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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Taiwan/2019

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: approved
Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia Taiwan
Amount requested: NTD 1,820,570 (includes 10% contingency)
Amount granted: NTD 1,820,570 (includes 10% contingency)
Funding period: 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Application created: 1 November 2018
Recommended application date: 1 November 2018
Midpoint report due: 15 July 2019
Final report due: 30 January 2020

Please link to or provide your annual program plan and annual budget here, and add your targets to the grants metrics worksheet.


*Wikipedia Education Program

2018年我們的教育專案增加了許多的合作者,包括7所大學課程,也有研究機構中央研究院,爭取到1次擺攤宣傳機會。同時,因為有雇用專案經理人員 (後來轉任全職會務專員,但教育專案推廣依然是主要任務。),也執行了一項研究工作。

Our education program has gained many more partners in 2018. It includes 7 courses of universities, research institute such as Academia Sinica, and a booth to promote our program in an event. In the meantime, our part-time program manager also executes a research project (later she turns into a full-time staff with more effort in administrative work, however, her major tasks are still related to education matters).


It would be a critical year for the education program in Taiwan to develop. We see two strengths and two challenges as the foundations of the strategy of our 2019 annual plan.



Strength #1 - More experiences in the chapter:

In the past 3 years, Wikimedia Taiwan has gained practices and cases, statistics data, and teaching materials. In 2018, we have been able to attract instructors to work with us proactively and plan the curriculum in a more sophisticated fashion. This makes us be more confident by maintaining the same amount of partners and then to put more efforts in the strategy level in 2019.



Strength #2 - More opportunities in Taiwan:

In the past, the education program always works in the curriculum partners and make writing Wikipedia articles as the replacement of assignments. But this year the situation changes with a broadened opportunity as Academia Sinica, a well-known research institute in Taiwan, has worked with us so we can perhaps expand our scope into other Wikimedia projects such as Wikiversity and Wikisource. On the other hand, we are also trying to establish a booth in conferences to reach out more instructors.



Challenge #1 - Lack of longterm strategy: The program lacks a long-term strategic planning. As the curriculum design becomes more and more cliche that no new methods/inputs to it, the execution now lacks of an end-goal. There are only limited connections among projects to projects.



Challenge #2 - Lack of dialogue among instructors:

The interaction between us and the instructors of each project is good, however, it is difficult to make cross-project interaction. We cannot form the whole education program into a sense of “community”.

策略 Strategy

  1. 擬出2020起3-5年的中期策略,仿照2015-2017台灣知識種子計畫,提出一個能針對活動規畫、成果、社群對話、工作人員訓練等等層面提供指導性原則的策略。
    We will put up a mid-term strategy of 3 to 5 years from 2020. As the “Wiki Seed Of Taiwan Knowledge” program in 2015-2017, we will establish a guideline/strategy for issues such as event planning, possible outcome/impact, community dialogues, and staff training.
  2. 重新清理跟教育專案相關的網路資源,建立好的社群對話平臺。
    We will clean up and collect the education program related online resources to establish a better conversation platform for the education program community in Taiwan.

具體目標 SMART goals

  1. 在上半年執行兩回問卷調查,每回至少進行400份,做為擬定策略的依據。
    We will do two rounds of research survey in the first half of the year. Each round we will collect at least 400 questionnaires to plan the strategy accordingly.
  2. 下半年定出教育專案的3-5年期的專案策略。
    We will finalize the 3-5 year long program strategy in the second half of the year.
  3. 完成10個課程或社團的合作。完成的定義是:
    We will complete 10 partnership of curriculum or student clubs. The definition of complete a partnership is below:
    1. 課程—課程學生完成教師指定的編輯作業。指定作業在10篇條目以內的,應全部能放入維基百科;10篇以上的,有7成的合格率。
      For curriculum partnership - The students of the curriculum will complete the designated assignments from the instructor(s). If the total assignment of the curriculum is equal or less than 10 Wikipedia articles, they need to be all fit the criteria of Wikipedia; If the total assignment of the curriculum is more then 10 Wikipedia articles, at least 70 % of the assignments should fit the criteria of Wikipedia.
    2. 社團—社團接受2小時以上的維基寫作訓練,並且提升維基百科條目達30K位元組,或貢獻20份以上的多媒體檔案。
      For student club partnership - The club itself should receive Wikipedia editing training for 2 hours or above. The club should contribute and increase in sum more than 30K bytes or more than 20 multimedia files.
  4. 工作坊、推廣講座或攤位活動4場,接觸50位未曾合作過的學校教師。
    We will host four events of workshops, promotional presentations, or conference booths. We will reach at least 50 instructors of schools who have not been partnered of education program before.
  5. 醫學社群舉辦4場以上寫作聚會,共60名參與者,其中5人以上持續協助線上翻譯工作至少3個月。
    The medical community will host equal to or more than four events editing meetups, 60 participants in total. Among them, equal to or more than 5 participants will keep assisting online translation works at least 3 months.



In 2018 we planned to seek more partnership, and we ended up mostly in knowing the existence of the organizations and got to know each other briefly. However, the collaboration with Li Meishu Art Museum rocketed I unexpectedly. We have not only uploaded images and edited Wikidata as originally planned, we have also outreaches to other projects such as local communities and educational partners. We will start to apply the datasets on Wikidata to develop further usage in 2019. Apart from that, we have also initiated the potential partnership with the GLAM projects in South East Asia region for art exchange, or hosts camps, so we can improve the content of local culture and history.


Based on the development mentioned above and that the Li Mei-shu Memorial Gallery can get extra resources from the Taiwan Ministry of Culture, WMTW will focus on the growth and progress of this cooperation in GLAM program. Besides uploading more files continuously, we’ll put more effort into increasing the influence of GLAM-Wiki project.

策略 Strategy

  1. 整理除了畫作以外的館藏檔案到共享資源,累積不同形式館藏的處理經驗。
    Uploading and rearranging the media files of museum assets, besides paintings, to Wiki Commons, accumulating the experience of dealing different types of museum assets.
  2. 擴大館聯專案所增添內容的影響力。
    Expanding the influence of GLAM and the uploaded contents.

具體目標 SMART goals

  1. 為維基媒體計畫增加100個以上的多媒體檔案,包括1/5非畫作圖像檔案。
    Done 3 GLAM projects. A project will be determined “done” if any the following target is reached:
  2. 將2018-19年間館聯專案上傳檔案,在其他維基媒體計畫網站上的使用率到30%。
    We will push and podcast the files we uploaded via 2018-2019 GLAM project to reach 30% usage of the files in other wikimedia project-related websites.
  3. 創造2個應用GLAM成果的程式專案,可以是 MediaWiki Extention、行動應用程式或網頁程式。
    We will create two program projects which imply the achievement of GLAM. They might be MediaWiki Extention、mobile applications or websites.
  4. 推動一項跨國的編輯活動。
    We will promote an international editathon for GLAM.

*Strengthen Communities Health


Gender diversity has the best performance in 2018 Marginal Communities Facilitation Program.The scale of Art and Feminism editathon was expanded and most administrative work can be done by the community itself. There are some good news also some bad news for other projects. When it comes to the language diversity part, we digitalize a Taiwanese Mandarin-Hokien bilingual dictionary completely; however, we still need to wait for the evaluative process of Chinese character description language extension. The project of Taiwanese aboriginal language is temporarily stalled due to the administrative process of Taiwanese government, but the cooperative organization still keeps in touch with WMTW to ensure the further progress. We complete WLE and WLM smoothly; nevertheless, the energy maintains the same level as last year, not too much increased. For the local community, there is a new and active community born in Taichung City. In the other hand, Koashung community tends to be inactive.

今年社群產生了一些小糾紛,儘管順利解決,但也促使理事會通過了一個建立社群認證規則的政策方向。未來,針對活躍且健康的社群,我們會提供 wikimedia.tw 的網域轉址跟電子郵件,讓對於維基社群生態不熟悉的參與者可以辨識較好的專案來參與。這個政策方向的具體規則還在建置中,2019年應該是試驗與調整的時候。從這裡延伸,我們應該訓練社群讓優秀社群能自己講述故事,擴大其影響力,也可以讓協會將更多注意力放在體質較弱的社群上。

There were some small arguments among communities this year. Even though we have solved all the arguments smoothly, this has pushed the board to build up a policy direction for community accreditation. In the future, we will provide wikimedia.tw domain redirection and email addresses to the active and healthy communities to allow the participants who are not familiar with the development of Wikimedia communities can recognize and engage with better projects through the chapter domain as an endorsement indicator. The final direction and details of this policy are still on the progress, we would like to test and adjust this policy in 2019. We should train all communities and let some excellent communities can express and work by themselves to expand the influence. What’s more, that can allow WMTW put more concentration on some weak communities.

策略 Strategy

  1. 推動、觀察及修正社群認證機制。
    Promoting、observating and correcting the mechanism of community accreditation.
  2. 擴散社群的影響力。
    Expanding the influence of Wiki communities.

具體目標 SMART goals

  1. 在第一季建立台灣各維基社群健康程度的資料,之後每半年評估一次。
    We will build up the system to evaluate the community health for all Taiwan Wiki communities in the first season and keep evaluating once per half year.
  2. 讓至少三個社群在年底之前撰寫他們的亮點活動故事,並且協助發表到適當的國際社群交流平臺。
    We will encourage at least three communities to share their spotlights before the end of the year. We will help them to publish their achievements to suitable international social platforms.

Staff Plan[edit]

See: Job Description



Midpoint Report[edit]

Program story[edit]

Midpoint report story: The growth of Wikidata Taiwan Community


Metric : [Drive https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_qZxJ7B9U_Eo6pMG55ox-zCHppM9-lubQm0jKI2tn6g/edit#gid=596622640]

Wikipedia Education Program[edit]

  1. We will do two rounds of research survey in the first half of the year. Each round we will collect at least 400 questionnaires to plan the strategy accordingly.
    • One round but over 800 questionnaires. The second round will be done after we analyzing the first survey, probably on Auguest.
  2. We will finalize the 3-5 year long program strategy in the second half of the year.
    • Not yet.
  3. We will complete 10 partnership of curriculum or student clubs. (The definition of "complete" can be found in the previous section):
    • 8 courses was happened.
  4. We will host four events of workshops, promotional presentations, or conference booths. We will reach at least 50 instructors of schools who have not been partnered of education program before.
    • We hosted 2 promotional presentations with 36 teachers has been reached.
  5. The medical community will host equal to or more than four events editing meetups, 60 participants in total. Among them, equal to or more than 5 participants will keep assisting online translation works at least 3 months.
    • Not yet, plan to host on Sep to Oct.


  1. Upload over 100 multi-media files to Wikimedia including 20% are non-painted.[1]
    • 145 photos, none of them is painting.
  2. We will push and podcast the files we uploaded via 2018-2019 GLAM project to reach 30% usage of the files in other wikimedia project-related websites.
    • Not yet
  3. 創造2個應用GLAM成果的程式專案,可以是 MediaWiki Extention、行動應用程式或網頁程式。
    We will create two program projects which imply the achievement of GLAM. They might be MediaWiki Extention、mobile applications or websites.
    • Not yet
  4. 推動一項跨國的編輯活動。
    We will promote an international editathon for GLAM.
    • Running now, 3 Taiwanese students started a project to digitize the collection the National Museum of Indonesia. They are at Jakata during 1-25 July. Note: Due to lost in translation, the Jakarta event is not really "an international editathon", but it is a contribution effort cross different countries. See this report by Wikimedia Indonesia GLAM coordinator for further detail.

Strengthen Communities Health[edit]

  1. We will build up the system to evaluate the community health for all Taiwan Wiki communities in the first season and keep evaluating once per half year.
    • Not finished yet. WMTW have a workshop to discuss what are good indicators for "community health" with the organizers of several communities on 20 Jan. But how to get the data is still planning. The work will is delay but I'll do it before Sep.
  2. We will encourage at least three communities to share their spotlights before the end of the year. We will help them to publish their achievements to suitable international social platforms.
    • Not yet.


The totally we spend is $697,176 TWD, including $649,990 pay by Simple APG and $57,186 TWD pay by other income.

We backed the remaining funds of 2018 $420,358 TWD to Foundation. It is not included in the total amount above.

Final Report[edit]

Program story[edit]

Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

Learning story[edit]

Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.


Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

Wikipedia Education Program[edit]

  1. We will do two rounds of research survey in the first half of the year. Each round we will collect at least 400 questionnaires to plan the strategy accordingly.
    • One round but over 800 questionnaires. For the number of questionnaires is over our expected, and the information from the survey is enough for us to make the strategy, the we passed the second round.
  2. We will finalize the 3-5 year long program strategy in the second half of the year.
    • Finished. We have a 3 year strategy. Our plan have already list in the application text of SAPG in 2020.
  3. We will complete 10 partnership of curriculum or student clubs. (The definition of "complete" can be found in the previous section):
    • 13 courses was happened. All of them are:
      • 1 for National Cheng-Chi University (Ethnography of the World)
      • 5 for IYPT 2019 Project (Hsin Chuang Senior High School, Wu-Lin Senior High School, Tainan First Senior High School, Bei-Men Senior High School, Editathon in Taipei and Taichung
      • 1 for Wikimed project (Chang Gung University of Science and Technology)
      • 1 for National Taiwan Normal University (GPS project - The Department of Geography)
      • 1 for National Taiwan University of Arts (Taiwan's Arts)
      • 1 for Wikibooks (Basic Pilipino material for Taiwanese)
      • 1 for Soochow University (Porject of Human Right in China)
      • 2 for Studnet Club (Tzu Chi Senior High School Affiliated with Tzu Chi University, National Taiwan University)
  4. We will host four events of workshops, promotional presentations, or conference booths. We will reach at least 50 instructors of schools who have not been partnered of education program before.
    • Finished. We hosted 5 promotional presentations with 68 teachers has been reached. 2 for IYPT 2019 Project, 1 for annual meeting of the Physics Education Society of the Republic of China, 1 for East-South Asia languages material for Taiwanese, 1 for teacher from Changhua County.
  5. The medical community will host equal to or more than four events editing meetups, 60 participants in total. Among them, equal to or more than 5 participants will keep assisting online translation works at least 3 months.
    • Almost finished. There are 6 editing meetup, 52 participants including 7 new editor participated keep assisting online translation works from September to December.


  1. Upload over 100 multi-media files to Wikimedia including 20% are non-painted.
    • Finished. 145 photos, none of them is painting.
  2. We will push and podcast the files we uploaded via 2018-2019 GLAM project to reach 30% usage of the files in other wikimedia project-related websites.
    • Finished. 137 files we uploaded and 46 have been used in Chinese Wikipedia, and some of them are used by other Wikimedia project also. So the usage rate is over 33.58%.
  3. We will create two program projects which imply the achievement of GLAM. They might be MediaWiki Extention、mobile applications or websites.
    • Almost reached. 1 program project "River in Taiwan" which is based on GLAM. It's a environmental art project proposed by a gallery, the url of this project is https://river-watcher.bambooculture.tw/ . Another program project is also proposed via our promoting, but not base on GLAM. It's a automatic Chinese word segmentation program which use Wikidata as its reference. Here is the url: https://api.droidtown.co/
  4. We will promote an international editathon for GLAM.
    • Finished., The project to digitize the collection the National Museum of Indonesia finished in Nov. There are 198 files uploaded and the Wikidata item of every photo are created too.

Strengthen Communities Health[edit]

  1. We will build up the system to evaluate the community health for all Taiwan Wiki communities in the first season and keep evaluating once per half year.
    • Almost done. We have a detail list with all data we need to evaluate, and have got some data while collecting the metric at the end of the period. But we are too late to design a page that presents the data.
  2. We will encourage at least three communities to share their spotlights before the end of the year. We will help them to publish their achievements to suitable international social platforms.
    • Failed. We've discussed with Wikidata Taiwan and have a draft in Chinese, but couldn't find someone help us to translate the draft to English. We also tried to help WikiWomen Taiwan to do this but can't find a good idea.


Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

  • 1,669,845(TWD)


  1. There is a mistake of English translation before. Fixed by Chinese version.