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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Taiwan/2019/Midpoint report story

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In 2018, we saw the rapid growth of Wikidata community in Taiwan, thanks to our GLAM program held that year. The community is quite well-organized and is in stable growth. For the first half year of 2019, they have been a) organizing monthly meet-ups and b) partnering with many organizations on multiple projects.


I will briefly introduce the development of this community during the first half year of 2019, in which I will analyze the reasons for their growth and advise on the future steps to be taken and share the vision I have for that community.

社群怎麼發展的 How they growing



Compared to other Wikimedia communities in Taiwan, Wikidata Taiwan grows very fast. It has its own development independently and got rich outputs in this year, while it was just a sub-project under GLAM till the end of 2018. Their success could come from two points: first, they operate the social media aggressively, so that makes people to know their movements and outputs clearly. Then, they have a successful management of partnership, and that made some interesting events happened. Being able to have these two successes may be related to the background of the operator.

(Wikidata community has grown rapidly in Taiwan compare to other Wikimedia communities. By the end of 2018, it still seems to be a small part of the GLAM project, and this year they have grown independently and have achieved some fairly good outcome. Their success may be the result of two factors: Firstly, they’re quite active on social media, so the public can learn about their latest activities and results. Secondly, they’ve had quite a success developing partnerships, which result in some interesting projects. These may be related to the background of the organizers.)

積極的社群媒體經營 Aggressive operation of social media


維基數據社群在臉書同時擁有一個社團「Wikidata 臺灣社群」和一個粉絲專頁「Wikidata Taiwan」,而且有經常性的發文。在粉絲專頁上,不只可以看到社群活動的宣傳,他們也會跟新聞時事結合。例如在6月9日當天一位台灣資深演員馬如龍過世,他們在發布了一則悼念文,提到馬如龍的項目(Q9006029)外,也提到他主演的本土賣座電影《海角七號》(Q713431)與《艋舺》(Q713453)。

Wikidata Taiwan community is maintaining a group "Wikidata Taiwan Community" and a Fan Page "Wikidata Taiwan" on Facebook, both are quite active. On the fan page, not only are they campaigning for their events, they also post about the latest events. For example, On the ninth of June, as the news of the passing away of a well-reputed Taiwanese actor Ma Ju-lung (Q9006029) break out, they include it in their post in memorial of the actor the Wikidata item of the actor and his two most famous work Cape No.7 (Q713431) and Monga (Q713453).

他們的粉絲雖然還不多,但十分具有行動力。例如社群組織者在2019 COSCUP(台灣最大的開源會議)申請了一個議程軌,由於會議需要透過投票決定每一軌是否能夠通過申請,他們透過粉專和社團發文宣傳,最後他們拿到了足夠成立一軌的票數,表示其發佈的訊息對追蹤者是有影響力的。

Their Facebook followers are of limited number, but quite engaged. For example, the organizers applied for a conference track at Conference for Open Source Coders, Users, Promoters 2019 (COSCUP, the largest open source conference in Taiwan). As the conference use votes to decide if they will approve an application, they campaigned for it via their fan page and Facebook group, and have successfully secured a seat, showing their influence in the community.

良好的伙伴關係 Good partnerships



Wikidata Taiwan community has developed and maintained their partnerships quite well. They have cooperated with “Bamboo Curtain Studio”, whose main focus is about the river ecosystems in Taiwan. They have held two workshops that created Wikidata items for all of the rivers (including tributaries) in Taiwan, and are discussing how these could be useful in the future.


They have established partnerships with four external collaborators in less than six months, specifically Bamboo Curtain Studio, Shin Len Yuan Art Space (SLY Art Space), OpenStreetMap Taiwan, and Open Data Day with who they’ve had five workshops and one editathon in total. They’ve also connected with other Wikimedia communities in Taiwan like MoWiki Editing meetup and WikiWomen Taiwan on various activities.

合適的經營者 Suitable organizer



The success of the community owes their thanks to two organizers, one is also the co-curator of the GLAM activities in partner with Li Mei-shu Memorial Gallery, the other was the secretary-general and a supervisor of Wikimedia Taiwan, they are also quite active in other open source community. All these identities has helped in some ways, they are already quite familiar with MediaWiki software and the community culture, they focus on the specific plans. As they’ve also had experience planning and organizing, they know how to connect with their audience and have productive results.

計畫和願景 Plan and Vision


Wikidata社群有自己的發展步調,近期之內可以持續期待他們的成長。2019的下半年度,他們已經確定8月會在開源人年會有一軌議程,10月有極高可能會參與Wikidata Birthday。在我們的期末報告時,應該還會是亮點。

We can expect further growth of Wikidata community in Taiwan. In the next half year of 2019, they have confirmed a track at COSCUP, and are likely to join Wikidata Birthday in October. We expect them to be the highlight of our final report.


As they’ve developed a quite specific plan, our team at the Chapter will do our best to support them. We also see the importance of Wikidata and we’ve had discussions to include it in some of the projects the chapter is working on. For example, the Ministry of Culture has shown interest in our Wiki Loves Monument project in September, and Call for Photos on cultural memories in October, the old photos uploaded to commons will also be uploaded to Culture Memory Archive of the National Digital Archives[1], which is also a database. We will see how we can include Wikidata in this partnership. If successful, we may have additional resources to aid their growth.

註釋 Notes

  1. a b 我們在去年年終報告中曾提到,包括國家文化記憶庫在內的國家數位典藏計畫,會與維基媒體計畫之間有些競爭關係。但台灣分會今年順利地說服他們嘗試合作。
    We told about that the National Digital Archives Program, including National Cultural Memory, has some competitive relationship with Wikimedia movement in our last final report, but WMTW has still convinced the group of NCM to work with us successfully.