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Grants:Project/Rapid/IMD/Indic Hackathon 2022/Report

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Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2022-23 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/IMD/Indic Hackathon 2022.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.


Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes, we were able to meet our goals and are happy with the project overall. We had good participation with mix of volunteer developers, community members and staff. During the two-day, we worked on many issues, bugs, improving tools and building new ones. The event page is at Indic Hackathon 2022.


Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
10 participants + 3-4 organizers 18 participants + 4 organizers After the grant approval, CIS-A2K helped us with some additional funding to support travel for six participants and a third of accommodation budget. This helped us to invite more people to participate in the hackathon.
- ~29 tasks/projects were worked upon We did not have any hard target for the number of bugs that we would be fixing or tasks we would be working upon before the hackathon. However, we had a very productive event having done work on many issues. Many participants worked on tasks related to Wikisource and VideoCutTool. An exhaustive list is in the table below.
An exhaustive list of tasks
S.No. Task Phab ticket Assigned to Status
1 Improve search on Punjabi Wikisource T287887 abi_ Done
2 Add all Wikisource languages to Book Reader T308817 gokulvamsi Done
3 Database for Indic-wscontest tool T308898 Rammanojpotla Done
4 Improve page transclusion via VisualEditor or a widget T161455 Jayprakash12345 Doing... (User needs research)
5 Convert response to JSON for API on Indc-wscontest tool T308838 Nikita Done
6 Add i18n support to indic-wsstats tool T308850 gokulvamsi Doing... (Patch for Review )
7 Navbar for Book Reader T308819 VanshikaRathi Done
8 Purging Index Namespace on Punjabi Wikisource T308906 Hardarshan2207 Done
9 Create base.html and extends it for Book Reader T308828 NikitaShiwach Done
10 JavaScript for author works(Punjabi Wikisource) T308971 Hardarshan2207 Done
11 Add i18n support to image tool T308852 Ramu ummadishetty Done
12 Change Toolforge link URL in BookReader T308973 ParasharSarthak Done
13 Update jQuery version in BookReader T308974 ParasharSarthak Done
VideoCut Tool
14 Insert video url from title argument in the url to the input box T308970 Karanjain71 Done
15 Ability for users to close the error messages T308832 Karanjain71 Done
16 Ability to edit video time stamps while trimming videos T308824 Karanjain71 In progress
17 Able to switch from Horizontal & Vertical settings menu T308822 Karanjain71 In progress
18 Fix the back-end issue in production and make it live Gopavasanth Done
19 OAuth issue in production Gopavasanth Done
20 Migrate the tool infrastructure to the new VM (debian-10.0-buster) Gopavasanth Done
21 connecting mongodb to server in docker dev T308835 Ramu ummadishetty Done
22 nodemon not found issue T308909 Ramu ummadishetty Done
23 Translating the Developer Portal in Tamil language T308891 Bhuvana Meenakshi In progress
24 Adding Better suited icons for `API URL` and `Translate URL` in Edit Tool T308634 gokulvamsi Done
25 Voice input for Wikipedia Editor T308972 Neechalkaran Done
26 Dashboard for incubator wikis T307147 KCVelaga Done
27 Personal assistant built on top of Rhasspy that queries Wikipedia to answer questions abi_ Doing...
28 Add Hindi i18n in CountDownClock extension T308964 ParasharSarthak Done
29 Accessibility checklist for Wikimedia developers Bhuvana Meenakshi Done- research on existing accessibility features in Wikimedia projects, Recommendations for checklist will be done post the Hackathon on Diff blog


Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

What worked well?
  • Approximately 50% of our participants are newcomers to Wikimedia technical spaces, having an online orientation session a few days prior to the in person event has helpful to orient them to various technical spaces and help them be more engaged during the in-person event, rather than starting afresh during the event. We also recorded the session and share it with all the participants.
  • Having Satdeep as a resource person with sound knowledge what are outstanding technical issues on Wikimedia projects has been very crucial to the success of the event. He effectively helped to facilitate, prioritize and scope the tasks for the hackathon. Wikisource is a rapidly growing project in Indic languages, this not only helped us to work on several tasks related to Wikisource, but also create awareness among the developer community about the project. Abhijeet had also been quite helpful with technical mentorship for participants.
  • Tanveer facilitated a session where participants share a cool tool they know (across the internet), and how they can be improved, or be adapted to Wikimedia. This had been an interesting activity. This was documented on the event's etherpad.
  • As the first in-person event after almost two years, the event overall has been good networking between newcomers, veteran developers, staff and community members. As we also several GSoC and Outreach participants from the previous years, with proper follow-up, this will hopefully help in reactivating them.
What did not work so well?
  • Although we tried several ways in which we could encourage participation from the local event in the global hackathon, it had been quite hard. All the participantion in the global online event was mainly on the Phabricator which was helpful to collaborate with others, but socializing has largely been limited within the event. Timezone had been an issue, we only had small overlap with sessions of global hackathon during daytime working hours of India.
What would you do differently next time?
  • It would be good to brainstorm with the hackathon committee and the local meetups organizers on how we can increase social interaction among meetup and online participants having explicit sessions for that. Things such as rapid breakout rooms for ice-breaking and rotating sessions between timezones can be explored.
  • We would like spend more time on creating a follow-up to keep engaging newcomers and developers post event.


Grant funds spent[edit]

Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Expense category Amount INR
Accommodation / F&B / Conference Hall ₹225,191.75
Logistics ₹16,285.00
Reimbursement ₹85,004.77
Travel ₹53,706.30
Total ₹380,187.82

Remaining funds[edit]

  • ₹560.18

Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Anything else[edit]

Anything else you want to share about your project?