Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 2/Wikimédia France/Proposal form
Proposal by Wikimédia France to support its annual plan with 450,000€.
Since September 2017, the new elected Board and the staff have dedicated their energy on the improvement of the governance and organizational restructure. We also worked on how to better measure our actions and improve our impact.
Most of the governance reforms will be done after the submission of the governance audit report asked by WMF and our members, and some changes will need a vote of the Annual General Meeting. But our first observations led us to carry out the following reforms:
- improve transparency so that management is accountable and members can question management throughout the year (and not only during our Annual General Meeting) ;
- distribute power and control within the chapter.
Transition to a flat organization. In order to ensure that the charity is best resourced to deliver impactful projects we have made a number of staff role changes, and the total staff headcount has been reduced from 11 to 8 FTE (-223,000€ / -33% of the staff total expenses). The Board decide to recruit only one person, a Junior Fundraiser, and replace the previous direction by an internal reorganization (see more information below).
A clear budget given priority to program expenses. We put in place a revised budget structure to be more intelligible, and also allocate time to lower operating costs (see more information below).
Useful metrics and credible targets. To achieve our objectives, we decided to put in place a Performance Report inspired by Wikimedia UK (see more information below).
Community on board. On the same principle as the Board of Trustees of WMF which has seats for people nominated by the Wikimedia community, we are thinking about reserving 1-2 seats to non-members wikimedians at the micro-grant committee and at the Board of Trustees.
On behalf of Wikimédia France, we would like to thank the Funds Dissemination Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation for they continued support this year and during the previous proposals. In this proposal, we tried to take into account most of the criticism of the last two APG and good practices from other chapters. Last but not the least of our reforms put in place during the past 7 months is to welcome criticism and accept failures. We will be happy to have a lot of comments on our actions plan. I can assure you that we will take on board your suggestions.
We ask that you please don't make any changes directly to this page after the proposal submission date, but comment on the discussion page.
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the edit intro.
- Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
- This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
- This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
- Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
- Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
- Please Email with questions about using the form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
[edit]- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.
Since September 2017, the new elected Board and the staff have dedicated their energy on the improvement of the governance and organizational restructure. We also worked on how to better measure our actions and improve our impact.
Most of the governance reforms will be done after the submission of the governance audit report asked by WMF and our members, and some changes will need a vote of the Annual General Meeting. But our first observations led us to carry out the following reforms:
- improve transparency so that management is accountable and members can question management throughout the year (and not only during our Annual General Meeting) ;
- distribute power and control within the chapter.
Transition to a flat organization. In order to ensure that the charity is best resourced to deliver impactful projects we have made a number of staff role changes, and the total staff headcount has been reduced from 11 to 8 FTE (-223,000€ / -33% of the staff total expenses). The Board decide to recruit only one person, a Junior Fundraiser, and replace the previous direction by an internal reorganization (see more information below).
A clear budget given priority to program expenses. We put in place a revised budget structure to be more intelligible, and also allocate time to lower operating costs (see more information below).
Useful metrics and credible targets. To achieve our objectives, we decided to put in place a Performance Report inspired by Wikimedia UK (see more information below).
Community on board. On the same principle as the Board of Trustees of WMF which has seats for people nominated by the Wikimedia community, we are thinking about reserving 1-2 seats to non-members wikimedians at the micro-grant committee and at the Board of Trustees.
On behalf of Wikimédia France, we would like to thank the Funds Dissemination Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation for they continued support this year and during the previous proposals. In this proposal, we tried to take into account most of the criticism of the last two APG and good practices from other chapters. Last but not the least of our reforms put in place during the past 7 months is to welcome criticism and accept failures. We will be happy to have a lot of comments on our actions plan. I can assure you that we will take on board your suggestions.
- 2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimédia France, association pour le libre partage de la connaissance
- Organization's fiscal year: 07/01-06/30
- 12-month funding period requested: 07/01/18-06/30/19
- Currency requested: EUR (€)
- Name of primary contact: Rémy Gerbet
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested (1 €) | US$ (1.22 $) | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | 952,000 | 1,161,400 |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | 450,000 | 549,000 |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | 343,000 | 418,460 |
- 4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
In order to prepare the 2018-2019 action plan with regard to this proposal form, from February 12 to 25 Wikimédia France carried out a survey of its members and contributors to French language Wikimedia projects and those in the languages of France. The objective was to identify the main themes requiring work while at the same time discovering the community’s wishes after a year 2017-2018 marked by the internal crisis in the chapter with a change in management and the strategic reorganisation carried out by the Board. In order to allow as many people as possible to take part, the survey form was circulated by various means (mailing lists and Village pumps of all French language Wikimedia projects in addition to the versions of Wikipedia in the languages of France). The detailed results can be consulted on this page (in french).
Key data:
- 172 participants
- 50% are members of the Wikimédia France association
- 43.9% stated that they have already received support from Wikimédia France
Among the nine areas requiring work proposed in the survey, we asked the respondents to choose three areas which they feel should be a priority for Wikimédia France in 2018-2019. Using a threshold of 50 replies to this question, here is a summary list of the areas considered as priorities by the participants in the questionnaire:
- Improving access to high-quality content (partnerships with cultural and scientific institutions, development of the Wikipedia Library): 107
- Working with schools and universities to train and raise awareness among the various stakeholders in the Wikimedia projects (pupils, teachers, researchers): 86
- Supporting training in the use of and contribution to Wikimedia projects: 79
- Awareness building, advocacy, lobbying (communicating with the general public and elected representatives concerning issues related to the Wikimedia movement): 61
- Improving financial and logistical support to contributors (micro-financing, the loan of equipment, accreditation): 51
Similarly, among the list of actions already performed or supported by Wikimédia France, we asked the participants to select those which they felt should absolutely be repeated for the year 2018-2019. Three answers clearly stood out from the rest:
Based on the replies obtained in the survey we decided to focus our FDC request on the three main areas mentioned below which should meet the key expectations of the French-speaking Wikimedia community.
- 5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
Contrary to what was planned, the new strategic plan for 2017-2020 was not ready for our 2017 Annual General Meeting. The Board decided that it was not a priority for the first 6 months to elaborate a new plan. The crisis makes difficult to plan for the future without having previously settled certain points. The strategic plan 2014-2017 will be extended until next year. But as soon as the FDC proposal is complete, we will start working on our strategic plan. It will be ready in six months, for our next Annual General Meeting. For the same reason, the annual plan will exceptionally match the FDC proposal for the coming year. This will also permit us to take into our plans the draft strategic direction for the global Wikimedia movement to 2030.
Financials: current year
[edit]The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 for most organizations).
Table 2
Financials for the current funding period Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Revenues (from all sources) 986,000 1,202,920 701,216 855,484 832,149 1,015,222 Expenses 986,000 1,202,920 868,128 1,059,116 1,056,710 1,289,186
Table 2 notes:
During this year that required to cut many expenses, we followed budget variances on a quarterly basis and a reforecasted budget was realised in February. We plan to do the same next year on at least a semestrial basis (if it's not too expensive in terms of time and money, we would like to track expenses on a quarter basis).
[edit]Table 3
- Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
- Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
- Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.
- Volunteer hours: The time spent on activities by people involved in Wikimédia France activities.
- Partners satisfaction: This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year.
Program Participants Newly registered Content pages Volunteer hours Partners satisfaction Axis 1. Partnerships and Content improvement 8,075 500 94,600 1,745 85% Axis 2. Working with Communities 700 330 15,000 1,950 85% Axis 3. Education and TRaining 5,300 1,350 21,500 460 85% TOTAL FOR ALL PROGRAMS 14,075 2,180 131,100 4,155 85%
Table 3 notes:
To address the past remark that our "proposed targets do not appear to be feasible based on past results", we decided to put in place a Performance Report inspired by what is done by Wikimedia UK (example). The staff will do a report to the Board on a quarterly basis which highlights progress achieved against a full range of indicators, including but not limited to our Grant Metrics. We also concentrate our efforts this year to improve the reporting of actions from local groups. And after some tests, we will use the Program & Events Dashboard for most of our actions.
Programs: upcoming year's annual plan
Axe 1. Partnerships and Content improvement
Background and Overview
[edit]In keeping with the 2030 strategic vision and to improve the diversity and quality of the content available on the Wikimedia projects, we will continue to work to encourage the free sharing of knowledge through our network of partners but also through various initiatives such as taking photographs or the re-use of databases. Supporting the integration of institutions and people in possession of rare and high-quality content within Wikimedia projects is a major objective for the movement. For this reason, a new GLAM strategy derived from an analysis of the shortcomings, opportunities and the cohesion of the partnerships has been developed for this new year. We have shared a number of findings from the “partnership workshops”. Most of our activities are based on replicable and predefined models which do not take sufficient account of the potential impact on the partner and the various audiences. A lack of diversification concerning the actions was therefore noted and we felt it necessary to take account of our own adaptation to the partners. The challenge is to find common ground, to build up a relationship based on trust and confidence and to improve our relevance and impact in the eyes of the people we are in contact with.
The Ma Commune Wikipedia project corresponds to this aim. This tool should enable us to establish a common language with the public authorities to support them with the contribution of content concerning The French regions. Similarly, the Lingua Libre tool should allow for wider participation in Wikimedia projects by removing the barrier of the written language. Achieving the diversification of content therefore means increasing the means of access for contributors.
Quantitative indicators
[edit]Axe 1: Partnerships and Content improvement | ||
Indicator | 2018/19 Target | Explanation |
Participants | 8,075 | This includes participants in the GLAM Projects but above all those in the photographic competitions and users of tools like Ma Commune Wikipedia and Lingua Libre, which will be entering an operational phase involving a great deal of communication and workshops organised around them. |
Newly registered editors | 500 | Lingua Libre and the photographic competitions should generate most of the new accounts registered. |
Pages added/improved | 94,600 | This includes the files uploaded from the photographic competition but also those regularly uploaded by members supported by Wikimedia France throughout the year, combined with the uploading of audio clips produced during the recording workshops with Lingua Libre. |
Volunteer hours | 1,745 | We have included participation in working meetings, activities carried out within GLAM partner organisations and the time required for a photo competition jury. |
Partners satisfaction | 85% | This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported a contribution-related activity during the year. |
Images/media added to Commons | 90,600 | Wikimedia Commons will be one of the main beneficiaries of the actions carried out in this area. |
% uploaded media used in content pages | 50% | Among the GLAM activities, the photo competitions, Lingua Libre and Ma Commune Wikipedia, we have set a target of 50% of files reused in other Wikimedia projects. |
Leading volunteers (WLM+WLE) | 11 | Here, we take account of people involved in the organisation of the competition, the selection of photos and participation in the jury’s decisions |
Numbers of visitors/users of Ma Commune Wikipedia | 5,000 | We would like to measure the usage level of Ma Commune Wikipedia. With targeted communication aimed at local authorities, we hope to increase the use of Ma Commune Wikipedia as a gateway into contributing. |
Numbers of visitors/users of Lingua Libre | 2,000 | This will concern everyone using Lingua Libre at least once during the year in France. Specific statistics concerning its use globally will be introduced during the year. |
Numbers of recording session with Lingua Libre | 10 | Wikimédia France has committed to organising 10 recording workshops in various languages on its premises. |
Number of photo accreditation granted | 10 | |
Leading GLAM partners of WMFr | 5 | We currently have three partners involved as ambassadors for the movement. We would like to see two other partners take on this role during the next financial year. |
Contributing activities organized within a GLAM partnership | 24 | We aim to continue the process underway for the last two years by focusing on the diversity of the types of actions performed. For example, being more of a means than an end, the edit-a-thon model is showing its limits in terms of getting partners involved and guaranteeing long-term collaborations. |
Outcomes and impact
[edit]
Key activities
[edit]Origin and description

As we have previously seen, the GLAM project came about through the need to review our vision of the partnerships and our strategy in light of the failings and weaknesses identified, of the challenges of the 2030 strategy, but also due to the opportunities a new approach to these partnerships could offer us. The following themes and activities will all provide opportunities to reach our objectives for the year and to set ourselves on a long-term path. The validation of partnerships will enable us to focus our work on long-term opportunities for collaboration offering the possibility to build a fully-fledged relationship between both parties. The goal here is to avoid “one-shot” partnerships by assessing the true intentions of our contacts, the scope of the sources, data or collections available to us and the value and urgency of this particular theme for our community. Here, we can draw upon projects with the Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille (Lille Fine Art Museum), the National Archives or city of Toulouse. To inject fresh dynamism into the scientific projects and Wikimedia in general, collaborations with the Latmos laboratory and the Centre National des Etudes Spatiales (National Centre for Space Studies) are underway. Another factor, and a considerable one, is the availability of volunteers, which in turn has an impact on the launch of projects. Finally, the analysis tools will enable us to better plan and adapt the projects according to the community’s requirements and the profile of the partners concerned, and to ensure that we follow up actions and initiatives. The nature of the actions proposed is a crucial aspect as it must provide for both the stabilisation of the relationship between the partners and the availability of the volunteer community. We are striving to increase diversity within our activities with a view to adapting to our partners and to meeting the goals of ensuring the long-term future and reuse of content. Among other things, this balance can be achieved through the emergence of Wikimedians in Residence, whose work will be financed by the host organisation itself or by a sponsoring system. The creation of a GLAM “network” reflects our wish to unite our partners with the aim of involving them in participative and empowering processes and to encourage dialogue while also learning from one another mutually. We currently benefit from three partners spreading the word around them, like the National Archives for example. We would like to increase the number of these “ambassador” partners, particularly through the organisation of and participation in “professional days”.
- We would like to unite the various partners and boost the impact of our work by creating a “GLAM network” characterised by a shared wish to open up data and content. Our objective is to add a further two ambassadors and to improve “institutional” support for our projects.
- We want to focus our actions on the reuse of digital content.
- We aim to ensure the long-term future of these relationships, in particular by encouraging our partners’ autonomy. This can be achieved through the emergence of one or several resident Wikipedians, supporting projects for analysis tools such as CatUsage, Glamorous, pageviews or Dashboard, making it possible to provide both parties with effective monitoring, clarity and the possibility to look to the future.
- Global metrics:
- Number of participants: 250.
- Newly registered editors: 90.
- Pages added/improved: 1000.
- Volunteer hours: 700.
- Partners’ satisfaction: 85%
- Images/media added to Commons: 700.
- % uploaded media used in content pages: 35%.
According to our assessment, 26% of the media imported into Wikimedia Commons during these activities were reused for other Wikimedia projects. We envisage reaching the 35% threshold, with the same goal of ensuring the re-use of uploaded content. Given the statistical differences between each of the activities and the impossibility of channelling and controlling all the initiatives, we have decided to calculate this based on uploads produced via well-identified and well-monitored partnerships.
- Specific indicators:
- Leading GLAM partners of WMFr: 5.
- Contributing/editing activities organized within a GLAM partnership: 24.
When selecting the specific indicators, the retention rate appeared particularly important to us in view of our wish to monitor our partnerships and ensure their long-term future. However, we prefer to test this type of metric during the first year of our new GLAM strategy to possibly incorporate it in the next cycle based on a coherent, tried and tested methodology.
Origin and description

For several years now, a number of the association’s activities have had the aim of raising the profile of French local and architectural heritage. Indeed, this theme, which combines history and culture, is of great interest to our volunteers and already accounts for a significant percentage of the articles on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, these articles often lack illustrations. However, heritage (particularly local heritage) is a subject likely to be of great interest to the general public as it concerns local matters. For this reason, Wikimédia France is trying to get the public involved in contributing to Wikimedia projects. Among other things, this involves taking photographs and uploading content to Commons, which is often simpler for beginners than writing encyclopaedic articles. In 2017, we published the "Ma Commune Wikipédia" tool (My Wikipedia District), a new tool making it possible to view the state of progress with articles on the various French districts. We would now like to upgrade this to make it an access point to our different initiatives at a local level. To begin with, we will incorporate the “Été des regions” (Summer of the regions) initiative into it: in July and August, the “participate” button in the “illustrations” section will link to the “Été des regions” campaign and similarly, our communication activities dealing with this initiative will invite local authorities to visit the page for their district on Ma Commune to encourage them to participate. Designed as a stepping stone to local contribution activities, “Ma Commune Wikipédia” will also provide direct access to the Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth photographic competitions. This will meet a very real demand from our community to continue these events but also to more closely link these international activities at a local level. Created at the initiative of volunteer contributors, the purpose of these competitions is to get Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons better known by the general public and even to recruit new volunteer photographers. They make it possible to inject new dynamism into existing communities and also to encourage people to improve Wikimedia Commons concerning a precise theme in a specific geographical area.The Wiki Loves Monuments competition will be continued with its extended perimeter. The competition will be open to all heritage-related items and features assigned a number in an official database run by the Ministry of Culture, and not only historical monuments. This decision was taken after careful consideration by the association’s members in order to encourage participation. A slight increase in the number of photos uploaded during the 2017 competition leads us to believe that this year we can attempt to break through the symbolic threshold of 10,000 photos published online. A working weekend has been organised for early April to involve and motivate contributors for the organisation of this 2018 event and to find partners and/or sponsors. Wiki Loves Earth will also be repeated in 2018. We are expecting the same number of contributions, i.e. approximately 1,600 photos for 140 contributors, in view of the fact that it is more difficult to access natural sites in comparison to historical monuments.
- We will continue to add to content concerning towns and villages via the "Ma commune Wikipédia" projects and the "Eté des régions" campaign.
- We will support the evolution of Wiki loves Monument contest to diversify the photographic content collected.
- Global metrics
- Participants : 5,575
- Newly registered : 170
- Content Pages : 39,600
- Volunteer hours : 520
- Specific indicators:
- Leading volunteers (WLM+WLE) : 11
- Numbers of visitors/users of Ma Commune Wikipedia : 5,000
- Number of photo accreditations granted : 10
Origin and description

For two years now, we have worked to facilitate participation in Wikimedia projects by developing a new means of access to contribution, particularly for people who speak minority languages, for whom writing can be an obstacle to contributing. This initiative gave rise to the Lingua Libre project, initially run by a team of volunteers and more recently by a contributor 0x010C as part of a Grant Project. The original development team needed to take major technological decisions and having a person with precise technical skills available full-time was the only solution making it possible for Lingua Libre to fully flourish as a new contribution-related project. After two years’ work and several discovery workshops, we were keen to see the real potential of Lingua Libre. With the support of the original project team and aided by several linguistic institutions and associations, we are planning on the national and international deployment of this tool from summer 2018 onwards. This will begin with a special event organised in Paris with the Ministry of Culture before organising several dedicated contribution workshops throughout the year 2018-2019.
- Intended to be a new gateway into contributing, we aim to demonstrate the value of Lingua Libre for Wikimedia projects, particularly concerning minority linguistic communities who are often side-lined by Wikimedia projects. Consequently, Wikimedia Canada’s experimentation with the Atikamekw project, which is already using Lingua Libre, is a source of inspiration for us. We plan to produce a multilingual lexicon of 50,000 recordings in one year, to be made available on Commons.
- Global metrics:
- Participants : 2,000
- Newly registered : 200
- Content Pages : 50,000
- Volunteer hours : 225h
- Specific indicators:
- Numbers of visitors/users of Lingua Libre : 2,000
- Numbers of recording sessions with Lingua Libre : 10

Origin and description
In keeping with the objective of ensuring diversity where content is concerned, we support the free sharing and reuse of databases, particularly via the Wikidata project. Consequently, we are supporting this project through various initiatives aimed at improving knowledge of the way Wikidata operates within the community, and at getting Wikidata better known by the general public or by target audiences (students, hackers, scientists, archivists and researchers, etc.). Activities targeting the general public include participating in conferences or hackathons, and the organisation of more specific events targeting certain communities. This year, in addition to a new annual Wikidata event for science, we are planning on a French WikidataCon in the autumn. This project is part of the cycle planned by Wikimedia Deutschland, which involves a global event in Berlin and local events, these being held on an alternating basis every other year. This event seeks to strengthen the French language community on Wikidata while at the same time allowing certain contributors to benefit from feedback and input. These training opportunities aimed at the community, such as workshops to be held in the new Wikimédia France contributors’ area or those organised from time to time in other towns make it possible to build up volunteer management teams for the datathons. We are planning on five workshops of this type in 2018-2019. These workshops are aimed at aligning Wikidata content and an external database such as a thesaurus for example or official notices. These events provide an opportunity to introduce the data professionals working on the databases in question (archivists, researchers, documentalists, etc.) to Wikidata.
- Improving awareness of the existence of Wikidata and the way it operates, both within the movement and outside it.
- Strengthening Wikidata’s position as a central hub for linked data through alignment with external databases.
- We want to provide training for staff from institutions looking to publish their date as open data.
- Global metrics
- Participants : 250
- Newly registered : 40
- Pages added/improved : 4,000
- Volunteer hours : 300
Axe 2. Working with Communities
Background and Overview
[edit]Wikimédia France is fortunate that it is run by a committed and determined community. The activities in the regions have flourished significantly in recent years with 16 active local groups which organise, plan and interact with a network of varied regional stakeholders. In order to be better able to support this regional dynamism, we have put in place a series of tools aimed at supporting, financing and promoting these initiatives. The sheer vitality of these groups helps us to constantly reinvent ourselves and come up with new ways of more effectively supporting contributors’ projects. However, despite the success of the local groups, we have not anticipated the resources required to perform the most detailed impact study possible. This has prevented us from drawing up a coherent strategy over recent years. This problem must therefore be dealt with in the coming months in order to be able to better assess and appreciate the huge amount of work supplied every week by local groups and the involvement of Wikimédia France’s salaried team working alongside them. Among other things, we will be launching training in the use of the Dashboard and inviting local groups to use it in their activities.
In 2018-2019, we will be focusing on some of the key issues facing the Wikimedia movement. Wikimédia France will be working to improve the inclusiveness and representativeness of Wikimedia projects by focusing its work on a number of target audiences.
Quantitative indicators
[edit]Axe 2. Working with Communities | ||
Indicator | 2018/19 Target |
Explanation |
Participants | 700 | We have included all participants in events organised or supported by Wikimédia France, including among others the major conferences such as the French language Wikiconvention and the Wikisource conference but also the major contribution days linked to highly engaging initiatives to promote a more diverse community. |
Newly registered editors | 330 | The contribution days are the main events leading to account creations for Wikimedia projects. Thanks to more regular use of the dashboard we aim to be better able to keep track of these new contributors, to support them with their integration within the movement. |
Pages added/improved | 15,000 | Although the French language contribution month and the major contribution days generally result in the creation of numerous articles, this is not the case for an event such is the French language Wikiconvention. For its part, the sign language project should result in the creation of a major video database (10,000). |
Volunteer hours | 1,950 | The commitment of our volunteers is important when organising and running workshops. For an international event such as the French language Wikiconvention this time can triple (grants, preparatory meetings, programme design, reception activities and the running of the events themselves, etc.). |
Partners satisfaction | 85% | This result will be obtained by means of an annual survey sent out to all partners having supported at least one contribution-related activity during the year. |
Contribution activities to reduce the gender gap on Wikimedia projects | 25 | Based on the dynamism seen last year, we hope to support the organisation of 25 contribution workshops aimed at reducing the gender gap on Wikimedia projects. These events are welcomed favourably by the general public and receive significant media coverage. |
Number of contributors involved in the Languages of France project | 10 | More precisely this is the number of contributors involved in the working group aimed at supporting contributions to projects in regional and minority languages. This working group will seek to be as representative as possible of the different communities. |
numbers of local leading volunteer organizers | 35 | By “leading volunteer” we are referring to contributors involved in the organisation of contribution-related events in the regions or organising meetings of Wikimedians (representatives of local groups and volunteers involved locally in specific contribution themes). |
Numbers of events organized by local groups | 100 | We would like to be better able to report back on the dynamism of the local groups in France, particularly thanks to resources such as the Wikilettre (newsletter of WMFr) and the events calendar feature on Meta-Wiki. |
Numbers of volunteers granted | 60 | The changes made to improve the micro-financing committee enable us to be better able to monitor those volunteers having received financial support, including the context in which this occurred (local groups’ activities, travel costs to participate in Wikimedia events, the purchasing of equipment, etc.). |
Contribution activities organized into Cléry contributor space | 30 | The creation of a genuine area for the community within the premises of Wikimédia France should make it possible to facilitate meetings of Wikimedians living in the Paris region but also the organisation of contribution workshops with the equipment provided (book scanner, photo studio, computers, bibliographical resources). |
Number of document package requested | 60 | We are frequently asked for documentary sources, particularly for workshops and training sessions focusing on Wikimedia projects. Drawing up a precise list of the requests, the recipients and the reasons would in our opinion provide interesting information to have on record, particularly to underline the role of Wikimedia France as an activity facilitator |
Percentage of contributors claiming to have been supported by Wikimédia France | 55% | During the survey carried out last February, of the 172 respondents 43.9% stated that they received support from Wikimedia France. We would like to increase this figure to 55% in 2018-2019 |
Outcomes and impact
[edit]
Key activities
[edit]Origin and description

In keeping with the Wikimedia movement’s goals and as a result of the thought given to the 2030 strategy, Wikimédia France has focused part of its activities on reducing inequality in content related to minority communities in Wikimedia projects and to encourage equitable access to knowledge. This wish led to the creation of the “Women and gender” working group within the association, which works regularly with the Sans-Pages association to reduce the gender gap on Wikimedia projects. We have noted that the activities aimed at raising awareness and combating this phenomenon have significantly increased in France over several years with the Women and Feminism workshops in Nantes or the edit-a-thons organised in Paris or Montpellier. Wikimédia France will continue to especially support these initiatives in 2018-2019. To make further progress towards this goal of equal access to knowledge while at the same time removing barriers to participation in (or the use of) Wikimedia projects, we must also reach out to other communities and come up with more inclusive projects. The Lingua Libre tool was designed with this in mind. In 2018-2019, we will also be turning our attention to other important communities.
Firstly, we would like to more effectively support the Creole communities in France, which account for a population of approximately 2.5 million people whose languages, cultures, vocabularies and histories are underrepresented in Wikimedia projects. Creole language versions of Wikipedia projects are still stored in the incubator. We must therefore be more active in reaching out to and supporting these communities. Initial contacts have been established with the French Ministry for the Overseas Territories and we will be contacting associations representing speakers of these languages to improve content and generate new opportunities for contributions.
Finally, we should mention the deaf and hearing-impaired community. According to statistics from the health ministry, 700 deaf children are born on average each year in France. This results in major difficulties when it comes to learning to read and consequently in participating in Wikimedia projects. The work undertaken since last year in partnership with the Signes de Sens association aimed at coming up with high-quality video content in “French sign language” is aimed at improving access to Wikipedia through the development of a web extension. A Wikimedia contributor is ready to take up this challenge supported by a volunteer team. We are currently looking for funds to enable him to get started on the technical development of the solution.
- We would like to support the organisation of 25 events aimed at reducing the gender gap.
- Regarding the Creole communities, working with the Ministry for the Overseas Territories we want to organise a specific photographic campaign for the overseas territories in addition to 5 training and contribution workshops with Creole speakers’ associations.
- In addition to uploading a corpus of 10,000 videos in French sign language (Langue des Signes Françaises or LSF) to Commons (planned to start in April 2018), we will support the development of a web extension aimed to facilitating the use of Wikipedia. We will be closely monitoring the usage statistics and we hope to launch contribution projects in LSF.
- Global metrics:
- Participants: 350
- Newly registered editors: 200
- Pages added/Improved: 12,500
- Volunteers hours: 450
- Specific indicators:
- Contribution activities to reduce the gender gap on Wikimedia projects: 25
Origin and description

The development of contribution activities in the regions has resulted over several years in the emergence of 16 active local groups interacting with various networks of educational and cultural stakeholders. Unfortunately, during this development phase, the support provided by Wikimédia France, whether logistical, administrative or financial, has never been precisely evaluated. A great deal of rethinking has therefore been going on over recent months to introduce a new model for the relationship between the community, the local groups and the chapter. This new system is based both on greater transparency and the simplification of processes for the community, accompanied by more effective reporting and more detailed tracking of the activities supported in the regions. In order to improve transparency concerning the financial support provided to the community, the Board has decided to increase the role and missions of the micro-grant committee. As a reminder, this committee is comprised of members of Wikimédia France and Board members who vote to allocate a micro grant. Previously reserved for individual applications with a detailed contribution objective, this committee is now open to all financing requests. These are visible on Meta-Wiki, along with details of the votes and discussions.
Additionally, for several weeks now Wikimédia France has had a dedicated area set aside for the community. With this dedicated area, we hope to be able to meet the needs of Wikimedians requiring somewhere to meet in order to organise contribution-related activities.
Following requests from certain contributors to the Wikisource project, we also envisage hosting a Wikisource conference in France in 2019.
- Unlike in previous years, the objective will not be to increase the number of local groups. We prefer instead to focus on the introduction of more precise impact analysis tools and improved coordination with the community.
- Global metrics:
- Participants: 100
- Newly registered editors: 80
- Pages added/improved: 2,000
- Volunteer hours: 900
- Specific indicators:
- Numbers of events organized by local groups: 100
- Numbers of volunteers granted: 60
- Contribution activities organized in the Clery contributor area: 30
Origin and description

In addition to the French language projects, there are 13 Wikipedia versions in regional and minority languages, most of whose contributors live in France. In February 2016, an initial week of training in contribution, dedicated specifically to linguistic minority communities, was held in Paris. This meeting made it possible to bring together experienced contributors and the various associations involved in preserving and enhancing these cultures. Despite the delays in launching a concrete initiative for these communities due to the development of the Lingua Libre tool, the first contribution day in Occitan was held in December 2016. An initiative aimed at the Basque community in France planned in cooperation with the Basque user group has not led to a clearly defined project for the time being. Several training workshops were also held with Alsatian speakers in 2017. Finally, presentations of the Alemannic and Occitan Wikipedia versions were held during the 2017 French language Wikiconvention. We want to review our strategy, with the aim of supporting the diversity of both content and people in Wikimedia projects. This year we will be bringing together these different initiatives to include them as part of a more comprehensive approach. This will involve a new consultation phase with contributors from these communities in order to see how Wikimédia France could more effectively support contribution initiatives. In consultation with them, we can then envisage initiating contribution training days in partnership with the various partner associations. The European Day of Languages on September 26, will provide the ideal opportunity to initiate a contribution event aimed at all minority communities.
- We want to organise a new week bringing together the Wikimedia project communities in the regional languages of France and the various associations in this field. We plan 5 contribution workshops in minority languages during the year 2018-2019.
- Global metrics:
- Participants: 100
- Newly registered: 50
- Pages added/improved: 500
- Volunteer hours: 150
- Specific indicator:
- Number of contributors involved in the Languages of France project: 10
Origin and description

For the coming years, the major challenge will be to boost cooperation between the French language chapters and user groups, just like Iberocoop. In addition to the two annual events, namely the French language contribution month and the French language Wikiconvention, we would like to improve exchanges of best practices and direct support to various regional initiatives through the Wikifranca network. The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (International Organisation of La Francophonie) intends to continue providing grants for African Wikimedians for the French language Wikiconvention. As part of this partnership, we will continue proposing French language international voluntary service assignments reserved for Wikimedians. The French language Wikiconvention has succeeded in becoming an established event as shown by the results from the survey held among the community. The third event will be held in Grenoble in Autumn 2018. Benefiting from an extensive and varied network of associations, the city of Grenoble is particularly committed to the open data movement. Organising the French language Wikiconvention in the capital of the Alps offers two advantages as it gives us an opportunity to:
- Support the local associations, who will be invited and involved in the organisation of the event
- Support the strategy adopted by the City of Grenoble
- This third French language Wikiconvention event should be the last organised in France for several years. After 2019, the objective will be to support the organisation of the convention in another French-speaking country.
- In 2018-2019, we want to improve the way Wikifranca is structured in order to support contribution projects throughout the French-speaking world. A third French language Wikiconvention will be organised in Grenoble in Autumn 2018.
- Global metrics
- Participants: 150
- Newly registered: 0
- Articles added/improved: 1000
- Volunteer hours: 450
Axe 3. Education and Training
Background and Overview
[edit]The association’s activities in the educational field are part of a process aimed at educating people in the media and information fields, with the aim of developing a critical spirit and promoting collaborative work among pupils and students. To achieve this, we regularly train trainers at various levels (mainly teachers and teachers-documentalists) in order that they may carry out educational projects within an educational establishment. They can also showcase their educational projects for several months via the Wikiconcours lycéen (high school wikicompetition) which is aimed at secondary education establishments. Regularly updated resources are made available to all, including the educational kit launched in September 2015. Since 2014 the association has also been officially recognised by the Ministry of Education as an educational association supporting public education. Lifelong learning through ongoing training is a key factor in the development of the digital citizen’s abilities. Aimed at students and their teachers but also at the association’s volunteers, it is important to give our target audiences the means to undertake ongoing training and to make full use of the skills they acquire. Via various educational aids such as a MOOC, an educational kit and dedicated resources, we hope to supply a fairly wide range of educational solutions
Enjoying significant support from the respondents to the questionnaire, the themes of education and training form part of an active effort to pass on skills and are designed to be a natural extension to the philosophy behind the Wikimedia projects. The activities carried out and the solutions deployed below make it possible to transform archived information into knowledge. In the educational area, Wikimédia France must become a key player in the provision of education in the media and information fields by continuing to make its voice heard on certain subjects (please see the argument for teaching Wikipedia in the classroom or participation in the Ministry of Education’s NumeriLab working groups) and must effectively respond to the training requirements of the various stakeholders.
Quantitative indicators
[edit]Axe 3. Education and Training | ||
Indicator | 2018/19 Target |
Explanation |
Participants | 5,300 | By repeating the MOOC and the Wikiconcours lycéen, we envisage consolidating a long-term trainee base as numerous as in previous years. The new activities planned for next year including new stakeholders not yet included in the figures are now are now incorporated. |
Newly registered editors | 1,350 | These come mainly from the MOOC, the Wikiconcours and any possible contribution days. |
Pages added/improved | 21,500 | These come mainly from the MOOC, the Wikiconcours and any possible contribution days. |
Volunteer hours | 460 | Via a Wikiconcours (wikicompetition) which should see its number of registered participants increase and a MOOC which will not require new filming, the number of volunteer hours reflects the long-term involvement linked to support for teachers’ educational projects. |
Partners satisfaction | 85% | This result will be collected by means of an annual survey sent out to partners having supported at least one contribution-related activity during the year. |
Numbers of educational establishment using Wikipedia in a educational project | 70 | The Wikiconcours lycéen already makes it possible to identify educational establishments using Wikipedia in the classroom and we are targeting an increase in registered participants in addition to improved identification of the establishments carrying out educational projects. |
Numbers of volunteers involved into Wikiconcours | 10 | We would like to get non-member contributors more involved, in the same way as Wiki Loves Monuments and the checkers. |
Numbers of diploma courses integrating the contribution to Wikimedia projects | 5 | Calculating the integration of contributions to Wikimedia projects in diploma courses is a relevant indicator regarding the efforts made by the association. |
Numbers of consultation of the educational kit | 4,800 | Currently, the number of visitors (per year) varies between 3,500 and 4,000. With the new educational kits, we hope for greater visibility. |
Numbers of participants having completed the Wikimooc 3 | 400 | Based on data from the previous years, we believe that 400 people will complete the MOOC. |
Numbers of new editors still editing Wikimedia project a year after completed the Wikimooc | 40 | Based on data from the previous years, we believe that 40 people will continue contributing a year after the MOOC ends, i.e.10% |
Percentage of volunteers expressing increased level of skills | 75% | A survey will be sent out to volunteers having completed a training course run by Wikimedia France. We estimate that three quarters of the participants will declare that they have acquired new skills during the year. |
Outcomes and impact
[edit]
Key activities
[edit]Origin and description

With the fight against fake news being both a very topical issue and a challenge for contemporary society, the educational uses of Wikipedia are nevertheless not sufficiently well-known and appreciated. In 2016, we published an argument for the teaching of Wikipedia in class. Alexandre Hocquet wrote in it at that time that Wikipedia is (or should be) an extraordinary teaching resource: everyone knows Wikipedia and almost everyone doesn’t know enough about Wikipedia. This should be the ideal situation for a teacher: getting students interested in something they know, surprising them by showing them that they can discover lots of things. We have noted that for the last 4 or 5 years (and the teachers acknowledge this) Wikipedia is being recommended more often to pupils or at the very least is being criticised less often. In France, the educational compartmentalisation of the different institutions means that the regions develop and put forward projects in an unequal manner depending on the educational establishments concerned. The challenge for us is a twofold one: we need to be able to continue supporting inspiring educational projects put forward by teachers while at the same time effectively advising educational institutions such as the education ministry during the working groups to which we are invited. Via the Wikiconcours lycéen, carried out in partnership with the national education ministry and which for several years now has involved around 15 education authorities and around 50 participating establishments, we are keen to see Wikimedia projects develop in an educational environment. We also regularly support educational projects carried out in the classroom but the Wikiconcours lycéen (high school wikicompetition) enables us to show teachers that they have the possibility to make the most of these projects and to benefit from training in contribution. This is also a way for us to identify the educational establishments using Wikipedia in the classroom. Finally, the Wikiconcours lycéen adopts a very transversal approach and we can link this activity to the self-tuition solutions such as the MOOC, to local initiatives with tailored support by volunteers, and to La Francophonie with overseas lycées (high schools).
In the higher education sector, it’s the training aimed at doctoral students which seems to have taken hold over the long-term. In Lille, for 7 years now, 60 doctoral students are trained each year in partnership with the universities and their contributions are assessed every 3 months. The same applies in Paris, with the Ecole des Chartes or with the Université Pierre et Marie-Curie with students and doctoral students being trained and then assessed.
We will also continue participating in professional shows and ministerial working groups paying particular attention to focus groups related to the planning of educational programmes, at the initiative of ministries, associations or foundations. Last year, we participated in four preparatory working groups which should lead on to other opportunities for dialogue this year.
- Increase the number of educational establishments registered for the Wikiconcours lycéen with an awards event bringing together stakeholders from the educational world, researchers and volunteers.
- Maintain our presence at professional educational shows, which enables us to launch concrete projects (Educatec, Eduspot and the Salon de l'Orme)
- Renewing our long-term partnerships with higher education establishments with the aim of increasing the training sessions.
- Global metrics
- Participants: 1,100
- Newly registered: 800
- Content Pages: 1,500
- Volunteer hours: 150
- Specific metric(s):
- Number of educational establishments carrying out an activity using Wikipedia: 80
- Number of volunteers involved in the jury and proofreading: 8
- Number of diploma courses including contributions to Wikimedia projects: 5
Origin and description

For 3 years now, Wikimédia France has used a number of solutions for educational support, distance learning and self-tuition. The WikiMOOC and educational kits are two educational aids which bear witness to our wish to raise awareness among the general public and particularly among educational audiences. Indeed, after the research work carried out by the MARSOUIN research laboratory, we found that a large percentage of Wikipedia’s readers are teachers and students. Out of 16,800 respondents, school and high school pupils accounted for almost half of all respondents, 660 were high school or higher education teachers and 300 were other schoolteachers. Based on these figures, we feel that it is important to continue developing educational aids.
The MOOC will be adding a new session in the coming months with a greater focus on communication aimed at the target communities (schools, trainers, etc.). The educational kit in its current form meets the needs of teachers to consult educational projects using Wikipedia in the classroom. It is also useful for institutions wishing to learn more about such use of Wikimedia projects, of which many people are still insufficiently aware. It’s now time to move up a gear and focus on the deployment of the educational kit through a dedicated website or a platform designed in partnership with other associations. We particularly aim to incorporate videoed testimonials from all of the other stakeholders using Wikipedia in the classroom. It is important to allow the educational teams to talk about how they use it.
- Focus our efforts on the number of people completing the MOOC up to the time the draft is published. To do so, particular attention will be paid to questions during the training.
- Increase visitors to the educational kit will be a means of assessing interest in this resource and the possible actions to results from this (seminars, conferences, training sessions, etc.).
- Global metrics
- Participants: 4,000
- Newly registered: 500
- Content Pages: 20,000
- Volunteer hours: 250
- Specific metric(s):
- Number of times the educational kit is consulted: 4,800 visitors per year
- Number of people reaching the end of the MOOC (publication of the draft): 400
- Number of people continuing to contribute a year after the MOOC ends (at least one modification): 40
Origin and description
The target audiences trained by the association fall into two main categories: education and the GLAM. Among the educational audiences, we should mention:
- Teachers;
- Teacher-documentalists;
- IT trainers;
- Media coordinators;
- Community organisers;
- Librarians;
- Documentalists.

These various audiences are currently trained during training courses organised as part of the academic training plan, courses organised by educational establishments or education authorities (educational audiences) or during professional seminars, working groups and pre-edit-a-thon training sessions (for cultural audiences).The approach can vary depending on each target audience and the institutions to which they belong, and over several years this has made it possible for us to identify those audiences interested in Wikimedia projects and from which the impact will be greatest for the other audiences. For example, the City of Paris’ library festival (NUMOK) with which Wikimédia France has been associated since the outset, has enabled us to train around 30 librarians last year, who have been able to run numerous contribution days. This is a long-term partnership giving rise to concrete activities. Similarly, six training courses forming part of the academic training plan have been organised. New training courses will be introduced next year. It’s important to note that Wikimédia France cannot itself put forward a training course for this particular programme and we instead need to count on the goodwill of a teacher or teacher-documentalist who will put forward the training course himself, which will then be assessed during the academic training committee meeting.
- Increase the number of training sessions provided for professional educational and cultural audiences in the ongoing training field.
- Global metrics
- Participants: 150
- Newly registered: 50
- Content Pages: 0
- Volunteer hours: 50
Origin and description

A national survey was launched among members to discover their training requirements. What emerged from this is that one of the most frequently expressed requirements concerned the need to gain an understanding of the very structure of the association and the context in which it operates. We now feel that it is necessary to draw up a training plan aimed at volunteers keen to improve their skills. In the past, one of our mistakes was to try to respond to all training requirements. During our last general meeting, discussions with the members of Wikimedia enabled us to identify four key priorities: the world of Wikimedia, the various possibilities to receive support by the association, the typical management of a project with a partner and how to organise a local group. We will therefore be giving a great deal of thought to how we can enhance and make the most of the skills acquired by volunteers.
- Create a training plan aimed at contributors keen to improve their skills with regard to the Wikimedia movement and in the organisation of Wikimedia activities.
- Global metrics
- Participants: 50
- Newly registered: 0
- Content Pages: 0
- Volunteer hours: 10
- Specifics metric(s):
- Percentage of volunteers who felt that their skills had improved: 70%
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, and provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram if you have one.

In order to ensure that the charity is best resourced to deliver impactful projects we have made a number of staff role changes, and the total staff headcount has been reduced from 11 to 8 FTE (-170 000 € / -25% of the staff total expenses). The Board decided to recruit only one person, a Junior Fundraiser, to reduce the reliance of the chapter on APG funding. And after several months of thinking and observations of the staff, the Board decided to go to a less hierarchical organization. The internal reorganization resulted in a partial delegation of power to Cindy David in charges of Human Resources and another delegation of power to Rémy Gerbet in charges of the Operations. The Board keeps budget preparation and major Human Resources decisions (sanction, dismissal, recruitment). Aware that an organization without paid management is not without difficulties, this new organization is in test during a few months and some funds are allocate to staff training to insure a good transition to this new organization.
We also put in place a salary grid and started publishing again the remunerations of all our staff.
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you plan to have by the end of the current funding period, and staff you plan to have by the end of the upcoming funding period.
Table 4
FTEs Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes Programmes 5.5 5.5 Finance and administration 1.5 1.5 Fundraising 1 1 Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 8 8
Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:
- Our accountant (0.5 FTE) will finish his work-study contract (contrat d'alternance) in September. We haven't decided yet if we will look for a new work-study contract, open a position (FTE or not) or completely outsource accounting.
- 3. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the current funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
- 415,000 € / $549,000
- 4. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the upcoming funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
- 450,000 € / $549,000
Financials: upcoming year
[edit]Detailed budget: upcoming year
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.
We review the presentation of our budget to be more transparent. For example, travel funds now clearly show the amount used for scholarships, staff and Board travels. We also start to re-allocate more funds from staff and operating expenses to program expenses to address a concern of the FDC. And more specifically try to allocate funds on high-impact activities. We will continue our efforts to reduce operating expenses. In next weeks we will concentrate our efforts in particular on the following expenses: office move, accountability and telecommunications/postal costs.
A Google Sheet with our proposed budget for 2018/2019 is available online.
Revenues: upcoming year
[edit]Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017).
- Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time.
- Please include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, and use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
- Do not include money you plan to draw from your reserves during the upcoming funding period.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
FDC grant 450,000 549,000 requested
Donations 370,000 451,400 uncertain
Project grants, sponsoring 90,000 109,800 uncertain
in-kind donations 32,000 39,040 probable
Membership fees 10,000 12,200 likely
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 952,000 1,161,440 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
FDC grant: Wikimédia France's request for funding from the Wikimedia Foundation in 2018/2019 represents 47% of our total projected income for the year, with the remaining 53% made up of regular donations, projects grants and sponsoring, funding from trusts and foundations and major donors. Requesting 450,000€ is a significant effort compared to previous years where the association asked for 600,000 euros or more, while not endangering the chapter. The chapter is determined to follow the recommendation of the FDC "to diversify its revenue rather than increase its reliance on APG funding". And by 2020/2021, we set as objective a FDC grant representing not more than 35% of total income, a goal in line with the Wikimedia 2030 strategy.
Donations: Donations have been decreasing since 2014/2015. We hope to quickly reverse the trend. In short term, we plan to consult fundraisers from the Wikimedia movement, increase our communication during the campaign, add a donate button on our mobile website.
Projet grants: The goal is ambitious but achievable. The French WikiConvention continues to be self-financing by in-kind donations from local authorities, and funds from Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, DGLFLF (Ministry of Culture) and Google France. We are trying to extend this model to other projects, like WikiMooc, Wikiconcours lycéen or Wikimedian in Residence. We have already put in place a watch of calls for projects and responded to two calls for projects. We also contacted potential donors (dozens of companies and local authorities) to fund the pre-hackathon in Montpellier. We should soon be able to announce the name of a new financial partner. It is difficult to estimate the rate of progress of donations, grants and in-kind donations. But at the end of the year we will have a better knowledge of projects that are financeable outside the Wikimedia movement.
In-kind donations: The chapter already receive a substantive amount of in-kind donations but it wasn't reported in the FDC proposal. For example: Wikiconcours lycéen 7,000 euros, WikiSevran 10,000, editathon at the Opéra comique 20,000, WikiConvention 15,000.
The funds will be used in the same way than FDC grant, but they will also fund anything not covered by the FDC : for exemple, the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU.
Operating reserves: current and upcoming years
[edit]Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.
- 1. What is your plan for maintaining, building, or spending your reserves in the current year and the upcoming funding period? Please use the table below to show the amounts in your reserves at the beginning, year-to-date, and end of your current year, and the amount you plan to have in your reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period.
Table 6
Year Year start Year start (US) Year-to-date Year-to-date (US) Year end Year end (US) Current year (e.g. 2017) 477,618 582,693 257,357 313,975 253,057 308,730 Upcoming year (e.g. 2018) - - - - 253,057 308,730
- 2. How much FDC funding is your organization requesting to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period? If you are not requesting any FDC funding to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period, you can write zero.
- 0
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs, and do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. Program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs, for example. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 7
Program Currency requested US dollars Partnerships and Content improvement 58,500 71,370 Working with Communities 134,500 164,090 Education and learning 55,500 67,710 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 248,500 303,170
Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding designated for specific programs (e.g. a restricted grant), please make a note of that here.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including expenses for staff working on both programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 8
Expense type Currency requested US dollars Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 248,500 303,170 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 253,500 309,270 Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 450,000 549,000 Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 952,000 1,161,440
Table 8 notes:
- We changed the distribution of expenses from lasts years. In the former proposal, staff represented 62% and 19% for program expenses and operating costs. In this proposal, staff costs represent 47% ; program expenses and operating costs represents 26% each. This distribution of funds is more in line with the objectives of the movement and what is done by our colleagues from UK and Sweden.
Verification and signature
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreementYes
Please sign below to complete this proposal form.
- IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. Pierre-Yves Beaudouin (talk) 13:57, 30 March 2018 (UTC)