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A Wikimédia Alapítvány Kuratóriumának története

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This page is a translated version of the page History of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees and the translation is 31% complete.

A Wikimédia Alapítvány Kuratóriuma kezeli és felügyeli a nonprofit adományok elosztását. A Kuratórium a Wikimédia Alapítvány teljes jogú felügyeleti szerve (lásd: a belső szabályzat negyedik cikkelyének első bekezdése)

A Kuratórium felülbírálhatja az Alapítvány tevékenységét, valamint módosíthatja a belső szabályzatot (hatos cikkely). A Kuratórium jogköreinek és működésének részletes leírását itt olvashatod.

A Kuratórium hat tagból áll: a Jimbo Wales melletti öt tagot a közösség választja meg; ők a közösség és külső fejvadászok segítségével négy további tagot választanak maguk mellé (ők nem feltétlenül a közösség tagjai). A Kuratórium összesen tizenegy főből állhat (nem minden pozíció betöltött).

Ez a lap elsősorban a Kuratórium korábbi tevékenységeit listázza. Friss hírekért és megbeszélésekért látogass el a Kuratóriumi portálra, amely a mostani tevékenységeket és a bizottságokat írja le; üzenni nekik a Kuratóriumi üzenőfalon tudsz, állásfoglalást pedig itt kérhetsz.

A jelenlegi kuratórium


Az első kuratórium: 2003

Board of Trustees original members

A Kuratórium három alapítója Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell és Michael Davis.

Az Alapítvány 2003-ban jött létre három kurátorral, majd a tervek szerint a közösség segítésére őket két további személy egészítette volna ki.

=== 2004 június – 2005 június

A két további pozíció betöltőit 2004 júniusában wikiközi szavazással választották meg. A szavazáson bárki részt vehetett, akinek első szerkesztése 90 nappal a voksolás előtt volt.

A kezdeti kuratórium (négyes cikkely, 2.2-es bekezdés) három Bomis-partnerből és két másik Wikipédistából állt:

Board #2: July 2005 – September 2006

Board at Wikimania 2006 (August 2006), from left to right, Tim Shell, Florence Nibart-Devouard, Jimmy Wales, Michael Davis, Angela Beesley.

The first Board of Trustees changed the duration of the two elections position from one to two years. The notion of volunteer user representative and contributor user representative were dropped. This election was open to all active users who had made their first edit on any Wikimedia project at least 90 days before they voted. It took place directly on the website. See Elections for the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, 2005 for more information.

The second elections took place in June–July 2005 and resulted in the two members' representatives being re-elected. Positions within the board were changed as followed:

In July 2006, Angela Beesley announced her resignation, effective September 2006. In August 2006, Tim Shell announced his plan to resign in the near future.

Board #3: September 2006 – November 2006

The third Board had a very short duration, and was characterized by a strong reorganization. Erik Möller was elected as Angela Beesley's replacement and joined the Board on September 26 (resolution). His term was set up to expire on July 18, 2007, as he was simply completing Angela's term. The changed board was as follows:

On 28 October 2006, the board was reorganized. A major change was the replacement of Jimmy Wales by Florence Nibart-Devouard as chair. Positions on the Board were changed as below:

This Board decided on the expansion of its membership, the replacement of Tim Shell, a change of term duration of elected members, and the removal of lifelong term for Jimmy Wales. To limit the risk of a huge trusteeship turnover in June 2007 (where Florence, Erik, and the future two additional trustees term is due), it was decided that Florence would be appointed from June 2007 till June 2008.

Board #4: December 2006 – July 2007

The Board was expanded according to the Resolution:Board expansion. Consequently three new members were appointed on 8 December: one to replace Tim Shell, who stepped down effective 15 December 2006, and two as the result of expansion. After this expansion, four trustees were effectively elected, while three are "appointed". Terms of appointment were thenceforth one year, elected, two years. The two appointed trustees, Kat Walsh and Oscar van Dillen, made it numbers 2 and 3 at the September 2006 board elections.

Members were:

Terms of members ended:

Board #5: July 2007 – February 2008

New elections occur in June 2007, at the term of which Erik Möller and Kat Walsh were re-elected and were on the Board until the 2009 elections. Oscar van Dillen's seat was taken by Frieda Brioschi. In October 2007, Florence Nibart-Devouard (chair), Jan-Bart de Vreede (vice chair), Erik Möller (secretary) were reconfirmed in their positions.

Members were:

Board #6: February 2008 – June 2008

Erik Möller and Michael Davis resigned from their positions. Michael Snow and Domas Mituzas joined the Board (Mituzas became secretary). Stuart West was appointed as Treasurer on 21 April.

Members were:

Board #7: July 2008 – September 2008

After the 2008 Board elections, a new trustee, Ting Chen was elected to replace Florence Nibart-Devouard, whose term as the chair had expired; Michael Snow was appointed the new Board chairman during the 2008 Wikimania, to remain chair until the Wikimedia Chapters appointed their own trustees. Arne Klempert became an affiliate-nominated trustee. Frieda Brioschi resigned in September.

Members were:

Board #8: October 2008 – July 2009

After the 2008 Board restructuring, in May 2009 WMF chapters selected and the board approved the appointment of Michael Snow and Arne Klempert.

Members were:

Board #9: August 2009 – March 2010

Kat Walsh was re-elected to replace Domas Mituzas. Ting Chen was reelected. Samuel Klein was elected. Matt Halprin was appointed a Trustee, with a term to expire in December 2009.

Members were:

Board #10: March 2010 – July 2010

Bishakha Datta was appointed in March.

Members were:

Board #11: July 2010 – July 2012

In 2010, Michael Snow left the Board and Phoebe Ayers was selected by the Chapters in his place. See WMF blog announcement and press release (with Q&A) for more. In 2011, Ting Chen, Samuel Klein, and Kat Walsh were reelected by the community.

Members were:

Board #12: July 2012 – July 2013

In 2012, Patricio Lorente and Alice Wiegand were appointed to the affiliate-nominated seats previously held by Arne Klempert and Phoebe Ayers. Kat Walsh was chosen to be the new chair, Bishakha Datta to be the new secretary.

Members were:

* Jimmy Wales (talk contribs  email) (Founder's seat)
* Kat Walsh (talk contribs  email) Chair (community-nominated trustee)
* Jan-Bart de Vreede (talk contribs  email) Vice Chair
* Stu West (talk contribs  email)
* Bishakha Datta (talk contribs  email)
* Ting Chen (talk contribs  email) until April 2013 (community-nominated)
* Matt Halprin (talk contribs  email) until 1 January 2013, succeeded by Ana Toni on 1 July 2013
* Samuel Klein (talk contribs  email) (community-nominated)
* Patricio Lorente (talk contribs  email) (affiliate-nominated trustee)
* Alice Wiegand (talk contribs  email) (affiliate-nominated trustee)

Later that year the Bylaws were amended so that Treasurer and Secretary officerships could be held by staff. Garfield Byrd was chosen as Treasurer, and Geoff Brigham as Secretary.

August 2013

NB: Now that we are starting to regularly appoint new Trustees around January 1, and have staggered election and selection of Trustees, it may not make sense to define and number Boards from July to July. A continuous list of Trustees, updated as needed with a comment explaining the transition, makes more sense. And this better matches the highly informative chart below.

In April, Ting Chen resigned from the Board in order to apply for the post of WMF executive director. In June, Ana Toni was appointed to the Board starting July 1, filling the seat vacated by Matt Halprin, and the community-nominated Phoebe Ayers and María Sefidari and reelected Samuel Klein to the Board, starting August 7.

A Kuratórium összetétele augusztustól:

* Jimmy Wales (talk contribs  email) (Founder's seat)
* Jan-Bart de Vreede (talk contribs  email) Elnök
* Phoebe Ayers (talk contribs  email) alelnök (közösségi választással)
* Stu West (talk contribs  email) (korábbi pénztárnok)
* Bishakha Datta (talk contribs  email)
* Samuel Klein (talk contribs  email) (community-nominated)
* Patricio Lorente (talk contribs  email) (affiliate-nominated)
* Alice Wiegand (talk contribs  email) (affiliate-nominated)
* Ana Toni left August 2014
* María Sefidari (talk contribs  email) (community-nominated)

Garfield Byrd (WMF-alkalmazott): pénztárnok; Geoff Brigham (WMF-alkalmazott) titkár; lásd még: foundation:Resolution:Appointment of Foundation Staff Officers|Alapítványi dolgozók alkalmazása.

August 2014

Board members:

January 2015

Board members:

April 2015

Board members:

July 2015

Board members:

January 2016

Board members:

February 2016

Board members:

April 2016

Board members:

July 2016

Board members:

2017 január

Kuratóriumi tagok:


A BoardChart sablonból beillesztve:
User:Doc JamesUser:DennyUser:PunditUser:Guy KawasakiUser:FriedaUser:LyzzyUser:RaystormUser:PhoebeUser:LyzzyUser:Patricio.lorenteuser:BishdattaUser:PhoebeUser:SjUser:AklUser:MhalprinUser:SjUser:MidomUser:WingUser:Michael SnowUser:MidomUser:FriedaUser:Stuuser:anthereUser:MindspillageUser:OscarUser:MindspillageUser:EloquenceUser:Jan-BartUser:AngelaUser:AnthereUser:MdavisUser:TimShellUser:Jimbo WalesSpecial:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
User:KritzolinaUser:NadzikUser:NTymkiv (WMF)User:Esh77User:Mike PeelUser:LaurentiusUser:VictoriaUser:RosiestepUser:PunditUser:RaystormUser:Doc JamesUser:PunditUser:Esh77w:en:Esra'a Al Shafeiw:en:Raju NarisettiUser:NTymkiv (WMF)User:SchisteUser:Doc JamesArnnon GeshuriKelly BattlesUser:Guy KawasakiUser:FriedaUser:Patricio.lorenteUser:LyzzyUser:RaystormUser:DennyUser:PunditArnnon GeshuriKelly BattlesUser:Jimbo WalesSpecial:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

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