Meta:Training/Wiki Metrics/The Current Metrics
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The Current Metrics
Bytes added: the amount of content a cohort's members have added, removed, and modified within a given time period. The output options provide up to four different aggregations of the bytes contributed or removed from a Wikimedia projects over the time period specified:
- Net sum: bytes added minus bytes removed
- Absolute sum: bytes added plus bytes removed
- Positive only sum: bytes added
- Negative only sum: bytes removed
- The system returns the net sum, absolute sum, bytes added (positive), and bytes removed (negative), and edit count (e.g., [150, 250, 200, -50]) aggregated for your cohort membership.
Note: You may specify a start and end date and examine the bytes added by your cohort members during any window of time before, during, or after your program so that you can compare activity levels. You may request the data output in aggregate, retrieving the sum and/or average across your entire cohort, or individually, so that you may perform counts of individuals performing at any activity level within the cohort (i.e. the number of "active" (5+ edits/month) versus inactive participants 3 months after a program).
Edits: the number of edits made by a cohort's members over a specified time period.
Note: This metric operates the same as "Bytes added" in that you may enter a time window and retrieve either aggregate (sum and/or average) or individual level output for the number of pages created by your cohort's editing behavior.
Pages created: the number of new pages created (articles or photos) by a cohort's members over a specified time period. This is particularly useful for accurate measurement of photo uploads, in cases where multiple category labels may exist.
Note: This metric operates the same as "Bytes added" and "Edits" in that you may enter a time window and retrieve either aggregate (sum and/or average) or individual level output for the number of pages created by your cohort's editing behavior.
Survival: the number of editors that "survived" by making a set number of edits after so many hours post-registration. You may also set a sunset parameter to set an end point for the activity. On the survival metric.
Note: Survival, like "edits" can tell you who is still making 5+ edits/month for any month after your program. However, it only does this for cohorts of newly registered contributors as it measures hours from registration time to so many hours after registration forward, or to a sunset number of hours, it does not currently offer measurement of hours from a particular date/time. Survival also offers aggregate (sum and average) as well as individual output.
To facilitate your comparison of activity over time, each of these metrics allow you to request data output be aggregated by hour, day, month, or year.