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Meta:Training/Wiki Metrics/Uploading and Naming Your Cohort

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Uploading and Naming Your Cohort

Go to the Cohorts page and click the blue “Upload Cohort” link

Wiki Metrics Screen Shot - Create Cohort

‘’’Naming Your Cohort’’’ In order to keep track of different program participant groups it is highly recommended that you systematically label your cohorts:

[ProgramName]_[EntityName]_[Site/Event]_[Start Date] To keep cohort names short, here are some basic codes we might use:

*For ProgramName: Program (ProgramName)

Wikipedia Education Program (WEP)
WikiLoves Monuments (WLM)
WikiTakes (WT)
WikiExpeditions (WExp)
Content Donations (CoDo)
Edit-a-thons (EThon)
Editing Workshop (EShop)
Writing Contest (WCtests)
WikiCup (WCup)
Suggest another program NAME (Nm) (please make sure code is not already in use)

*For EntityName: Chapter or Entity Name (EntityName)

Amical Wikimedia (AMICAL)
Wikimedia Armenia (AM)
Wikimedia Argentina (AR)
Wikimedia Österreich (AT)
Wikimedia Australia (AU)
Wikimedia Bangladesh (BD)
Wikimedia Canada (CA)
Wikimedia Switzerland (CH)
Wikimedia Chile (CL Wikimedia Česká republika (CZ)
Wikimedia Deutschland (DE)
Wikimedia Danmark (DK)
Wikimedia Eesti (EE)
Wikimedia España (ES)
Wikimedia Suomi (FI)
Wikimédia France (FR)
Wikimedia Hong Kong (HK)
Wikimédia Magyarország (HU)
Wikimedia Indonesia (ID)
Wikimedia Israel (IL)
Wikimedia India (IN)
Wikimedia Italia (IT)
Викимедија Македонија (MK)
Wikimedia Macau (MO)
Wikimedia México (MX)
Wikimedia Nederland (NL)
Wikimedia Norge (NO)
Wikimedia Philippines (PH)
Wikimedia Polska (PL)
Wikimedia Portugal (PT)
Викимедија Србије (RS)
Викимедиа РУ (RU)
Wikimedia Sverige (SE)
Wikimedia Taiwan (TW)
Вікімедіа Україна (UA)
Wikimedia UK (UK)
DC Wikimedia District of Columbia (US-DC)
NYC Wikimedia New York City (US-NYC)
Wikimedia Uruguay (UY)
Wikimedia Venezuela (VE)
Wikimedia South Africa (ZA)

‘’Need to discuss possible entity names for individuals and unaffiliated groups.’’

*For Site/Event: You may number or name your different sites or program locations for which you implement a particular program in this field if necessary. It is suggested you keep this label short and use the Description box for additional information you may need to note.

*For Start Date: DDMonYY where DD is the numeric day of the month, Mon is the first three alpha of the month, and YY is the numeric for the year’s last two digits. If the exact day does not matter (for example with WLMs)
you may want to only use the MonYY in your cohort name.

So, for example, a WikiLoves Monuments Program held in Washington DC later this year, the cohort name would be:

WLM_US-DC_Sep2013 While a Wikipedia Education program in a particular university course at Stockholm University in Sweden, starting this fall, might be labeled:

WEP_SE_SU6_01Sep13 Importantly, as we grow our base of cohorts and report data, standardized naming will allow us to quickly see which cohorts may provide for good comparison.

  • Once you have named the cohort you may add further descriptive details in the Description box – details that are most important are your program windows (i.e., programming start and end date for that cohort)
    and any non-confidential summative data about the make-up of the cohort in general (optional)
  • If you did not specify the Wikimedia project code for your cohort in the csv file (i.e. enwiki, metawiki, etc.)
    you may do so here in the Default Project box. The codes for Wikimedia projects will actually self-populate once you begin typing to avoid mislabeling and typos.

If no project code is specified, the system will default to enwiki. You may only select one project code for each cohort. If your cohort targets multiple projects (and their usernames are the same across those multiple projects)
you would need to load your CSV file of Usernames as multiple and separate cohorts.

  • Select your prepared CSV file and click the blue “Upload CSV” button

Once you hit the link you will receive a reporting of the valid and invalid Usernames entered into the cohort.

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