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Grants talk:Simple/Applications/위키미디어 대한민국 (Wikimedians of Korea)/2019

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Latest comment: 5 years ago by MJue (WMF) in topic The remaining fund

Request for revisions by November


Posting comments from Email so that we can track changes.

Hello, Gu! Thank you for working to complete the application by the deadline.

Here are a few things I would like you to work on: 1. Right now your application includes too many programs. Our recommendation is to include 3-4 programs. We would like you to rethink how to structure your many activities so that they fit better together as part of a coherent program plan. 2. Right now your grant is over the limit set for the transition year, which is twice the amount of your 6 month grant. Your budget should total 42,706,800 or less before the contingency fee is added. 3. Since your plan relies on external funding, we would like some more information about your plans for raising these funds. You can include this as part of your application, add this to the talk page, or Email us about it if the information is sensitive. 4. Finally, can you please confirm that you won't be using any WMF grant funding for the salary of the second staff person? From looking at your staffing plan and budget, I believe this is the case, but I just wanted to confirm this to make sure we are following the policies for the transition year.

We ask that you implement the requested changes by 6 November, so that we can begin review of your application then. Please let us know if you think you will need more time, or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss any of these recommendations.

This was subsequently extended to 7 November since we are having a call to discuss these recommendations on 6 November.

Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) talk 18:36, 5 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Questions about your plan


Thank you for these revisions. I think the structure of your program plan is much improved, but your objectives still need a lot of work. For each activity included in your programs, you list objectives. In most cases, your objectives seem relevant to these activities, but then you list measures that are unrelated to these objectives. For each objective, you should be able to answer, "How will you know if you have achieved this?" The answer to that question should be your measure of success / target. I have included a detailed breakdown of where these objectives need to be improved by program below, to help you with making these revisions.

Community support

  • There is no statement that describes how the activities in the program are related.
  • Your first activity about the annual conference describes what you will do but does not include any objectives.
  • Scholarships:
    • sharing global issues regarding Wikimedia -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
    • inspiring users to launch new projects -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
  • Wikimdians of the year:
    • encouraging active users -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
  • single editathon event for women users
    • drawing new and women users -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
    • maintaining new and women users' community -- how will you know if you have achieved this?


  • There is no statement that describes how the activities in the program are related.
  • libraries cooperation
    • drawing new users -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
    • promoting 1lib1ref project and Wikitown project -- this is not an objective, but a description of what you will do
  • War and Women Rights Museum
    • collecting image and video files -- this is linked with the measure of 100 images donated
    • improving quality of articles -- this is linked with the measure of 10 articles improved, but there is no metric for quality included
    • growing Wikipedians-in-residence -- this is not an objective, but a description of what you will do
  • Africa in Korea
    • sharing information on Africa in Korean Wikipedia -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
    • drawing new users -- how will you know if you have achieved this?
  • Yangjung Girl's High School
    • drawing potential users -- this is linked with 100-150 students (over 50 girl students)

Sister projects


Here your objectives and measures are much more closely linked. Only for WLM you state "collecting high-quality images of Korea cultural heritages", and you are only measuring the amount of content (1,000 photos). How will you know if this is high quality content?

Please make these improvements to your objectives by 22 November.

Thank you! Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) talk 22:13, 19 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

I revised the application on November 22. Please, read it, and let me know if you have questions. :) --Motoko C. K. (talk) 01:41, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply
Ah! Thank you very much for doing so. I hadn't realized you had revised it. I will take a look my time tomorrow and let you know if anything else is needed before a decision. Best, Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) talk 04:19, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Final revisions before approval


Thank you! These are much improved, and this is great progress. Some work is still needed on the objectives in the community program:


  • delivering new knowledge related to Wikimedia project. -- How will you know if you have achieved this? (hint: are you planning on surveying participants before and after the conference?)
  • sharing and discussing users' experience related to the project. -- How will you know if you have achieved this? (hint: are you planning on surveying participants before and after the conference?)
  • introducing usefulness and publicness of the project. -- How will you know if you have achieved this? (hint: are you planning on surveying participants before and after the conference?)

Other community

  • We expect the report to inspire users to launch new projects. -- Please set a target for the number of new projects you expect to launch, and let us know how you will know if this is happening.
  • We will award cash prizes to 4 users from 4 categories. We expect the prize to encourage active users. -- How will you know whether the prizes are encouraging active users or not?
  • To draw women users and maintain their own community, we will hold at least one offline meetup for women users a month. -- Please set a specific target here for the number women users you expect to attend each meetup. Also, do you expect these women users to engage in specific activities, other than attending the meetup, or is having them show up the main goal?
  • To draw new users, we will host over 2 serial editathons. -- Please set a specific target here for the number new users you expect to attend each meetup. Also, do you expect these new users to engage in specific activities, other than attending the meetup, or is having them show up the main goal?

Please make these revisions by 4 December so we can post a grant decision then. Please add a quick note here on the discussion page once that is done. Thank you, Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) talk 19:00, 30 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Wolliff (WMF): I've finished the second revision. --Motoko C. K. (talk) 18:10, 4 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Korea’s grant is approved in the amount of 46,977,480 Korean Won for 12 months


Congratulations! Wikimedia Korea’s grant has been approved in the amount of 46,977,480 Korean Won, including a 4,270,680 Korean Won contingency fee. The grant term will begin on 1 January 2019 and end on 31 December 2019.

We would like to thank WMKO for working with us during the application period on improving the program plan. In the upcoming funding period, we would like to see WMKO’s thinking about evaluation, goal-setting, and annual planning improve. US$40,000 of grant funding including a staff person is not a trivial amount, and improvements will be especially necessary if WMKO wishes to maintain or expand their current level funding. Specifically:

  1. We would like to see WMKO improve at their ability to set SMART objectives, including specific targets. In particular, we believe that objectives should be more relevant to WMKO’s goals, and that these goals should be more clearly articulated for each program.
  2. We would like WMKO’s planning documents to better reflect their strategic thinking, including why they are doing certain programs or activities, and how these programs or activities complement one another or work together as part of a larger system.

EWe need to better understand how WMKO understand their role in the movement, and in larger Korean society, rather than only focusing inward on WMKO’s direct beneficiaries.

We believe this will require WMKO to start working on their plan several months before it is due, and in regular consultation with their program officers.

We hope to continue regular communication with WMKO, as we still need more information about their context to understand how to best support and fund them. This has been difficult to do through written grant applications and reports, due to their minimalist style, language barriers, and WMKO working in a new process that is very different from how they work with their other funders. Regular meetings by videochat have helped us to fill in many gaps, and so we hope to continue this good practice during the upcoming grant period.

We hope to learn more from WMKO about the ways they have been working with their communities, and with partners in the Korean context, which appear to be quite different from ways of working with other communities. We believe WMKO has valuable expertise to offer the movement, and would like to work together with WMKO to find more ways to access and articulate this expertise.

Best, Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) talk 16:49, 8 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

The remaining fund


@AWang (WMF), Delphine (WMF), and I JethroBT (WMF): We would like to keep the remaining funds, and deduct them from the upcoming grants. --Motoko C. K. (talk) 10:24, 15 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Motoko C. K. this needs to be directly clarified with User:MJue (WMF), we'll get back to you on email! :) Delphine (WMF) (talk) 12:01, 15 November 2019 (UTC)Reply
Hello Motoko C. K., I wanted to clarify that we have deducted the remaining 3,419,467 KRW from Annual Plan 2018 H2. I will be following-up with you over email about the remaining funds for this grant. It looks like after the final report submission, 35,481,944 KRW was spent, with 7,220,056 KRW remaining. If this is correct, we prefer to have you return these unspent funds to reconcile our grants budget before the end of June. In any case, I will follow-up with you shortly! Best, Morgan Jue (WMF) (talk) 00:28, 5 February 2020 (UTC)Reply