Grants:PEG/WM ES/GLAMing Madrid

[edit]The goal of this project is to develop a new collaboration with several top GLAM institutions of Spain. I want to develop a pilot project for future GLAM collaborations.

Inside Spain, there have been a number of successful collaboration efforts working with GLAM run by both Wikimedia España and Amical, but this provides a unique opportunity in the country to create a long-term GLAM collaboration with museums. As our first collaboration of this type, we would put efforts in introducing open knowledge concepts and Wikipedia editing in these institutions. After emailing several museums, on January 2015 the Museo del Romanticismo, the Museo del Traje and the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (all Madrid-based) contacted us and they are willing to free as much content as their legal department allows them, including documents, pictures and recordings.
These institutions hold great historical collections: one of them has a collection of objects from XIX century, very heterogeneous including paintings, furniture and tableware; another one objects related to clothing, sketches and a section of ethnography. And the last one, a collection of archaeological artefacts from Spanish Prehistory to Modern Era.
en:National_Archaeological_Museum_of_Spain is since 1867 the major Spanish institution for the collection of historical artefacts. Its permanent collection has over 15,000 artefacts, ranging from Spanish Prehistory, Protohistory, Hispano-Roman, Greek, Egypt and the Near East, Middle Ages, and Modern Era.
en:National_Museum_of_Romanticism_(Madrid) has catalogued over 17,000 collections of items and 4,368 archive collections. It offers a number of collections divided by paintings, miniatures, furniture, decorative arts, prints, drawings and photography, offering a broad overview of the arts during the Romantic Era in Spain (from the Spanish Independence War to the Reign of Isabel II).
en:Museo_del_Traje has collections devoted to fashion, costumes and etnography, over 170,000 pieces and documents. Collections date from the Middle Ages up to clothes by Spain's contemporary fashion designers.
Initially, this project will last 4 months, but this could be extended by the institutions. Rodelar will be dedicated exclusively (full-time) to this task; 6 days per week, distributed in each institution, and each month focused on a specific topic within each museum. Starting date, and ending date, depends on whether the project is funded: the institutions are flexible.
[edit]This project includes:
- Wiki training sessions where participants learn to edit Wikipedia, use tools such as Visual Editor and the Content Translation Tool, and create and improve articles of the relevant exhibits and artefacts in the museums and related topics.
- Creation or improvement of articles about history of Spain in XIX century (very poor presence in Wikipedia and other projects), focused in literature and authors, painters and works, music; clothing and Ethnography; and Archaeology. The most important of them, both in Spanish and English.
- Talks about Wikipedia and the sister projects of the Wikimedia movement for the museum staff and public.
- Highlight and focus on the most important Spanish female figures of the XIX century in Spain.
- To establish a long-term productive relationship between the museums and the Wikimedia movement.
- Recording of several concerts of classical music of the XIX century, which are held regularly in one of the museums.
[edit]Target readership
[edit]The project will benefit Wikipedia (Spanish and English principally), but also sister projects such as Wikidata, Wikisource and Wikimedia Commons.
Fit with strategy
[edit]What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorities. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1–2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found here.
- This project fits the strategy by increasing participation from new contributors to edit Wikipedia and with content donations (text/images/audio).
- Improvement of the image of Wikipedia associating its name with these institutions.
- Most of the workers of these museums are women; if we increase the number of female editors, public or staff, we can improve the ratio of women editors in the Wikimedia movement.
- Improving the quality of content thanks to the collaboration of cultural institutions and re-licensing of content with Creative Commons.
- This project will increase reach by working in areas that have historically been neglected by the Wikipedian editing base, namely art, fashion and culture, by creating and improving content in this area. At the same time, by engaging directly with women through outreach at training sessions and by working with institutions that have a more gender balanced number of visits, the reach to female editors will increase as research shows that people share positive experiences and these are more likely to result in people using these things (here, Wikipedia).
- The project will increase reach through the use of social media, to engage in a wide and diverse audience through social media content.
- The project fits with the Foundation's goal to increase participation by holding wiki training sessions, following up on these editors and using this information to create a best practices handbook that will allow others to utilize this information to build on successful participation events.
- Because of special access at these institutions and by having subject area specialists as a result of their institutional affiliations, training sessions will result in higher quality content. These institutions also have the tools to provide higher quality multimedia content for sharing. This high quality content can then be reused across various Wikipedia projects.
- This project will increase Wikimedia’s credibility because these institutions have important visibility in the Spanish cultural sector, which means that subject area specialists are more likely to understand how Wikipedia works and how it can be improved and that it is trustworthy from people who attend training sessions. Spaniards are highly social and share this sort of information!
Measures of success
[edit]Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG program resources for suggested measures of success.
- Activities organized: Staff training: 1 per each institution; wiki training sessions for the public: 1 biweekly per institution.
- Content donations such as images, recordings, or documents from each institution. Discussions have already begun regarding how to go about doing this with the officials at each institution. Digital content released as a result of this residency will be uploaded to Commons and utilized on 250 articles across more than 5 Wikipedia languages, 25 across sister projects such as Wikivoyage.
- Develop a public online handbook that provides best practices, materials, and recommended processes to aid and assess activities’ success for future residences and collaborations with GLAMs.
- Using surveys, given out after each event, improve the quality of the wiki training session to session. Because of differences on space availability, wifi connectivity, and institution priorities, no common participation number metric can be offered. The goal is to create a benchmark for future Spanish efforts in the GLAM sector. At the end of the project there will be information provided regarding participation levels, demographic profiles of who attended, etc, separated out by institution.
- Have at least 25% female participation in the wiki training sessions.
- Articles created or improved during the wiki training sessions in Spanish and English Wikipedia. The goal is 100 articles in each institution at the end of the project. Create at least 400 new Wikidata items during specific wiki training sessions dedicated to Wikidata.
- Give a presentation at Iberoconf’15 about this GLAM collaboration to all Iberoamerican chapters and user groups.
- One blog entry per month at least detailing the evolution of the project on the blog/s of the institution/s
- Two blog entries, mid-project and end-of-project, on the WMF blog.
- Facilitate an official agreement between the Subdirección Nacional de Museos (Ministry of Culture) and the Spanish chapter for future collaborations and GLAM work.
Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some global metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.
Resources and risks
[edit]Rodelar: Wikimedia user since 2008, mainly in Spanish Wikipedia and Commons, over 20000 contributions including 2 Featured Articles and 7 Good Articles. Collaborator in the expansion of wikiArS project, including a talk and a workshop in Libre Graphics Meeting 2014 (Leipzig, Germany). Board Member of Wikimedia España (member since 2011), participating in the organization of various activities such as edit-a-thons, talks and training sessions. Degree in History, with additional formation and experience in Archeology, Heraldry and Genealogy.
[edit]Technical difficulties (WiFi) in the museums to develop activities; may be necessary to find another venue to celebrate any of them.
[edit]Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.
Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.
- Project budget table
Expense | Per month | Total | Notes |
Staff expenses as freelancer | € 1,694 | € 6,776 | Base amount: € 1,400 plus value-added tax (21%) (€ 294), and minus personal income tax in Spain (19%) (€ 266) and 50% (€ 132.22) of the 2015 freelancer fee (€ 264.44). Total per month: 1,694-294-266-132.22 = € 1,001.78 The quota of freelance fee depends on the time someone has worked as freelancer: 6 first months you only pay 20%, next 6 months you pay 50%, next 6 months you pay 70% and after that you pay 100%. Last year I worked as freelancer for 7 months, that´s the reason I must pay 50%. |
Office supplies | € 120 | ||
Event hosting | € 800 | Food, brochures, other expenses | |
Business lunches | € 100 | Possible meetings with representatives of the institutions | |
Total | € 1,694 | € 7,796 | |
- Total cost of project
- €7796
- Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program
- €7796
- Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
Non-financial requirements
[edit]See a description of non-financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requests for non-financial assistance now.
- Requests for non-financial assistance, if any
[edit]Community notification
[edit]You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talk page, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?
Notifications will start soon in the Village Pump (Café) of Spanish and English Wikipedias and Wikimedia Commons and mailing list of WMES.
[edit]Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.
- Trustful person with total dedication in a topic that could be the launch platform we need in Spain's capital for GLAM to take off. I am convinced that this budget is invested in the right place at the right moment. Poco a poco (talk) 23:42, 31 January 2015 (UTC)
- I have total reliance on Rodelar's skill and engagement, so it would be a great opportunity for Spanish community to start a closer collaboration with those museums and with the whole of national institutions in a larger scope. Mr.Ajedrez (talk) 15:17, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
- I fully endorse this grant and would like to point out that the stipend is perhaps a bit low. 800 €/month for a dedication of 6 full days per week means around 4 € per hour of work. If the residence were extended, I'd suggest increasing the stipend. --Hispalois (talk) 18:10, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
- Absolutely. Rubén is a person who has worked hard to spread the Wikimedia movement in Spain and who knows how it works. Previous collaborations with different institutions in Wikimedia Spain showed that he is totally prepared to develop this work. Madrid has a lot of cultural institutions and they are interested in working with Wikimedia, but problems of budged due to cutbacks during economical crisis don't allow them to join GLAM program by themselves. A success in this project can open a lot of new opportunities. --Millars (talk) 18:43, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
- Tiene mi total apoyo. Rubén ha venido trabajando duro y constante por el movimiento Wikimedia. Este proyecto será el inicio de otras colaboraciones GLAM. Laura Fiorucci (talk) 10:22, 2 February 2015 (UTC)
- I've met Ruben through Wikimedia events in Madrid. If there is something going on here related to the movement, he is often found there and assisting in the background. He's good at working with people on an individual level at workshops, and is good at developing personal relationships to get things accomplished. He's demonstrated an ability to talk to and get cultural institutions engaged. He's dedicated to making Wikimedia stronger, and has the skill set to pull off everything he put down down in this grant. I think his skills and the importance of developing such relationships in Madrid highlight why this should be funded, because the long term ROI of developing positive reciprocal relationships with cultural institutions will be worth it, that the WMF will get its money back through good will, enhanced reputation, and additional content created by editors helps train.--LauraHale (talk) 13:22, 3 February 2015 (UTC)
- The material we are talking about has a remarkable historical, artistic and ethnographic value for the Wikimedia projects. Spain has one of the most important cultural heritages all over the world, whose spread, however, is restricted in many cases. Spanish GLAM institutions often do not understand how important the Internet and free licenses are to preservate and spread human knowledge, and this is an exceptional chance to convince them and make their material free. Rodelar is an experienced historian who has worked on all kinds of initiatives inside the Wikimedia movement. I fully trust him, he will do a great job. abián 12:19, 6 February 2015 (UTC)
- Because of Ruben's background and his up-to-date experience in supporting events organization and knowledge delivery, I have full confidence in his competence, supported by his proven Wikimedia-related activities and capabilities, to execute the plan. Concerning the goal and the scope of the project, I think it's a great opportunity to enhance the Madrid museum's outreach. This project has my support. Igpuebla (talk) 17:54, 6 February 2015 (UTC)
- The stated objectives of the proposal -facilitating access to multimedia material from the participating museums and training expert personnel on contributing to the Wikimedia projects- would greatly advance the Wikimedia movement purpose and goals. Rodelar's experience as a wikipedian and his professional qualifications make him an ideal person to carry out the project as planned. This would definitely be a good investment of the requested funds.--XanaG (talk) 02:56, 8 February 2015 (UTC)
- This is a great opportunity to open the GLAM sector in the Spanish capital. These three institutions are very respected and well-known, and success with them could mean future opportunities with similar institutions. Rodelar is a hard-working wikimedian who can pull this off, I have no doubt about it. He is always helping out at wikievents in Madrid and has the experience to go to the next level. All he lacks is the resources. We can help there, and obtain a valuable know-how for future collaborations. Strong support. Raystorm (talk) 10:07, 10 February 2015 (UTC) Full disclosure: I helped him write the proposal in English, to kill the language barrier.
- I strongly support this Grant. For his background, for his previous work with GLAM's, organizing Wikimedia activities, and for my experience collaborating with him [1], I think that Rubén Ojeda could do well this task. This project may be important, not only for the quality or quantity of contributions, but for its contribution switching the mindset of those responsible of institutions to free knowledge. --Dvdgmz (talk) 13:52, 17 February 2015 (UTC)
- Strong support. The current economic context of Spanish GLAM institutions is creating two situations: on the one hand, they can't afford any kind of monetary cost in GLAM cooperations, on the other hand they are ready to cooperate in the case that volunteers can provide the funding by themselves. This PEG could lead to develop strong GLAM activities in Madrid. Go ahead Rodelar! Rastrojo (D•ES) 22:03, 17 February 2015 (UTC)
- I strongly support this Grant. Rodelar is a trustful user and for my experience collaborating with him I think that him could do well this task. --Pablox (talk) 12:01, 20 February 2015 (UTC)
- For grantees
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