Grants:Project/MSIG/Building a CEE Hub/Report
Report Accepted
Please review the notes below before submitting your report.
Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:
- What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
- What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
- What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
- How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?
To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:
- Overview of logic models on Meta-wiki
- Example logic models for reference for other movement activities (such as partnerships and edit-a-thons)
- Blank logic model template on Google Drive
[edit]Please respond to the following questions below:
Where have you published your draft plan? Share the link to it here:
- Our draft plan was published on Meta and it can be found here: Building a CEE Hub.
What Movement Strategy initiative is this draft plan supporting?
- Our draft plan was supporting Movement strategy recommendation Ensuring Equity in Decision-Making and more precisely it focused on MS initiative nr. 26 which is about Regional & thematic hubs. The project’s main focus was the implementation of activities which lead towards the building of the CEE Hub which is a regional Hub, and its focus is Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The CEE Hub was initiated to empower and to provide support structures that enable closer cooperation, capacity building and the transfer of knowledge between communities and individuals who work in the CEE region. CEE Hub is a sort of a back-office of the CEE, offering support in 3 fields:
- administrative,
- programmatic, and
- related to communications.
What activities have you completed to produce this draft plan?
- To provide support to the CEE communities in three areas which are the focus of the CEE Hub’s work i.e. to provide support in administrative, programmatic and communication area, the CEE Hub developed a wide range of activities in each of these three areas. A In the table below you can find a detailed description of all activities we implemented as well as the explanation of concrete outcomes we achieved. Also, where possible we included links to Meta pages which show concrete examples of our work.
Specific goals and activities | More details about specific activity | Implementation period (months) | Final outcome | |
1 | ADMINISTRATION | Administration processes of the communities of the CEE region are supported | 1-12 | |
1.1. | SUPPORT / SIMPLIFICATION OF (WMF)ADMINISTRATION | General support for communities and better communication between communities and WMF | 1-12 | |
1.1.1. | Collecting information about grant administration and advocacy towards WMF about problems/issues | Meetings with communities, meetings with the WMF (Chris), presenting issues that we know of at other relevant meetings with the WMF, especially presenting issues related to smaller communities and communities without affiliates (be their voice). | 1-12 |
1.1.2. | Creating and distributing CEE joint materials (swag) | Survey about the needs completed, On demand promo materials call published (deadline 20th April 2023), purchasing of swag for 5 CEE communities that expressed and explained their needs. | 4-7 |
1.2. | REGIONAL GRANT SUPPORT | Communities supported in writing applications for funds (WMF, EU or other funds) | 2-12 | |
1.2.1. | Brainstorming and learning sessions organized | Meetings with communities, cooperation with Let's Connect and the WMF (Communication specialist Natalia Szafran), reacting to needs/requests of the CEE communities by organising brainstorming/learning sessions which are a follow up on a certain demand, following projects that communities are implementing in order to understand overlaps and encourage regional cooperation. | 4-12 |
1.2.2. | Enable cooperation/connecting different communities/individuals who want to start a project |
3-12 |
1.2.3. | Documentation of CEE processes (eg. CEEM/CEE Spring organization) | CEE Spring organization process was documented. CEEM organisational processes documentation. Fiscal Sponsorship process evaluation. | 3-11 |
1.2.4. | Pre-screening and commenting applications (before application is submitted) | Based on communicated and noticed needs we support individuals and communities when they are preparing grant applications. We organized consultations with Slovenian UG, we were commenting Slovak and Albanian UG rapid grant applications and we organized individual consultations with these communities. We had consultation with Bulgarian community and offered support in application writing (rapid and research grant). We supported Cyprus community suring their first rapid grant proposal writing. We were part of grant application writing process for Swedish Institute grant application. We supported Polish community in their preparation of a bigger grant application (Wiki Loves Audio). | 2-12 |
1.2.5. | Collection of feedback from communities to WMF | Regular communication with communities, survey about grants, feedback to WMF via regular meetings we are having. | 2-12 |
1.3. | HUB & THEMATICAL COOPERATION | Support structures for various endeavours in collaboration with thematic hubs and affiliates (Education, GLAM, Wikidata, … ) are set up due to the proximity to the communities | 3-12 | |
1.3.1. | Adjusting global campaignes to local circumstnances – guidelines | Wiki loves Earth learning kit, Wiki loves Living heritage information, Wiki loves science information. | 4-12 | Wiki Loves earth learning and participation kit prepared. |
1.3.2. | Graphic design support provided – graphic, branding, WP banner etc. | Support offered during meetings with communities, when announcing campaigns repeating about this possibility. | 0 | None |
1.3.3. | Event organization supported by participation in the process and taking over some tasks | Organizing SC meeting in Zagreb, working on agenda for the SC meeting in Prague, preparation of the CEEM (Hub day) in Georgia. Helping smaller communities organize events (help with drafting agendas, ppt presentations, help them to find ways to establish relevant connections and write invitations and emails). | 3-12 |
1.4. | CEE MEETING & HUB GENERAL MEETING ORGANIZATION | CEE Meeting & General meeting of Wikimedia Hub | 2-11 | |
1.4.1. | Hub is supporting the organization and running of the annual CEE meeting (budget creation, business processes definition). | Taking part in CEE meeting organizing committee, helping with budget creation, creating meta page about CEEM (guidelines, rules, explanations). | 2-11 |
1.4.2. | General meeting of CEE Hub preparation - information for participants. | Sharing information about CEE Hub meeting, informing communities about the work of CEE Hub and governance, about SC election process and voting. | 5-10 |
2 | PROGRAMMATIC | Programmatic processes of the communities of the CEE region are supported | 2-12 | |
2.1. | PROGRAMMATIC COOPERATION | Support structures for programmatic work (administrative, research, technological or outreach) are created | 2-12 | |
2.1.1. | Sharing certain thematic knowlegde around region | Meetings that teach people something, connecting people with the same knowledge (online/offline), organising Catch up sessions, preparing and implementing learning clinics (WLE, Grant preparation). | 3-12 |
2.1.2. | CEE Hub employees are involved in program development activities in regional projects (CEE Spring): creation of content, graphic design. | CEE Spring organisation process mapped, CEE contest coordination. Support for the Wiki Science competition. | 3-7 |
2.1.3. | CEE Hub developed a way/procedure to inform and connect people to participate or create other regional projects (e.g. TechSoup). | Hub follows regional activities&projects, Hub is dividing or making clusters with desires or topics, this is on Meta and available for everyone to check out, this is communicated via Newsletter, Open office hours and Catch up sessions. | 0 |
2.1.4. | The adoption of technical innovations and features (volunteer tools and those developed by WMF) is facilitated (Introducing new tools to communities, translating new tools and features created by WMF eg. for newcomers). | Possible plan: 1. Maping of the features (who has rights) and spread it through the region, 2. repository in the future? 3. translations rights 4. talking with WMDE 5. demo sessions like small-wiki tech up project. | 0 | No activity, we moved tools/technical activity to Y2 proposal. |
2.2. | REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING | Initiatives for capacity development of volunteers, affiliates and communities in general are developed | 2-12 | |
2.2.1. | Hub created and Hub is maintaining a list of capacity development needs for the CEE region, organizing specific workshops for capacity development. | Define list of underdeveloped skills and interesting topics (based on the outcome of the meetings) and additional survey - Organise workshops from July-Dec 2023. | 2-12 |
2.2.2. | Onboarding and leadership training for volunteers, board members and staff within the CEE region facilitated. | Define topics and learning goals for 3-4 training sessions, conduct survey in the CEE about interest and organize 2 workshops by Dec 1st. | 6-12 | |
2.3. | REGIONAL COOPERATION | The participation of smaller communities in regional/global projects like CEE Spring, WLM and WLE, WikiScience Competition is supported | 3-12 | |
2.3.1. | Hub maintains a database of regional&global projects CEE communities are participating in/wishing to participate in. | 8-12 | Map/overview created and CEE Hub is maintaining it. | |
2.3.2. | Hub is organizing workshops/connecting people needed to support the participation of smaller communities in regional and global projects. | 3-12 |
| |
2.3.3. | Hub is facilitating workshops in regions to help galvanize the local community. | When/if possible, use planned meetings to also connect to local communities. | 3-6 | |
3 | COMMUNICATION | Communication processes of the communities of the CEE region are supported | 2-12 | |
3.1. | CEE (HUB) COMMUNICATION | CEE communication channels (what and for whom) are defined and regularly updated | 2-12 | |
3.1.1. | Hub open hours. | Organized and ongoing, 1 x per month. | 3-12 | CEE Hub open office hours take place regularly (usually first Monday afternoon of the month) and everyone is invited to join |
3.1.2. | Community events calendar. | We were coordinating this process with Chris K. (WMF) because we were trying to set it up as automatised if possible but in the end, there was no capacity from the WMF side to continue working on this during 2023. | 3-12 | Article about this topic in the CEE Newsletter. No joint calendar, we will continue exploring this in 2024. |
3.1.3. | Newsletter. | CEE Newsletter existed in the past and it should be revived. | 4-12 |
3.1.4. | Social network management. | Posting on Facebook/Telegram (various groups). | 2-12 |
3.1.5. | CEE communities contact list maintained. | CEE Hub reorganised the existing CEE mailing list. | 2-12 |
3.1.6. | Documenting the work of the Hub. | All CEE Hub activities is documented via CEE Hub meta page. Discussion about web page during SC meetings and conclusion how there is no need for one at this point. | 4-12 |
3.2. | KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION REGIONAL EXCHANGE | Knowledge and information exchange between communities is supported be it by visiting other affiliates, using the Capacity Exchange platform (cXc), or connecting people with the right information on the Wikimedia projects | 5-8 | |
3.2.1. | Study visits organised. | 5-8 | None: this was also not in the budget thus we could not explore this further. | |
3.2.2. | Capacity Exchange platform (cXc). | Cooperation with this initiative. Understanding why/how its important for the region and making sure communities are informed about it. | 5-8 |
3.2.3. | Joint (new/modified) regional projects supported. | Supporting ideas/initiatives as they emerge/if there is enough interest. |
| |
3.3. | CEE HUB OUTPUT SHARING | Information flow between wider global initiatives and interested people in the CEE communities is supported | 4-12 | |
3.3.1. | Information about CEE Hub on regular basis in the Newsletter. | Ongoing through Newsletter. | 4-12 | |
3.3.2. | Information about CEE Hub but also beyond Wikimedia. | For WM general public - good practise, activity reports, statistics, quantitative & qualitative metrics about: a) about Hub activities; b) about Hub development. | 5-12 |
Communities and wider public informed about CEE Hub during various online and offline events where we were presenting the CEE Hub e.g.:
3.4. | CONFLICT FACILITATION & MANAGEMENT | Facilitating communication and conflict management between communities. | 4-12 | |
3.4.1. | Provide safe space and moderate discussions - conflict resolution. | Intervening on demand and when needed; follow up about Montenegrin incubator situation, asking questions about two Albanian UGs and supporting positive and open conversations. | 4-12 |
3.4.2. | Creating safe space and opportunities for different WM stakeholders for learning. | This is a part of each learning session/activity. |
| |
4 | UNPLANNED | |||
4.1. | CEE HUB BRANDING EFFORTS | Coordination with the WMF brand studio in order to explore the branding options and make co-create CEE Hub's logo. After several meeting and consultations we decided to stop the process and continue in 2024 with different approach i.e. by using community resources. | 6-9 |
No concrete logo created but:
4.2. | FREELANCERS: research activities | After approved reallocation of the CEE Hub budget, two research paper were financed. The goal was to get more information and tools which can help the CEE Hub to further explore the community building in the region. | 5-12 |
In which community channels have you announced your draft plan?
- Draft plan was announced in the CEE Telegram group on 12 March 2022. Communities were encouraged to read it and ask questions. The link to the draft plan was shared: Building a CEE Hub.
The draft plan was also announced on the Facebook page "Central Eastern European Wikimedia Community" on 12 March 2022.
[edit]Grant funds spent
[edit]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
In the Financial report table you can find information how the grant money was spent in all approved categories. Please note that compared to the first approved CEE Hub budget, there are two new categories in the final budget: freelancers and community exchange. The first one was introduced as a 'replacement' of employing a 3rd staff member (Regional Support staff member) and the latter refers to enabling the gathering of the newly formed CEE Youth group. All these changes were implemented in close cooperation with our grant officer and discussions/approvals can be found on the project discussion page.
The column 'CEE Hub budget' reflects the outcomes of the last reallocation which took place in November 2023.
Remaining funds
[edit]Do you have any remaining grant funds?
No, there are no remaining funds. We had an overspending of 111,29 EUR which resulted from currency exchanges and bank charges which couldn't be precisely planned (especially those when we needed to transfer the money outside of the EU).
Anything else
[edit]Anything else you want to share about your project?