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Grants talk:PEG/WM PH/Open Web Day/Report

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Latest comment: 11 years ago by AWang (WMF) in topic Reallocation approved

Reminder about reporting deadline


Reminder: please make sure this draft report is complete before 25 May, when it is due. Best, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 21:40, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for submitting the report on time, and please monitor this discussion page for questions and comments. Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 20:52, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Please follow the instructions here to complete a request to reallocate the remaining funds: Grants:Index/Request_reallocation. Let us know if you have any questions about completing your request. Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 20:52, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Report accepted and a few comments


Thank you for this thoughtful and detailed report. The report is accepted, and we have a few follow up questions and suggestions for you here.

We appreciate the detailed tables showing the results of your workshops, including the number of attendees. Thanks for transparently sharing the results of your evaluations. Thanks also for sharing openly some of the challenges you experienced: that gives you an opportunity to reflect and improve and others a chance to learn from your experience. Sharing the numbers of participants who made contributions after the workshops has helped us understand the outcomes of your project better. We encourage you to share more of these numbers if you are considering tracking them over time.

We hope you have some opportunities to put some of your lessons learned into practice, including the idea of conducting follow up events for participants. When you plan future projects, you may be able to test this hypothesis by comparing the results of this workshop to future workshops that include more follow up. Other challenges you describe might be ongoing, although it is good to take them into consideration when planning future workshops, including some of the logistical problems you learned about when conducting workshops at schools, and other factors related to working with Mozilla and other local partners. We are pleased to learn the grants process seemed to enable your success in this case. It also seems like you are a developing a fruitful partnership with Mozilla Philippines and also learning how to coordinate your activities with them. Hopefully, they will also connect you with their other partners in the region and many fruitful partnerships will result. We look forward to that.

Regarding limitations for creating accounts from multiple IP addresses, you can request account creator rights on the wiki you are using or ask for help from a sysop (they can create unlimited accounts). Now that you know this is a problem, you might be able to plan some ways to get around it for future workshops.

You did mention that "participants represent diverse underrepresented groups such as older age group, professionals (including librarians), and women." Did you include demographic questions in your survey evaluations to track the participation of these groups, or is this more of an anecdotal estimate based on your experience of the events? We'd be interested to know if you are targeting these groups specifically, or if these groups are simply the most interested in attending workshops at the locations where you are working.

While you planned in your original request that this project would mainly impact the area of "Increasing participation," it seems like in the end you thought it you achieved more impact on some of our other strategic priorities, including "Increasing reach." From reading this report, we can see that you are thinking of some strategies for targeting Participation more successfully, such as following up with participants. We'd also encourage you to make plans to track the results in these other impact areas when you are designing future projects.

Do you have any links to materials used in these workshops that might be useful to others? If so, please do share them here.

Regards, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 23:13, 11 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for the late reply. Here are my answers on your questions. Did you include demographic questions in your survey evaluations to track the participation of these groups, or is this more of an anecdotal estimate based on your experience of the events? No, we didn't include any demographic questions in our survey evaluations. We sometimes determined the demographics through the registration list and yes, sometimes, anecdotal estimate.
As for the technical problem with IP cap, we resolved that by making a local bureaucrat (which is me) create the accounts in behalf of the participants.
As for the presentation materials, the links can be found in the project pages: Wikimedia_Philippines/Projects/Open_Web_Day#Presentation_files
I hope this answers your questions. Thank you very much for making this project a success! --Jojit (talk) 09:05, 19 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Reallocation approved


Reallocation of remaining funds in the amount of US$433.66 has been approved for the activities described here: Grants:WM PH/Open Web Day/Reallocation. A report will be due within 30 days of the completion date of 31 December 2014 listed on the reallocation. Regards, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 19:38, 12 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

The grantee has submitted a report for this approved request for reallocation of remaining grant funds. A report for this reallocation has been submitted here: Grants:PEG/WM PH/Open Web Day/Reallocation/Report. This report is currently under review. AWang (WMF) (talk) 20:58, 21 January 2014 (UTC)Reply