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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/World classics in Ukrainian Vocal contest

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by AWang (WMF) in topic Grantee vs Organisers

Dear A1,

Thank you for submitting this proposal, giving us a chance to fund this work.

(technical note: I have not been involved in grantmaking for some time now, but have been asked to review some open Rapid Grants this week to help my colleagues who are facing an unusually high load of requests.)

It is an interesting proposal, that shows some evidence of learning from the previous grant of 2013. In that older grant, there had not been enough planning and attention in advance to the various issues of copyright -- not just the performers' agreeing to release the recording under a free license (and I understand not all of them did) and the composer's copyright, but also, since this is vocal music, the copyright of the lyricist/librettist and the translator (if any).

I see some evidence that more planning has taken place this time, including getting the performance to agree to release the recording in advance. I would like you to spell out a little more carefully what process you are following to ensure those recordings would indeed end up on Commons for everyone's benefit. Remember you would need to provide evidence of all necessary permissions (or of copyrights having expired) via OTRS to justify the uploads to Commons. I would like to see you commit to follow through and ensure that all the recordings would be uploaded to Commons with all due permissions, so that they would not be at risk of deletion.

Also, who is this jury member from Oslo? Could you name this person? Presumably you know this person already; Could you describe this relationship?

Finally, I do not see you budget for taxes. My understanding is that as an individual, you would need to pay taxes on this grant. Can you clarify? Asaf (WMF) (talk) 16:54, 11 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

Dear Asaf,
Thank you for your questions. The oficial page of the competition contains the following text - "Оргкомітет має право здійснювати аудіо- та відеозапис виконуваних творів та публікувати ці записи у вільному доступі у мережі Інтернет. В разі, якщо учасник виконує твір у власному поетичному перекладі, Оргкомітет також має право опублікувати поетичний переклад на умовах вільної ліцензії cc by-sa 4.0. Подаючи заявку на конкурс, учасник погоджується з вказаними умовами." In english translation - The Organizing Committee has the right to perform audio and video recordings of the performed works and publish these entries in the free access on the Internet. In case the participant performs the work in his own poetic translation, the Organizing Committee also has the right to publish a poetic translation under the conditions of the free license cc by-sa 4.0. By submitting an application for a competition, the participant agrees to the specified conditions. I could permorm english version of this page for OTRS-agents if necessary.
As a head of the Organizing Committee, I could upload all recordings from the competition under the free license. So this is my responsibility to send a letter from the Organizing Committee with the permission to use all recordings, made by Organizing Committee under free license. I`m not sure all the preformances will be uploaded. I expect about 60, though some of them could be omitted.
As I`ve wrote in my request, jury member from Oslo is Oksana Myronchuk, soloist of Den Norske opera and ballet. Also she`s planning to sing in the final concert. --A1 (talk) 21:26, 11 September 2017 (UTC)Reply
I had consultations about taxes. So, I added the subsequent line. 18 % from each prize is a tax for every prizewinner (inidividual) according to our law. In other cases taxes are not needed because I deal either with self-employed individuals (ukr. ФОП) or with state enterprises. --A1 (talk) 18:43, 14 September 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for these responses, A1. No need to translate the page, and they are satisfactory, except for one, which you did not answer: I am interested in the rationale for inviting this specific person from Oslo, and asked you to disclose whether any prior relationship exists between you and this person. I note you wrote the article about her on Ukrainian Wikipedia, and that is of course okay, but I would like clarity on whether there may be any conflict of interest here (based on past failure to properly manage it), and if there is, to see that it was properly managed this time. Please provide a clear answer to this question, so that we may proceed. Asaf (WMF) (talk) 17:59, 26 September 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for reply, Asaf. As I wrote in the request it would be "much more respectable if we invite somebody who have an experience in European stage". I`m not sure whether it is important for other countries, but in Ukraine we have such a meaning, that any event looks more respectable if somebody from abroad (or somebody who have an experience either in Europe or in USA) takes part in it. At least this is important for visual art events, such as musical festivals, contests and so on. So the rationale of the invitation is to make a contest more respectable.
Concerning to your second question I had no opportunity to collaborate with her any time earlier. Thus no relationship existed between us before. My choice was dictated just in two ways. Firstly, she was born in Ukraine so she speaks Ukrainian perfectly and thus could judge singers who sing in Ukrainian with a perfect meaning how the Ukrainian word must sound. For example en:José Carreras is a very good singer and possibly he could judge vocalists in general but he don`t speak Ukrainian, so he couldn`t judge wheather a vocalist sings in Ukrainian careful or not. In return Oksana Myronchuk could. Secondly, she showed her interest to the project and agreed to take part as a jury member without any fees. It is a honor for us. In return vocalists in her position as usual demand a significant fee for their job. --A1 (talk) 19:27, 26 September 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much, A1. Looks good to me. Asaf (WMF) (talk) 16:15, 27 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

@MJue (WMF):, sorry for disturbing you here, please e-mail me to bondareandre(_AT_)gmail.com concerning my next steps with processing the grant. It seems I lose conctact with you. --A1 (talk) 06:52, 9 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

Changes to grant amount


Unfortunatelly Ministry of culture of Ukraine will not be able to cover some costs as it was declared earlier. Though Ministry of culture still grants me an assistance, no money could be transfered to Ukrainian musicians Union NGO anymore. And as Ministry of culture can`t transfer money to individuals or change the NGO for the certain project, therefore I could not expect any funds from Ministry of culture for this project (at least in this year). This issue determine me to request for Changes to grant amount.

Particulalry it was expected that Ministry of culture will fund internal travel and accomodation for jury members, printing sheets music and covers a hall rent costs. Unfortunately it will not. Though some expences uncovered by Ministry of culture we will cover by vuolonteer's work or sources, such as preparing design for publications, some expences are imposible to cover.

This is a request for additional funding. An updated proposed budget table with changed or new lines highlighted is following:

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Main Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in each of two age categories Set of prizes 2 9 000 18 000 UAH 2 categories - younger (16-25 y.o.) and older (26+ y.o.).
2 Travel Flight tickets for a jury member from abroad On and return ticket 1 6 000 6 000 UAH Flight Oslo-Kyiv-Oslo
3 Travel (internal) Taxi from airport to city centre and return trips 2 250 500 UAH it is necessary to meat a jury member from abroad in airport and take her to hotel (and return - from hotel to airport).
3a Travel (intercity) For juri members from Ukraine trips 4 1000 UAH 2 on and return tickets Kyiv-Kharkiv (apr. 340 hrn*2) and Kyiv-Rivne (apr. 160 hrn*2)
4 Booklet Competition booklet booklets 60 80 4800 UAH coloured printing, the approximate price calculated according to [1]
5 Banners banners 40 16 640 UAH
5a Sheet music Includes Mozart`s aria with free Ukrainian translations by Ye.Drobiazko (OTRS ticket #2016110810022812), M.Lukash (OTRS ticket #2017032510012813) and A.Slizinova (OTRS ticket #2017083110034011). copies 50 100 5000 UAH These sheets of music will be used as incentive prizes for participants and memorable prizes for jury members and honoured guests
6 Food & Beverages Lunch for jury members Per person 10*2 60 1200 UAH Two competition days (main day and second day, before final concert)
7 Bank fees and exchange gain/loss 1200 UAH Additional transfer will increase exchange and fee loss aprox. 300 UAH
8 Taxes Taxes on prize money - - - 3240 UAH 18 % from the each prize (e.g. 18000 x 18 % in total)
9 Hall rent Lysenko Museum - main contest day, Scientist`s hall - final concert and award ceremony events 2 1050+3100 4150 UAH 1050 hrn for Lysenko Museum and 3100 hrn for Scientist`s hall

Additional funds requested - 10450 hrn (approx. 375 USD)

Total project cost - 45730 hrn (approx. 1690 USD)

--A1 (talk) 23:52, 6 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi A1. I'm sorry to hear you're having challenges with your partnerships. We are happy to cover these additional costs. I will follow-up via email. Best, Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 18:14, 9 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Grantee vs Organisers


The grantee for this grant is Andrii Bondarenko (user:A1), this basically is an individual grant. On the web page linked though the organisers are mentioned as "Товариство редакторів Української Вікіпедії за сприяння Міністерства культури України та Національної спілки композиторів України" ("Association Of Ukrainian Wikipedia Editors with support of Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and National Union of Composers of Ukraine"), those also are the entities mentioned on the poster. Andrii Bondarenko is mentioned as head of the organising committee alright. According to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine register ГРОМАДСЬКА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ "ТОВАРИСТВО РЕДАКТОРІВ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ВІКІПЕДІЇ" (ГО "ТРУ ВІКІ") (Official full and short names in English: "ASSOCIATION OF UKRAINIAN WIKIPEDIA EDITORS" ("TRUE WIKI")) is an existing incorporated NGO since September 20, 2017 (the incorporation meeting it seems was on September 12) founded by 3 former Wikimedia Ukraine members A1 (Andrii Bondarenko), Jbuket (Yevhen Buket) and Olexa_Yur (Oleksii Yurchenko). I would like to know who is the actual organiser of the contest in question: Andrii Bondarenko as individual or NGO True Wiki with Andrii Bondarenko as its representative (and Board member)? I would like a clarification if this is a normal situation grantmaking wise. For me it would seem more transparent if this was a grant application by True Wiki. On the other hand I see the association is not even mentioned on the application page. I am also not sure if it is OK for not recognised by Affiliation Committee organisation to have Wikipedia wordmark as part of its name (and also stylised puzzle icon as its logo). This is not a question directly related to the grant, but I see a grant as an implicit support of the situation. A1, Asaf (WMF), MJue (WMF), I would like to hear comments from both sides if possible. --Base (talk) 02:20, 9 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Actual contest Organiser is me, Andrii Bondarenko. Funds are received on my bank acount and nobody except me have access to it. So all questions of organisation as well as payments are my own responsibility. On the other hand I could not be a formal orginiser only, because I will need to stamp diplomas for prizewinners and certificates for jury members and I can`t do it as individual. Initially it was expected that formal organisator of the contest will be NGO "Ukrainian musicians Union". It is written in the application page. Unfortunately this organisation could not cooperate with us any more and in order to save the contest I decided to set NGO "TRUE WIKI" as a formal organsator. --A1 (talk) 16:04, 9 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hi Base. Thanks for your questions. We are following up with True Wiki regarding the scope of the organization, name, and use of Wikimedia marks. For the record, a non-Wikimedia affiliate cannot use the word "Wikipedia" in their legally incorporated name or use a version of the Wikimedia marks. The Affiliations Committee is communicating what is allowed vs. not allowed for non-Wikimedia affiliates and we hope it will be resolved soon. Best, Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 23:09, 30 November 2017 (UTC)Reply