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This page is a translated version of the page Knowledge Equity Fund and the translation is 50% complete.
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該試點計劃植根於我們的維基媒體策略方向——「知識平權」於 2017年出現,是我們實現2030年策略願景的兩大重點支柱之一。「知識平權」指出了我們不能實現免費知識——如果當中存在了社會或經濟障礙,阻止某些人分享和貢獻知識的能力。有了這個重點基金,我們將投資於致力解決世界各地種族偏見和不平等問題的組織——目標是為自由知識創造一個更具包容性和代表性的未來。



2020年6月,美國(the United States)的喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)遇害事件引發了全球60多個國家對種族不公的抗議。在這些持續的全球抗議之後,維基媒體基金會做出了幾項的明確承諾,作為基金會通過增加支持和投資來推進種族正義——這是我們維基媒體運動對知識平權的更大承諾的一部分。作為這些承諾的一部分,知識平權基金於2020年底創建,其重點是解決世界各地黑人、原住民和有色人種社群面臨的自由知識障礙。

與此同時,我們認識到這是我們作為維基媒體運動無法單獨完成的工作——例如 ,當邊緣化社群的學術和大眾媒體代表仍然不足時,我們的項目只能有限度進行,這限制了我們用來建立的引文和主要來源。知識平權基金旨在向我們運動之外的組織提供贈款——這將使我們能夠建立一個強大的自由知識合作夥伴生態系統,致力於解決知識平權的障礙。該基金是一個試點項目,我們將繼續迭代基金的結構和目標。

The Knowledge Equity Fund is a pilot program, and we will be continuing to iterate on the structure and goals of the Fund. In January 2023 it was announced that we would move the remainder of the Fund from Tides Advocacy back into the Foundation. This will allow for increased clarity around structure, finances, and decision-making related to the Fund. This was completed in June 2023. The Fund was created in 2020 and former and ongoing grants are all given from the initial fund; to date, no additional funding has been added to the Equity Fund.



Achieving racial equity involves proactive efforts to identify and dismantle systemic barriers and structures that perpetuate inequality. It requires rectifying past and ongoing injustices and to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, have equitable access to rights, opportunities, and outcomes.




In its initial iteration, the Knowledge Equity Fund was weighted towards Foundation support. Having received feedback from community members about increased transparency and visibility into the Knowledge Equity Fund, we increased community participation and invited grantee nominations as we moved into our second round.

Recommendations and suggestions for Round 2 grantees was made through an intake form made available on Google Forms and LimeSurvey. Thank you to those that have submitted recommendations: we have received 41 suggestions that we evaluated as part of the second round.