Grants:PEG/WM ES/GLAMing Madrid/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM ES/GLAMing Madrid.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
Project status
[edit]- Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
- Is your project completed?
Activities and lessons learned
In order to promote the Wikimedia projects and to generate content related to the three state museums, both within and outside the institutions, were organized or managed a number of activities.
Training sessions for the public
[edit]The workshops aimed to disseminate the Wikimedia projects and learn how to edit Wikipedia, emphasizing the use of visual editor and the content translation tool. Other projects considered were Commons and Wikidata, although without special monitoring by the participants. A total of 18 Wikipedia workshops were organized for the public: 7 at the National Archaeological Museum, 5 at the Museum of Romanticism and 6 at the Museo del Traje. In the first weeks of the project were planned, with each museum, the number of workshops, days of celebration, the location where they would take place, the registration process and dissemination and the topic for each one. For the analysis of the contributions of the participants in the workshops the Wikimetrics tool was used, with a previous written consent of the participants.
At the National Archaeological Museum the venue was the library of the Museum. Four PC workstations and free WiFi Internet connection were available for participants, the bandwith was limited but enough for the needs of the workshop. Additionally, easy access to the books in the libray was provided. Registration for each session was managed through a form on the website of Wikimedia Spain and dissemination was done through social networks, both the Museum and Wikimedia Spain. Each session lasted three hours. Prior to their celerbation a series of articles of interest and specialized bibliography were selected.
At the Museum of Romanticism, due to the lack of a space with Internet connection to carry out activities, we had the possibility of holding workshops in the museum cafe, which had free WiFi for two hours. The initial absence of cafe´s manager, who had to approve for holding workshops, caused a delay in the process so we could only celebrate fewer of them than planned. The dissemination was done, again, through the social networks of the Museum and Wikimedia Spain and registration was done with a form on the website of Wikimedia Spain. The sessions, two and a half hours of duration, were devoted to a different theme each one; previously the Museum selected bibliography. The topics chosen to edit were painters of Romanticism, arts during Romanticism (sculpture, ceramics, photography, etc.), musicians of Romanticism, Romantic writers and famous women of the nineteenth century.
At the Museo del Traje, the space chosen for the workshops was the library of the Museum, with no WiFi connection but with 6 PC workstations connected to the Internet and the ability to connect multiple laptops via a wired connection. The inscription was managed directly by the Museum, through a form on the Museum´s website, and dissemination was done as in the previous cases, through social networks the Museum and Wikimedia Spain. Each session was devoted to a different topic: History of the Museum Spanish fashion, clothing accessories, fashion designers, traditional clothing and wearing apparel. Museum staff previously selected the bibliography that would employ the participants.
Training sessions for staff
In addition to workshops for the public, were held several workshops for museums staff, with a similar objective then the first ones but a different approach: disseminate the Wikimedia projects and learn the concepts and basic rules of editing.
In the National Archaeological Museum 3 sessions were held. The first was in a conference room where a talk about Wikimedia and Wikipedia was given. 20 people, several of which also participated in workshops, attended. These were held in the Museum Library. They knew different aspects of Wikipedia: the main page, the articles, user pages, editing, both visual and code editor, the translation tool, basic rules, manual of style. Overall interest in learning was very high. In fact, several attendees had detected errors in different pages related to their work but did not know how to correct it or were no confident enough to do so because of their low knowledge of the tool and project.
At the Museum of Romanticism two workshops were held. As happened with the workshops for the public, there was not a space adapted to hold such sessions so they were in the offices of employees, with their own computers. In both of them, the basics of Wikipedia and the most important interface elements were explained: main page, articles and discussion pages, code editing and visual editor, references, insert images, the manual of style.
The Museo del Traje held one workshop. The place was the same as for the public, the library of the Museum. The attendees used the six available computers. First was offered a talk about Wikimedia and Wikipedia and then an edition session in which, as in other museums, the basics of editing, both code and visual editor, main page, references, images or manual of style, among others.
[edit]Another activity to generate content was the triedit-a-thon. Due to the lack of resources in the other two museums, the site chosen was the library of the National Archaeological Museum. It was disseminated by social networks and the registration was made through a form on the website of Wikimedia Spain. The triedit-a-thon was named after in the event the three museums were involved; seven seats were offered by each museum and the online edition was promoted. A page on Wikipedia was created to coordinate the event, with information, list of articles, statistics and resources: Trieditat%C3%B3n_Glaming_Madrid
The triedit-a-thon was held between 11:00 and 18:00 hours, with a lunch break; a catering service was served by the museum restaurant, by which organizers and participants ate before continuing the edition during the afternoon. The event was covered by various media. The main setback was the non-attendance of all participants, decreasing the expected content editing, but overall the feelings among participants were very positive. One of the most valuable things was the possibility of visiting areas of the Museum that are usually not open to the public, such as the library or the roof.
Classical music concerts
When we met for the first time with the representatives of the Museum of Romanticism, in January, they commented us that one of the many activities organized with the public were concerts of classical music, and we thought it would be interesting to record and make them available to everyone in Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Spain did not have much experience in terms of collaborations related to the world of music so we considered it a nice opportunity to work with this type of material.
Therefore, once the project started, the Museum provided us the contact of the musicians who would perform during those months; in total three concerts. The first one was by Oscar Lobete and Laura Sabatel, duo of piano and voice. Our lack of experience played a trick on us because, after talking to the musicians, we did the live recording of the concert; that meant the ruin of the audio due to the constant noise in the room: chairs moving, people coughing, mobile phones ringing ... therefore, no audio of this first experience could be used.
The second concert was performed by Wasei Duo, a duo of chamber music composed by Kayoko Morimoto, pianist, and David Hernando, saxophonist. Previously we met them to explain the project and the problem that we had in the first concert. Therefore, they offered to give recordings without audience and seven audios and three videos were obtained, with works by composers such as Albeniz, Ravel, Debussy and Massenet. In addition, David Hernando donated 21 additional audios.
The third concert was protagonized by the pianist Patrizia Prati. She was also informed about the problems of the first concert so agreed to record the audios without audience, obtaining fourteen audios, mostly by Fryderyck Chopin.
In total, 45 files were uploaded between audios and videos, which already illustrate Wikipedia articles. The use of them, as of March 1, 2016, is 59 articles in seven different languages.
Language | Usages |
Spanish | 34
English | 14
Catalan | 4
French | 4
Asturian | 1
Irish | 1
Vietnamese | 1
The musicians were very satisfied with the results and showed their willingness to continue recording in the future. Likewise, the Museum also welcomed and once finished the project continues informing of the concerts to contact with the musicians and recording, like the pianist Eunmi Ko. From our part we are very pleased with the results, considering we had never recorded music, and our plan is to continue recording classical music and make it available worldwide via Wikimedia Commons.
Something unexpected happened following the uploading of the first audios of the concerts was the development, thanks to the initiative of other users, of one tool, Wikiradio, that lets you listen to, like any other online radio, audio hosted on Wikimedia Commons. We have the posibility to select audio as language, subject or type of music, offering a very different experience to the usual use of Wikimedia Commons and achieving, once again, the purposes of the Wikimedia movement.
GLAMing Madrid Challenge
[edit]As an activity of the project, and in order to further promote the generation of content related to the three museums, we proposed the GLAMing Madrid Challenge, a writing contest to create or improve Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items on the three institutions, their collections and personalities related. It was held between December 14th, 2015 and January 14th, 2016 and, once completed, we found that was the perfect complement to editing workshops in museums, since many of the contents initiated during those sessions were extended with the contest, besides being translated into other languages.
Four lists of articles were proposed; three of them related to each museums and a fourth dedicated to relevant women related to any of those museums. The aggregate amount of bytes on each article, creating new articles and creating new Wikidata items were scored. A total of five awards were established: three for participants with the highest score in each list of each museum, a prize to the participant with the highest overall score and a special prize to the participant with the highest score in the proposed list about women. These awards were:
- National Archaeological Museum prize: National Archaeological Museum guide book and small replica of de Lady of Elche.
- Museum of Romanticism prize: Museum of Romanticism guide book and Museum of Romanticism catalog.
- Museo del Traje prize: Museo del Traje guide book and Geografía de la moda española book.
- Overall prize: Amazon gift card.
- Special prize: Mujeres de la II República book.
A coordinating a page in Meta, informing the rules, the list of articles, prizes, registration of participants and edited articles, was created: GLAMing_Madrid_Challenge. The number of registered participants was 30, but only edited 14. These worked on 335 articles, 28 Wikidata items and 10 categories pages, in ten different languages, with a total of 1,803,770 bytes. Also, other participants edited a total of 29 articles and Wikidata elements, but outside the proposed lists and therefore not scoring.
Prize | Articles |
National Archaeological Museum | 276
Museum of Romanticism | 49
Women | 29
Museo del Traje | 19
Language | Articles |
Catalan | 129
Armenian | 125
Spanish | 62
Asturian | 10
English | 8
Italian | 4
Japanese | 3
Portuguese | 2
Finnish | 1
Galician | 1
Content donation
[edit]One of the highlights of the project and objective in any GLAM collaboration has been content donation by the three institutions. It had a dual effect: on the one hand it helped disseminate their collections, fulfilling its goal of bringing them closer to society, and on the other hand they serve to illustrate the various contents in Wikimedia projects.
This is especially relevant if we consider that, normally, the images of museums and collections in Wikimedia Commons have not the desired quality (lighting, display, people around, ...). However, in this case, the images are from the catalog of the museums, in good quality, and even some were historical images difficult to achieve by other means.
The state museums in Spain have an online catalog of their collections but their legal conditions prevent the publication of it contents in Wikimedia Commons. Therefore, the fact that they have decided to donate a part of that catalog, under a free license, adds value to our collaboration. All images were uploaded with the same resolution, which in some cases differs from the original.
The National Archaeological Museum donated 197 images, the Museum of Romanticism 122 and the Museo del Traje 58. They soon began to be used in the various Wikimedia projects and so, on March 1st, 2016, and according to data provided by the GLAMorous tool, its use is as follows:
- National Archaeological Museum
Project | Images |
Spanish | 166
Catalan | 82
Armenian | 70
Wikidata | 23
English | 14
Italian | 9
French | 9
Portuguese | 4
Russian | 3
German | 3
Esperanto | 3
Malay | 1
Occitan | 1
Georgian | 1
Aragonese | 1
Basque | 1
Belarusian | 1
Asturian | 1
Greek | 1
Hungarian | 1
- Museum of Romanticism
Project | Images |
Spanish | 48
Catalan | 13
Wikidata | 9
Asturian | 4
Japanese | 4
English | 3
French | 3
German | 2
Portuguese | 2
Armenian | 2
Wikivoyage | 1
Estonian | 1
- Museo del Traje
Project | Images |
Spanish | 42
Wikidata | 6
Catalan | 5
English | 3
French | 2
Russian | 1
Wikivoyage | 1
Basque | 1
Finnish | 1
Italian | 1
- Global use
In total, on March 1st, 2016 are being used 221 images (58,62% of all donated) in 550 different articles: 510 in Wikipedia, 38 in Wikidata and 2 in Wikivoyage, in 22 different languages.
Project | Images |
Spanish | 256
Catalan | 100
Armenian | 72
Wikidata | 38
English | 20
French | 14
Italian | 10
Portuguese | 6
German | 5
Asturian | 5
Japanese | 4
Russian | 4
Esperanto | 3
Basque | 2
Wikivoyage | 2
Aragonese | 1
Belarusian | 1
Estonian | 1
Finnish | 1
Georgian | 1
Greek | 1
Hungarian | 1
Malay | 1
Occitan | 1
The process of uploading files to Wikimedia Commons deserves a separate comment. After the museums selected the images we found a problem: they lacked a file with the metadata of the images. In this case it was an important issue because many of the images were part of their collections, so provide enough information in one piece was necessary.
A second problem came with the process of uploading. After attending various Wikimedia events and learn about GLAMwiki Toolset, a specially designed tool to manage content donation by institutions, we considered it the most suitable tool for our purpose. However we had never used it and we needed a set of permissions that we did not have.
Unfortunately, we requested those permissions, but attention to this requirement was delayed excessively. Therefore, and given the need to manage the process in a sensible amount of time, we contemplate another option for uploading images. A member of Wikimedia Spain had developed a tool for mass image upload and offered it for this case. Once the museums created and provided us the metadata files, we added them to the tool and all the images were uploaded.
This tool is a script in Python which reads from a CSV file all the metadata about the media files, checks the consistency of the CSV and the media files, generates the description page for every file in Commons, and finally starts the uploading process. This process asks the operator whether the information for some files is right or wrong, and the more right files are uploaded, the less this script asks the operator, increasing the uploading speed. This process is divided in rounds, in the end of which the user must check in Wikimedia Commons the uploaded files before continuing with another round.

The diffusion of the project and its various activities was carried out through various channels. First, for centralize the project work a page on Wikipedia was created, with information, list of articles proposed by museums, statistics, help, etc.: Glaming_Madrid
Also, a category was created in Wikimedia Commons to upload all media from the project: Glaming_Madrid. At the beginning of the project, a press release was published in several digital media:
- September 8, 2015: El MAN abre sus puertas a Wikipedia, Museo Arqueológico Nacional.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, La Moncloa.
- September 8, 2015: El Arqueológico Nacional y los museos del Romanticismo y del Traje se abren a Wikipedia, El Distrito.
- September 8, 2015: Wikipedia se incorpora a la plantilla de tres museos españoles,
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales actualizarán "con rigor" sus contenidos en Wikipedia,
- September 8, 2015: Wikipedia se incorpora a la plantilla de tres museos españoles, El Economista.
- September 8, 2015: Museos actualizarán "con rigor" contenidos en Wikipedia, Sinaloa hoy.
- September 8, 2015: Museos actualizarán "con rigor" contenidos en Wikipedia, El Debate.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Diario digital de Asturias.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, La Mirada Actual.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, El Mercurio digital.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren en Wikipedia,
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Revista de Arte.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales actualizarán "con rigor" sus contenidos en Wikipedia, El Día.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales actualizarán "con rigor" sus contenidos en Wikipedia, La Vanguardia.
- September 8, 2015: Tres museos estatales actualizarán "con rigor" sus contenidos en Wikipedia, Agencia EFE.
- September 8, 2015: El Museo del Romanticismo abre sus puertas a Wikipedia, Somos Chueca.
- El Museo del Romanticismo en Wikipedia, Museo del Romanticismo.
- Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Revista DArtes.
- September 9, 2015: Tres museos abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Revista Mito.
- September 9, 2015: El Museo del Romanticismo abre sus puertas a Wikipedia, Somos Malasaña.
- September 9, 2015: Tres museos estatales abren sus puertas a Wikipedia, Agenda de la empresa.
- September 10, 2015: Museos madrileños se apuntan a Wikipedia, Ritmos XXI.
Later, as we approach the date of the triedit-a-thon, several media interested in the project:
- October 8, 2015: Radio interview, Onda Madrid.
- October 13, 2015: Se busca científico español para escribir y mejorar artículos (Razón: Wikipedia),
- October 14, 2015: Tres museos españoles abren sus puertas a la Wikipedia, Heraldo de Aragón.
- October 17, 2015: Wikipedia se profesionaliza de la mano de tres museos estatales, El Confidencial.
- October 17, 2015: Wikipedia se profesionaliza de la mano de tres museos estatales, Heraldo de Aragón.
- October 17, 2015: Wikipedia se profesionaliza de la mano de tres museos estatales, El Diario Vasco.
Finally, due to the Princess of Asturias awards ceremony, one of which went to Wikipedia, we attended radio and television:
- October 23, 2015: RTPA. Wikipedia, premios Princesa de Asturias 2015, RTPA.
- October 27, 2015: Radio interview, Cadena Ser.
Regarding communication with the Wikimedia movement, we have used three channels, in addition to the messages through social networks and Wikipedia Café: Wikimedia Spain blog, Wikimedia Foundation blog and the newsletter This month in GLAM, with the following entries:
- September 8, 2015: Los museos estatales abren las puertas a Wikimedia España, Wikimedia Spain.
- October 9, 2015: Llega el trieditatón!, Wikimedia Spain.
- November 20, 2015: Three state museums open the doors to Wikimedia Spain and host concerts for Wikipedia, Wikimedia.
- December 14, 2015: Edita sobre tres museos, ¡y gana!, Wikimedia Spain.
- December 22, 2015: La música del Romanticismo suena en Wikipedia, Wikimedia Spain.
- December 31, 2015: Adiós a 2015, un año lleno de experiencias, Wikimedia Spain.
- February 14, 2016: Recording romanticism and filling Wikimedia Commons with 19th century music, Wikimedia.
- March 3, 2016: Spanish GLAMing, Wikimedia.
- GLAMing Madrid, Wiki Loves Folk & Gobernantes de Chile, This Month in GLAM – Volume VI, Issue I, January 2016.
- GLAMing Madrid and Wiki Loves contests, This Month in GLAM – Volume V, Issue XII, December 2015.
- GLAMing Madrid, Wiki Loves Earth and Carmen Thyssen Museum, This Month in GLAM – Volume V, Issue XI, November 2015.
- GLAMing Madrid, libraries and free images, This Month in GLAM – Volume V, Issue X, October 2015.
- Wiki Loves Monuments; Wiki Takes Ayora; GLAMing Madrid; Wikimedia Connection; Creative Commons Valladolid Film Festival, This Month in GLAM – Volume V, Issue IX, September 2015.

During the III Wikimedia Spain Conference, between 25 and 27 September 2015, a guided tour, for those attending this conference, was organized by two of the museums, the Museum of Romanticism and the National Archaeological Museum. Finally, we elaborated and published an online handbook, available to anyone via Wikimedia Commons, which provides guidance, advice, best practices and resources to start a partnership with a GLAM institution: GLAM online handbook
Participants experience
[edit]Because an important part of the activities were destined to public, it seemed appropriate to propose two online surveys to obtain information on their experience in the activity. To carry it out we had the help of the Qualtrics tool provided by WMF; two separate surveys were created. One was designed to be filled before taking part in the activity, and collected information on the profile of participants and their knowledge of Wikimedia. The second one was filled after the activity had finished and had questions about their experience in the activities.
Regarding the first one, 81 surveys were sent and 55 people answered (67.90%). It included the following questions:
- ¿How do you identify?
- ¿What is your age range?
- ¿What is your level of education?
- ¿What is your employment status?
- ¿How did you hear of the event?
- ¿How regularly you use Wikipedia?
- ¿How you use Wikipedia?
- ¿What level of trust do you give to Wikipedia as source of information?
- ¿Have you previously edited Wikipedia?; if so, ¿what way?
- ¿How far do you feel ready to edit Wikipedia?
- In addition to Wikipedia, ¿do you know the other projects promoted by the Wikimedia Foundation?
- ¿Did you know the existence of Wikimedia Spain before this activity?
Regarding the second one, 81 surveys sent, answered 17 people (20.98%). The questions were as follows:
- ¿How much have you edited during this time?
- ¿How do you have contributed?
- ¿How was your experience interacting with other online users?
- ¿What was the most satisfying experience when editing?
- ¿What were the three most useful things you learned?
- ¿What aspect of editing you have proved more complicated?
- ¿What helped you more during activity?, ¿what problems remained unresolved after activity?
- ¿What was the less valuable part of the activity?
- ¿What thing would you change in future editions of this activity?
- ¿What is your level of motivation to edit Wikipedia in the future?
- ¿How much do you think you will edit Wikipedia in the next month?
- ¿Would you like to attend another activity in the future?, ¿what type?
- ¿Is there something else you want to share about this experience?
The results, graphically represented, can be consulted in the final report, mainly in Spanish due to the surveys were sent in that language.
Lessons learned
[edit]- What worked well?
Regarding content generation, we have seen how an alliance between holding workshops, editing contest and content donation by museums has achieved articles of notable quality. In addition, the set of activities has not only facilitated the increase in content but has successfully achieved the involvement of the public, online editors and staff of museums, all working towards the same goal.
The medias (press, radio and TV) gave us a good coverage along the project. We are very satisfied with the content donation, both images and audio files, and their use in the Wikimedia projects. This project let us to get our first state museums as partners, and signing the MoU the rest of state museums are potential partners to work with, so this was the beginning of a wider collaboration.
- What didn't work?
Not all GLAM institutions are equal. It is advisable to know each one and see what kind of activity or collaboration fits best according to their characteristics. In this case the workshop program worked very well in the National Archaeological Museum and the Museo del Traje, not in the Museum of Romanticism; in this one worked very well recording classical music concerts. Also, every step to take has to follow a process that carry a certain time of organization: the reduced number of activities during the month of September is due to this reason.
Only the National Archaeological Museum had a WiFi connection. In the Museo del Traje did not work WiFi but had 6 computers, while the Museum of Romanticism there was no possibility to connect from the Museum. The tool used for surveys, Qualtrics, sent them so that people received them sometimes in Spam folder, or the message showed the appearance of Spam. In most of the workshops, places offered were covered completely, but the day of the activity did not go all the people involved. The recording of the first concert at the Museum of Romanticism was bad; we found that any noise or sound can ruin the quality of a recording.
- What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
Planning earlier the activities of the project. When organize an activity, to establish a continuous contact with people who enroll to confirm and ensure their attendance. About the Internet connection, look for alternatives when conditions of an institution do not favor carrying out an activity; it is possible that those alternatives are not always found, or are not geographically close, but it´s something to consider.
For writing contest, on the one hand a higher score after creating original articles, compared with creations based on translations, by the different degree of effort that represents a task over another. On the other hand, the suggestions to provide more material like magazines or other online publications, so that participants have more sources on which to rely. This could be connected with the work being carried out The Wikipedia Library to provide reliable and accessible resources to improve Wikipedia.
Conducting the surveys, people didn´t like that due to privacy reasons so we noted for future surveys not ask for the authorship. Many participants enjoyed learning, their work in the workshops, but still missing there were activities more regularly, beyond the duration of the project. This makes us plan the possibility of holding regular, and not only as part of a project, editing workshops or similar activities in these or other institutions.
Learning patterns
[edit]- Grants:Learning patterns/Working with cultural institutions to upload archival photographs
- Grants:Learning patterns/Mode of training
Outcomes and impact
[edit]- Provide the original project goal here.
The goal of this project was to develop a new collaboration with several top GLAM institutions of Spain, as a pilot project for future GLAM collaborations. As our first collaboration of this type, we would put efforts in introducing open knowledge concepts and Wikipedia editing in these institutions.
- Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
Yes. We carried out 24 Wikipedia workshops, both for the public and staff, introducing the values of open knowledge and Wikimedia movement. The number of articles created and improved thanks to the workshops, the triedit-a-thon and the Challenge was 516 (including Wikipedia and Wikidata). The amount of files uploaded under a free license by the museums was 377, being used, on March 1, the 58,62% of them in 550 articles in 22 different languages. Also, we obtained 45 audio and video files of classical music, being used in 59 articles in 7 languages.
We got establish a long-term productive relationship between the museums and the Wikimedia movement. In addition to these three museums, following the success of the project other museums have interested and we have already initiated contacts to start a collaboration with them: National Museum of Underwater Archaeology, Museum of Lázaro Galdiano, González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts and Museum of Almería.
Progress towards targets and goals
[edit]Project metrics
Project metrics | Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
Activities: Staff training: 1 per each institution; wiki training sessions for the public: 1 biweekly per institution. | 6 sessiongs for staff and 18 sessions for the public | Staff: 3 sessions at National Archaeological Museum, 2 sessions at Museum of Romanticism and 1 session at Museo del Traje Public: 7 sessions at National Archaeological Museum, 5 sessions at Museum of Romanticism and 6 sessions at Museo del Traje. They are less than planned due to the delay in organizing the first month. | |
Content released utilized on 250 articles across more than 5 Wikipedia languages, 25 across sister projects such as Wikivoyage. | 221 images used (58,62% of all donated) in 550 different articles: 510 in Wikipedia, 38 in Wikidata and 2 in Wikivoyage, in 22 different languages. | Data on March 1, 2016 | |
Develop a public online handbook that provides best practices, materials, and recommended processes to aid and assess activities’ success for future residences and collaborations with GLAMs. | Online handbook published on Wikimedia Commons | For now only in Spanish: Cómo desarrollar una colaboración GLAM. It can be consulted here | |
Using surveys; at the end of the project there will be information provided regarding participation levels, demographic profiles of who attended, etc. | Two surveys were sent to all participants, one at the beginning and one at the end of the project. | Results can be consulted in the final report of the project. | |
Have at least 25% female participation in the wiki training sessions. | 75% | From a total of 81 participants, 61 were women (75%) and 20 men (25%). | |
Articles created or improved during the wiki training sessions in Spanish and English Wikipedia. The goal is 100 articles in each institution at the end of the project. Create at least 400 new Wikidata items. | 114 in the workshops and triedit-a-thon (8 of them Wikidata elements and 1 Wikiquote, 64 of them new) | The participation wasn´t as expected so the number of articles is low. The participants learned about editing Wikidata or Commons, but they edited mainly in Wikipedia. However, this was compensated thanks to the excellent results of the GLAMing Madrid Challenge. | |
Give a presentation at Iberoconf’15 about this GLAM collaboration to all Iberoamerican chapters and user groups. | No presentation | Iberoconf´15 was not held so it was not possible to give a presentación about the project. | |
One blog entry per month at least detailing the evolution of the project on the blog/s of the institution/s. | The museums don´t use blogs so we couldn´t detail the evolution of the project. | However, the three of them published news on their website. Also we published the evolution on the newsletter This Month in GLAM. | |
Two blog entries, mid-project and end-of-project, on the WMF blog. | Three blog entries on the WMF blog and 5 blog entries on the WMES blog. | They are linked above, at Diffusion section. | |
Facilitate an official agreement between the Subdirección Nacional de Museos (Ministry of Culture) and the Spanish chapter for future collaborations and GLAM work. | Done | The agreement was signed on June 25, 2015 by Miguel Ángel Recio, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, and Jorge Sierra, WMES president. It facilitates the collaboration between WMES and the 16 state museums in Spain. |
Global Metrics
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.
- Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 58 | |
2. # of new editors | 48 | |
3. # of individuals involved | 88 | 81 participants in the activities, both public and staff, a responsible for each museum (3) and WMES members (4) |
4a. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 273 | 135 from National Archaeological Museum, 39 from Museo del Traje, 56 from Museum of Romanticism and 43 from classical music concerts |
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Optional) | 422 | 197 from National Archaeological Museum, 58 from Museo del Traje, 122 from Museum of Romanticism and 45 from classical music concerts |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 516 | 114 in the workshops and triedit-a-thon (8 of them Wikidata elements and 1 Wikiquote, 64 of them new) and 402 in the challenge (28 of them Wikidata elements, 29 articles outside the proposed list and 10 categories, 314 of them new) |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | 2 005 629 | 201 859 in the workshops and triedit-a-thon and 1 803 770 in the challenge |
- Learning question
- Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
We think so. Many participants got involved because they wanted to edit on topics of their interest or professional field, in this case archaeology, romanticism and fashion. In addition, the organization of the challenge, with several museum-related awards, motivated generating content in different languages. Having quality images, donated by museums, motivated not only WMES members but other editors started to use those files in articles.
[edit]What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?
Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?
- The participation wasn´t very high (81 participants) but most of them were new users, very interested in learn and collaborate. Also, we organized the Challenge in order to increase the participation and promote the edition on Wikipedia and Wikidata.
Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?
- The amount of images donated by the museums (quality images from their catalog) and their use on many Wikimedia projects like Wikidata, Wikivoyage and Wikipedias in 22 languages is a signal of improving the quality in Wikimedia projects. As well, the audios of classical music recorded at Museum of Romanticism used in 7 languages. We can also add the creation and improvement of articles in 10 languages thanks to the workshops, the triedit-a-thon and the Challenge.
Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?
- The project increased reach of Wikimedia projects thanks to 32 press mentions (newspapers, radio and TV), some of them in important medias like TVE (Spanish public television) or Cadena SER (one of the main radio stations in Spain). We must add the 8 mentions in WMES and WMF blogs.
Reporting and documentation of expenditures
[edit]This section describes the grant's use of funds
[edit]- Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".
[edit]- Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.
Number | Category | Item description | Unit | Number of units | Actual cost per unit | Actual total | Budgeted total | Currency | Notes |
1 | Staff expenses | Expenses as freelancer (September) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1694.00 | EUR | |
2 | Staff expenses | Expenses as freelancer (October) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1694.00 | EUR | |
3 | Staff expenses | Expenses as freelancer (November) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1694.00 | EUR | |
4 | Staff expenses | Expenses as freelancer (December) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1439.00 | EUR | |
5 | Office supplies | Photocopying and printing | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 29.30 | EUR | |
6 | Office supplies | Sending prizes | 1 | 2 shipments | 0 | 0 | 24.22 | EUR | |
7 | Events | Workshops at Museum of Romanticism: beverages for the participants | 1 | 5 sessions | 0 | 0 | 33.00 | EUR | |
8 | Events | Recorder Tascam DR-05 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 95.00 | EUR | |
9 | Events | Catering of the triedit-a-thon | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 250.00 | EUR | |
10 | Events | Museo del Traje Prize: guide book and Geografía de la moda española book | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 11.54 | EUR | The guide book was donated by the museum |
11 | Events | Special Prize: Mujeres de la II República book | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 22.11 | EUR | |
12 | Events | Museum of Romanticism Prize: guide book and Museum of Romanticism catalog | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 25.98 | EUR | The guide book was donated by the museum |
13 | Events | National Archaeological Museum Prize: guide book and small replica of de Lady of Elche | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 49.00 | EUR | The guide book was donated by the museum |
14 | Events | Overall Prize: Amazon gift card | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 50.00 | EUR |
- Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
- 7796 EUR
- Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
- 7796 EUR
- Total amount spent on this project
- 7111,15 EUR
- Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
- 7111,15 EUR
- Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.
- YES. Each museum provided a guide book of the museum´s collection for the prizes of the Challenge.
Remaining funds
[edit]- Are there any grant funds remaining?
- Answer YES or NO.
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
- 684,85 EUR
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
- Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.
- We want to use them as part of the Grants:APG/Simple/Applications/Wikimedia_Espana/2016/H2 (second part of the WMES APG 2016).