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This page is a translated version of the page Guidelines on potential conflicts of interest and the translation is 48% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


We are asking for community opinion on these five movement-wide guidelines that would help identify potential conflicts of interest when asking for resources belonging to the Wikimedia movement. The proposed draft of these guidelines is set out below for community review. We welcome your comments at the meta discussion page. After community consultation, we expect to finalize the guidelines and propose them to the WMF Board of Trustees for adoption by resolution.

Generally, mismanaged personal interests resulting in potential conflicts of interest can hurt our movement, both in reputation and financially. The proposed guidelines seek to encourage full disclosure of personal and financial interests with respect to people’s requests for movement resources. The guidelines help ensure that those movement resources -- like grants, staff time, scholarships, trademark licenses, travel reimbursements, fellowships, employment, and conference resources -- are used in pursuit of our mission. The guidelines apply to requests for resources from any movement entities, groups, associations, or persons, such as the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, thematic organizations, movement partners, user groups, Wiki Loves Monuments, GLAM organizations, and Wikipedians in Residence. The guidelines are not comprehensive or exhaustive. They are intended to support existing movement values and conflict of interest policies, which may require recusal or other ways of managing the conflict.


Importantly, the guidelines are not intended to address directly more specific controversial topics, like paid editing. We understand that the community is engaged in that discussion in other venues. That said, these guidelines may serve as a foundation upon which to build more specific policies in the future. For now, however, we simply want to suggest some simple, hopefully uncontroversial guidelines to help people know when they should be disclosing their personal or financial interests in their requests for and use of movement resources.

We would like to hear what you think. Feel free to leave your comments or propose edits on the meta discussion page. We are not seeking consensus or an RfC. This is to help us hear where we need to improve the document. To help ensure global understanding and easier translations, we are proposing that the guidelines be short and confined to one page. The WMF legal department greatly appreciates the opportunity to hear your thoughts and benefit from your wisdom there. We of course will read and respond to your comments and take them into consideration in drafting a final version for proposal to the Board.

We anticipate closing the comment period on January 15, 2013. This may allow for a proposal to the Board during its February 1-2, 2013, meeting. Otherwise, we may extend the comment period and ask the Board to approve the guidelines at another time. We encourage international participation, and, if more time is needed to allow for translations or comments, we want to take that into consideration.

Many thanks, as always, for your comments and active participation.

Geoff Brigham
General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

  1. In the WMF Board’s resolution regarding organizational best practices, for example, “more developed organizations” are encouraged to “adopt core governance policies including a code of conduct for Board and staff that requires at least disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest.” Movement organizations, of course, are free to adopt more strict and tailored conflict of interest rules that go beyond the minimum standards of these proposed guidelines.






結果的に利害の対立を招く様な不正に処理された個人の利益は、評判の上でも財政上も私たちの活動に損害を与えます。以下の5つのガイドラインは、何者による活動資源の要請においても誠実さと透明性を促進しようとするものです。これらの資源は活動に属するもので、常にその使命をサポートするために使われなければなりません。ここで言う資源とは、具体的に、助成金•スタッフの時間•奨学金•商標ライセンス•フェローシップ•雇用機会•旅費の還付金そして会議資金などが挙げられます。ガイドラインは、ウィキメディア財団や国別協会•テーマ毎の組織• 活動のパートナー•ユーザーグループ•Wiki Loves Monuments•GLAM organizationそして招聘されたウィキペディアンなど、活動を行なう事業体やグループ、団体又は個々人からの、上述の様な資源の要請に対して適用されます。一般的な問題として、助成金や還付金は、ウィキペディアの使命に賛同し尚且つ組織の既定方針に乗っ取って、財団に認定された国別協会或いはテーマ毎の組織によって個々人へ支払われるので、利害の対立は通常単純には発生しません。


Movement resources include, for example, grants, staff time, scholarships, trademark licenses, fellowships, employment opportunities, travel reimbursements, and conference resources. The guidelines apply to requests for these resources from movement entities, groups, associations or persons, such as the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, thematic organizations, movement partners, user groups, Wiki Loves Monuments, GLAM organizations, and Wikipedians in Residence.


The guidelines are not comprehensive or exhaustive. They support existing conflicts of interest and other governance policies, which may require recusal or other ways of managing the conflict.


Definition of "Disclose Actively"



  • ■例1■: あるウィキメディアンがウィキメディア財団のサイト上にブログの投稿したいと言っています。これには財団のコミュニケーション部門の作業も含まれることになります。ブログ記事では、あるアーティストを特集します。このウィキペディアンは同アーティストの組織に雇用されています。ウィキペディアンは、コミュニケーション部門との最初のやり取りの際に、積極的にこの有給の雇用関係について開示しなくてはなりません。財団の担当部門は、ブログが財団資源の適正な利用に鑑みたものであるか、そしてこのウィキメディアンの利害関係を開示すべきであるかどうか、独自に評価することが出来ます。
  • ■例2■  一人のコミュニティメンバーがウィキメディア•コモンズ用の写真プロジェクトに取り組むため、自国の国別協会に費用を申請します。プロジェクトへの資金提供を受けるこの作業には、結果として、メンバーの恋人の住む町を訪れる計画も含まれることになっています。国別協会の利益相反の方針により、この旅行は独立に審査される必要があるかもしれません。潜在的な利益相反は、このコミュニティメンバーが実際の助成金の目的に反して、恋人と会うための旅行の費用をまかなうために助成金を申請しているかもしれないという点です。開示により、助成金授与側は独自の評価を行い、提案された助成金プロジェクトとその実施場所が運動の利益にかなうかどうかを判断できるようになります。
  • ■例3■  FDCからの助成金を申請する際、ある国別協会の理事が財務上の潜在的利益相反を有しています。この利益相反は国別協会のブログ上で公表されており、この理事はFDCがこのことを承知していると考えているかもしれませんが、この理事はFDCがこの潜在的対立を認識していることを確実にするため、FDCに積極的に開示しなくてはなりません。
  • ■例4■  国別協会があるオープンソースプロジェクトのためにコンサルティング会社への助成を行なうかどうか検討しています。国別協会の理事の一人が同コンサルティング会社の株を持っています。この会社及び理事は、助成申請の際、国別協会に対してこの株について開示しなくてはなりません。これを受けて国別協会は、独自の利益相反に関する方針に従い、対立を対処し解消することができます。
  • ■5■  FDCの委員が、次期の財政支援期間に申請を行なっているある国別協会の理事から、貴重なワールドカップチケットを 受け取ります。FDC委員はこの贈答品について開示しなくてはなりません。FDCは、利益相反に関する方針や最良の慣行に従ってこの対立に対処することが求められます。
  • Example six: The board of a thematic organization decides to hire an outside accountant to help with the bookkeeping. A board member wishes to hire his sister, who is a certified public accountant and is willing to offer her services at a reduced non-profit rate. The board member must reveal this personal connection to the rest of the board before proceeding with the hiring process. The rest of the board may then treat the conflict pursuant to its own conflict of interest policies, and independently assess the proposed hire.


  1. Note: As a general matter, a conflict of interest normally does not arise simply because an individual previously had received a grant or authorized reimbursement from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) or a WMF-approved chapter or thematic organization. This is so however only when that grant or reimbursement was used in support of the Wikimedia mission without personal gain and in accordance with the established policy of the organization. As a matter of good practice, applicants for movement resources should disclose whether they are trustees, officers, employees, contractors, fellows, representatives, or members of WMF, chapters, or thematic organizations when requesting movement resources.
  2. A passive notice about a conflict on a user page, for example, would not constitute adequate disclosure with respect to a fellowship grant. The user instead must immediately notify the decision-maker about the conflict in the user's application for the fellowship grant.