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Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedia TZA/Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania

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Wikimedia TZA / Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania
Wiki Loves Africa 2022 in Tanzania is part of Wiki Loves Africa annual contest where any Tanzanian can join us to contribute with free media (photographs, video, and audio) that illustrate the Home and Habitat theme.
targetWikimedia Commons, Swahili Wikipedia and English Wikipedia
start dateFeb 1st
end date15th April
budget (local currency)7,834,577 TZS
budget (USD)3410 USD
grant typegroup
contact(s)• antonicmtavangu(_AT_)gmail.com.• pmandele9(_AT_)gmail.com
organization (if applicable)• Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania

Review your report

Project Goals


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

  1. Introduce Wiki Loves Africa 2022 Home and Habitat theme to the existing and new contributors of wiki commons, raise awareness about Wiki Loves Africa and its Impact on reducing African content gap in Wikimedia projects.
  2. Recruit new and existing editors especially (professional and non-professional photographers) to Wikimedia projects.
  3. Increase photography skills for existing and new photographers/editors taking part in this project
  4. Improve the content on Swahili Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and English Wikipedia.

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. What content will the contest focus on, and why is it important to your community?

We will use our social media channels Wikimedia Tanzania and Wiki Loves Africa in Tanzania and our metapage to let the members know.

3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?

Yes, we have at least 5 active Wikimedians who will help organize the event.

4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?

Some of them have the equipment such as laptops and cameras, some of them use mobile phones to capture photos. We are planning to rent at least 4 laptops and 4 cameras, 3 (wide) lenses that will be used by volunteers to capture the images.

5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

We will keep the contacts database of the participants, and assign one of our team members to do a post event follow up, to create more awareness of our social media channels and meta page so that the participants can keep following us on further projects we implement. We will as well invite them to join us.

6. Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:

Yes, we will have at least 2 in person events and here is the WLA 2022 in Tanzania Risk assessment results based on the current COVID-19 situation in our country.

7. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?

We are super excited about the year 2022 theme Home and Habitat as we hope the participation will increase due to the clarity of the theme and somehow inclusive for many people to participate in capturing photos that fall under that theme. We are also happy that through this project day after day we are making great steps towards closing the content and narrative gap about Africa through photo.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  1. Number of events= at least 2 main in person events, atleast 3 online workshops
  2. Number of in person event participants= at least 35
  3. Number of online workshop participants= at least 40
  4. Number of new editors=15
  5. Number of of photos uploaded to Wikicommons =500+
  6. Number of photos used in WMF projects (through ISA tool contest)=300+



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

Organizing Team

  1. Jadnapac- Project Manager
  2. Iddy John - Events Training
  3. Clement Makangabila- Online events facilitator
  4. Pellagia Njau & BrixL-Events facilitators
  5. Edwin Bakalemwa- Communication and Community engagement
  6. Paul Mandele- Venue and Photo hunt
  7. [Veronica Llikunama, Amne Dauda, Aneth David]- Women participation motivators

WLA in Tanzania 2022 Budget

Item Quantity Total (USD) Comment
Food and drinks 35 people $16@30=$560 for both 2 events for the launching and closing event
Branding & Stationaries (10 T-shirts,Wikipedia wristbands and key holders, flyers, mugs, certificates,banner) 1 240 T-shirts and the mentioned souvenirs will be given to contributors who have uploaded a good number and quality photos, as well as to participants who have exceptional contributions during competition as determined by the jury.
Logistics, Communications & Outreach 1 200 transport for facilitators, data and calls
Photo hunt (Photo hunts) 2@$500 1000 Amount will be spent on transport and food for those who will join the photo hunt to different parts of the country in search for suitable photos falling under the ‘’Home & Habitat’’ theme.
Social Media (Promotion) 2@$30 60
Closing Ceremony Awards (1st,2nd & 3rd Winners) ($200 gift voucher, $100 gift voucher,$50gift voucher The award will be given in terms of gift cards/vouchers and certificates.
Equipment rent 4 laptops, 4 cameras and 3 wide lenses 500 Cameras will be used for both taking quality photos for the events and for participants having no cameras to take photos during the photo hunt and laptops will be rented to participants who will need them for uploading the photos to Wikicommons.
Culturally specific or traditional representations of home (25USD), Prize for best quality video (audio and visual quality and storytelling (50USD), Best woman photographer (25USD) 25USD +50USD+25USD 100 It will help to motivate a diversity of topics to be covered in photos and participation of women.
Venue 2@150 300
COVID-19 precaution measures, Bank rates and contingency 100 Bank charges
TOTAL => 3410 USD



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

  • Experienced and solid team Support Support Anthere (talk) 21:10, 17 December 2021 (UTC)