ウィキメディア財団の知識公平性基金(Knowledge Equity Fund)は当財団が2020年に新設した予算規模4.5百万アメリカドルの基金であり、受託者は財団外部の組織であり、知識の公平性を支持し無償の知識へのアクセスと参画を阻害する人種格差に警鐘を鳴らすことをその趣旨とします。
2020年6月にアメリカ合衆国でジョージ・フロイド氏が殺害されたことを契機に、世界の60超の国や地域で人種の不平等に抗議の声があがりました。グローバルにこれらの声が続くなか、ウィキメディア財団は数回にわたり人種の公平性を進めるため、支援と投資の拡大に明白に取り組み、これは財団として、私たちのウィキメディア運動が巨視的に取り組む知識の公平性という大枠の一部として位置付けられます。その努力の一環として人種の公平性と知識の公義の間に横たわる切っても切れない関係を認識し、同2020年の後半に目的特定型の知識公平性基金を創設しました。 この基金は無償の知識に対し、世界の黒人や先住民族、抑圧されたり疎外された人種コミュニティが経験する障壁に対処することを目指します。
At the same time, we acknowledge this is work that we as a movement cannot do alone. Our projects can only do so much when, for example, academic and mass media representation of marginalized communities remains insufficient, which in turn limits citations and primary/secondary sources for us to build from. The Knowledge Equity Fund is designed to provide grants to organizations outside of our movement, and, where possible, facilitate links and partnerships with organizations inside the movement. This will allow us to build a robust ecosystem of free knowledge partners working to address the barriers to knowledge equity.
The Knowledge Equity Fund is a pilot program, and we will be continuing to iterate on the structure and goals of the Fund. In January 2023 it was announced that we would move the remainder of the Fund from Tides Advocacy back into the Foundation. This will allow for increased clarity around structure, finances, and decision-making related to the Fund. This was completed in June 2023. The Fund was created in 2020 and former and ongoing grants are all given from the initial fund; to date, no additional funding has been added to the Equity Fund.
Achieving racial equity involves proactive efforts to identify and dismantle systemic barriers and structures that perpetuate inequality. It requires rectifying past and ongoing injustices and to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, have equitable access to rights, opportunities, and outcomes.
Racial equity aims to promote consistent and sustained repair for non-White, non-US and non-Eurocentric communities and communities that continue to experience harm due to racism and other systems of oppressions across the world. It includes authentic and intersectional, racial, ethnic and/or caste demographic representation that promotes sustained and consistent participation of people from oppressed communities around the world.
- Dimensions of Racism, OHCHR and UNESCO
- Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture, Equity in the Center
第2ラウンドの受給者推薦と提案は、グーグルフォーム形式で申請書式を整え、ライムサーベイ上で募集しました(Google Forms、LimeSurvey)。推薦状を提出してくださった皆さんに厚く御礼申し上げます。第2ラウンドでは総計41件を審査にかけました。