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IRC office hours/ja

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ウィキメディア財団ないしはウィキメディア地域・国別協会職員がオンラインで開催するIRCセッションを開室時間 (office hours) と称しています。これはウィキディア・コミュニティの皆さんから質問をしたり、チャットルームを運営する職員へのフィードバックを寄せる機会です。通常は特に決まった議題はありません。またチャットルームの管理人のほかに司会役の人が参加し、質問の回答順や話題の進行を補佐することがあります。





チャットルームの参加が初めてなら、ソフトウェアをインストールする代わりに、ウェブクライアントを利用すると便利です。参加は、次のサイトで "connect" をクリック -> #wikimedia-officeconnect、ハンドル名を聞かれたら入力します。セキュリティの警告メッセージに同意を求められると予想してください。

コンピュータにインストールして使用するチャット用の IRC ソフトウェアに関しては、ウィキペディアの記事もしくはMeta にある IRC に関する記事を参照してください。IRC ソフトウェアを使用中でしたら、フリーノードのネットワークで、チャネルは#wikimedia-officeconnect です。



もし「開室時間」をホストする場合は、あらかじめ経験者の意見をまとめたa few tipsに目を通しておくことを推奨します。もしこのガイドダインに更新したほうがよい箇所があれば、議論のページで提案を!

準定例の IRC 開室時間のミーティング




Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2018-01-10 19:30 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erika Bjune Open Web Application Security Project

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2018-01-9 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Wikimedia Developer Summit Office Hours

過去の開催 (ログは準備中)

  1. このページを編集
    • 主催するミーティングのテンプレートを#Office hour logs節へ移動。
    • 命名を{{Upcoming office hour}}から{{Completed office hour}}に変更。
    • 保存
  2. 主催するミーティングの日付リンクをクリックするとその下位ページへ移動。もし存在しなければ下位ページを作成。
    • 主催するミーティング近辺の時間帯をthe automated log (自動化ログ) から検索、必要な部分をコピー。
    • 主催するミーティングのチャットルームの IRC ログを<poem>タグで挟む。
    • ログをCategory:IRC office hours logsおよび関連分野にカテゴリ付けする。
    • サンプルは過去の#Office hour logsを参照。
    • ミーティング開催に meetbot を利用した場合は、ウィき形式で出力してこのページに貼れます。



Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2017-01-05 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) and Lea Lacroix (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-02-01 19:00 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase February 2017

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2017-02-09 19:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand techtalk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-03-01 19:00 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase March 2017

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-03-15 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Architecture Committee High level mobile frontend requirements & plans (Hangout if participating, YouTube stream if watching or Hangout full)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-04-05 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase April 2017

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-05-03 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase May 2017

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2017-05-26 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Jaime Anstee Wikimedia Movement Strategy for Discussion Coordinators

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2017-05-30 14:30 UTC until 15:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Nicole Ebber, Suzie Nussel Wikimedia Movement Strategy for Discussion Coordinators

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2017-10-04 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Jean-Rene Branaa Technical Debt SIG

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2017-10-31 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: Selenium tests in Node.js (mw:Selenium/Node.js/Write, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T173488 )



Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-01-14 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Caitlin Virtue WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-01-14 21:30 UTC until 22:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Krinkle Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-01-21 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2016-01-25 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Pine Wikimedia instructional video IEG project

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2016-02-08 16:30 UTC until 17:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand Tech Talk: A Hands-on Estimation Exercise, With Discussion

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-02-16 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect James forrester, Jaime Anstee, Edward Galvez, María Cruz and other team members TBD The newly integrated team (Program Capacity and Learning), proposed projects, focus areas and criteria to prioritize work.

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-02-25 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Amanda Bittaker WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2016-02-29 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand Tech Talk: Automated citations in Wikipedia: Citoid and the technology behind it - relevant link: mw:Citoid/Zotero's Tech Talk

Office Hours with Language Team Google Hangout and #wikimedia-officeconnect 20160302T140000Z 20160302T150000Z

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-03-02 14:00 UTC until 15:00 UTC Google Hangout and #wikimedia-officeconnect Language Team Office Hour and Google Hangout online round table session

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2016-03-18 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand TechTalk: New readership data: Some things we've been learning recently about how Wikipedia is read

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-03-22 18:30 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand TechTalk: WMF Community Dynamics

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-03-31 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Trevor Parscal WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-04-12 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2016-04-18 17:00 UTC until 17:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand (WMF) Tech Talk: UX Prototype Labs: Understanding Wikipedia Readers

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-04-20 21:30 UTC until 22:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Wikimedia Architecture Committee (ArchCom) RFC Meeting: Shadow namespaces (see Phab:E162 for details)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-04-28 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rob Lanphier WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-05-12 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase May 2016.

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-05-26 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Danny Horn WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-05-26 19:00 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Katherine Maher Wikimedia Foundation interim Executive Director May 2016 office hours

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-06-01 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase June 2016.

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2016-06-17 23:00 UTC until 00:00 UTC Blue Jeans and #wikimedia-officeconnect Global Reach Team LATAM Office Hours

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-06-30 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Caitlin Caogdill WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-07-06 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase July 2016.

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2016-07-08 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2016-07-28 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Chuck Roslof WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-08-03 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase August 2016

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-09-07 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase September 2016

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-09-06 23:00 UTC until 00:00 UTC Google Hangouts and #wikimedia-officeconnect Global Reach Team Latin America Office Hours - Discussion about Wikipedia Zero

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-09-27 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Wikidata team (Lydia Pintscher, Léa Lacroix) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-10-05 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase October 2016

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-10-19 14:00 UTC until 15:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Legal Terms of use/Creative Commons 4.0

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-11-02 18:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase November 2016

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-11-09 19:30 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Wikimedia Developer Summit Program committee First meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2016-11-15 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect rfarrand TechTalk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2016-12-07 19:00 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso CREDIT showcase December 2016



Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-01-06 18:30 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-01-15 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Katherine Maher WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-02-05 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Asaf Bartov and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-03-05 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-03-23 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Quim Gil GSoC

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-03-23 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lila Tretikov Wikimedia Foundation v. National Security Agency

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-03-25 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-ectconnect Quim Gil and Niharika GSoC and Outreachy IRC meet

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-03-31 16:00 UTC until 17:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata (current development, Freebase, admin activity criteria and more)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-04-08 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-04-14 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: The state of Team Health across Wikimedia Engineering

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-04-15 19:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Remoties Brown Bag

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-05-14 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Graphs Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-06-11 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Terence Gilbey WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-06-15 22:00 UTC until 23:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: Kanban

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2015-06-19 16:00 UTC until 17:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-07-02 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rosemary Rein WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-08-06 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Praveena Maharaj WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-08-18 19:30 UTC until 18:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-08-20 17:30 UTC until 18:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-08-24 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso Reading Showcase (YouTube stream)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-08-26 16:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Chris Schilling
Winifred Olliff
Reimagining WMF grants

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-09-01 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Spage (WMF) APIs and the mw.org namespace (T110108)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-09-03 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Praveena Maharaj WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-09-21 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso Reading Showcase

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-09-23 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) Wikidata

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-09-24 15:30 UTC until 16:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Niharika and 9 GSoC / Outreachy developers GSoC and Outreachy wrap-up showcase

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-10-01 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Frances Hocutt WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2015-10-23 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Licensing Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-10-28 19:05 UTC until 19:55 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso Discovery & Reading Showcase (YouTube stream)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Friday 2015-10-30 18:15 UTC until 19:15 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Andrew Otto E86: EventBus RFC

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-11-02 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: Nothing Left but Always Right: The Twisted Road to RTL Support (YouTube stream)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-11-03 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: The making of a MediaWiki skin (YouTube stream)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-11-05 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Jake Orlowitz WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-11-16 19:30 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Adam Baso Discovery & Reading Showcase (YouTube stream)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-11-19 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect GDubuc (WMF) Reconnecting with the shared hosting community (T113210)

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2015-12-03 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Roan Kattouw WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2015-12-15 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2015-12-16 22:00 UTC until 23:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect RobLa-WMF WikiDev '16 Agenda Bashing

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-12-21 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect GDubuc (WMF) Shared hosting technical alternatives

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2015-12-21 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect GDubuc (WMF) Shared hosting support definition



Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-02-26 19:30 UTC until 20:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect WMF Research & Data Research and Data Showcase

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-03-06 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Howie Fung WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-03-20 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Mark Holmquist WMF free software advocacy group

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2014-03-11 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Engineering Community Team GSoC and FOSS OPW

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-04-03 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-04-03 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Mark Holmquist and Greg Grossmeier WMF Free Software Advocacy Group meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-06-18 20:00 UTC until 21:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Greg Grossmeier MediaWiki Release Management RFP: Q&A with applicants

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-07-31 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-09-04 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Wikimedia Program Evaluation Global Metrics

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-09-04 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-09-10 14:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Wikimedia Program Evaluation Setting Goals and Targets, a follow up to the virtual event.

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-09-10 21:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Andrew Green Data mapper and Dependency injection RFCs

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-09-11 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Wikimedia Program Evaluation Global Metrics

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-09-17 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Annual Plan Grants/FDC staff Grants:APG/Information

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-10-02 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2014-10-06 15:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Jaime Anstee (WMF) (talk) Round II of Data Collection

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2014-10-06 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand (WMF) Tech talk: The Dashboarding Problem

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2014-10-07 00:00 UTC until 02:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Jaime Anstee (WMF) (talk) Round II of Data Collection

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2014-10-13 15:00 UTC until 17:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Jaime Anstee (WMF) (talk) Round II of Data Collection

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-10-16 00:00 UTC until 02:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Jaime Anstee (WMF) (talk) Round II of Data Collection

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-10-16 16:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC #wikimedia-pedconnect Jaime Anstee (WMF) (talk) Round II of Data Collection

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-10-22 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: Design Research in Product Development

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-10-22 01:030 UTC until 03:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: Exploratory Testing for Complex Software; Lessons from Cloud Foundry

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2014-11-03 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC YouTube and #wikimedia-officeconnect Lila FDC

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Monday 2014-11-03 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk: The MediaWiki Content Translation Extension

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-11-06 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Wednesday 2014-11-12 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimediaconnect Guillaume Paumier File metadata cleanup drive

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-11-13 04:00 UTC until 05:00 UTC #wikimediaconnect Guillaume Paumier File metadata cleanup drive

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Tuesday 2014-11-25 18:30 UTC until 19:30 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rfarrand (WMF) Bryan & Dan [What's New with MediaWiki-Vagrant?]

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-12-04 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Erik Möller and Gayle Young WMF Metrics Meeting

Day Date Time Location With Topic(s)
Thursday 2014-12-11 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Rachel Farrand Tech Talk



The dates here usually link to wiki pages into which someone has pasted the log of the meeting. An IRC bot automatically stores "raw" logs of the wikimedia-office channel as plain text here. This tool can also be used for viewing the logs and converting to wikitext.





















