Meta talk:Babylon/Archives/2008
![]() | Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in 2008, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion or the archives index. |
Hieroglyphic sources
Is there a possibility that there will be consideration of rendering English from Hieroglyphically recorded literature? For instance the first verse of Torah instead of from Greek or modern Hebrew. Johnshoemaker 03:29, 15 February 2008 (UTC)
New translation template
A new translation template has been created (Template:Translation2). This was done due to technical concerns and to clean up some other items with the template. The translation pages will most likely be moved over to the new system sometime in the coming weeks. For more information, please see the mailing list post. Cbrown1023 talk 17:46, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
- Now the template seems quite stable. We are going to switch to move to the new template. If you have a time, please help update the translation request page with the new status page, or just list an open request with the former status page here, if you have no idea how to update. --Aphaia 07:52, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
翻訳中を示すテンプレート / Template for ongoing translation
moved from Talk:翻訳
メタには翻訳中を示すテンプレートは無いのでしょうか?--Widehawk 21:01, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
複数ありますが何に使うんでしょう?(それによってどれをおすすめするというのも違いますので)。--Aphaia 22:59, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
- 早い
回答返答ありがとうございます。JAWPでいうとw:ja:Template:翻訳中に当たるものです。--Widehawk 00:42, 12 January 2008 (UTC) 修正--Widehawk 03:38, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
- そのものずばりはたぶんないですね。用途は若干違いますが{{translation date}}が近いかなあ。でもこれ手直しが必要なんだよな……。さらに用途が違うのですが{{translation}}というのもあります。
- このへんではうまくいかないなら作ってしまってもいいと思いますよ。
- なお話はかわりますが、このページはそんなに見ている人がいるわけでもないので、Meta talk:Babylonへこうした質問はお寄せいただいたほうがいいと思います。わたしはたまたま自分が作業中に Recentchanges でおみかけしましたが、そうでなければ見落としていたと思います。御一考いただければ幸いです。--Aphaia 01:27, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
- {{translation date}}やJAWPの{{翻訳中}}を参考に時間があったら作ってみることにします。
- 日本語で質問がしたかったので、日本語ページのここに質問しました(バビロンもバベルもみんな英語なので…)。日本語話者のためのバベルがあればそこで質問すればいいんですがね…。--Widehawk 03:38, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
- テンプレートの作成、よろしくです。
- Meta:BabelもMeta talk:Babylonも多言語ページですよ。次回からはそちらへお願いします。話は収束したようですし、このやりとり自体は翻訳と関連しませんので、より適切なMeta talk:Babylonに移しておきます。--Aphaia 11:12, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
I made Template:翻訳中.--Widehawk 02:23, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- ありがとうございます。早速使ってみました。--Bletilla 03:26, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
I started Wikimedia site translation priority list with consult of my Comcom colleagues. I need also your feedback, specially in the regard of their quantity: if those requests are in a reasonable size for each teams. Thanks for your feedback on its talk page! --Aphaia 06:58, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Translation teams
Some translation teams seem to be formed. For example, for German, French or Chinese translations. If you are interested in, please join. There is also active teams like Malayalam. Even if you are currently working alone, it will be helpful someday to make a grossary for WMF terms, or keep a list of useful links for your translation whose result can be released under GFDL a/o CC, like Open Source machine translation project (e.g. --Aphaia 07:56, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
simple request for hebrew translation
Hi. I'm trying to find a copy of "Sefer Mitzvot HaShem" that I can download. I suspect that it might be found at the hebrew wikibooks site, but I don't have acccess to a hebrew keyboard. Could one oof you fine and gentle people transliterate it to hebrew characters so I can cut and paste it. Thank you.
PS I also need a transliteration of "Aruch HaShulchan HaAtid" Thanks again.
Phil burnstein 12:51, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Can one create translation templates for translation between English (eng) and Afrikaans (afr)?
On the list there is no template for translation between English - Afrikaans (eng-afr) or Afrikaans - English (afr-eng). Is it possible to add such templates? I can do both. Sorry if this question seems simple, I am new to Wikipedia editing and still learning. Yeshuahasochek 10:08, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
- You are welcome. Please go for it. It's great for us all to have those templates, and moreover, English-Afrikaans translators :) --Aphaia 11:54, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
Inquiry (until 7/6)
Hello translators, please give a look to User:Aphaia/WM2008/Inquiry-en, inquiry about Wikimedia translation. This inquiry is for my presentation at Wikimania 2008 (sorry it's very late, I know ..). I'd like to reflect the up-to-date situation of Wikimedia translation to my talk.
Thanks! --Aphaia 20:03, 4 July 2008 (UTC)
Hi. I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask (the main page doesn't make it fully clear), but the abovelinked page needs translation fairly urgently. Please see Talk:Global blocking#Translation. Cheers. —Giggy 09:17, 24 August 2008 (UTC)
Wikimedia 2008 Fundraiser
We've setup a chat on Skype for translating and planning of the 2008 Fundraiser that will take place this fall. The good thing about Skype is that unlike IRC, you get copies of the messages when you were offline. If you have a Skype account, visit this link to join the public chat. If you don't, you can get one by visiting Cbrown1023 talk 20:08, 28 August 2008 (UTC)
help request from beginner
Hello Wikians,
I am interested in helping with English-Spanish translations, but I am not sure where to start. I see that this person ( is a translation coordinator, but I do not know how to contact him. Any help anybody can provide would be appreciated.
- Hey Burt! Thanks for volunteering to do translations. I think a good place to start would be on the Home page. You can translate it here (compare it to the English version to see what needs to be done). If you need any help, please to not hesitate to leave a note on here, my talk page, or contact me on Yahoo! Chat (I'm "chimneybrown"). Cbrown1023 talk 20:41, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
Question about when translations will be active
I've translated the 2008 Fundraiser core messages to Estonian and set the status to 'proofreading'. When will the messages be used in the Estonian Wikipedia ( Does the status have to be set to ready/done or are there other conditions? Thanks in advance for any answers. --Jaan513 20:54, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- Already found an answer here. Here was not the best place to post this, I guess. --Jaan513 20:12, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
- This was a very good place for this question, because I wanted to ask the same question and by your hard work I also have an answer - thank you for providing the link needed! It seems from reading that page that we are not alone in wasting time trying to find out how to do translations on Meta. A step-by-step guide to the process would be good to have on the help pages, with a link to it from the translation page that we land on when following the links from our individual wikis. I might try to do this myself if no-one else tackles it, but won't have the time to do this for a long while yet. Lloffiwr 19:32, 10 November 2008 (UTC)
Proposed draft of FAQ on how to translate
I have drafted some basic step-by-step instructions on how to translate. These are on the talk page of the FAQ page. I have drafted them based on my experience of trying to work out how to do a translation on meta for the fundraising drive. I spent hours trying to work out the simplest things, so even though some of the things here should be obvious, they were not at all obvious to me. Could somebody who knows how the system works please check that what I have said is true. Where I have put ????? I have no idea how it works and have just taken a wild guess to get the ball rolling. When this has been checked and completed I thought it could be put on the FAQ page. Is it then possible to put a link to the FAQ page from the original text pages – perhaps as part of the translation status box?
Also, I would like to raise the following issues with regard to communicating with the individual wikis:
- There was no message left on the Wikipedias about the Fundraising 2008 translation this year – the site notice just appeared out of nowhere. Can we have a message to alert us that there are translations to be done? It was quite a job to find out where to do the translations in the first place, let alone how to do them.
- There have been messages before left on the Wikipedias about messages to be translated, for example at the time of the board election. But unfortunately no link was given to the translation pages and no other clues about how to translate. Can we please have a link to the main translation page when an open translation request is made?
Lloffiwr 18:12, 16 November 2008 (UTC)
- I suggest you subscribe to translators-l, we announce all new requests and changes there. I'll see what we can do about adding a "Translate" link to the sitenotice. Cbrown1023 talk 21:22, 16 November 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for your prompt response to this message and also on the FAQ talk page; it is very heartening to receive encouraging comments. Thank you for the hint about subscribing to the translators' mail-list. For now, I will resist this, as I am trying to avoid becoming overcommitted, already being an administrator on Welsh Wikipedia and contributing to But I can see that the translators-l archive is going to be a useful tool on my occasional visits here and, in theory at least, my workload on must reduce sometime in the future! :-) Lloffiwr 19:32, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
Since some time has passed since this was first discussed I wanted to raise again the issue of linking to the help and resources for translators. If a new translator lands on Meta-wiki via a link to an open translation request then I think that it would be useful to have a link included from the open request page, either to the translation FAQ page or to the translators' portal. I propose that a link to one of these pages be added to the translation status box template, so that the link appears automatically on each translation request page. Lloffiwr 19:31, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
Translation problem
See Talk:Fundraising 2008/core messages/fr. Basically, « Wiktionnaire » is masculine, so sentence 4 (which uses « Wikipédia », feminine) is incorrect for that project. Where is the string that substitutes « Wiktionnaire » for « Wikipédia » ? Urhixidur 16:07, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
Privacy policy
I'm translating Privacy policy in Korean. Meta's draft is different from policy in WMF wiki. What is the standard?--Kwj2772 08:27, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
- I'd go with WMF, since that's where all the published material goes. That one is probably more up-to-date, as it's the site where all of this work goes. If Meta is a bit outdated, it doesn't matter because that's not where the donors go to donate. ベリット 話せます 19:09, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
- Is there a plan to set up a translation page here for the new privacy policy adopted in October 2008? Lloffiwr 14:26, 28 December 2008 (UTC)
- It wouldn't be "setting up" a page, it would just be updating the source on the existing one. Cbrown1023 talk 03:16, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
- Is there a plan to set up a translation page here for the new privacy policy adopted in October 2008? Lloffiwr 14:26, 28 December 2008 (UTC)