Grants:Simple/Applications/Wiki Movimento Brasil/2021
- Application or grant stage: in progress
- Applicant or grantee: applicant
- Amount requested: US$ 116,295.52
- Amount granted: 116,296 USD
- Funding period: January 2021 - December 2021
- Midpoint report due: July 15, 2021
- Final report due: January 31, 2022
[edit]Annual Plan
[edit]Budget Plan
[edit]Staffing Plan
[edit]- Job title: Coordinator
- Brief description: This person will be in charge of overseeing WMB strategies, operations and general administration. The coordinator primary responsibility is ensuring organizational effectiveness by providing leadership for the organization. This position requires decision making, scenario evaluation and good relationship skills with different parties: staff, community and partners. This is an essential position, because it coordinates and connects the entire team, the external elements and all the activities together.
- Indication of FTE and duration of work: 1.0 FTE, with a renewable contract for 12 months.
- Job title: Administrative manager
- Brief description: This position is essential for the smooth running of WMB projects throughout 2021. The administrative manager will be responsible for dealing with day-to-day management of the organization, setting up meetings, organizing logistics for events and programs, etc., under the supervision of the organization coordinator.
- Indication of FTE and duration of work: 1.0 FTE, with a renewable contract for 12 months.
- Job title: Projects manager
- Brief description: This position is key for planning, organizing and delivering Wiki Movement Brazil’s projects. This position is responsible for writing reports, building partnerships with local institutions and managing WMB under the supervision of the coordinator to fulfill its proposed objectives on the Simple APG application.
- Indication of FTE and duration of work: 1.0 FTE, with a renewable contract for 12 months.
- Job title: Communications manager
- Brief description: This position is associated to the goal of establishing a professional setup for WMB’s communications, internally and externally, with the Wikimedia community and partners. The person in charge will develop and implement a communications strategy for the organization and will be dealing directly with volunteers, external partners and media.
- Indication of FTE and duration of work: 1.0 FTE, with a renewable contract for 12 months.
These positions were described in more details in our previous sAPG application.
Strategic plan
[edit]Our strategic plan is still being developed.
Wiki Movement Brazil User Group (WMB) is an association of volunteer editors that have been acting on Wikimedia projects since 2013 and is currently the only recognized WMF affiliate in Brazil. The group includes people from different profiles in several states, configuring a diversity-sensitive, goal-oriented, and creative community.
Programs led by the WMB have been some of the largest ever developed in the Global South, with over 130 programs, 64 thousand articles created and 118 million words added by more than 4,000 editors and students in education programs and activities led by us since 2014. Although there is no objective mechanism to measure results of GLAM-Wiki initiatives, initiatives WMB has led are among the most successful partnerships with cultural institutions in terms of impact, innovation, and learning processes, uploading more than 54 thousand files to Wikimedia Commons, reaching more than 16 million views in more than 130 wikis only in September 2020. Programs that WMB put forward have been showcased as success stories in most global and regional Wikimedia conferences and meetings and the external media.
In 2020, WMB developed activities on four-axis: GLAM Outreach, Education Programs, Community Support and General Outreach. Among the activities developed by the user group, we highlight the New Ipiranga Museum Wikipedia Initiative: a major GLAM partnership with a museum that has been closed for almost ten years now. This project has involved the upload of thousands of metadata and images, open innovation, and several dissemination activities with the community. We have developed gamified apps, a web semantic book, a reconstruction by images process, and a collaborative mapping of the institution while organizing edit-a-thons, Wikidata training, and a Wikicontest. All of the on-site events were adapted due to the coronavirus pandemic. We have shared the full story of this bold project of opening up the collection of a closed museum on the OpenGLAM Medium blog.
For 2021, as we are a returning grantee we will continue several of the programs we have worked on. We also plan to launch a new initiative to diversify our reach to regions we have not been able to bring so effectively to the Wikimedia ecosystem: Wiki Loves Bahia. All activities proposed here were shared and discussed among user-group members, that have provided inputs and suggestions, and are aligned with our vision and mission. Activities were also considered by our leadership to be in accordance with our Diversity Plan, Friendly Space Policy and Code of Conduct.
Recent reports of activities are provided below:
Previous reports are available here.
[edit]Training workshops and edit-a-thons
Training workshops and edit-a-thons have been recurring activities of our user group. From January to September 2020 alone, we organized 22 of these kinds of events.
These activities have been an opportunity for strengthening our bonds with partners and establishing new partnerships. In 2020, there were new partnerships with the Goethe-Institut São Paulo, which generated support in several edit-a-thons and in the Abre-te Código event; with the collective NaPupila, in several edit-a-thons with minority groups, mainly focused on gender diversity; and with Twitter Brasil and the non-profit Sesc.
Training workshops and edit-a-thons are also a means of empowering the Wikimedia community. We have a strategic focus on diversity events to bring plural perspectives to Wikimedia projects in Portuguese, a central focus point of our Diversity Plan. Technical workshops --in particular our Wikidata Labs, winner in the Outreach category at the 2019 WikidataCon-- are important to build community capacities but also to enhance our connections with GLAM partners.
These activities can be organized on-site or remotely.
- Objectives
- Introduce the Wikimedia universe to more people and attract new users;
- To further involve the Portuguese and Brazilian community in community events;
- Empower the Portuguese and Brazilian community on Wikimedia platforms, especially on Wikidata;
- Strengthen ongoing partnerships and create new partnerships;
- Improve topics on certain subjects on Wikimedia platforms, especially those involving GLAM partnerships and gender diversity topics;
- To further involve the Portuguese and Brazilian community in events related to Wikidata.
- Metrics
Program | Goals |
Training workshops & edit-a-thons | At least 15 events |
At least 270 participants in total | |
Improve/create 750 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total | |
Systematic publicity and reporting on activities to be provided to the community | |
At least 1 detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes published on community channels |
- Justification
Edit-a-thons are important types of events, recognized by the Wikimedia community as essential to attract and possibly train new active users. In the Brazilian community, these events are even more important to improve diversity on the platforms, as well as carry out projects and wiki initiatives, especially with GLAMs and educational partners.
Technical workshops are important mainly considering the context of Brazilian culture, which is educationally deficient in the most technical areas. The purpose of these workshops is precisely to empower the community of Brazilian Wikimedians and provide knowledge and materials previously not available, besides improving the quality of content and the technical work done within the Wikimedia platforms, especially on Wikidata.
Community events

For 2021, WMB plans to continue organizing community events, a model of engagement that has been successful for remote and on-site gatherings. These events primarily seek to bring Wikimedians to offline events, since we understand how the Brazilian community needs more social events for gathering, exchanging ideas, and discussing the projects in person. However, due to learning in the context of COVID-19, the group is ready to also adopt remote alternatives for those who can never attend all of these events. This is also important due to Brazil's continental magnitude, which makes it even more difficult to hold meetings, especially bringing together users from different regions.
These events are thought of as a means of moving forward in the goals of our Diversity Plan in the sense that they too work towards improving the contact and diversity of community members.
A short presentation is provided to specific events we might organize:
- Wiki Takes a city: this kind of event is aimed to activate the local community (inhabitants, students, city hall, and other institutions such as museums) on Wikimedia projects, mainly Wikipedia and Commons while bringing experienced Wikimedians to support the coverage of the city on different formats applicable to Wikimedia projects. Wiki Takes includes Wikipedia workshops, photo-walks, digital mapping, and development of local GLAM in a short time. The event is an intensive effort to “wikify” a relevant site for the Brazilian heritage that hasn't been properly covered yet on the Wikimedia projects. Examples: Wiki Ocupa Santana de Parnaíba and Wiki Ocupa Jundiaí.
- Wikicontests: mostly online activities --eventually associated with an edit-a-thon-- to stimulate the Wikimedia community to improve the content on a particular topic area or in the context of a broader partnership with an institutional organization. Example: Wikiconcurso Arquivo Nacional: Brasília 60 anos.
- Offline general assembly: an annual meeting of our group members is required by the Brazilian law as we are recognized as a formal association. In this assembly, we present activity reports, discuss strategies for our programs, set internal policies, and keep the community motivated to contribute and to get to know our group. This event might include domestic and international travels.
- Meetups with the community and partners: we expect to organize, either remotely or on-site, events with the broader community, potentially including a lusophone-wide event to celebrate the Wikipedia anniversary, the anniversary of Wikidata, and a broader event with open-knowledge organizations in Brazil. The latter was expected to have been held in 2020 but was canceled in the context of the COVID pandemic.
- Wiki Loves Monuments: this will be the third year in which we organize this event, which has since 2019 seen an increasing number of contributions and engagement.
- International conferences: as a group in the Global South, we understand that it is especially important that we are actively involved in the Wikimedia international conferences. At this point, it is unclear whether or not these conferences will be held in 2021.
- Objectives
- Work on a welcoming and healthy environment for people from different backgrounds to equally have the opportunity to participate in or lead projects in the community (see Diversity Plan);
- Increase the number of active members to keep activities running - and if not possible to expressively expand the community;
- Achieve partnerships with city governments, cultural centers, and other local institutions that can facilitate activities / have synergy with the purposes of Wikimedia;
- Keep in touch with other local and international groups that advocate for free knowledge and actively support their campaigns / develop activities in partnership;
- Prioritize face-to-face contacts between members to facilitate work processes and decisions;
- Facilitate the inclusion of partner institutions from other states, mainly within the scope of GLAM partnerships;
- Provide opportunities for WMB members to travel to international wiki conferences and have contact with the international community;
- Reach more areas through the dissemination of photographic campaigns to broadcast WMB ideals, open knowledge, and the Wikimedia platforms;
- Improve structured information and depiction of Brazilian historical heritage listed on Wikimedia platforms;
- Strengthen WMB unity through social events and discussion spaces, as this helps align objectives and improve communication and debate skills.
- Metrics
To determine metrics for events in 2021 is strictly dependent on the assessment of the health situation globally. Hence, what we present below is a tentative prospect for 2021, and we might have to make adjustments as the year progresses. This is particularly in the context of offline events and activities that require airplane trips. As a general metric, we expect to organize and be involved in 5 to 10 events in 2021, which might be held given the following expectation:
Program | Program activities | Goals |
Community events | Wiki Takes a city |
Wikicontest |
| |
Offline general assembly |
| |
Meetups with the community and partners |
| |
Wiki Loves Monuments |
| |
International conferences |
- Justification
To strengthen the community, to provide a more welcoming environment in the projects, and to establish stronger institutional partnerships are the direct corollaries of the section we have called Community Events. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemics, several events we had planned had to be adjusted and learning from this experience we are now able to envision different strategies to hold these events.
The involvement with Education programs is a priority of Wiki Movimento Brasil in 2021. Since 2014, the group has helped to organize more than 100 education programs, some of them the largest in the world. A considerable number of WMB members are university professors who already carry out education programs or are part of the Wikipedia & Education User Group.
In 2020, our objective has been to create a Brazilian community around the education programs, a kind of remote and community support network for educators who needed assistance when organizing educational activities in the context of Wikimedia platforms. The goal for 2021 is to maintain and grow this new net of support for even more educators and educational institutions. This is important considering that Brazil has ranked among the worst countries in the world in terms of numeracy, literacy, and scientific knowledge, which has strongly impacted how our society has evolved.
For the development of this support network, WMB set up a single campaign page on the Outreach Dashboard, which became the fourth biggest program on the platform and presented some impressive results, such as 186 programs, 4149 editors, 118 million words added, 301 thousand referenced added, 114 thousand articles edited and 64.8 thousand articles created.
To hold all Brazilian education programs on a single page also was helpful to organized the monthly workshops, the Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação: a educação livre no Brasil e as plataformas Wikimedia (Wikimedia & Education Workshops: open education in Brazil and Wikimedia platforms), to talk about education, open knowledge, and Wikimedia in the Brazilian context. In the event’s portal, there are materials, recordings, and slides from all five workshops (until October) and a page of participants, all to support this network of wiki educators. Externally, one space was also created in the WMB’s Slack for educators to interact off-wiki with Wikimedians and other professors.
We plan to achieve this objective by organizing regular workshops to support educators on and off-wiki and by increasing the number and reach of lectures and talks that are organized with partners, mainly at universities. The development of the workshops was supported by a Creative Commons Open Education grant.
- Objectives
- Support activities from education programs throughout Brazil, such as debate educational activities with professors, help with Outreach Dashboard, Mbabel, and other tools;
- Participate, when necessary, in lectures and presentations for professors;
- Maintain the support network created after sAPG 2021, through the continuation of the Wikimedia & Education Workshops.
- Metrics
Program | Goals |
Education workshops, lectures, and talks | At least 8 events |
At least 300 participants in total |
- Justification
The Brazilian community is responsible for some of the most impressive and important education programs currently on-wiki carried out by educators who already know the rules of the platforms. However, it is still important to continue improving the performance of these programs, especially with the community of Wikimedians, and forming an even better support network that is a reference for new educators to enter, understand, and actively participate within the Wikimedia platforms with their students.
Wiki Loves Bahia
Our boldest planned activity in 2021 is what has been called "Wiki Loves Bahia". The overall goal of this new project is to prioritize in our activities a region that has been systematically left out in the open knowledge ecosystem in which Wikimedia projects strive. We plan to intensify activities and programs in Bahia in 2021.
Bahia is one of the largest states in Brazil --it is as large as the country France-- and is also one of the poorest states, in a region where more Brazilians live under the poverty line. This sociodemographic profile is associated with an incredibly low rate of content produced on Wikimedia projects, particularly in Bahia's countryside. Around 60% of the 417 cities in Bahia have not a single picture on Wikimedia Commons; around 75% of the cities in Bahia do not have an entry or only have a stub-level entry on Wikipedia in Portuguese. As revealed by the Wikimedia Foundation Readership Program, these pictures occur in the context of an extremely low level of Wikimedia awareness.
At the same time, Bahia is one of the states with the most wiki activity and active users who are WMB members. Moreover, it is one of the most culturally and historically rich studies in Brazil, with many important GLAM organizations and a significant number of educational institutions. Our local community has strong connections with these institutions, mostly public schools, universities, and libraries.
A prospective study with local GLAMs is currently underway and has received support from a Creative Commons Open GLAM grant. We were able to feed Wikidata with information on most GLAMs in the state, as we plan to reach out to them.
Activities we plan to undertake in the context of Wiki Loves Bahia include:
- GLAM partnerships, including the campaign "Take a picture of your library/museum/archive and contribute to open knowledge" and eventual content sharing collaborations;
- Photo contests with public schools, particularly focusing on institutions that have received federal funding for the creation of internet labs and with which we could then build Wikimedia trainings;
- Wikicontest and edit-a-thons to improve the content on topics pertaining to Bahia;
- Education programs to be held in public universities and eventually schools;
- And more as a full set of activities is still being built.
All these activities will of course depend on intensive communications and outreach plans. We also plan to invest in documenting this project as we could eventually replicate successful activities in other states. We expect to have a local temporary contractor to work with us on this ambitious project.
We expect to have this project as an opportunity to foster Wikimedian growth throughout Bahia, eventually having engaged volunteers acting as Wikimedia ambassadors. Ambassadors are people committed to Wikimedia purposes that can locally engage and disseminate activities. WMB can lead to a growing relationship and support activities, including event organization orientations, dissemination through our communication channels, and guidance through "Wikimedia universe", as providing directions on how to apply for a Rapid Grant to run events/activities, for example. The idea came as a suggestion by Chris Schilling during this Simple APG orientation meetings.
It is important to notice this project is associated with higher risks, as we plan to connect to all educational and cultural institutions in the state. This project is directly in accordance with our Diversity Plan.
- Objectives
- Increase diversity of institutions that partner up with Wikimedia projects;
- Increase Wikimedia awareness;
- Increase content on a currently marginalized community;
- Develop a replicable project.
- Metrics
Program | Program activities | Goals |
Wiki Loves Bahia | GLAMs |
Photo contest |
| |
Wikicontest and edit-a-thons |
| |
Education programs |
- Justification
Wiki Loves Bahia is probably the most strategic novelty in our expected activities for 2021. It addresses directly the guidance that has been laid out in the Wikimedia strategic direction, as we want to create incentives and an infra-structure to bring new communities --currently left out of our ecosystem-- to Wikimedia projects.
General action programs
Since 2016 and until October 2020, Wiki Movimento Brasil has carried out 17 GLAM-Wiki partnerships. In 2020 only, after the sAPG grant, the group managed to complete three new partnerships, with two others in the final agreement process. In this section, we include activities that characterize our continuing set of activities but that are not related to a specific, episodic event or activity. They are the result of our continuing performance.
Programs presented here are similar to those developed in our 2020 sAPG program plan; following the instruction of this new approach for the sAPG application we do not provide much detail. For more information on the scope of these action programs, please refer to our previous sAPG application.
A short presentation is provided to specific actions we might undergo:
- Resources: audiovisual and printed materials that support WMB community’s needs. They can be used for education programs, trainings, edit-athons, GLAM-Wiki partnerships, and other activities. Video resources are especially useful.
- Content upload: Wiki Movimento Brasil has carried out various GLAM-Wiki partnerships, in which there were uploads of several collections of images and metadata from Brazilian GLAM institutions. In 2020, the group already shared more than 5 thousand images on Wikimedia Commons and 7 thousand metadata on Wikidata, related to those partnerships.
- Partnerships: Wiki Movimento Brasil has formally partnered up with around 20 cultural and educational institutions. These partnerships are the result of long processes and negotiations and play a key role in improving content from Brazil on Wikimedia projects.
- Communications: refers to systematically providing accounts for the Brazilian and global community about what we have achieved in programs and activities we expect to run throughout this Simple APG term. It also refers to the strategic engagement of participants in WMB's activities and to community support.
- Objectives
- Provide better audiovisual resources on Wikimedia platforms for the Lusophone community;
- Update brochures content or videos on Wikimedia platforms;
- Reach different interested audiences through more visually attractive resources;
- Increase the number of images and metadata made available through GLAM partnerships on Commons and Wikidata;
- Improve the quality of metadata previously made available through GLAM partnerships on Wikidata;
- Involve more members from the community and from WMB in the uploading process of images and metadata;
- Increase the number of GLAM partnerships and diversify them;
- Include partners from other areas of Brazil, giving priority to those from less favored regions;
- Achieve partnerships with city governments, cultural centers, and other local institutions that can facilitate activities / have synergy with the purposes of Wikimedia;
- Actively engage through communications channels users on WMB’s activities and reach out for new volunteers spread throughout Brazil ;
- Develop integrated communications procedures on and off wiki for disseminating activities;
- Transform WMB’s channels into reference points for volunteers and potential partners;
- Develop a stronger network of Wikimedians spread out through the Brazilian territory and support local activities.
- Metrics
Program | Program activities | Goals |
General action programs | Resources |
Content upload |
| |
Partnerships |
| |
Communications |
| |
Wikimedia Ambassadors |
- Justification
What is presented is to some extent the cornerstone of what being part of a community means: creating resources that can have a multiplier effect; sharing knowledge; establishing partnerships; engaging and communicating; and so on. As in previous programs, we plan to have our general actions be held strategically in accordance with our Diversity Plan.
Museu Paulista image with most views in 2020 (11 903 748 views)
Brazilian National Archives image with most views in 2020 (4 555 625 views)
Instituto Moreira Salles image with most views in 2020 (1 520 917 views)
Grant Metrics Reporting
[edit]Needs Request
[edit]Suggestions for Simple APG Application process
[edit]- This year, the application process was simplified --which was great as this is often a long, intricate document--, and it was very important to have support, guidance throughout the process. In light of this experience, a suggestion would be to continue with the simplification process and continuing support. A suggestion would be to offer the opportunity of applicants to interact (in a call?) with the committee, if possible.
Requests for operational support
[edit]- Support to best develop our Communications Strategic Plan would be appreciated. :)
- Support to improve our hiring procedures would be appreciated. :)
- Guidance on the development of our General Strategic Plan would be appreciated. :)
![]() |
Midterm report
[edit]Program story
Our highlight for the semester comes from the Museu Paulista GLAM-Wiki initiative, a partnership Wiki Movimento Brasil established in 2017. Last year, WMB strengthened its relationship with the museum in a series of activities to disseminate the collection available on Wikimedia platforms and through the development of open source technologies based on Wikidata. That partnership has had a new momentum in 2021 with even more involvement from the museum's research and curatorial teams.
For this year, we highlight a new technical interface developed for the Museu Paulista initiative on the Wikimedia projects. This interface can be described as a data roundtripping process, in which a virtuous cycle between Wikidata/Commons and the museum local database is established. The goal is to semi-automate editions coming from the museum that improve content on Wikimedia projects and reversely be able to transclude Wikimedia-generated content to the local database.
A set of apps has been developed to improve metadata feeding associated to the Museu Paulista objects collection on Wikidata, improving Wikidata usability and the informations that are especially relevant for the museum's curatorial team. Those metadata apps are:
We also held a large wikicontest with the museum, the Wikiconcurso Casa Brasileira. The event has lasted for two months and has engaged 640 editors, who created more than 320 new Wikipedia entries and improved 660 articles in Portuguese related to exhibition and research topics of the museum. This was the second wikicontest organized as a dissemination activity for the GLAM-Wiki Museu Paulista. To support the participants and outreach both the museum's research on the Brazilian House and their objects collections now available on Wikimedia Commons, Wiki Movimento Brasil held monthly edit-a-thons with thematic webinars on the theme, along with editing tutorials for new users.
From this particular museum, 6900 images were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons in the first semester of 2021. They are part of the House Collection, a set of objects from the late 19th and early 20th centuries in São Paulo.
Program Progress
[edit]This document is mostly geared towards our quantifiable metrics. We keep as a meta sub-page a detailed and update report of our activities in 2021.
Training workshops and edit-a-thons
[edit]Program | Goals |
1.0 Training workshops & edit-a-thons | 1.1 At least 15 events |
1.2 At least 270 participants in total | |
1.3 Improve/create 750 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total | |
1.4 Systematic publicity and reporting on activities to be provided to the community | |
1.5 At least 1 detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes published on community channels |

In the period covered in this report, Wiki Movimento Brasil fully complied with the proposed metrics for "training workshops and edit-a-thons". In the first six months of 2021, 4 Wikidata Labs and 10 edit-a-thons were carried out. Together, these training events brought together over 360 participants in total, who had access to training oriented not only to one of our main GLAM initiatives - the Museu Paulista one - but also to the Wikidata project, through the sequence of our Wikidata Labs, an award-winning initiative.
The events listed below were advertised on the edit-a-thons portal at the Lusophone Wikipedia and were registered and controlled through the Outreach Dashboard, which has allowed us to check that we have already improved/created over 3560 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total.
Wiki Movimento Brasil has also supported the weekly live introduction to Wikimedia called WikiConvida, in which a WMB member first interviews a scientist and then introduces them to Wikimedia and does some live editing.
- 1.1 At least 15 events
- 1.2 At least 270 participants in total
- 1.3 Improve/create 750 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total
- 1.4 Systematic publicity and reporting on activities to be provided to the community
- 1.5 At least 1 detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes published on community channels (planned for the second semester)
WikiConvida list |
WikiConvida: Aline Murillo |
WikiConvida: Cesar Prada |
WikiConvida: Clarissa Reche |
WikiConvida: Danilo Zampronio |
WikiConvida: Érika Molina |
WikiConvida: Felipe ten Caten |
WikiConvida: Gabriel Lovate |
WikiConvida: Guilherme Toledo |
WikiConvida: João Molino |
WikiConvida: Kleber Neves |
WikiConvida: Lylyan Pimentel |
WikiConvida: Maria Astolfi |
WikiConvida: Miguel Croce |
WikiConvida: Mireia Mitter |
WikiConvida: Pedro Rocha |
WikiConvida: Renan de Araújo |
WikiConvida: Tatiana El-Bacha |
WikiConvida: Thomaz Lüscher Dias |
WikiConvida: Viviane Schuch |
WikiConvida: WikiConvida: Guilherme Toledo |
Community events
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
2.0 Community events | 2.1 Wiki Takes a city |
2.2 Wikicontest |
| |
2.3 Offline general assembly |
| |
2.4 Meetups with the community and partners |
| |
2.5 Wiki Loves Monuments |
| |
2.6 International conferences |

Our Wikicontest is probably the major highlight in terms of community events. The Wikiconcurso Casa Brasileira was held from March 15 to May 15 and among its results were the improvement of over 660 articles and the creation of over 320 articles, which so far have reached over 349,000 views. The curatorship of the selected articles, divided into five main topic areas, was led by a team of researchers from the Museu Paulista.
For "Meetups with the community and partners", we highlight the Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia, in which affiliates and informal groups of Wikimedians have collaborated to organize a two-day long event in the context of Wikipedia's 20th anniversary. Before the event itself, WMB collaborated with some of the groups on other events, in order to engage more people in the celebration.
We expect Wiki Takes a City, our General assembly and Wiki Loves Monuments to happen in the second semester. Due to the covid-19 we will not make any trip to onsite events; nevertheless, we expect to be able to attend and present international conferences in the second semester, such as Wikimania.
- 2.1 Wiki Takes a city (planned for the second semester)
- 2.2 Wikicontest
- 2.3 General assembly (planned for the second semester)
- 2.4 Meetups with the community and partners
- 2.5 Wiki Loves Monuments (planned for the second semester)
- 2.6 International conferences (planned for the second semester)
[edit]Program | Goals |
3.0 Education workshops, lectures, and talks | 3.1 At least 8 events |
3.2 At least 300 participants in total |

In the context of the covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increasing interest on digital solutions for educational purposes, which includes Wikimedia projects. We have sustained a more ambitious outreach strategy, which has paid off. This term, there have been more than 25 activities directly related to "Education", including 3 workshops from the WMB-organized "Wikimedia & Educação" series and ten open classes for the technical team of the Museu Paulista, previously announced, described and reported at O Museu Paulista na cultura digital. Combined, the events exceeded our goal of 300 participants in total, reaching more than 700 people. We have also supported education programs working on Wikiversity, Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikimedia Commons.
WMB members have presented and published studies on the educational use of Wikimedia projects. João Alexandre Peschanski, for instance, co-published "O uso da Wikiversidade no ensino do Jornalismo Científico", an article that aims at critically presenting a case study about the creation of an online, open and collaborative course of introduction to scientific journalism. It begins showing the context in which the project was conceived and then briefly talks about the triad “communication, education and technology”, emphasizing technology’s role in distance education, which can be seen from the historical perspective of “generations of technological innovation”. Marília Carrera also presented the Roda de Saberes workshop with educators.
- 3.1 Events
- 3.2 Participants
Museu Paulista na Cultura Digital events list |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 01 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 02 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 03 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 04 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 05 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 06 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 07 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 08 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 09 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 10 |
Wiki Loves Bahia
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
4.0 Wiki Loves Bahia | 4.1 GLAMs |
4.2 Photo contest |
| |
4.3 Wikicontest and edit-a-thons |
| |
4.4 Education programs |

Wiki Loves Bahia is our boldest activity planned for 2021. It is a prototype for increasing diversity in Wikimedia, by focusing on content that has been systematically missing and empowering an underrepresented subnational community. This project has involved a contractor from the region. Our vision here is both to have an actual impact on Wikimedia and learning from this case to improve its model and eventually replicate its general goal in other contexts.
We have outreached to over 500 GLAM institutions in Bahia --bringing their information to Wikidata. Response rate has been low, yet around ten institutions have taken our tutorial for GLAM partnerships, developed in the context of this outreach program. There have been hundreds of media files contributed to Wikimedia Commons and thousands of edits on Wikidata in the context of Wiki Loves Bahia. We are currently working to establish a long-term partnership with a statewide educational and cultural governmental agency.
An education program has been launched in the first semester of 2021. The goal was to take pictures of cities in Bahia that had no previous photograph on Wikimedia Commons.
The Wikicontest, a series of edit-a-thons and a photo contest are planned for the second semester.
- 4.1 GLAMs
Almost done
- 4.2 Photo contest (planned for the second semester, see Concurso fotográfico)
- 4.3 Wikicontest and edit-a-thons (planned for the second semester, see Wikiconcurso Wiki Loves Bahia)
- 4.4 Education programs
Almost done
General action programs
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
5.0 General action programs | 5.1 Resources |
5.2 Content upload |
| |
5.3 Partnerships |
| |
5.4 Communications |
| |
5.5 Wikimedia Ambassadors |

In 2021, we have so far produced six printed or video resources to support the community. We have also produced a detailed documentation on our GLAM-Wiki processes and a WMB member has produced a scientific report on our work with GLAMs. Most viewed videos were on how to create a Wikidata item and on how to create a GLAM-Wiki partnership license on Wikimedia Commons.
WMB went beyond the established goals for Content upload. We have uploaded through our initiatives 7,000 files and 36,000 items respectively to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. Data is recorded in the history of Mediawiki and mass upload tools, such as this Toolforge register, this one and all items inside this category on Commons.
We have recently established a partnership with the Centro de Memória Unicamp (CMU). Founded in 1985, CMU gathers a vast collection of audiovisual, iconographic, sound, textual and three-dimensional documents related to Campinas and its metropolitan area from late 18th century until nowadays. Wiki Movimento Brasil signed up a new GLAM-Wiki partnership with the Electronic Language International Festival (FILE), named GLAM-Wiki FILE, in April and we'll start to upload on Wikimedia projects new metadata and files from their collection. This GLAM-Wiki will be dedicated to uploads from FILE's events, widely known for its festivals in which artists explore new performative technologies, videos, animation and games. In June, Wiki Movimento Brasil ratified a partnership with the State of São Paulo Public Archives, one of the largest cultural institutions in São Paulo. It holds collections of historical pictures, maps and public documents.
We currently have around 20 active GLAM-Wiki partnerships. This work has led Wiki Movement Brasil to become a candidate to host GLAM-Wiki Con in 2022, if sanitary circumstances allow for an onsite event.
We have not yet established a partnership outside of the São Paulo - Rio main region. We have two ongoing negotiations running with institutions in Espírito Santo and Santa Catarina. We have developed activities with eight non-GLAM institutions, including foundations, NGOs and cultural centers.
On "Communications", we have relied on village pumps/mass message to recurrently inform the community of our events and activities. We have also accomplished the goal of at least one communication via social media per activity/event organized by WMB. By June, we had our first evaluation meeting of the Communications Strategic Plan to better understand what is already working well and what needs to be adjusted for the next semester. Due the partnership with the Museu Paulista, WMB also had 50 media appearances during this period. There were also 5 monthly calendar events (February-June) shared in our channels, plus 5 GLAM Newsletter reports: (01, 02, 03, 04, 05).
- 5.1 Resources
- 5.2 Content upload
- 5.3 Partnerships
Almost done
- 5.4 - Communications
- 5.5 Wikimedia Ambassadors (planned for the second semester)
Spending update Midterm
[edit]Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the first half of your grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.
Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period:
- USD 51.586,22 / R$ 261.768,08 (link)
Grant Metrics Reporting Midterm
[edit]Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.
Final report
[edit]Program story
[edit]- Wiki Loves Bahia

Over this grant period, WMB led a pilot program called "Wiki Loves Bahia": a set of activities for increasing diversity in Wikimedia, by focusing on content that has been systematically missing and empowering an underrepresented subnational community in the Bahia state. Bahia is larger than France and is one of the poorest Brazilian states, in a region where more Brazilians live under the poverty line, and yet, it is also a state of tremendous cultural and historical importance for Brazil, where significant GLAM and Education institutions are located.
For many reasons, this was a high risk project, especially because Bahia was not a state in which GLAM institutional partnerships had happened before and because we had never run a project this ambitious before.
Yet, still facing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and impacts on culture and education, WMB was able to develop a series of activities under the Wiki Loves Bahia initiative in 2021 with the facilitation of a local contractor. A portal for the initiative was established on Wikipedia in Portuguese as a strategy to organize and centralize the various activities while maintaining a continuous dissemination for the community. WMB also delivered biweekly newsletters to subscribed users in the portal. Wiki Loves Bahia engaged both the local and the broad Wikimedia community through the following activities:
- Remote thematic edit-a-thons: series of five webinars hosted by a local expert, followed by a tutorial on how to edit Wikipedia and a practical activity led by WMB staff. WMB had in this scope its first edit-a-thon led by an Native Brazililan speaker.
- Wikicontest: editing contest on Wikipedia in Portuguese that engaged 127 people over almost two months to create and improve more than 1160 entries related to the Bahia state: biodiversity, biographies, cultural and historical heritage, religious manifestations and more.
- Photo contest: considering the lack of image representation of the Bahia state on Wikimedia Commons, the “Fotografe a sua cidade” - “take a picture of your city” - contest was geared towards public schools so that the students could take a picture of their cities to help close the gap. WMB also included in Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil a special award category for images portraying Bahia's heritage to encourage photographers in the state to participate.
- GLAMs: WMB mapped and outreached more than 500 GLAM institutions in Bahia and added missing information on them on Wikidata. In order to support the development of local independent GLAMs, WMB designed a tutorial on Dashboard Outreach that explains step-by-step the process for uploading collections on Wikimedia platforms. By the end of the project, we have 3 new partnerships with museums. These are the first GLAMs ratified outside the Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo axis, an important step towards decentralizing WMB activities from the richest regions of the country. In partnership with Goethe-Institut São Paulo and Instituto Moreira Salles, two of those institutions in Bahia received a digitization kit suited for low resource institutions and training on how to operate the equipment and upload the images and metadata on Wikimedia. The local capacity building and the donation of the equipment are expected to be resources for the recurrent empowered GLAM activity.
- Education: University courses engaged students in improving Wikimedia content in the Bahia state as well. One of the proposed activities included a photowalk with Architecture & Urbanism students. WMB also established a partnership with a major educational institution from which more than 12.000 multimedia files will be uploaded on Wikimedia projects.
Wiki Loves Bahia was challenging from start to end: WMB had to deal with the lack of local infrastructure, unexpected and exhaustive bureaucracy to establish partnerships, differences in approaches in communication and the general pandemic restrictions to engage local participation. The final outcomes were positive, as we were able to maintain all planned activities, improve Bahia’s representation on Wikimedia and strengthened the local community on Wikimedia, while carrying out the perspective of decentering WMB's activities and bringing more diversity of users and content to Wikimedia projects in Portuguese. WMB will carry out the learnings from the Wiki Loves Bahia to focus in 2022 on a similar initiative for the Espírito Santo state.
Learning story
Wiki Movimento Brasil developed this year a new framework for assessing learning. This framework was built collaboratively among group members and has eventually informed the launching of our strategy process, which will run from November 1, 2021 to the end of 2022.
Our learning assessment resulted in a Theory of Change brochure, published in October. This brochure has four parts:
- an Executive summary that provides the context of our framework for assessing learning;
- a diagram of the WMB Theory of Change;
- a table with learning questions and methodologies for learning; and
- a general overview of environmental challenges for our work.
To learn how to learn involves openness for change and organizational maturity --two characteristics that are often in contradiction--, and the development of our framework for assessing learning was also an opportunity to discuss our roles and responsibilities. Our internal process has happened in parallel to a broader research we are currently running with support from the WMF for the 2030 Wikimedia Strategy implementation in the Portuguese-speaking communities.
We are thankful for the WMF Community Resources team for providing support to the development of the WMB Theory of Change methodology.
Programs Impact
[edit]This document was geared towards our quantifiable metrics. During the entire year of 2021, we kept it as a meta sub-page a detailed and updated report of our activities in 2021. Although it was not part of this report, it's worth emphasizing that WMB launched in 2021 a strategic process that will considerate the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations and will involve different stakeholders, such as the associate members of WMB, the lusophone community, GLAM and Education institutions and open knowledge organizations in Brazil. We also carried out a survey on the Movement Strategy implementation in the Lusophony through a Rapid Grant. The results will be published in early 2022.

Training workshops and edit-a-thons
[edit]Program | Goals |
1.0 Training workshops & edit-a-thons | 1.1 At least 15 events |
1.2 At least 270 participants in total | |
1.3 Improve/create 750 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total | |
1.4 Systematic publicity and reporting on activities to be provided to the community | |
1.5 At least 1 detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes published on community channels |

In 2021, Wiki Movimento Brasil fully complied with the proposed metrics for "training workshops and edit-a-thons". By collating the events that took place throughout the year, 5 Wikidata Labs and 14 edit-a-thons were carried out. Together, these training events brought together over 410 participants in total, who had access to training oriented not only to one of our main GLAM initiatives - the Museu Paulista one - but also to the Wikidata project, through the sequence of our Wikidata Labs, an award-winning initiative.
The events listed below were advertised on the edit-a-thons portal at the Lusophone Wikipedia and were registered and controlled through the Outreach Dashboard, which has allowed us to check that we have already improved/created over 3600 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total.
Wiki Movimento Brasil has also supported the weekly live introduction to Wikimedia called WikiConvida, in which a WMB member first interviews a scientist and then introduces them to Wikimedia and does some live editing.
Last but not least, the WMB created and published a detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes and wikicontests. The material can be acessed here.
- 1.1 At least 15 events
- 1.2 At least 270 participants in total
- 1.3 Improve/create 750 Wikipedia/Commons/Wikidata entries in total
- 1.4 Systematic publicity and reporting on activities to be provided to the community
- 1.5 At least 1 detailed documentation of WMB's edit-a-thons processes published on community channels
Community events
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
2.0 Community events | 2.1 Wiki Takes a city |
2.2 Wikicontest |
| |
2.3 Offline general assembly |
| |
2.4 Meetups with the community and partners |
| |
2.5 Wiki Loves Monuments |
| |
2.6 International conferences |

In this second group of actions planned for 2021, Wiki Movimento Brasil fulfilled its proposal once again. In our mid-report, 6 months ago, Wikiconcurso Casa Brasileira was the major highlight in terms of community events. In this final report for 2021, now it´s time for Wiki Takes a City and our General assembly; both of them were conducted and met the established goals. Talking about "Wiki Takes a City", more than 1000 images were uploaded, hundreds of buildings in the historic center of the city of Itu duly mapped. The expectation to hit 40 articles created/improved in Wikipedia was the sole metric that we were not able to accomplish, due to the lack of interest in editing on the go among people who attended our event. Our General Assembly was carried out in a hybrid way and its results can be seen here.
WMB organized over 2 meetings with partners, including affiliates, institutions involved in open-knowledge projects, and scholars and activists on free knowledge and related topics. The main event in this context was the "Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia", a celebration of 20 years of Wikipedia held by individuals and organizations of Portuguese-speaking Wikipemedians.
Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2021 was driven and fulfilled its goals. Brazil was ranked 10th globally, despite not having reached the target for the number of photos, possibly due to restrictions on circulation given the context of the pandemic.
Talking about international conferences, had an appearance on Wikimania, during which WMB presented State of GLAM-Wiki in 2021: Museu do Ipiranga; State of GLAM-Wiki in 2021: Wiki Loves Bahia; English as a lingua franca of the Wikimedia movement, Celebrating the Wikipedia Education Program, Automatically maintained citations with Wikidata and Cite Q and Integrating Wikidata into the Wikimedia projects: Mbabel tool.
- 2.1 Wiki Takes a city
- 2.1.1.
- 2.1.2
- 2.1.3
- 2.1.4
Partly done
- 2.1.5
- 2.1.6
- 2.1.7
- 2.1.1.
- 2.2 Wikicontest
- 2.3 General assembly
- 2.4 Meetups with the community and partners
- 2.5 Wiki Loves Monuments
- 2.1.1.
- 2.1.2.
- 2.1.3.
- 2.1.4.
Partly done
- 2.1.1.
- 2.6 International conferences
[edit]Program | Goals |
3.0 Education workshops, lectures, and talks | 3.1 At least 8 events |
3.2 At least 300 participants in total |

As we reported in our mid-report, there has been an increasing interest in digital solutions for educational purposes, which includes Wikimedia projects. We have sustained a more ambitious outreach strategy, which has paid off. A challenge we faced in the second half of 2021, however, was the departure of a member of the professional team, who took care of the Education part. But that didn't stop Wiki Movimento Brasil from fulfilling all the goals proposed for this group of actions. In 2021, there have been more than 26 activities directly related to "Education", including seven workshops from the WMB-organized "Wikimedia & Educação" series and ten open classes for the technical team of the Museu Paulista, previously announced, described, and reported at O Museu Paulista na cultura digital. Combined, the events exceeded our goal of 300 participants in total, reaching 1,166 people. We have also supported education programs working on Wikiversity, Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Wikimedia Commons.
- 3.1 Events
- 3.2 Participants
Museu Paulista na Cultura Digital events list |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 01 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 02 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 03 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 04 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 05 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 06 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 07 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 08 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 09 |
O Museu Paulista na cultura digital - class 10 |
Wiki Loves Bahia
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
4.0 Wiki Loves Bahia | 4.1 GLAMs |
4.2 Photo contest |
| |
4.3 Wikicontest and edit-a-thons |
| |
4.4 Education programs |

Wiki Loves Bahia was our boldest activity planned for 2021. As we mentioned before, it is a prototype for increasing diversity in Wikimedia, by focusing on content that has been systematically missing and empowering an underrepresented subnational community. This project has involved a contractor from the region. Our vision here is both to have an actual impact on Wikimedia and learn from this case to improve its model and eventually replicate its general goal in other contexts.
We have outreached hundreds of cultutal institutions inside Bahia and established an official partnership with 3 GLAM institutions in that Brazilian state --bringing their information to Wikidata. Response rate has been low, yet around ten institutions have taken our tutorial for GLAM partnerships, developed in the context of this outreach program. There have been hundreds of media files contributed to Wikimedia Commons and thousands of edits on Wikidata in the context of Wiki Loves Bahia. We are currently working to establish a long-term partnership with a statewide educational and cultural governmental agency.
In view of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, as educational institutions in Bahia remained closed until the month of October 2021, it was impossible to contact their legal representatives (directors / coordinators) to properly outreach the planned photo contest. To get around this situation, we sought to establish a partnership with the Anísio Teixeira Institute, an agency linked to the State Department of Education of Bahia, as they could support the dissemination of the contest to the institutions in their network. But, due to the complexity of bureaucratic processes in Brazil, the partnership was not implemented in time. Therefore, the outreach to around 400 institutions across the state was carried out by an invitation via e-mail, which had a very low engagement rate.
Wiki Loves Bahia focused its attention also on cultural institutions that are interested in sharing their collections, but do not have digitized ones. In this context, the Museu da Capitania de Ilhéus and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Bahia Collection were both included in the "Museu Portátil" project, a partnership between the Goethe Institut, Instituto Moreira Sales and Wiki Movimento Brasil. The project aims to prepare a booklet on how to digitize low-cost equipment collections, enabling institutions to share their GLAM. Each institution received a donation of 1 digitization kit specific to their collection, and training to digitize their collection and share it in Wikimedia projects. For the year 2022, we have already started negotiations to share 4 more collections, they are: the Museum of Sacred Art of Bahia, the Museum of Misericórdia, the Unzó Tombeci Neto Memorial and the Anísio Teixeira Institute Collection.
- 4.1 GLAMs
- 4.2 Photo contest
- 4.2.1
- 4.2.2
Partly done
- 4.2.3
Partly done
- 4.3 Wikicontest and edit-a-thons
- 4.4 Education programs
General action programs
[edit]Program | Program activities | Goals |
5.0 General action programs | 5.1 Resources |
5.2 Content upload |
| |
5.3 Partnerships |
| |
5.4 Communications |
| |
5.5 Wikimedia Ambassadors |

At the end of 2021, the WMB fulfilled the goals established for this last group of actions. We have so far produced six printed or video resources to support the community. We have also produced a detailed documentation on our GLAM-Wiki processes and a WMB member has produced a scientific report on our work with GLAMs. Most viewed videos were on how to create a Wikidata item and on how to create a GLAM-Wiki partnership license on Wikimedia Commons.
WMB went beyond the established goals for Content upload. We have uploaded through our initiatives 26.065 files and 44.904 items respectively to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. Data is recorded in the history of Mediawiki and mass upload tools, such as this Toolforge register, this one and items inside this category on Commons.
We currently have 22 active GLAM-Wiki partnerships, and 3 other more conected to our Wiki Loves Bahia projetc. This work has led Wiki Movement Brasil to become a candidate to host GLAM-Wiki Con in 2022 if sanitary circumstances allow for an onsite event. We have consolidated a partnership with the Espírito Santo state and will continue throughout 2022 developing activities GLAM institutions, including foundations, NGOs, and cultural centers from that Brazilian state.
On "Communications" we have relied on village pumps/mass messages to recurrently inform the community of our events and activities. We have also accomplished the goal of at least one communication via social media per activity/event organized by WMB. During the second half of 2021, adjustments were made to the Communications Strategic Plan. WMB also had six media appearances during this period. There were also 11 monthly calendar events (February-December) shared in our channels, plus nine GLAM Newsletter reports: (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09).
The establishment of a Wikimedia ambassadors network was moved to 2022, in the context of WikiCon Brasil, the first conference for the Brazilian community. The activity is also part of the WMB strategic process, to be developed in 2022.
- 5.1 Resources
- 5.2 Content upload
- 5.3 Partnerships
- 5.4 Communications
- 5.5 Wikimedia Ambassadors
Partly done
Spending update Final
[edit]Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.
Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period:
- USD 125,353.79 (grant: USD 116,295.52 + amendment: USD 9,058.27) / BRL 636,092.57 (link)
Grant Metrics Reporting Final
[edit]Metrics, targets and results: grants metrics worksheet here.