Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedia TZA/Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania/Report
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- To read the approved grant submission for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedia TZA/Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania.
- Review the reporting requirements to better understand the reporting process.
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[edit]Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
- Yes, we did meet our goals and the theme Home and Habitat allowed us to reach underrepresented communities, so we are happy with how the project went.
[edit]Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.
Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
Introduce Wiki Loves Africa 2022 Home and Habitat theme to the existing and new contributors of wiki commons, raise awareness about Wiki Loves Africa and its Impact on reducing African content gap in Wikimedia projects. | We were able to recruit at least 25 photographers and editor volunteers where we introduced Wiki Loves Africa 2022 photo competition under the theme ‘’Home and Habitat’’. We gave a chance for participants to choose potential Tanzanian areas to visit for Photohunt, one of the most suggested areas was visiting Hadzabe indigenous tribe and capturing some captivating photos on how they live and consider home. This was done, and we purposely agreed to this idea as a way to ensure the project serves to raise visibility of underrepresented communities in a country. | Goal was met |
Recruit new and existing editors especially (professional and non-professional photographers) to Wikimedia projects. | We were able to recruit both experienced and at least 4 new photographers, where we briefed all of them about the Photo context, its purpose and why they should get involved. | Goal was met. |
Increase photography skills for existing and new photographers/editors taking part in this project | We allowed experienced photographers to share best practices when it comes to Wiki Loves Africa contest. We presented some common experiences such as common mistakes done by Photographers including watermarking their photos, and best practices in terms of using borrowed devices such as cameras. We also did capacity building on common Licences used in Wikimedia commons and their meaning. | Goal was met |
Improve the content on Swahili Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and English Wikipedia. | We did some training on how to use the photos captured in some of Swahili articles that lack photos. We emphasized to Wikipedia editors to use the photos taken under this contest to continually improve our Swahili Wikipedia and other Wiki projects. | Goal was met. |
[edit]Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
- What worked well?
- Choosing to capture indigenous people through this contest was one of the great ideas that people liked to learn more about how underrepresented communities live. We did partener organizing this contest with Safari Wallet group, a local tourist company which was helpful in managing Logistics and Photo Hunt moderation around the areas that Indigenous people live.
- Partnering with Safari wallet (tourist company) helped in easily navigating logistical activities related to photohunts.
- We were able to capture significant number of photos realting to the theme. All photos can be found on these followinglinks Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania and through Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania
- What did not work so well?
- One photographer got sick during the photo hunt, the crew supported him and he eventually got better after taking some medications with the help of our partners we engaged with.
Given the long distance travel to where these indigenous people live, budget constraints limited the number of photographers whom we were supposed to support them for visiting different areas and capturing photos under the same theme.
- What would you do differently next time?
- To recruit and Include more women photographers in this contest and other photo related contests.
- To ask for a budget incrementso we meet the needs of a considerable wider range of diversity representation under the same thing. This will also help us to support other smaller communities seeking to organize self photo hunts.
[edit]Grant funds spent
[edit]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
- Below is the list of expense we encountered during running of the project:
- Food and drinks:$560
- Branding & Stationeries (key holders, flyers, mugs, certificates,banner):40usd
- Logistics, Communications & Outreach:100
- Photo hunts:1390
- Social Media (Promotion):20
- Closing Ceremony Awards(gift vouchers):350
- Equipment rent:Culturally specific or traditional representations:600
- Venue:300 usd
- COVID-19 precaution measures, Bank rates and contingency:50 usd
Remaining funds
[edit]Do you have any remaining grant funds?
Anything else
[edit]Anything else you want to share about your project?
As a user group, we thank the WMF for funding us and for making this contest fruitful interns of adding African related content on Commons and more over ensuring visibility of underrepresented communities to the world.