MediaWiki talk:Blockedtext
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This system message on this site, depending on the user-specified interface language:
- en (English): <div class="mw-parser-output">{{divbox|red|Your account or IP address has been blocked.|text=<div style="text-align: center;">$7, you have been blocked by $4 until $6, because: ''$2''.</div>}}
{{Divbox|green|What can I do now?|You can [[Special:EmailUser/$4|email $4]] or another [[Meta:Administrators|administrator]] ([[Special:ListAdmins|list]]) to contest the block. You cannot use the ''email this user'' feature unless a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|account preferences]], has been confirmed, and you are not disallowed from using it while blocked. Your current IP address is $3 and the block ID is #$5. Please include this in any queries. Blocked users can edit [[Special:MyTalk|their own user talk page]], unless specifically disallowed from doing so (if you are not logged in as a registered user, this will be the talk page for your IP address). You can add <code>{{unblock|''your reason for requesting an unblock here''}}</code> to [[Special:MyTalk|your user talk page]] to request unblocking. If the block reason seems unrelated to you, it is possible you were affected by a software feature known as the [[w:Wikipedia:Autoblock|autoblock]]. In that case, contact an administrator and they will do their best to remove the autoblock. Please note that, for technical reasons, removing the autoblock is not always possible. In such cases, you may need to wait 24 hours for the autoblock to expire. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.}}</div>
- af (Afrikaans / Afrikaans): <strong>U gebruikernaam of IP-adres is geblokkeer.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} U kan die "{{int:emailuser}}"-funksie gebruik as 'n geldige e-posadres in u [[Special:Preferences|voorkeure]] gespesifiseer word en u kan dit nie gebruik nie. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- ar (العربية/Arabic): <strong>تم حظر اسم المستخدم أو عنوان IP الخاص بك.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} يمكنك استخدام ميزة "{{int:emailuser}}" إذا تم تحديد عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح في [[Special:Preferences|التفضيلات]] ولم يتم منعك من استخدامها. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- bg (Bulgarian / Български): <strong>Вашето потребителско име или IP-адрес беше блокирано.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Можете да използвате услугата „{{int:emailuser}}“, само ако сте посочили валидна електронна поща в [[Special:Preferences|настройките на сметката Ви]] и не Ви е забранена употребата ѝ. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- da (Danish / Dansk): <strong>Dit brugernavn eller din IP-adresse er blevet blokeret.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Du kan bruge funktionen "{{int:emailuser}}", hvis en gyldig e-mailadresse er angivet i dine [[Special:Preferences|præferencer]], og du ikke er blevet blokeret fra at bruge den.{{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- de (German / Deutsch): <strong>Dein Benutzername oder deine IP-Adresse wurde gesperrt.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Du kannst die „{{int:emailuser}}“-Funktion nutzen, wenn eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse in deinen [[Special:Preferences|Benutzerkonto-Einstellungen]] eingetragen ist und diese Funktion für dich nicht gesperrt wurde. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- eo (Esperanto / Esperanto): <strong>Via uzantnomo aŭ IP-adreso estis forbarita.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Vi povas uzi la funkcion "{{int:emailuser}}" se valida retadreso estas indikita en viaj [[Special:Preferences|preferoj]] kaj se vi ne estas malpermesita uzi ĝin. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id| $5 }} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- es (Spanish / Español): <strong>Tu nombre de usuario o dirección IP está bloqueado.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Puedes utilizar la función «{{int:emailuser}}» si has registrado una dirección de correo electrónico válida en tus [[Special:Preferences|preferencias]] y la función no ha sido también bloqueada. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- eu (Basque / Euskara): <strong>Zure erabiltzaile-izena edo IP helbidea blokeatu da.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blokeee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} "{{int:emailuser}}" funtzioa erabil dezakezu zure [[Special:Preferences|hobespenetan]] baliozko helbide elektroniko bat zehazten baduzu eta ez bazaizu erabiltzea blokeatu. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- fr (French / Français): <strong>Votre compte d’utilisateur ou votre adresse IP a été bloqué.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} * {{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} * {{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} * {{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Vous ne pouvez utiliser la fonction « {{int:emailuser}} » que si une adresse de courriel valide est spécifiée dans vos [[Special:Preferences|préférences]] et que si cette fonctionnalité ne vous a pas été bloquée. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- fy (West Frisian / Frysk): <strong>Jo meidochnamme of YP-adres is útsletten.</strong>
De útsluting is útfierd troch $1. As reden is opjûn <em>$2</em>. * Begjin útsluting: $8 * Ein útsluting: $6 * Bedoeld út te sluten: $7 As jo wolle, kinne jo kontakt opnimme mei $1 of in oare [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|behearder]] om de útsluting te bepraten. Jo kinne gebrûk meitsje fan 'e funksje "{{int:emailuser}}" at der in jildich e-mailadres opjûn is yn jo [[Special:Preferences|foarkarren]], en jo net útsletten binne dat te brûken. Jo hjoeddeisk YP-adres is $3, en it útslútnûmer is #$5. Nim alle boppesteande gegevens op yn jo reäksjes.
- ia (Interlingua): <strong>Tu nomine de usator o adresse IP ha essite blocate.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Tu pote usar le function “{{int:emailuser}}” si un adresse de e-mail valide es specificate in le [[Special:Preferences|preferentias]] e tu non ha essite blocate de usar lo. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- it (Italian / Italiano): <strong>Il tuo nome utente o indirizzo IP è stato bloccato.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Puoi usare la funzione "{{int:emailuser}}" se hai registrato un indirizzo email valido nelle tue [[Special:Preferences|preferenze]] qualora nell'applicare il blocco tale funzione non sia stata disabilitata. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}}{{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- la (Latin / Latina): <strong>Nomen tuum vel iste locus IP obstructus est</strong> a magistratu $1.
Ratio: <em>$2</em> * Initium obstructionis: $8 * Finis obstructionis: $6 * Obstructio pertinet ad: $7 Tibi licet ad $1 vel [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|magistratum]] alium nuntium mittere, ut obstructio tua disceptetur. Nota bene te litteras electronicas mittere non posse, nisi inscriptio electronica in [[Special:Preferences|modis tuis deligendis]] data confirmata est neu ab ea utenda non arceris! Locus IP tuus temporarius $3 est, haec obstructio sub numero #$5 relata est. Quaesumus haec omnia supra dicta cuipiam consultationi subiungas.
- li (Limburgian / Limburgs): '''Dien gebroekersaccount of IP-adres is geblokkeerd.'''
De blokkade is oetgeveurd door $1. De opgegaeve raej is ''$2''. * Aanvang blokkade: $8 * Ènj blokkade: $6 * Bedoeld te blokkere: $7 De kèns contak opnumme mit $1 of 'ne angere [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|systeemwèrker]] óm de blokkade te besjpraeke. De kèns gein gebroek make van de functie 'e-mail deze gebroeker', behauve es te 'n geldig e-mailadres höbs opgegaeve in dien [[Special:Preferences|veurkäöre]] en 't gebroek van deze fónksie neet geblokkeerd is. Dien hujig IP-adres is $3 en 't nómmer van de blokkade is #$5. Vermeld beide gegaeves wens te örges op dees blokkade reageers.
- nl (Dutch / Nederlands): <strong>Uw gebruikersnaam of IP-adres is geblokkeerd.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} U kunt geen gebruik maken van de functie "{{int:emailuser}}", tenzij u een geldig e-mailadres hebt opgegeven in uw [[Special:Preferences|voorkeuren]] en het gebruik van deze functie niet geblokkeerd is. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- no (Norwegian / Norsk (bokmål)): <strong>Ditt brukernavn eller din IP-adresse er blokkert.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} * {{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} * {{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} * {{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Du kan bruke funksjonen «{{int:emailuser}}» hvis du har angitt en gyldig epostadresse i [[Special:Preferences|innstillingene dine]] og ikke er blokkert fra å bruke den. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- pl (Polish / Polski): <strong>Twoje konto lub adres IP zostały zablokowane.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} * {{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} * {{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} * {{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Możesz użyć funkcji „{{int:emailuser}}”, jeśli podano prawidłowy adres e‐mail w Twoich [[Special:Preferences|preferencjach]] oraz jeśli taka możliwość nie została Ci zablokowana. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}}. {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- pt (Portuguese / Português): <strong>O seu nome de utilizador ou endereço IP foram bloqueados.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Pode utilizar a funcionalidade "{{int:emailuser}}" se tiver especificado um endereço de correio eletrónico válido nas suas [[Special:Preferences|preferências]] e não lhe foi bloqueado o uso desta funcionalidade. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- ru (Russian / Русский): <strong>Ваша учётная запись или IP-адрес заблокированы.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} * {{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} * {{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} * {{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Вы можете использовать функцию «{{int:emailuser}}», если в ваших [[Special:Preferences|персональных настройках]] задали корректный адрес электронной почты и если ваша блокировка не включает запрет отправки писем подобным образом. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}}, {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- sv (Swedish / Svenska): <strong>Din IP-adress eller ditt användarnamn är blockerat.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} Om du är inloggad och har uppgivit en e-postadress i dina [[Special:Preferences|inställningar]] kan du använda funktionen ”{{int:emailuser}}”, såvida du inte blivit blockerad från funktionen. {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- ta (Tamil / தமிழ்): <strong>உமது பயனர் பெயர் அல்லது ஐ.பீ. முகவரி தடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.</strong>
{{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} உமது [[Special:Preferences|விருப்பங்களில்]] ஒரு செல்லுபடியாகும் மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளதுடன் நீர் அதைப் பயன்படுத்துவதை விட்டும் தடுக்கப்பட்டிராவிடின் நீர் "{{int:emailuser}}" எனும் கூறைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம். {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}
- jbo (Lojban / jbobau): <strong>lo do plino cmene ja kibjo'e judri cu pu co'u</strong>
ti pu mo'u se $1 ri'a lo nu <em>$2</em> * lo vi co'a bu'u $8 * ti ba fanmo bu'u $6 * ti pu se smuni lo nu $7 do ka'e tavla $1 ji lo drata [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|.sysop.]] fi ti do ca le kibjo'e judri cu $3 e nai lo fonjudri be do cu $5
Other translations may exist — see autogenerated language list below:
pages in the MediaWiki namespace regarding this message
translations in translatewiki regarding this message
[edit]Please update the stop icon from the hand () to the new block symbol (File:Stopx.png). TheHelper 14:13, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
- I personally prefer the functional former; the latter is excessively shiny and distracting. That said, Majorly changed the image. —{admin} Pathoschild 19:15:53, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
- Pathoschild, feel free to revert back :) Majorly (talk) 19:34, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
- It may look bad for some people, but it has been discussed on various Wikimedia projects to chnage the normal icons to the shiny versions. --TheHelper 23:27, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
- Since some users may not understand the language of the particular Wikimedia project they are editing in, it would seem more appropriate to use the original stop icon. The "stop hand" sign is known universally, and it more easily connotes the intent of the message than a large red X sign does. Nishkid64 (talk) 20:37, 18 June 2007 (UTC)
- It may look bad for some people, but it has been discussed on various Wikimedia projects to chnage the normal icons to the shiny versions. --TheHelper 23:27, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
- Pathoschild, feel free to revert back :) Majorly (talk) 19:34, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
Then can the hand be updated to its better version? The better one is: . TheHelper 00:25, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
- Done. Nishkid64 (talk) 21:14, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Error in message
Blocked users get to see this:
- You can [[Special:EmailUser/Dferg|email Dferg]] or another administrator (list) to contest the block.
As you notice there is a link within the link. In order to fix this replace the "$1/email $1" with "$4/email $4". As you can see at the begin of the page. $4 is the username in plain text as see on top "$4 blocked $7 from $8 to $6
" (ie. Mr. Admin blocked from A to B). $1 is a link to the blocking user's userpage. -- 03:38, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
- Done.--Patrick (talk) 07:43, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
- We need translations on the complete block message to other languages, also. Kylu 23:28, 23 September 2010 (UTC)
[edit]If you unprotect this, I will make two edits and then you will protect it again. 10:16, 21 April 2013 (UTC)
- Instead you can write what you would like to change here and we will change it for you. -- Tegel (Talk) 10:42, 21 April 2013 (UTC)
Request for update
[edit]I want the message to be a little bit more modern. Change this message to:
{{divbox|red|Your account or IP address has been blocked.|<center>$7, you have been blocked by $4 until $6, because: ''$2''.</center>}}
{{Divbox|green|What can I do now?|You can [[Special:EmailUser/$4|email $4]] or another [[Meta:Administrators|administrator]] ([[Special:ListAdmins|list]]) to contest the block.
You cannot use the ''email this user'' feature unless a valid email address is specified in your
[[Special:Preferences|account preferences]], has been confirmed, and you are not disallowed from using it while blocked.
Your current IP address is $3 and the block ID is #$5. Please include this in any queries. Blocked users can edit [[Special:MyTalk|their own user talk page]], unless specifically disallowed from doing so (if you are not logged in as a registered user, this will be the talk page for your IP address). You can add <code>{{unblock|''your reason for requesting an unblock here''}}</code> to [[Special:MyTalk|your user talk page]] to request unblocking.
If the block reason seems unrelated to you, it is possible you were affected by a software feature known as the [[w:Wikipedia:Autoblock|autoblock]]. In that case, contact an administrator and they will do their best to remove the autoblock. Please note that, for technical reasons, removing the autoblock is not always possible. In such cases, you may need to wait 24 hours for the autoblock to expire.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have happened.}}
The result:
2602:306:379D:1AA0:E550:67B3:EF35:55F6 06:24, 22 November 2016 (UTC)
Done--Shizhao (talk) 07:24, 20 December 2016 (UTC)
[edit]Maybe needs to convert this message into "autotranslated" mode, through calling translatable template named like "Blockedtext" ? --Kaganer (talk) 12:12, 20 December 2016 (UTC)
New design
[edit]{{edit request}} would you make the blocked text look like wikipedia 2607:FB90:5EEB:41C9:3ED5:6364:940E:99CC 18:15, 26 May 2019 (UTC)
Not done I am presuming that you are meaning English Wikipedia. There is no reason to look like that site, though you can comment on an aspect that you find useful. — billinghurst sDrewth 23:00, 26 May 2019 (UTC)
Improved Blockedtext with reason
You are currently blocked from editing Wikimedia Meta-Wiki. |
$7 has been blocked from editing until $6 by $1 for the following reason:
- $2
How can I appeal?
- Add {{unblock}} to your user talk page
- Email $1
What is a block?
A block is a measure that sysops use to protect Meta from vandalism or improper use. If the block is unrelated to you, $3 may have been blocked.
Faster than Thunder (talk) 19:27, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
- @Faster: It is not obvious to me that this would be an improvement. I would describe some aspects of this as excessive, hard to read, and visually unappealing, however maybe those are not the aspects you meant to change. What in particular are you trying to solve/improve? Perhaps we can explore other ways to solve for those. --Krinkle (talk) 17:02, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
- Making it display a reason.Faster than Thunder (talk) 17:09, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
- Thanks @Faster than Thunder. That's an easy fix. I found the problem and fixed it (diff). Krinkle (talk) 14:45, 9 April 2022 (UTC)
- @Krinkle: Thanks for fixing that. I'm rather embarrassed that I didn't notice the issue there. --TheSandDoctor Talk 06:07, 10 April 2022 (UTC)
- Thanks @Faster than Thunder. That's an easy fix. I found the problem and fixed it (diff). Krinkle (talk) 14:45, 9 April 2022 (UTC)
- Making it display a reason.Faster than Thunder (talk) 17:09, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
Use Special:MyLanguage
[edit]Hello, could someone modify the link to Help page by Help page. I have enabled translation for WM:OP/H so it would be nice if user can see messages in their native language (if available). Special:MyLanguage should also be used for the other links on this page. Thanks in advance. Pamputt (talk) 22:00, 5 December 2022 (UTC)
- User:Pamputt: Sorry, this seems to have gone unnoticed for half a year. The message doesn't seem to contain a link to WM:OP/H? --MF-W 20:13, 21 May 2023 (UTC)
- Thank for your reply. I do not remember where this WM:OP/H is used. It was probably on another message. Pamputt (talk) 09:48, 22 May 2023 (UTC)