Leadership Definition
The Leadership Development Working Group published a draft definition in September 2022 and hosted a call for feedback. You can view the initial definition. The working group incorporated the feedback and drafted a revised definition which you will find below. This revised definition was published in October 2022.
We, the Leadership Development Working Group, have drafted a definition of leadership representing our members’ diverse community experiences and perspectives. We sought to formulate a definition that represents various contexts and cultures and reflects the values of the Wikimedia movement. It will guide our plans for implementing leadership in the movement and might serve you as a set of suggestions for your own efforts in this direction.
Broad overarching definition
Leadership can be understood as the ability to guide, inspire, build autonomy, encourage and motivate a group of people towards a shared goal or common vision.
Leadership is multifaceted: it manifests differently depending on linguistic and socio-cultural contexts.
Leadership is a collective effort: While the skills and qualities of the individual are a prerequisite, the way a group of people work together, take decisions and distribute responsibility is key to reaching a common goal or vision.
In the Wikimedia movement, the idea of Leadership may follow a decentralized approach of autonomous contribution, including but not limited to non-traditional forms of decision-making and inclusion of marginalized groups. In that sense, a “leader” is a person, position or group that takes the initiative to contribute to a specific cause.
Three categories through which leadership could be further qualified
1. Actions of leaders
- Facilitating the setting of a shared vision through careful thought, discussion and decision-making.
- Guiding and supporting collaborative decision-making for the community to create shared strategies to achieve their vision.
- Contributing to a supportive environment for community members to bring forth creative ideas and new ways of doing things.
- Generating and retaining trust within the community through transparency, inclusivity and autonomy of the group.
- Inspiring, encouraging and motivating community members to experiment and take reasonably justified risks.
- Identifying and, if possible, removing obstructions, ensuring they do not become a barrier to others.
- Seeking to understand the skills and interests of other community members to support the use of their strengths best, creating a motivating environment.
2.Qualities of leaders
- Resilience: Ability to push through difficulties and challenges by reassessing strategies, changing methods and/or slowing down.
- Steady growth: Willingness to try new ways of doing things and learn from mistakes made along the way.
- Integrity: Adherence to agreed-upon values and norms.
- Focus: Balancing the community’s needs with long-term and short-term goals, integrating consensus on the approach to achieve these goals.
- Courage: Willingness to take calculated risks, not being afraid of making mistakes. Shielding community members who are in the process of learning from their failures. Promoting other people’s success.
- Empathy: Ability to sense emotions, needs and desires of others and to (re-)act sensibly.
- Accountability: Accepting responsibility for a set of duties; being mindful of time, place and persons related to those duties.
- Effective Communication: Ability to listen to understand, and share necessary information through the appropriate channels, making sure the information is received and understood with clarity and purpose.
3.Outcomes achieved because of leadership
- People feel safe to discuss mistakes and reflect on shortcomings in a constructive and empathetic way.
- People feel valued, respected, and listened too.
- People suggest new ideas and maintain a curious spirit.
- People develop and achieve a common goal.
How to make sense of the “leadership” definition
What is the intention and background of the definition?
Our goal was to find agreement and aspects of similarity in how we – members of different communities and regions – view, experience, and aim for leadership. We believe a unified view fosters alignment in the movement. So far, the movement has mainly grown out of many individual or local efforts, each in their own way, according to their knowledge of local circumstances (social, political, economical, cultural, etc). Through this effort, we have built something impressive, a mixture of bazaars and cathedrals that somehow work together. Though we have come far, the effort has been mostly separate. With this in mind, the Leadership Development Working Group is making a concerted effort to compare notes---so to speak---about the leadership process across the Wikimedia movement.
The definition is intended to clarify how effective leadership in the movement generally exists, and how it exists differently than in non-Wiki contexts (for instance, corporate leadership). To connect the definition with leadership theory, the theories that the draft definition is most influenced by are: Servant Leadership, Shared Leadership, Collaborative Leadership. In the definition, we explain that leadership in the movement is a collective, shared endeavor. While “leadership” can refer to one person, it does not have to and in our movement, we tend to view leadership in the collective sense. We revised the definition based on feedback to explicitly emphasize collective leadership, meaning groups of people leading.
Our intention is not to introduce a novel definition but to try to make explicit the kinds of leadership qualities, actions, and outcomes our movement values and aspires too. We hoped to identify what leadership looks like within our movement and then put that knowledge to use so that potential leaders and emerging communities don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Universality or culturally determined - what does this definition address?
We recognize that leadership can surface in different ways depending on context and situation. This is addressed directly in the definition.
We considered the specificity of the definition and drafted it to be broad enough to be used by various individuals and groups. We recognize that leadership initiatives will take place on a local level and do not believe that a definition can truly be universal. We aimed however to create a shared definition that can act as a movement-wide guide and enable cross-sharing of learnings across communities.
How can the definition be used?
We do not want to be prescriptive about how the definition is used. The use of this definition is not a demand but a recommendation and aspiration for better movement-wide coordination and alignment about how we view, value and develop leadership. It is also not a static definition. We expect it will evolve and improve with new movement insights and experiences.
The definition can be used to kickstart or prioritize conversations about leadership and community building; guide the design of leadership development initiatives; hold existing or emerging leadership accountable; and improve current leadership processes.
Next are some examples of how the definition can be used, including example reflection questions. (These are suggestions and do not represent a comprehensive list):
- You are seeking a grant for a new capacity building project: use it to help guide your project’s design and evaluation
- Ask: what are the best strategies to develop the qualities outlined in the leadership definition? Is the project addressing relevant and necessary leadership skills in your community?
- You are forming a new user group or project: use it to construct a “job description” of the group or project’s leaders; use it to determine group agreements, values, and culture; or use it to inspire discussion about what would help improve group collaboration and communication.
- Ask: how can we create a culture that embodies leadership qualities of collaborative design-making, trust, and accountability? What kind of leadership outcomes signal that we are working successfully? What do we value in our group or project’s leadership? What kind of leadership do we want to represent and show to others? What challenges do we face in acting according to the leadership qualities?
- You are an event or campaign organizer: use it as a reflection guide about your skills and impact as an organizer; or use it to reflect on your participants’ needs
- Ask: how can I improve my abilities as an organizer who enables participants to create and experiment? How can I host an event that inspires participants to continue contributing to Wikipedia after the event?
- You are an on-wiki functionary: use it to hold yourself and others accountable
- Ask: am I modelling leadership qualities of empathy and creating safety when I engage with others? Am I contributing to a supportive environment? Are there ways I can improve my leadership abilities or improve others’ leadership abilities?
- You are an affiliate leader: use it to improve pathways and processes for supporting, evaluating, and recognizing leaders; use it to assess your organization’s skill sets and skill gaps; or use it to align your organization’s leadership with the values, culture, and mission with the broader movement.
- Ask: how do we support the development of leadership qualities? Which qualities, actions, and outcomes do we prioritize as an affiliate? How can we recognize leaders within our affiliate who demonstrate our priority leadership qualities? How do we change our recruitment strategy to recruit for certain leadership qualities?
- You are a new volunteer and want to become a community leader: use it to guide your skill development
- Ask: where can I demonstrate leadership? How can I improve my skills? Who can I get feedback from about the impact of my actions?
Community groups are welcome to use this definition how they see fit. We continue to welcome insights about how the definition is used, how it is contextually altered, and how it might be improved.
What is next for LDWG?
The LDWG plans to use this definition to inform a leadership development plan, which aims to determine practical actions and processes for leadership development Our hope is that the leadership definition and forthcoming leadership development plan can provide greater clarity, coordination and mobilization of leadership development initiatives.
In the upcoming months, LDWG will be looking into the leadership initiatives and needs that exist in the movement and begin drafting a leadership development plan that looks at leadership development priorities, pathways and structures. You can read more in the updates published each month.
![]() | このページではリーダー開発計画(以下の略称LDP※)の概要をご紹介しており、文責はリーダー開発ワーキングにあります。LDP全文はこちらをご参照下さい。(※=Leadership Development Plan) |

リーダー開発計画はウィキメディア運動のあちこちにいる新進および既存のリーダーにとって、自分自身や他の人の成長を期待する実用的なリソースです。その目的は効果的なリーダー像の表面化と奨励を進め、成長させることにあります。協働とコミュニティ協議を1年間重ね、リーダーシップ開発ワーキング グループ – グローバルで多様なコミュニティのワーキング・グループとして運動戦略勧告の「技能とリーダーシップ開発への投資」に対応 – がリーダーの定義を公表し、このたびはリーダー開発計画案を担当しました。私たち自身もボランティアですから、皆さんの時間がいかに貴重で限られているかが身にしみており、リソースを作成するからには利便性が良くて実用的、柔軟なものを目指しました。このリソースはリーダー開発に役立つツール、原理、推奨事項で構成されています。執筆にあたり、グローバルで、なおかつウィキメディア運動を横断する視点(レンズ)を用いており、皆さんにはぜひそれぞれの文脈に適合させローカライズするようにお勧めしています。
- 第1部:リーダーという存在の役割と技能を理解: この部ではウィキメディア運動におけるリーダーの概要を説明し共有します。リーダーの定義、リーダーの役割と技能を示すフレームワークに加え、リーダー技能の自己評価の方法です。
- 第2部:リーダーの置かれた状況をナビゲートする: この部ではリーダーが一般に経験するテーマと状況をいくつか紹介します。そういう状況をどうナビゲートするか(対処)、概要を説明し具体的な提案を共有するものです。
- 第3部:リーダー開発イニシアティブを始める:この部は、リーダー開発の取り組みを段階ごとに作成するガイドです。テンプレートやツール類は、イニシアティブの定義と開発、提供に役立ちます。
- 定義:有効なリーダー像とは「共通の目標や理想に向かって人々のグループを導き、鼓舞し、自律性を築き、奨励し、やる気を起こさせる能力」を意味します。リーダーの資質と行動を示すこと、つまり共感、信頼構築、他者の成長が実現するように支える環境を作り出す能力などを意味します。立場や経験値に関係なく、これらのスキル(技能)と資質は誰でも達成できるし発揮でき、ウィキメディア運動のどの場所にいるどのリーダーにとっても必要なものです。
リーダー技能の構成図 - リーダーの技能:リーダーの技能とは、他者を励まし動機付け、成長させるソフトな技能の一式のことです(soft skills)。ソフトな技能が意味するものは、個人の特質と社会人としての技量を問われます。これらと対象的なハードな技能とは異なり、後者(hard skills)は技術や管理、タスク固有または役割固有の技能を指します[1]。リーダーが効果的に働くにはこれらの両方が求められるものの、このリソースではリーダー(ソフト)技能に焦点を当てて、それらの技能はウィキメディアでリーダーが現れる文脈なら、分担する役割や責任範囲に関係なく関連があると主張しています。リーダーの定義に基づくなら、これらのリーダーの技能には勇気、回復力、集中力、説明責任など内面の資質が含まれます。さらにまた対外的な行動として信頼の構築、共有するビジョンの設定、協調的な意思決定の指導などが対象です。 リーダー技能の図(画像参照)には、ウィキメディアのリーダー技能を一覧にしてあります(全体像ではない)。
- リーダーの役割:ウィキメディア運動では、リーダーの役割はさまざまな状況で現れ、各リーダーは公認であっても非公認でも、さまざまな役割を果たします。運動のどこにどのようなリーダーの役割が現れるか、私たちは状況ごとにどんな役割があるか、リストを特定して理解を共有できるようにしました。この一覧は網羅するためでも規範のためでもなく、重複したり目に見えない役割が多数あることを認めた上で組んだものです。
状況 | 役割(サンプル) |
公認の提携団体、非公認のグループ |
オンウィキの拡張された権限類 |
拡張権限を任された人(管理者、ビューロクラット、スチュワード、チェックユーザーその他) |
組織統治委員会 |
委員会の委員(提携団体委員会、地域助成金委員会、理事会、運動憲章起草委員会その他) |
運営陣 |
Program and Projects |
Community Facilitation |
Mentorship |
Capacity Building |
- Skills assessment: based on the leadership definition and skills, the Leadership Skills Assessment is a tool you can readily use to self-assess and reflect on your leadership strengths and areas for improvement.
- Burnout and managing stress: Burnout, a syndrome resulting from “chronic workplace stress,”[2] is characterized by a decline in psychological, emotional, and physical well-being intensified by feelings of hopelessness.[3] In the Wikimedia movement, burnout is a relevant issue for leaders, both in managing their own risks of burnout as well as those of colleagues. The section shares a few examples of Wikimedia initiatives addressing burnout as well as strategies for navigating and discussing burnout.
- Encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion in leadership: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are terms that refer to how power is distributed in any setting where human interactions take place. Diversity refers to the physical presence or representation of individuals with different backgrounds, identities, and experiences. Inclusion is the involvement of individuals and groups, particularly those who are excluded or prevented from using their voice, in policies, practices, and decision-making. Equity is about just treatment and fair access or distribution of resources for individuals and groups; it is the effort of transforming social, political, and economic systems of oppression and injustice. The section shares a few examples of Wikimedia initiatives addressing DEI as well as strategies for encouraging and discussing it.
- Toxic or ineffective leadership: Toxic or ineffective leadership refers to individuals or groups who have responsibility over a group or organization and abuses the leader-follower relationship.[4] There are common traits to identify toxic leadership, such as possessing unrealistic expectations and dishonesty, acting in self-serving ways, and having a dependency on hierarchies. The section shares examples of the impact of such leadership and includes recommended strategies and tools for approaching toxic or ineffective leadership in oneself and others.
- Self-assessment and continuous learning: Self-assessment and continuous learning help leaders grow their capacities to lead. They allow you to routinely gain new knowledge and skills to adapt and improve the ways you support your communities. The section shares information about when to perform self-assessments as well as methods to do so, including 360-degree feedback, reflection journals, and creating personalized assessments based on your specific learning goals.
- Passing on knowledge and mentorship: When experienced leaders make efforts to capture and share knowledge, they ensure lessons are retained and prepare future leaders. There are several ways to pass on knowledge, including establishing onboarding processes, using knowledge-sharing platforms, and mentorship. To highlight one method, mentorship is a key and common way that knowledge is transferred in the Wikimedia movement. The section shares examples of mentorship and further resources to explore.
リーダー開発イニシアティブには取り掛かりたいけど、どこから始めたら良いか知りたいですか? あるいはメンター(指導役)あるいはトレーナーとして実績があるんだけど、内容の文書化や学んだことを他の人と共有する時間がないとか? これにうなずいた人なら、この節がきっとお役に立ちます。ここではリーダー開発イニシアティブ作成のプロセスを共有しますので、プログラムやワークショップ、ガイドブックその他の形式を問わず参照してください。当ガイドでは取り組みの焦点と対象者の定義、資料の準備、取り組みの実施、その後のフォローアップの手順を説明します。それぞれ次の段階で進めます。
- 定義する:イニシアティブの定義とはすべての側面を明確にする作業で、対象者、成果、内容、形式、リソース、プロジェクト計画などが含まれます。この段階ではリーダー開発キャンバスを案内しますので、記入をおすすめします。他にもツールがあり、取り組み内容を決定するならリーダー開発過程の例(シラバス例)や、提供の形式を決定するなら学習の提供形式選択用ツール などです。
- 準備する:イニシアティブを定義したら、発信の準備をします。これには財源や人材の確保、教材の開発、参加者の募集などが含まれます。ウィキメディア財団からの助成金に関する申請ガイドラインや、チームにどんな人材が必要かノベルには職務内容の説明用テンプレートなどのツールが使えます。
- 配信する:次はイニシアティブの配信です。同時進行型のイニシアティブ※1なら、みなさんが作った教材を学習者が体験する瞬間です。非同期型の場合はこの時点で(教材を)公開します。オンラインでグループを主導する方法や、テキパキと司会進行する※3ヒント など、ツールを探しましょう。(※:1=synchronous initiatives。2=asynchronous initiatives。3=facilitation)
- フォローアップ:皆さんのリーダーのイニシアティブ(取り組み)の完了後も、せっかくの勢いを保つことが重要で、学習ネットワークの構築、評価、次回に向けた取り組みの改善、学んだ内容の共有をしましょう。学びの共有に事例集を使う説明や、参加者から洞察を得るのに使える評価アンケートのサンプルなど、ツールを探してみてください。
- ↑ The importance of soft skills: Education beyond academic knowledge - Schulz, B. (2008)(シュルツ、B. (2008)「ソフトなスキルの重要性:学術知識を超えた教育」)
- ↑ Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases
- ↑ Preventing Burnout - Effective Activist
- ↑ Toxic leadership - Strategies for Managing Change