what is best for themselves, and global cooordination and evaluation, so that all stakeholders can learn from each other, continually improve, and be recognized for their expertise through a shared certification system. For skills development to grow steadily and equitably, it will need solid investment in terms of resources and staff, with a focus on under- and unrepresented communities.[7] We propose support by a dedicated unit, or a coordinated effort from Movement entities’ staff members to work together tightly, keeping subsidiarity in mind as a principle. |
- إنشاء منصة سهلة الاستخدام ومتعددة اللغات والأشكال لتوفير التداريب، مما يتيح التعلم الشخصي والتوجيه الذاتي، والتعلم من الآخرين، والتوجيه، وتكوين الشبكات[8].
- تصميم "رزمات التعلم" للأفراد والمنظمات التي تنضم إلى حركتنا لتعليم المهارات الأساسية وتطوير المعرفة في جميع ممارساتنا[9].
- تخصيص موارد بشرية ومالية كبيرة لتطوير المهارات مع وضع الدعم في سياق، إضافة لتوفير الموظفين محليين ودوليين ومنسقين وبرامج للشراكات[10].
- خلق نظام لتقييم المهارات لمعرفة المتاحة منها والغائبة، وتقديم اعترافات رسمية بالمهارات لمن يمتلكها (على سبيل المثال، من خلال شهادة الشارات المفتوحة)[11].