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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Anthere/Mass message impact on WLA

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by WJifar (WMF) in topic Not Funded

Hi, Anthere! Thank you for submitting this rapid grant request. We are currently dealing with a high volume of proposals, which may delay our review. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes and will respond to your request as soon as possible. Please be sure to watch the discussion page for comments and questions. If you have any questions about the grantmaking process, let us know. We're here to help you with a successful grant! Best regards, LSmith (WMF) (talk) 01:11, 27 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Not Funded


Hello Anthere, thank you for your interest in looking at mass messaging impact on WLA. I do apologize for taking time to respond to your proposal. I needed to look at WLA as a whole and also the merits of this proposal on its own. We will not be funding this proposal at this time for the following reasons:

  1. Currently, as you are aware we have already funded three rapid grant proposals for Wiki Loves Africa. I understand that you applied as individuals and as a group so that you wouldn't be affected by the three projects at a time limit, however given that it's still just the two of you working on this project it defeats the purpose of us putting a three project limit for any given group or individual. Again I understand why you had to arrange to get funding in this manner but I find it necessary to call out none the less.
  2. In addition to the three grants you have with rapid grants you also have another open project grant which really puts you over the limit of open projects we allow in our grant programs:
  3. Lastly, I am marking this proposal as not funded because we've already put multiple resources towards setting up and running Wiki Loves Africa. As you know, rapid grants are intended for simple stand alone projects that can be carried out under $2000 USD. Under the circumstances I hope you agree that we've made concessions to make this program run as well as possible. Even though, this mass messaging research can be used beyond Wiki Loves Africa for now, this grant program doesn't feel like the appropriate grant program to conduct this research in addition to other grants we've given to WLA.

Thank you again for all the work you do on Wiki Loves Africa and I hope we will be able to collaborate on other projects in the future. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 23:58, 7 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

ok. Thank you for the answer WJifar (WMF) Anthere (talk)