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WikiWorld (a Map of the World and Man's History, a four dimensions encyclopedia where all Wiki-files and pages are contained and attainable)
summaryIt is the project of a world map (such as Google Earth) where the entire History of Man is collected.

That is a 4-dimensional place that collects Wikipedia pages, Wikicommons files, and locates them in the precise place and time etc. In addition to this, any user will be able to perform a search by typing in an hour or a day of a specified period of time, and in any place of the map the most significant historical events will be marked (on higher or lower "event notability" will perhaps be called a votation among users) with images documents exhibits etc. etc. Similarly, every famous person will be located in the place where She/He was as reported by documentary sources.

It will be a new way of seeing and presenting the encyclopedia (in a format that will no longer be linear, or shall we say "paratactic", derived from the paper model: but a three-dimensional format, modeled on reality, and able to scroll in time)
targetplease add a target wiki
amountMuch more than money, we'll need to build a network of people, such as valid designers and expert programmers above all.
created on16:20, Tuesday, June 7, 2016 (UTC)
round 1 2016

Project idea[edit]

What is the problem you're trying to solve?[edit]

Old way of consulting and getting news and informations in encyclopedias

What is your solution?[edit]

A new way of consulting and getting news and informations in encyclopedias

Project goals[edit]

To launch the project of a world map (such as Google Earth) where the entire History of Man is collected, a four dimensions encyclopedia where all Wiki-files and pages are contained and attainable.

Get involved[edit]


  • Volunteer I could translate or help with graphics Jopie282 (talk) 14:30, 7 June 2016 (UTC)


  • A new way of seeing an encyclopedia Salvebrutta (talk) 13:59, 7 June 2016 (UTC)
  • This presents a useful way to discover the history of a specific place throughout time. I think this is a fabulous idea. Loadmaster (talk) 15:41, 7 June 2016 (UTC)

Expand your idea[edit]

Would a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation help make your idea happen? You can expand this idea into a grant proposal.

Expand into a Rapid Grant
Expand into a Project Grant
(launching July 1st)

Project plan[edit]


To launch a project that needs the best programmers and the help of as many people as possible


I'm just the one who had the idea: it will have life through the work of hundreds of people and the support of the Wikimedia community in the totality of its staff, and not only them.

Community engagement[edit]


Our project will be a platform designed to advance exponentially just as a new form of knowledge acquisition.

Measures of success[edit]

It will take a long time for this project to come to life officially, but until then, the greatest success will be to gather around it as many people as possible.

Project team[edit]

  • Jopie282 - I could translate or help with graphics.

Community notification[edit]

Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?