Grants:Project/Rapid/Anthere/Wiki Loves Africa 2019 Pre-contest set-up
Please see the sample Contest application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
[edit]Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.
- Add or improve image content on Wikimedia Commons
- Recruit new participants
- Engage existing participants
- Get wikimedia projects more visible in Africa
Project Plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
Wiki Loves Africa photo contest has been around since 2014. Lot's of arguments as to why it is important may be found grant request in 2017 or in the final report. I'll skip repeating what is already written there...
- WMF has funded that event for the past 4 years, at the continental level and at the local level.
- Last year, we were informed that the project had to downsize as it cost too much. The local budgets for the countries could be preserved, but the continental budget had to basically disappear. I happened to consider that the outcomes of the project were worth enough to balance the cost of it so I have been looking for funds. Funds we did not find. There are several good leads for 2020, but not for 2019 (though we will go on trying for a couple more weeks). Unfortunately we are running out of time to look for many more options. The contest has been moved to early 2019 so all the local teams will have to apply for rapid grant funding next month. This first grant request is meant to get the ball rolling.
- We have discussed what would constitute the real core essentials needed for the contest to happen. And we have discussed which tasks could be rather quickly and easily, entirely handed over to volunteers.
- This rapid grant request is meant to support *some* of those essential core needs (=what we have identified as core). They have to get done for the contest to take place.
Basic info about the contest
- this is about Wiki Loves Africa c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa
- the contest will take place in February 2019 (one month only). That date has been carefully selected, to move away from Wiki Loves Monuments, from Wiki Loves Earth, not to overlap with Women Month, not to run into Christmas celebrations etc.
- 2019 theme: Play
- number of countries expected to make funding requests : 12 (most by rapid grants. Some by APG)
What I propose to take care of is entirely pre-event. The grant will be over by February 2nd.
- Setting up Commons pages in English (the most important ones in French as well) : (main page, local events, FAQ, partners, team etc.). In short, making sure that the pages are here, up to date, efficient
- Call for translation (in particular Arabic)
- Set up of the banner system/site notice, upload wizard tunnel with category architecture
- Clean up and improvement of documentation pages (the ones that explain "how to do this" or "where to go to do that")
- Facilitate setting up a team (description of all necessary roles and call for participation to team)
- Call teams to make their funding request in November and December. Support to local teams when needed for rapid grants.
- this grant is linked to Grants:Project/Rapid/Islahaddow/WLA 2019 Pre-Contest Communications
- I will share this grant request page with all the previous participants on the African ML and on the WLA Facebook group to ask for their feedback and endorsement.
[edit]How will you know if you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more:
- All pages required for the contest are set-up in English, most important are in French, and at least the home page in Arabic
- A list of team role description is available and people are invited to join in
- The upload system is up with operating categories. The site notice works properly.
- Documentation is available and clear
- Around 12 local countries have successfully applied for funding for local activities during the contest
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- I will take care myself of the above listed elements. I will certainly get some support (for example, I'll call for help for translation to make sure that the main pages are available in French and Arabic; I will work with Romaine for the wizard etc.)
- I am not receiving any other funding (but will tell you if I do in the future)
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.
- I need financial support for my time... essentially, that is it :)
- Setting up Wiki Loves Africa 2019 WLA Commons portal in English (main page, local events page, FAQ, partners, team). Invite participants to add any information relevant to their own participation. Call for translation. Review for consistency and accuracy : USD400
- Set up of the banner system/site notice, calendaring, choice of visuals, upload wizard tunnel with category architecture with the support of Romaine and Joseph. Testing. USD400
- Clean up, update, and improvement of documentation pages. Promotion of those pages on the relevant networks. USD400
- Facilitate setting up an international team (description of all necessary roles, call for participation, facilitation of any meeting that might help set up that team) USD400
- Support for local team in their rapid grants requests: call and remind teams to make their funding request in November and December. Track those grants on the meta central page. Individual support to local teams so that rapid grant submitted are fit. USD400
[edit]Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
- I endorse. Africa in Pictures. AminouT (talk) 10:43, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
Strong support : Fine if local communities take over, but the scale of the project still needs someone keeping an eye on the big picture. -- (Ji-Elle) (talk) 18:46, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
Strong support Chabota (talk) 18:25, 18 October 2018 (UTC)
Support Mounir Touzri (talk) 22:35, 27 October 2018 (UTC)
Support I Suport - the WLA theme of this year is fantastic, WikiDZ allsosupport this Contest Mohammed Bachounda (talk) 09:55, 31 October 2018 (UTC)
Support This contest has been quite impactful over the years. Another edition is welcome from me.--Jamie Tubers (talk) 13:29, 4 November 2018 (UTC)
Support Mompati Dikunwane (talk) 10:40, 12 November 2018 (UTC)
Support Gives access to new contributors on wiki projects Abdallahbigboy (talk) 19:04, 12 November 2018 (UTC)
Support This contest, run by the African User Groups, helps in more cooperation within the African community and showcases the differences and diversity of the continent. Emna (talk) 10:10, 18 November 2018 (UTC)