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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/ICODE/Art and Feminism in Western Region, Ghana

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Latest comment: 4 years ago by DSaroyan (WMF) in topic Approved

Comments from WMF


Hello Fibs Addison and colleagues at ICODE Ghana, thank you for submitting this Rapid Grant request. We are excited about your planned events and appreciate your efforts in running the Art and Feminism campaign in Western Region, Ghana. I have reviewed your grant proposal and have the following questions:

  • It’s great to learn that you are partnering with the Global Open Initiative. Who will be training and supporting you from the Global Open Initiative? Could you provide their username(s) in the proposal page?
  • We now require all grantees to announce their projects and receive the community feedback in advance. Could you please announce this project and grant on the relevant community pages of the target wikis? Community notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talk page, or mailing list. Please paste a link into the proposal page to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.
  • Do you have a list of Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items which you plan to edit? Additionally, how will you track the participants’ contributions?
  • Budget:
    • Mi-Fi and Data allowance for 4 facilitators - Are you going to purchase the Mi-Fi routers for the facilitators?
    • Approximately, how long will one event last? I’m asking this because you have budgeted both -- breakfast and lunch expenses.
    • Wiki souvenirs & certificates - please provide a more detailed breakdown of this expense.

Thanks again for your contributions to the Wikimedia movement. Looking forward to your responses. Best regards, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 08:08, 3 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Response To WMF


Thank you @DSaroyan (WMF):

  1. We have provided the user names of the teams in our proposal.
  2. We have pasted a link to the village pump where we shared our proposal with the community. Could you please share additional links to platforms you think we should announce the proposal as well?
  3. Here is a link to the list of articles our participants will be editing. We will track the contributions of participants using outreach dashboard.
  4. Since we are in different locations, we will send the monies to the facilitators to purchase the MI-FI devices and we will ask them to email us the receipts.
  5. The two edi-tha-tons will each last for three hours and panel discussion will last for two hours.
  6. We have provided a detailed breakdown of the "wiki souvenirs and certificates"--Fibs Addison (talk) 22:34, 3 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Additional comments from WMF


Hi Fibs Addison, thank you for your response. I have some follow up comments:

  1. One post on village pump is suffecient because your main target wiki is the English Wikipedia.
  2. Per the Rapid Grant guidlines, it is currently not permitted to purchase any equiepment. So please modify or remove the expense for purchasing Mi-Fi devices.
  3. Since the editathons will last 3 hours maximum, please remove breakfast or lunch expenses from your budget.

Please make these requested changes in the budget and update the total requested amount in the probox (rights sidebar). Best regards, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 07:36, 4 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Response To Additional Comments From WMF


Hello @DSaroyan (WMF):

Thank you for the prompt feedback.

We have updated the budget as suggested. Regards--Fibs Addison (talk) 17:41, 4 February 2021 (UTC)Reply



Hello Fibs Addison, thanks for your responses. We are glad to approve this grant and support your project! Best regards, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 09:44, 11 February 2021 (UTC)Reply