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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Wiki In Africa/WikiFundi at Mobile Learning Week

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by WJifar (WMF) in topic Not Funded

Application received


Hi, Islahaddow, thank you for submitting this grant application! As you are aware, we have received a high volume of applications, which is delaying our review process. We appreciate your patience and will respond to yours as soon as possible, keeping in mind the need to organize travel in advance.

Please keep an eye on this page for further questions and comments. If you have any questions about the grantmaking process, let us know. We're here to help you with a successful grant!

Warmly, LSmith (WMF) (talk) 21:30, 6 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Not Funded


Hi Islahaddow, thank you for submitting this travel request for WikiFundi to have a presence at Mobile Learning Week. Unfortunately, we will not be funding this grant request at this time. Below is the reasoning for not funding:

  1. From your proposal I understand that you don't have a presenter role at this conference. You will see from our travel to non-wikimedia events requirement that we expect our applicants to have an agreement with the conference which you say you're still negotiating and space in the conference program to present which again I understand you don't have according to the project description.
  2. When we moved travel from TPS to rapid grants we added to our requirements that we would like applicants to engage in local travel. You will be going from Cape Town to Paris which is also not local.
  3. Your impact section makes it look like this travel will only result in 3 - 5 partners. That impact metrics is rather low for such a long way and for a week of conference.
  4. Lastly, I've reviewed your records and it looks like between you, Florence and Wiki in Africa you have three rapid grants (Wiki Loves Africa 2019 Contest Communication, WLA 2019 Pre-Contest Communications, and Wiki Loves Africa 2019 Pre-Contest set-up which are currently on going in addition to a project grant (Wiki Loves Women 2018). I understand technically you're within the limits as individuals and as a group but given that all of this is happening February and March I am concerned about your capacity to run all these programs successfully when we add travel into the mix.

The good news is I believe there will be a table at Mobile Learning Week that the WMF is hosting and staff have assured me that they will be talking about offline projects we support. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 06:52, 7 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

ok. Noted. Can we get a contact of a person at this event WJifar (WMF) ? I'd like to get in touch with them.
As a side note, let me note that the Wiki Loves Africa 2019 Pre-Contest set-up is over. Report has been submitted already. As far as I am concerned, the only grant I am currently involved in is the Wiki Loves Women (where mid term report has been submitted in November). Anthere (talk)
Hello Anthere, I believe NSaad (WMF) and JVargas (WMF) will be in attendance at Mobile Learning Week. Please let me know if I can provide any other information. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 22:31, 8 February 2019 (UTC)Reply