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List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Quotas

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This page is intended for defining quotas, reserved for various topics in the List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded.

The job is divided into three stages.

1. Fullfilled. The preliminary quotas were calcuated basing on 1000 articles list by the following procedure:

  • For every section in the expanded list a correponding section in the 1000 list was found.
  • The 'coefficient of growth' was calculated based on decimal logarithmic function. I.e. 1 article in 1000 list 'grows' to 7 articles in the expanded list; 10 articles grow to 80; 100 grows to 900; 1,000 grows to 10,000.
  • The number of articles in 1000 list were multiplied by the found coefficient, making a rough preliminary quota suggestion.
  • The 'corrected quota' column is reserved for quota correction, as mechanical multiplication gives sometimes an unballanced result. It has to be corrected manually after proper discussion.

2. Ongoing. The discussion of proposed quotas is necessary. There may be some conflicts over allocating this or that numbers to specific fields. What is even worse is changing quotas after the major work of list compiling is done: changing quotas will effect in cuts and shortages in target list. So proper discussion of quotas for different fields is vital. For now only numbers for 'People' section is discussed. Other sections need it too. Please, discuss any major changes to the discussed numbers in this list first.

3. Planned. Fine-tuning of quotas is necessary after the the list will be allmost ready for release in order to settle all the possible interdisciplinary conflicts.

Section Current article count Article count in 1000 list Quota based on 1000 list Proposed correction Corrected quota Comment
1 People 2000 204 1900 +100 2000 see Talk:List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded#Quotas/Big Talk Part 1: People
1.1 Entertainers 106 4 30 +70 100
1.1.1 Actors and Actresses 76 4 30 +40 70
1.1.2 Performing artists 40 0 0 +30 30
1.2 Visual artists 110 18 150 10 160
1.3 Writers 241 31 260 -20 240
1.4 Musicians and composers 150 21 170 -20 150
1.5 Criminals 4 0 0 5 5
1.6 Directors, producers & screenwriters 78 9 70 -10 60
1.7 Businesspeople 39 0 0 +40 40
1.8 Explorers 30 12 100 -70 30
1.9 Philosophers, historians, political and social scientists 197 26 220 +95 315 This section needs expansion. And no lawyers yet.
1.9.1 Philosophers 96 16 130 22 142
1.9.2 Historians 21 2 20 17 37
1.9.3 Economists 14 2 20 4 24
1.9.4 Linguists 7 1 10 4 14
1.9.5 Sociologists 13 1 10 4 14
1.9.6 Political writers 9 3 20 8 28
1.9.7 Psychologists 31 1 10 18 28
1.9.8 Anthropologists and cultural scientists 2 0 0 14 14
1.9.9 Art historians and critics 3 0 0 14 14
1.10 Religious figures 130 10 80 +50 130
1.11 Politicians and leaders 349 39 340 -40 300
1.12 Rebels, revolutionaries and activists 35 0 0 +30 30
1.13 Scientists, inventors and mathematicians 278 34 290 +10 300
1.13.1 Pre-modern 26 8 65 ' '
1.13.2 Physics and astronomy 78 12 100 ' '
1.13.3 Chemistry 22 1 10 ' '
1.13.4 Natural sciences 28 3 25 ' '
1.13.5 Inventors 56 4 35 ' '
1.13.6 Mathematicians 49 4 35 ' '
1.13.7 Computer scientists 19 2 20 ' '
1.14 Journalists 20 0 0 +30 30
1.15 Sports figures 179 0 0 +80 80
1.16 Mythical and legendary people 29 0 0 +15 15
1.17 Fictional characters 15 0 0 +15 15
2 History 800 45 390 +410 800 Roughly as important as geography. Some 300 taken from geography section.
2.1 Basics 63 1 10 +50 60
2.2 History by continent 9 0 0 +10 10
2.3 History by region 6 0 0 +10 10
2.4 History by country 101 0 0 +50 50
2.5 Prehistory and Ancient history 171 10 80 +110 190
2.6 Middle Ages 148 13 110 +50 160
2.7 Early modern history 93 3 20 +90 110
2.8 Modern history 209 18 150 +60 210
3 Geography 1000 146 1340 -340 1000 It was really big in 1000 list due to lots of countries and cities. Shouldn'd be scaled proportionally. Roughly as important as history. 300 moved to history.
3.1 Basics 48 11 90 -40 50
3.2 Physical geography 384 37 320 +80 400
3.3 Parks and preserves 40 0 0 +40 40
3.4 Cities 300 44 380 -800 300
3.5 Countries/territories 209 46 400 -200 200 Not all independent countries are vital.
3.6 Regions 19 8 60 -50 10 Not that many regions.
4 Arts 600 64 560 +40 600
4.1 Basics 1 4 30 -29 1
4.2 Architecture 122 21 170 -50 120
4.3 Literature 131 14 110 +20 130
4.4 Music 159 19 160 160
4.5 Performing arts 65 0 0 +70 70
4.6 Visual arts 122 6 50 +70 120
5 Philosophy and religion 350 38 330 +20 350
5.1 Philosophy 98 13 110 110
5.2 Religion and spiritualty 90 12 100 100
5.3 Specific religions 110 13 110 110
5.4 Esoterics, magic and mythology 52 0 0 +30 30
6 Anthropology, psychology and everyday life 800 101 910 -110 800 Cooking subsection is too big, can be reduced a bit. Not much to add to this section.
6.1 Anthropology 35 0 0 +40 40
6.2 Family and kinship 50 5 40 +10 50
6.3 Cooking, food and drink 152 31 260 -110 150
6.4 Household items 50 0 0 +50 50
6.5 Sexuality 20 0 0 +20 20
6.6 Stages of life 13 0 0 +10 10
6.7 Psychology 89 5 40 +50 90 Psychology is badly underrepresented.
6.8 Language 163 34 290 -130 160
6.9 Recreation: games and sports 181 20 170 +10 180
6.10 Timekeeping 27 6 50 -20 30
6.11 Colors 20 0 0 +20 20
7 Society and social sciences 900 70 620 +280 900 Social science needs major expansion.
7.1 Basics 20 3 20 20
7.2 Business and economics 97 10 80 +10 90
7.3 Culture 6 0 0 0
7.4 Education 108 0 0 +110 110
7.5 Organizations 162 18 150 +10 160
7.6 Law 69 2 10 +60 70
7.7 Mass media 86 5 40 +50 90
7.8 Museums 18 0 0 +20 20
7.9 Politics and government 195 23 190 +10 200
7.10 Society 41 5 40 40
7.11 Social sciences 9 0 0 +10 10
7.12 War and military 89 4 30 +60 90
8 Biology and health sciences 1100 119 1080 +20 1100
8.1 Basic 30 11 90 -60 30
8.2 Anatomy and Morphology 100 24 200 -100 100
8.3 Biochemistry 28 0 0 +30 30
8.4 Biological processes and Physiology 42 8 60 -10 50
8.5 Ecology 9 2 10 10
8.6 Organisms 650 39 340 +290 630
8.7 Animal breeding 29 0 0 +30 30
8.8 Health and fitness 26 0 0 +30 30
8.9 Medicine 106 35 300 -190 110
8.10 Disease 80 0 0 +80 80
9 Physical sciences 1350 118 1050 +300 1350 Science needs expansion.
9.1 Science 9 2 10 +10 20 new subspecialities appear all the time
9.2 Astronomy 268 22 180 +110 290 catch up with over-quota
9.3 Chemistry 362 27 230 +130 360 catch up with over-quota
9.4 Earth science 271 21 170 +90 260 catch up with over-quota
9.5 Physics 363 39 340 +30 370
9.6 Measurement 77 7 50 0 50
10 Technology 800 70 620 +180 800 Too many cars, but in general this section can be expanded and is quite unfinished.
10.1 Basics 50 6 50 50
10.2 Agriculture 50 3 20 +30 50
10.3 Construction 100 0 0 +100 100
10.4 Industry 70 11 90 -20 70
10.5 Machinery and tools 90 5 40 +50 90
10.6 Optical 30 0 0 +30 30
10.7 Electronics 40 9 70 -30 40
10.8 Navigation and timekeeping 20 0 0 +20 20
10.9 Information technology 90 12 100 -10 90
10.10 Media and communication 40 9 70 -30 40
10.11 Space 45 0 0 +40 40
10.? Textiles 0 0 0 0
10.12 Transportation 95 7 50 +50 100
10.13 Weapons 80 8 60 +20 80
11 Mathematics 300 25 210 +90 300
11.1 Basics 58
11.2 Algebra 39
11.3 Calculus and analysis 37
11.4 Discrete mathematics 21
11.5 Geometry 66
11.6 Other 34
11.7 Probability and statistics 45
TOTAL 10000 1000 9010 +990 10000