Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round1/Wikimedia CH/Impact report form
Global metrics overview - all programs
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Community (metrics)
[edit]Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 522 out 270 | 20 + 6 + 14 + 40 + 15 + 16 + 10 + 16 + 25 + 184 + 36 + 140 |
2. # of new editors | 55 out of 1330 | 54 + 1 |
3. # of individuals involved | 946 out of 1700 | 74+ 6 + 14 + 42 + 16 + 135 + 16 + 39 + 17 + 40 + 40 + 25 + 333 + 140 |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 1'063 out of 8000 | 599 + 231 + 200 + 33 |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 191 out of 2300 | 89 + 20 + 25 + 32 + 25 |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | (n/a) | n/a (out of program scope) |
Note: The metric #new editors has been widely discussed within the Wikimedia movement, for your information, the association focused its efforts on the retention of editors.
Content (metrics)
[edit]Metric | Achieved outcome (Annual plan target) |
Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 102 out of 210 | 7 + 6 + 28 + 1 + 2 + 18 + 25 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 4 |
2. # of new editors | 128 out of 155 | 4 + 22 + 30 + 51 + 13 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 |
3. # of individuals involved | 1'230 out of 400 | 11 + 28 + 30 + 1 + 11 + 15 + 27 + 55 + 14 + 25 + 105 + 180 (teach-the-teacher) + 728 |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 58'186 out of 50 000+ | 926 + 38197 + 658 + 15 + 6145 +13 + 25 + 27 + 3048 + 9132 |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 1'054 out of 2900 | 10 + 21 + 845 + 103 + 11 + 15 + 28 + 17 + 4 |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
Note: GLAMs generally use one official institution account when delivering new content to the Wikimedia projects which does not reflect entirely on the actual number of editors involved as those accounts are shared between several people. We are now communicating with GLAMs about holding several accounts in order to be able to follow their progress and usage more efficiently.
Outreach (metrics)
[edit]Metric | Achieved outcome (Annual plan target) |
Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 6 out of 215 | 4 + 2 |
2. # of new editors | 2 out of 20 | 2 |
3. # of individuals involved | 919 out of 3000 | 40 + 55 + 200 + 100 +20 + 4 + 100 + 400 |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 0 | n/a (out of program scope) ( 113) |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | min 2000 | n/a (out of program scope) |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | 0 | n/a (out of program scope) |
Tools (metrics)
[edit]Metric | Achieved outcome (Annual plan target) |
Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
2. # of new editors | n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
3. # of individuals involved | 1'056'000
(predicted: 100,000) |
1'020'000 individual downloads for Kiwix+ Wikimini project: 33,693 registered users on Wikimini FR + 2,435 users on Wikimini SV |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | out of n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | out of n/a | n/a (out of program scope) |
Telling your program stories - all programs
[edit]Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
[edit]Overall, the year 2016 has proven to be a very interesting and successful one in terms of consolidating the basis of the Association and reinstalling a sense of trust and commitment both from staff and Board Members as well as from the Community. The Association was able to show its maturity, not only by navigating through rough waters to finally arrive in calmer seas again - walking through good governance efforts and demonstrating transparency. But also through the involvement of its various stakeholders, requesting input, ideas and feedback to equip itself with a strategy for the years to come, that is currently in the process of being further elaborated. It has been hard work but now is the time to say "thank you" to a wonderful team, a great community and a trusting and forward looking Board!
[edit]As the new Executive Director joined at a time when the plans for 2016 were already made and approved, reading through the impact report you will notice that some metrics were not met and a couple of activities shifted priorities or were renamed. This is due to the fact that over the course of the year:
- A full revision of what could realistically be achieved and what not (i.e. sometimes, forecasts appeared to be overly optimistic in terms of metrics or budgetary provisions for certain projects proved to be hard to reconstruct) took place and found its way into the annual plan.
- A completely new multiyear-strategy was elaborated taking the WMF priorities, the Swiss market and overall environment into consideration. Strong impact directions (themes) and enablers could be identified going forward, positioning the association on a stable basis.
Let us shortly explain how WMCH views the road ahead in terms of strategy – illustrated through the metaphor of a house - for the years to come (2017-2020) – of course being open to possible adaptations addressing the outcomes of the movement strategy process which is currently on the way.
The roof of our house represents content sharing, curating and collecting in terms of free knowledge.
The house itself is made up of three main impact directions that we will focus our efforts on: Education, GLAM and Community (support, bridge, train). Underneath with dotted lines are our three enablers:
- Communication
- Diversity
- Technology/Know-how
These enablers will allow us to evaluate whether a project/program should be integrated into our annual plan or not. The more enabler in a particular project, the better!

The wall of the house (not shown in the picture) represents WMCH with its processes (policies, financial, guidelines, ICT etc.), soft skills (human resources, people development) and tools. We would like to professionalize the organizational structure and therefore see the walls as holding the house together.
The windows of our house are transparent and indicate good governance. There are no hidden closets or pitfalls.
The basis of the house is given by the legal background; without a solid ground, no house can stand for a sustained period of time.
Our neighbors are like-minded organizations, other Chapters, the Wiki Universe and of course the Wikimedia Foundation; we are seeking contact and inviting people in, also attending “house warmings” and meetings at their houses. Our intention is not only to reach out, link, collaborate and network but also to lobby and influence where it makes sense.
Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our fantastic colleague Muriel Staub for her great work and efforts during the last years. Muriel has unfortunately left us at the end of 2016 to take up new challenges and the recruitment process for her successor has proven to be more time consuming and difficult as expected. Being such a small organization, it took us indeed several months to run through the hiring process, being transparent and professional in the way we communicated and approached people. We are now happy to announce that with Lantus, we found a Wikipedian and long-time contributor who is willing to take up the torch and lighten our paths to move forward on our way to becoming even more sustainable and effective.
[edit]- Implementing our new multi-year strategy 2017-2020
- Second WMCH community survey with high satisfaction rate about the strategy
- Increased number of women related events both on the aspects of contribution and content building
- Increased number of participants to the GLAM network
- First experiences in education with high success of events and activities
- This year we have received tremendous support from our donors as well as partners who sponsored us with in kind donations for our projects.
[edit]On top of servicing our three respective language communities by providing them the utmost support for their projects, our intention was to push the envelope further this year to empower our communities. As already highlighted above, we have been faced with an unprecedented turmoil within our communities starting from early April onwards. Even though we have been dealing with a complex situation in which members of our communities deeply disagreed on the definition of paid editing and what it entails, we also witnessed strengthened collaborations and a variety of positive outcomes over the last 6 months. Also, several informal in person meet-ups were organized which suggests that we were able to maintain communication lines with the community, which given the circumstances is very positive for us. Within our community program, a focus on diversity remains a key component that we successfully drive forward. We hope to be able to pursue more projects in that field in the coming years. Indeed, we believe that the association provides an added value to the movement's mission statement by supporting projects that enable and engage with a diverse crowd of contributors and content. When speaking about the community diversity, WMCH means men, women, older people, younger people, special audiences like for example visually impaired people and migrants.
Conducting a Community Survey: a major stepping stone in helping WMCH to design its programs and activities
[edit]In order to find out more about our community, we conducted again a community survey during Q3 building up on the one that had been sent out in 2015. Originally, two separate surveys were planned, one directed at Italian editors having left the movement and a broader, one for the whole of Switzerland. In the interest of time - given all the other activities that we were running at that time - and in order to ensure the most impact, we decided to only go with the Swiss-wide survey and collected some interesting results:
- A total number of 118 people participated whereas, a relatively high number of Wikipedians responded, who are members of the association. It is good to note that WMCH does not currently have a Members Strategy which is definitely something the Association needs to look at in the near future.
- Compared to the 2015 survey, the increase of contributors who responded represents an interesting value, indicating that more Wikipedians are now actually interested in Wikimedia projects.
- Newer contributors or Wikipedians are more likely to voice their opinion than experienced users.
- The large majority of respondents (91%) contributes to the three main Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Commons and Wikidata) and of that, half to Wikipedia. Wikipedia thus remains the main project in the Swiss context.
- Compared with 2015, the percentage of respondents without support, but looking to be supported doubled (there is definitely potential here for WMCH to step forward)
- The services most valued from the respondents in terms of WMCH seems to be the provision of advice and contacts/networks. There definitely is a lot more to do in this area for WMCH!
As we drafted a new strategy in 2016 and defined a clear vision for the Association responses related to these aspects were of particular importance to us:
- Many people (58% answering “no” and 22% not providing any answer) do not know that we have a strategy and what it entails. WMCH definitely needs to step up its communication efforts to outline clearly where the Association is heading in terms of strategy.
- Although many respondents did not know about the new strategy, 52% are satisfied with the direction the Association is taking and there seems to be a particular interest in the Impact Direction “Education”
Establishing formal processes for supporting community projects for the chapter’s Annual Plan Grant submission
[edit]Wikimedia CH decided to run a pilot in the French speaking area to test the efficiency of our newly designed call for projects process. Indeed, in our annual calendar, the association identified the need to incorporate projects from within the communities at the latest by the month of September in order for these to be budgeted and approved by the Wikimedia Foundation for the following year. This anticipation requires us to mobilize our communities well ahead of time with projects they wish to carry out in the following 6 to 18 months. Having organized the idea creation workshop which was the first stepping stone in this process, we then formalised the call for projects 2017 on this meta page to inform our communities about the possibility to submit projects over the course of the summer. The page provides an official framework as the projects obviously need to be aligned with the Chapter’s strategy, asking for initiatives to fit into one of the following impact directions, i.e. GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), Education and Community (support, bridge, train).
Once a project is submitted, Wikimedia CH's staff and Board reviews the submissions and official feedback is subsequently posted on the relevant discussion page once a decision has been reached to include or not a project in the following year’s budget.
You may consult the following submission to get an understanding of the information we would typically ask for in order to make those decisions, as well as the official answer the Chapter provided to the requestor. here. In this scenario, the outcome was positive. It needs to be mentioned however, that WMCH cannot accommodate all submissions received, as it has to remain accountable to the Foundation, in terms of promoting impactful projects in line with our country strategy.
Here is an example of a submission that was not approved here and you may consult the official answer the Chapter provided to the contributor here in order to explain why the project could not be carried out.
We feel that following this process has 2 main advantages which are of utmost importance to us being the local entity representing the Wikimedia movement:
- Transparency as to which projects are submitted and what answer/reasoning the Chapter provided. The community may consult all the applications as well as Wikimedia CH’s official answers to those submissions. By proceeding as such, the community can follow exactly the planning of the activities of the following years, the rationale behind the choice of projects and also has the possibility to intervene and participate if they wish to do so.
- Coherence with the multi-year strategy and with the requirements of the Wikimedia Foundation. In order to implement the strategy of the Chapter, we definitely need the active support of our communities to suggest and help us with projects that are in phase with the movement’s general direction and our own goals/objectives.
By formalising the call for projects process, we provide a transparent window in the selection process which enables us to carry out the Chapter’s mission as an accountable, stable institution. We are now planning to improve this process and to carry it over to our other language communities (for the call for projects page 2018 on which we already have started working on). here.
The successful action of “Let’s fill the gender gap” matured into a new initiative: introducing the project “les sans pagEs”
[edit]Wikimedia CH partnered with contributors, Nattes à chat and LaMèreVeille as well as two institutions, the office for gender equality of the University of Geneva as well as the Emilie Gourd Foundation to build the « Let’s fill the gender gap » project in 2015 and 2016. The Wikimedia Foundation also played an essential role, indeed thanks to the Inspire Campaign, funds were allocated to implement the activity. The initiative focused on teaching new contributors in the French-speaking area how to contribute to Wikipedia on the specific topic of women's biographies. Indeed, all the subjects of the articles had two common components: they were women and shared a connection to Switzerland. The initiative was launched with a kick-off conference back in September 2015 and 3 sessions of 6 workshops each took place over the course of 2015 and 2016. You may consult the project page here. The impact of the project was phenomenal, to name but a few (quantitative and qualitative) on top of the great metrics that were delivered:
- a total of 89 articles were produced,
- the press covered the activities over 21 times over the course of 10 months
- the very first non sexist language session was incorporated in the program of the French speaking WikiCon.
- probably the most significant outcome of the project was the creation in 2016 of an official Wikipedia project called “les sans pagEs”. The project ensures the continuity of conducted activities and pursues the goal of providing visibility to Women on Wikipedia, thereby fostering the new community of contributors that was developed thanks to the workshops.
Although there many people were partaking in this activity, we would like to highlight the commitment of the User: Nattes à chat in being a driving force for setting up and pushing through the initiatives. The group is extremely active and carries out weekly Monday meetings over lunch called the “Wikimidi” in Geneva. Those contribution sessions enable active Wikipedians and newbies to share some regular quality time on improving Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia CH is in regular contact with the volunteers and has already partnered on several projects with them such as the Mois de l'art et des rites funéraires on the French-speaking Wikipedia as well as the Art+Feminism campaign in 2017.
Boosting the German speaking area
[edit]Online community support portal Wikipedia:Förderung launched
Wikimedia DE, Wikimedia AT and Wikimedia CH commonly implemented a mammut project and launched the portal "Wikipedia:Förderung" for volunteer-oriented services in the German-speaking Wikipedia. This portal provides a quick overview of all services offered by WMDE, WMAT and WMCH for volunteers as well as an overview over ongoing activities, where volunteers can take part. Potentially this portal can serve as a best practice model for other Wikimedia Chapters serving the same language-communities, bundling their services and displaying all offers and activities at the same place to ensure that volunteers - and easiness of access - come first.
WikiCon 2016: The German-speaking Wikimedia convention
A total of 333 people attended the German-speaking WikiConvention in 2016 in Kornwestheim near Stuttgart, whereof 14 participants were attending from Switzerland. Wikimedia CH supported the event with a financial contribution and sponsored a total of 8 scholarships for Wikimedians from Switzerland. Furthermore 4 Board members and 2 staff members attended the conference. A total of 6 sessions and 2 booths were hosted/co-hosted by volunteers/staff originating from Switzerland. The conference info as well as the slides of all sessions are available on the event page in Wikipedia and the evaluation survey can be consulted here.
Managing Conflicts of Interest in a multilingual context
[edit]Challenges enable us to grow and mature as an Association. Following the debates about the conflict of interest within the Swiss Chapter, WMCH had to deal with strong points of view within the French-speaking community and a variety of critical voices. Interestingly, this very tumultuous period in one of our language communities did not affect the Italian and German-speaking ones who were not even aware of the difficulties that were experienced in the Romandie area. At staff level, Wikimedia CH communicated non-violently and mindfully in order to re-open discussions and pacify the exchanges. At Board level, internal investigations were conducted, and a Governance workshop took place in July with an external expert who also looked into the situation. The investigations found that current board members had committed no inappropriate action and that their activities did not involve any actual conflict of interest. However, while our current conflict of interest policy was deemed to be sufficient, some suggestions were made about potential improvements that could be made in our governance. As a result, this led to the set-up of a wiki page in order to involve the community in the process of improving our governance (more info here). The Board thoroughly assessed the different viewpoints and was in regular contact with the WMF for this matter. In addition, Frédéric Schütz started drafting a Board Handbook and the Board agreed to ask all board members and candidates to disclose their activities and areas of possible conflicts of interest on a designated page, in order to allow members to ask questions and concerns in advance. All in all, we believe that the Chapter grew through the experience even though we noticed that the discussions generated some fluctuations in terms of our offline event's attendance.
National means multi-lingual
[edit]The organization of a national event in Switzerland, for instance an online contest like Art+Feminism, always represents a challenge. The effort remains quite time intensive as the involvement of the various Wikipedian communities in the different language regions is definitely more complicated than the organisation of an event for a single, more homogenous community: the translation of all communications, contacts with various multilingual stakeholders, the alignment of the respective needs and finally finding a consensus among all involved parties. These efforts require a closely collaborating team, excellent knowledge of the project and its stakes in diverse regions as well a strong experience. For this reason, in the past, Wikimedia CH used to only organise national events like Wiki Loves Monuments or Wiki Loves Earth as photo contests are easier to manage and the need to translate is more limited. However, in 2016 we are proud to report that, Wikimedia CH started to think about and plan national in-person events with concurrent meetings or events in different linguistic areas. These type of events (the New Year's Brunch - in 2017 all the three main communities held their brunch at the same time in different locations) is building knowledge and expertise that will enable WMCH to empower both its communities and staff.
However this big effort has been paid off with a solid experience whereby Wikimedia CH stands as a preferred partner for organizations that wish to organize events nationwide. An example is the Swiss Association of Archives as reported in the related section about the organization of the the Swiss Archives Day in June 2017, but also for Ated4kids, the group of Ated specialized in training of youth, to organized the Devoxx4kids in other linguistic regions. Wikimedia CH is considered as an accountable and expert association.
Progress table
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year | ||||
Microgrants | Award a total of 20 micro-grants to 10 different users, resulting in the upload of 500 pictures and the improvement of 50 articles | 14 | 5 out of 20
11 out of 20
| ||||
Although the WMCH communicated extensively about the micro-grants program via social medias channels as well as monthly newsletters, the Association did not reach its estimated targets as unfortunately only a few contributors apply to them. On the other hand, WMCH did received and accommodated enquiries for several initiatives that required more than the maximum amount of CHF.-500 that can be allocated via the micro-grant channel. Please consult all the micro-grants requests here.
Each grant out of the 5 provided in Q1 & Q2 has been attributed to a different contributor, all of whom are active members of our community. Please note that in Q3 & Q4 a total of 6 micro-grants were awarded. | ||||||||
Trainings | Conduct four separate Wikidata (Q1, Q3, Q4) and bot wrangling (Q4) trainings, involving 20 active users in total. Several thousand articles impacted as a result (hard to quantify). | n/a | 4 out of 4
4 out of 4
| ||||
4 Wikidata trainings/presentations took place during the first six months of the year. A total of 135 people (40 + 25 + 30 + 40) were reached during the following events: ATED conference to software companies, Lugano Cantonal Library presentation to librarians, yearly conference to the association's members and Frontenders for front-end developers. | ||||||||
Writing ateliers and reunions | 12 meetings over the course of the year, involving a total of 150 contributors (15 new), 500 new pictures uploaded, about 40 articles created or impacted. | n/a | 7 out of 12
15 out of 12
| ||||
| ||||||||
Writing contests | 3 writing contests directly sponsored by WMCH (Q1 & Q4). Around 70 users involved, 200 to 300 articles created or impacted across three languages. We expect around 10 Good Articles and 20 Featured ones. | n/a | 31 out of 70
67 out of 70
| ||||
In Q1 & Q2, Wikimedia CH provided 3 prizes for the 24th writing contest in the German-speaking Wikipedia. 31 active editors participated and 43 articles were created or improved. Thereof, 7 articles were accepted as “featured articles” and a total of 3 as “good articles” (and 2 more articles are in the review process at the moment). In Q3 & Q4, Wikimedia CH supported the 25th edition of the writing contest in the German-speaking Wikipedia with 3 special prices for the anniversary edition: A total of 36 active editors were involved whereby a total of 25 articles were added or significantly improved in the German-speaking Wikipedia.
The number of writing contests has been consciously reduced as those to be run in the Italian-speaking area have been substituted by activities in Education which in our opinion provided for much more opportunities for the future (building on feedback from our survey, the idea creation workshop as well as other contacts with the community). Education is now one important Impact Direction within our Strategy and an extremely promising domain! | ||||||||
Gender-gap ateliers | 12 women-specific trainings (Q1, Q2 2016) in collaboration with the Emilie Gourd Foundation and the office for Equality of the University of Geneva.
The project started in Q4 of 2015 with 6 workshops. In total this project planned 18 workshops, targeted 100 new female users, 5 active contributors over the course of 18 months. |
n/a | 12 out of 12
12 out of 12
| ||||
This is the continuation of a program that had been kicked-off in spring 2015 and that picked up momentum in 2016. The workshops were specifically targeted to increase the editorship of women on Wikipedia as well as to build content on Wikipedia by providing visibility to women who met the admission criteria. Our target of 100 new users was reached and more than 5 active contributors resulted from this project which followed a "train the trainers" model. Building upon the successful completion of these activities, the new contributors lead by the User: Nattes à chat created a collective project called les sans pagEs which allows to further carry the initiative of these workshops forward by providing visibility to women on Wikipedia and it's sister projects. The project is very active in the Geneva based community and creates many articles on Wikipedia. Wikimedia CH regularly collaborates with this project for specific initiatives. | ||||||||
Community Surveys | Run two separate surveys in Q3: one directed at Italian editors having left the movement, for which we expect a 20% response rate among those contacted. Another broader, Switzerland-wide (als, de, en, fr, it) which we will use to measure our impact vis-à-vis the editor community (150+ respondents, 80% satisfaction rate). | CH/Community_Survey_2015 Community Survey in 2015 | 0 out of 150
118 out of 150
| ||||
The Association only carried out the community survey during the month of December 2016. The rationale behind it happening at the end of the year was to be able to:
Our metrics are slightly below target as the second planned survey was not conducted in order to give more room to the activities connected with the setup of the strategy. In addition, an extended version of the community survey in Q4 would allow for adding questions related to the newly designed strategy. The results of the survey can be found here: Community Survey page. | ||||||||
Scholarships | Award a total of 30 scholarships for users attending Wikimania (Q2) or the German Wikicon (Q3). 1/3 of these grantees will join the event for the first time. The impact of our support will be measured through a satisfaction survey for which we hope for a 90% satisfaction rate. | n/a | 21 out of 30
29 out of 30
| ||||
Wikimania Wikimedia CH awarded a total of 15 scholarships to Wikimedians living in Switzerland and 1 scholarship to a Wikimedian from Ghana. 7 of the scholars attended Wikimania for the first time, which equals 46%. WikiCons
| ||||||||
Wikimania | 7 to 800 attendees in Esino Lario in June 2016 which we will support with our full staff on site and a dozen volunteers. We will also help 20 to 30 Global South users (or 95% of demands) attend the conference through facilitating visa procedures with the Swiss authorities. The metrics collection rests with the organizing committee, but we'll stand by them. The qualitative impact will be measured through a satisfaction survey for which we hope for a 90% satisfaction rate. | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||
Wikimedia CH provided the possibility to support participants traveling from abroad with the processing of their visas. However, only a few participants requested that support, our initial target detailed in the annual plan is therefore no longer relevant and categorized as non-applicable. The staff time allocated for this service was re-invested within the organization of related events Community Village and communications with a total of 32 booths, which attracted several hundreds of visitors throughout Wikimania.
Last but not least, by sending out press releases in three languages we were able to mobilize the Swiss National Radio as well as major newspapers and magazines in Switzerland to cover Wikimania. We also calculated the the estimated PR value: it corresponds to the price Wikimedia CH would have had to pay in order to get articles published. This document provides you with the clips of the 10 media coverages as well as a detailed measure of this value for each press coverage, the total PR value equalling CHF 414'100. | ||||||||
Learning patterns WMCH contributed together with WMDE and WMAT to creating learning patterns. Please see the pages below! |
[edit]Enable & facilitate a GLAM Network where institutions provide mutual support, coordinate and plan with - as well as learn from - each other
[edit]In order to coordinate the Wikimedia-related activities in terms of GLAM institutions in Switzerland, a “GLAM Wiki Collaboration Group” was established at the beginning of 2015 by the Swiss Federal Archives, the Swiss National Library and Wikimedia CH. In order to guarantee a constant exchange among GLAM institutions who contributed to Wikimedia projects, quarterly meetings were institutionalized and are attended by the representative of each institution. Furthermore a GLAM Wiki was established and serves the purpose of exchanging best practices and learnings.
In 2015, the group consisted of the following members: Swiss National Library, Swiss Federal Archives, Cantonal Library of Thurgau, Central Library of Solothurn, University Library of Basel, Swiss Social Archives, ETH Library Zurich. In 2016, 5 more GLAM institutions joined the Network: Historic Museum Basel, SBB Historic, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (DODIS), Swiss Economic Archives (Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv) and the Archives Cantonales Jurassiennes - which resulted in a total of 11 GLAM institutions participating in this Network within Switzerland. The common denominator of these GLAM institutions is that they contribute to Wikimedia projects and have one employee/person in charge of the activities related to Wikimedia projects. The idea behind this approach of a "GLAM Network of mutual support" is to enable GLAM institutions to learn from others but also to share their learnings and information. The connection of peers within a network has proven to be an effective strategy when it comes to knowledge transfer and the common tackling of future challenges. Furthermore, this network not only keeps our partners engaged, informed and motivated to continue uploading content onto Commons, it also provide a welcome support for WMCH and credentials the we can use when approaching potential new GLAM partners.
Visual: Wiki Collaboration Group
Building relationships with GLAM of all sizes & profiles
[edit]The GLAM landscape in Switzerland is composed of many large institutions as well as a patchwork of smaller but nevertheless dynamic institutions. These small museums, galleries and cultural entities are very distinctive from the canonical GLAM as they help preserve a precious and singular heritage. Their organization is rather heterogeneous if you think for example about ethnographic museums where the heritage displays the whole territory (in general the valley) and not only what is preserved in the building itself. Churches, ruins, castles, lores and culture are considered part of the museum. This kind of GLAM is frequent in the Alps and in small towns of Switzerland. They are protected and supported by the local government and have a strong link with the local population. The GLAM in this case is at the center of a network of several local entities like schools, churches, associations. The usual experience of GLAM cannot easily be replicated because in general these entities have only a small paid team and limited resources, sometimes the GLAM is managed by a local association or foundation connected with a very old social entity like that of the "Patrician". The advantage is that these GLAM are very flexible and open to experiment new formats and new projects.
In 2016, Wikimedia CH started the collaboration with 4 local GLAM in the Swiss Italian region, 1 University in Italy (South Tyrol) and 1 in the Romandie (Archives Cantonales Jurassiennes), which have joined afterwards the GLAM Wiki Collaboration Group, and there is an ongoing discussion with another 3 museums. For some of them the preparation and discussion phase took more time than usual in order to define clearly the map of content that could be donated. The preparation phase has had as main critical aspect: selecting the material which can be delivered with an open license because the GLAM sometimes doesn't know the origin of the material and or lacks clarity about who owns the rights. In this case Wikimedia CH supported them also to analyze the ownership of the rights and to check what can be uploaded with free content, what cannot and what is unidentifiable. This has been an advantage also for the GLAM, which finally better understands how to put forward their content in Wikimedia projects. This analysis was conducted from the end of 2015 to June 2016; WMCH is now in the content uploading phase that will take place during the second half of this year thanks to three different GLAM donating different kinds of material: photos, metadata, biographies and audio files.
Considering the value of the project Alpine dialects and the collaboration started with libraries and universities for content donation, Wikimedia CH considered to include that project in the Small GLAM project for 2016 and 2017.
A Case Study: developing the relationship between the Art & Archeology Library of the Museum of Art and History in Geneva & Wikimedia CH
[edit]A year ago, Wikimedia CH contacted the Art & Archeology Library of the Museum of Art and History in Geneva, by email, to introduce the Association and to ask if there would be any interest on to host the second edition of Art + Feminism 2016. Although, we initially had no contacts there, the staff from the library was thrilled to meet the French community liaison and signed up to partner on the campaign. The event provided a Wikipedia presentation for all the employees of the Library and the Museum who wished to attend, including the Director of the Museum Mr. Jean Yves Marin. This was very important in order to mobilize the institution's staff and deliberate on the importance of liberating content through Wikimedia projects. The rest of the day was dedicated to establishing a list of more than 150 artists who met the eligibility criteria of the encyclopedia as well as participates in the Art + Feminism edit-a-thon. Following this initiative, WMCH as well as the librarians spinned-off a new project in April which consisted of creating articles on Wikipedia and diffusing the exclusive sources of the library. Indeed, this institution is the largest Art Library in Switzerland so it made absolute sense to try to build a long term relationship and interest around Wikimedia projects. Over the duration of 9 months, the Association was able to train all the staff of the library, the equivalent of 10 people to contribute to Wikipedia as well as to Wikimedia Commons. Several days were organized throughout the year with Wikimedia CH staff, during which the employees of the Library could dedicate their working hours to contributing to Wikipedia. The ongoing project is all about providing visibility to contemporary artists based in Geneva and may be consulted via this link. Looking at the metrics, 40 biographies were created in 2016. The relationship is being carried over to 2017 with the Library participating in several Wikipedia related events during the year which will be developed in the next progress report. A great success story of establishing a sustainable partnership!
Supporting Photography
[edit]The active photographers in our communities are very independent. Some of them are big uploaders (around 38'000 photos) having a clear idea about what kind of equipment they need and what kind of subjects they would like to photograph. Wikimedia CH gives them the maximum freedom and supports them in case of accessing new equipment or photo accreditations. In fact, we WMCH realised that most of them do not need us to obtain accreditations. The Association therefore has set up a address for some active users in order to facilitate their requests when contacting event organisers, thus reducing the administrative burden. These members then only had to contact us when receiving a negative response from an event organizer or for support regarding major global events. Other than that, we supported the requests of newcomers but actually received very few of these. Over the last 6 months, we supported a total of 8 requests (6 in the French-speaking area and 2 in the German-speaking). Although the number of accreditations is below target for the year, the expected content delivery is already twice over our expectations. This demonstrates that the contributions of those active photographers is efficient and impactful as the expected target has been more than doubled. In the 2017 Wikimedia CH would improve this support and would set more detailed processes.
Premiere: GLAM on Tour in Davos at the Kirchner Museum
[edit]GLAM on Tour had its premiere in Switzerland: from September 30th to October 3rd, 2016, Wikimedia CH hosted the first "GLAM on Tour" event in Switzerland at the Kirchner Museum in Davos. The 3-day gathering was composed of several on site visits including the Kirchner Museum's exhibition "Alles Kirchner! Das Museum als Wunderkammer" as well as an Edit-a-thon on Wikipedia. The volunteers User:Lantus and User:Hadi organized this activity and a total of 19 Wikipedians visited the Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Museum in Davos and worked on the enrichment of Wikipedia-content on topics surrounding the artist. The group of volunteers not only edited Wikipedia but discovered the living conditions surrounding Kirchner in Davos. Exceptionally motivated hosts and attendees made this event an exciting adventure and generated a great benefit for Wikipedia readers interested in Kirchner- and Davos-related topics.
Please find here the project page of the event, the article in the Kurier in DE:WP, the documentation of the content that has been produced, the media articles covering this happening and the video which documents the Kirchner GLAM on Tour event.
- # of active editors involved: 18
- # of new editors: 1
- # of individuals involved: 27 (incl. staff of chapters/museum/keynote-speakers)
- # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages: 27
- # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects: 28
- Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
Wiki on Rails Edit-a-thons, autumn 2016
[edit]On June 1st, the longest railway tunnel in the world opened in Switzerland. The Gotthard Tunnel completes the billions worth AlpTransit, also known as New Railway Link through the Alps. This is the reason why many Swiss heritage institutions, we refer to as GLAM, in collaboration with the Wikimedia community in Switzerland, have organised Edit-a-thons on the theme of rail transport. The project "Wiki on Rails 2016" came to life thanks to the assessment that there are many railfans in the Wikimedia community. Ten well-known Swiss institutions participated in this exciting initiative: the Alfred Escher Foundation, the Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (DDS), the Historical Museum Basel, the Swiss Railway Heritage Foundation (SBB Historic), the Swiss Federal Archives, the Swiss National Library, the Social Archives Zurich, the Swiss economic Archives (SWA), the Museum of transport Switzerland and the Central library Solothurn. A total of 12 events were scheduled, you may find the complete list here.
- # of active editors involved: 25
- # of new editors: 2
- # of individuals involved: 55
- # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages: 3048
- Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
[edit]WMCH received a large amount of unexpected bottom-up requests from schools and Universities that approached us. Considering the importance of the field of education, we decided to focus our efforts more towards that direction and to provide resources to those initiatives during the year. Following the idea creation workshop, the community members also asked the Chapter to play a bigger role within educational related projects for 2017 and beyond; WMCH thus hopes to build up on this year's events and learnings to look into new opportunities for next year and drafting a concrete strategy going forward.
A network of Associations for 2-Days of Exhibitions: Media in Piazza
[edit]New media and technologies offer a lot of opportunities. Nevertheless, their use can also be risky depending on how these tools are used. In this context, the educational aspects and related trainings focusing on the correct behaviors to adopt are crucial; a point also emphasized by the education departments of the Swiss cantons.
Wikimedia CH, in collaboration with other non-profit associations and institutions, has been invited by the Department of Training and Learning of the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland to organize a two-days event called “Media in Piazza”. On September 23-24, 2016 Amnesty International, Radix, the Red Cross, the cantonal Police, the cantonal libraries, the University of the Italian Switzerland, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian-speaking Switzerland and the RSI joined their forces to create a unique experience about testing new media without fear. 415 students and their teachers visited 8 stands, participated in 9 workshops and 2 activities about social media, experiencing the advantages and disadvantages of the new media. Wikimedia CH presented a workshop about the quality of content available on the internet, the meaning of primary sources and how to distinguish added-value content and reliable sources from others.
Due to the great impact of the event, the organizers decided to duplicate it in 2017, enlarging its offer: extending the number of scheduled days and involving more schools. This also allowed Wikimedia CH to define an action plan to support schools and teachers in the whole country. The Association as such, promotes a more conscious use of online information based on four of the five Wikipedia pillars: neutral point of view, collaboration, active participation and quality of content.
Empowering teachers to contribute with their students to Wikimedia projects
[edit]In 2016, WMCH held 5 Trainings (from 2 hours to a full-day) in total targeting practicing and future teachers in Switzerland, focusing on the secondary school level (age 13 - 18). With this approach, we reached a total of 180 future teachers in Zurich, Bern and Lucerne. The goal of these "teach-the-teacher" sessions was to enable and prepare teachers to work with Wikipedia in class using it as a tool for research as well as a tool where their students can collaboratively contribute content. Furthermore WMCH directed the teachers to supplementary resources and reference materials, such as specific course modules.
Picture: PH Zürich Teacher Education
- Learnings
- Teach-the-teacher models are very effective in order to reach as many students as possible in Switzerland using teachers as multiplicators. The success of the approach can be evaluated following the outcomes of the subsequent surveys. After every session, participants of these trainings are being asked directly by the educational institution where they took the course, whether it was valuable and should be continued in the upcoming years or not. All courses received very positive feedback and are already confirmed for a next round. Within Q3/Q4 2016 and for 2017, WMCH already had two volunteers who were interested in becoming engaged in "teach-the-teacher trainings".
- Last but not least we also supported one initiative directly at University level: The University of Basel held a "WikiWeek" where 30 students spent 1 week to write 30 articles on biology and evolution. The writing of a Wikipedia Article was mandatory and a fixed component of the course.
- Picture: WikiWeek at the University of Basel
Teaching the French-speaking scientific community to contribute to Wikipedia - a successful partnership with the National Research Program LIVES at the University of Lausanne
[edit]The head of the communication department of the research program LIVES, Mrs. Emmanuelle Marendaz-Colle, contacted the Association to enquire about a content gap on the French-speaking Wikipedia on the theme of the lifecourse approach. Following several exchanges, we realized that we could establish an interesting collaboration to bridge this gap and mobilize the scientific community about the importance of their involvement on the Wikimedia projects. Indeed, out of their activities, researchers are also expected to share their scientific contributions with the greater public. What better way than to disseminate content with the greater public than through Wikipedia?! Both our teams worked collaboratively to establish an action plan. Wikimedia CH was invited to the National Centers of Competence in Research’s day on the 13th of May 2016 in Biel. This first workshop was the occasion to make a first assessment of missing or incomplete items such as vulnerability, agency, social stress, spillover effect, identity, social cure, etc. with a group of 40 people. Many terms were checked, and members of the LIVES Advisory Committee who participated in the session greatly enriched the discussion. Martin Kohli had the surprise to discover his own page on Wikipedia. Rick Settersten, who said he usually discourages his students to use Wikipedia, also recognised that “as experts we should make an obligation to contribute in order to ensure accuracy”. The intended message was successfully carried across. Following this activity Mr. Settersten was put in touch with the Wiki Education Foundation as he developed an interest in introducing Wikipedia to his University students at the Oregon State University. The second activity was a 2-day workshop on the 22nd and the 24th of November at the University of Lausanne to teach researchers on how to contribute to Wikipedia. 15 people participated in the workshop, including 13 new editors, and 15 articles were created on both the English and French-speaking Wikipedias, please consult this project page to discover more about this journey.
Progress table
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year | ||||
Support for photographers | Grant a total of 50 accreditations and travel expense reimbursement to as many events for 10 users. This will result in around 5,000 image uploads and 500 articles improved. | 50 press accreditation | 12,000 out of 5,000
38,000 out of 5,000
| ||||
Wikimedia CH supported this program strongly and included smaller projects (like Wiki Takes Z) in it. The program follows fewer photographers but big uploaders. The major results in this section are thus due to this orientation as also explained in the stories above. | ||||||||
Wikipedia meets X | 200 high resolution pictures of 50 high-profile Swiss personalities, made by 3 users over the year. At least 800 articles impacted. | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||
For this activity we set up a plan and started reaching out to relevant personalities, but in the end, it appeared wiser to postpone as investing our scarce time in the "Support for photographers" program would yield more results/impact. | ||||||||
Wiki takes Z | 2 events in Q2/Q3 to cover two Swiss cities. Outcome: 100 pictures meeting content needs (=100 articles impacted), around 15 users involved, 3 new ones. | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||
The activity has has been cancelled for 2016 to be able to give more support to the "Support for photographers" program. | ||||||||
Wiki loves Y | Participate in one edition of the international contest, which will yield around 3,000 images and involve 200 individuals. We expect 600 articles to be directly impacted | 194 | 79 out of 200
79 out of 200
| ||||
Wiki Loves Earth 2016 produced 926 images out of 3,000 and only 79 participants because of the bad weather in Switzerland during the time of the contest. [1] [2] [3]. | ||||||||
Italian Wikivoyage writing contest | Around 200 articles with 10 active and 5 new users. We expect a 50% increase in total monthly edits. | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||
The activity has been cancelled after consultation with the community of Wikivoyage in order to prioritise education activities. | ||||||||
Edit-a-thons | 1 edit-a-thon about Dadaism (Q1/40 attendees / 20 new users / 20 articles improved or created)
3 "Art & Feminism" edit-a-thons (Q1 / 60 attendees / 30 new editors / 60 articles improved or created) 2 edit-a-thons on Swiss Foreign Policy (Q4 / 80 participants / 60 new editors / 80 articles improved or created) |
n/a | 5 out of 6
5 out of 6
| ||||
We adapted the topics of the edit-a-thons according to the wishes of the community. Therefore there will be an edit-a-thon about "Anarchy, Facts & Fictions" (instead of "Dadaism") and a 3-days GLAM on Tour Edit-a-thon at the Kirchner Museum in Davos (instead of the 2-days Swiss Foreign Policy Edit-a-thon).
Art & Feminism Edit-a-thon in Basel: Total of 12 individuals involved (thereof 2 active editors and 9 newly registered users, 1 staff member). Total of 27 articles added or improved with a total of 510 edits over two days. | ||||||||
Wikivillages | Expand the concept to four languages (als, de, fr, it). 80 participants, 60 of which are new users. 40 articles on Swiss locations improved and illustrated. 5 to 6 segments in local and national medias. | 26 | n/a | n/a | ||||
Wikimedia CH took the decision to cancel the Wikivillage project as it did not have the necessary human resources - both staff and volunteers -
to be able to carry out the initiative on a high qualitative level. Instead, we have been in touch with other Wikimedia Chapters to enquire about successful educational projects in order to re-think about incorporating Swiss youth in our educational programs for the coming years. A concrete strategy will be drafted in 2017. | ||||||||
GLAM Wiki collaboration group: | 4 edit-a-thons, involving 80 participants, 40 new users and 300 articles impacted. 50,000 high quality images uploaded. | n/a | 11 out of 4
11 out of 4
| ||||
We not only maintained this network in 2016 but increased the number of participants by 4 institutions, which now results in a total of 11 GLAM institutions who are part of this network. Foreseen metrics have thus been exceeded. All 11 institutions actively contribute to Wikimedia projects (see next line "GLAM content uploads"and the story reported on this subject).
In Q3 & Q4, a total of 10 Edit-a-thons were hosted by these 11 institutions, all around the topic of trains and railways - on the occasion of the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in 2016 in Switzerland. To conclude: Besides media uploads to Wikimedia Commons, these institutions of the GLAM Wiki Collaboration group launched a common series of Edit-a-thons, called "Wiki on Rails" Edit-a-thons, which were accompanied by common communication efforts and were aligned with regards to content and timing. | ||||||||
GLAM content uploads | 50,000 high quality images uploaded | n/a | 6'145 out of 50'000
15'277 out of 50'000
| ||||
A total of 6'145 media files have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the members of the GLAM Wiki Collaboration Group (Swiss National Library, Swiss Federal Archives, Cantonal Library of Thurgau, Central Library of Solothurn, University Library of Basel, Swiss Social Archives, ETH Library Zurich, Historic Museum Basel, SBB Historic, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (DODIS), Swiss Economic Archives (Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv) and the Archives Cantonales Jurassiennes) in Q1 & Q2 2016. Another 9'132 media files were uploaded in Q3 & Q4 by these same partners. The number in the annual plan was very ambitious and has not been reached because the members of the GLAM wiki collaboration network preferred to move some activities more in events than in content uploads and to postpone those last kind of activities in 2017. Please refer to the above section on the GLAM wiki collaboration network. | ||||||||
Small GLAMs follow-up | 7,000 media files uploaded to Commons, 1 active editor, 6 GLAM partners | n/a | 6 out of 6
6 out of 6
| ||||
6 GLAM acquired ([4], [5][6][7], Archives of Jura, University of Bozen) . The planned activities of 2016 have been moved to 2017 to support the unplanned uploads of the Archives du Jura. | ||||||||
Alpine dialects Rhaeto romance languages | 200 new texts added to Wikisource before the end of the year, 1,000 Rhaeto-romansh words to the Wiktionary, 50 biographies to ro.wikipedia, 6 contacts with local GLAM | n/a | 762 out of 200
762 out of 200
| ||||
Uploaded 4 times more texts than planned cause a big donation from the University of Bozen from a consistent corpus. For the moment there was no possibility to proceed with Wiktionary because the rhaeto-rumantsch wiktionary is still in incubator and only in Rumantsch. |
Unplanned activities
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year |
Youth Hackathon | Organization of an event focused to youth to experiment technologies and collaborative treasure hunt based on Wikipedia content. | n/a | n/a | 39 youth participants, 10 trainers |
On the 22nd of May, a total of 39 participants, 10 trainers and several volunteers from Italy and Switzerland met in Esino Lario for the Youth Hackathon organized by Wikimedia CH, Ated4kids and the Wikimania team. The event was a trial to replicate the usual Hackathon done during Wikimania but shifting the focus to a younger audience. During the event the participants from 10 to 18 years old participated in workshops on Scratch, drones, Open Street Map, 3D printers, cryptography and naturally Wikimedia projects. During the afternoon, a treasure hunt was organized based on Open Street Map, with QR codes linked to Wikipedia articles. We are delighted that the parents and the grand-parents joined the workshops on this warm and sunny day. | ||||
Media in Piazza | Organization of a series of presentations to group of students about the correct use of the new media. | n/a | n/a | 415 students and 50 teachers plus 250 visitors for the exhibition (around 200 students and 15 teachers attending the ateliers). |
The event has been organized by the department of pedagogy of the university of Lugano together with 16 organizations. Wikimedia Ch has been invited to have training sessions about the correct use of the sources and the identification of incorrect information. These last metrics have been included in the progress table connected with the ateliers. The event will be replicated in the 2017. | ||||
Projet Agora | The Archives Cantonales Jurassiennes (or Archives du Jura) started a project to upload audio files of the cantonal councils. | n/a | n/a | Around 30 test files and training to the staff of the Archive. |
The Archives cantonales jurassiennes started the project Agora to upload audio files of the creation of the Canton Jura and of the subsequent cantonal councils. Wikimedia CH supported the project and trained the staff of the archives uploading some test files. The project will continue in the 2017. |
[edit]At WMCH we don’t believe that we need to reinvent the wheel each time. We would like to focus on our unique selling proposition (USP) and build a strong, viable organisation. However, we cannot do this without partnering up with other Chapters, like-minded organisations and of course the WMF.
We also believe that as an Association of such notoriety we can and should use our unique position to influence and make our point wherever necessary and possible. This should of course be done in Switzerland, where WMCH is already seen as a prominent partner and stakeholder when it comes to copyright questions. But also on a European level where WMCH can partner with other European Chapters while working through a representative in Brussels our work should be reinforced.
[edit]Ensuring a functional and sustainable environment for Wikimedia projects: playing a more active role in policy making processes
[edit]At the present moment in Switzerland, regulatory changes are being discussed; these could potentially affect Wikipedia negatively in the future. But before anything happens and Swiss law or the constitution gets changed, political parties and interested stakeholders are being solicited to provide written statements about their position on the presented propositions. This is a great chance for WMCH as those written statements will actually be presented to the parliament and therefore have the potential to significantly influence the decision making process. In 2016, Wikimedia CH submitted two written statements. First, a statement was issued with regards to the the revision of the Swiss Telecommunications Act which poses a threat to Net Neutrality. A second position was taken on the revision of the Federal Act on Copyright where the extension of the period of protection represents a great danger for the use of media on Wikimedia projects. Last but not least, WMCH also provided advice to the parliament and Federal Council with regard to an ongoing discussion on whether it should be prohibited for Federal Employees to edit Wikipedia or not. WMCH was pleased that the community's voice was heard and that following its intervention, the Swiss Federal Council published a detailed statement allowing its employees to continue editing Wikipedia in the future. We believe that the Chapter has a strong role to play in representing the interests of the community when changes of legislation may endanger the possibility to use or contribute to Wikimedia projects. It also puts the Wikimedia brand on the map which is obviously of great interest. Please find both written statements under the following links:
Statement Copyright Revision
Statement Net Neutrality
Developing strong synergies with like-minded Associations
[edit]The Swiss context is very favorable for the implementation of non-profit associations. This situation has led to an astonishing network of NPO's or NGO's established in Switzerland, each having a high impact on social life in general. What is more, the local administration and the Swiss Confederation consider these as a big value for the country. Whereas this situation is very positive in terms of reaching out to potentially like-minded associations, it also bears a risk as the relatively high number of associations and organisations per inhabitant means that Swiss people, who are devoted to volunteerism, may be member of more than one association. It could also mean that their membership is highly volatile because of the vast offer of opportunities for volunteering across the country.
WMCH, considering those conditions, started to collaborate with like-minded associations like Opendata , the Swiss Public Domain Foundation or more locally oriented ones like ATED in order to have a higher impact and to support initiatives reciprocally. This means for example, sharing the effort for organizing events but also retaining volunteers through targeted campaigns. Joint events increased during 2016 and as a result, we've seen a greater number of attendees at events. A great case study in this area would be the Opendata conference with 200 attendees.
Furthermore, Wikimedia CH partnered with the Creative Commons Salon to organize a conference in Lausanne on the 10th of November 2016. Those conferences happen across the world and intend to educate people about free licenses. Wikimedia CH was delighted to partner with the Creative Commons Switzerland team and sponsor the event. Also, the user and Board member Frédéric Schütz gave a case study presentation on Wikipedia and the Creative Commons licenses. You may find all the information relevant to this event through this link.
In Italian Switzerland the strong relation with ATED, the Swiss Italian ICT association is continuing, and Wikimedia CH has been invited to have a speech for the meeting of Cyber Risk to speak about the protection of data. The meeting has been so successful that it will be replicated in Lausanne in April 2017.
ATED is not only a regional association because they are organizing events with children at national level and they asked to Wikimedia CH to join to the organization and to improve the collaboration in educational fields. Their experience in organization of successful CoderDojo and Devoxx gives them an important relevance as partners in the education.
European Outreach through the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU (FKAGEU)
[edit]WMCH is one of the Chapters funding the EU Outreach that is happening in Brussels under the competent guidance of Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov (Dimi). The following has been looked into in 2016: The European Commission proposed its "Copyright in the Digital Single Market" Directive in September 2016. The draft contains an Article 13 that would require platforms that host user-generated content to install upload filters that automatically block & delete infringing content. For Wikipedia, there are two major issues with this. Firstly, this would require Wikipedia to install technology that automatically blocks allegedly illegal content. Such systems don't recognise legal uses of protected works such as citations and criticism. They would also change the fundamentals of how free knowledge is aggregated, requiring checks prior to publication, something impossible to control in a balanced way at a rate of tens of thousands of edits per hour.
Secondly, such technology, once in place, has huge potential for abuse for a global knowledge resource like Wikipedia. Countries like China and Iran are regularly attempting to control the information available on the free encyclopaedia. Having the EU providing the tools necessary for this would be a terrible development. After several talks with different European Commission staff, the EU now publicly admitted that the proposal was not tailored well enough and that Wikipedia should fall outside its scope. Wikimedia through Dimi and relevant EU stakeholders are now working together to improve the legal text in the European Parliament.
Organizing a national project within a multilingual context in synergy with a like-minded association
[edit]Wikimedia CH strongly believes in the importance of partnering with like-minded associations to promote its values as well as create new opportunities for releasing content on the Wikimedia projects. During autumn 2016, our team worked actively with the VSA-AAS Association which represents the interests and activities of the archivists community in Switzerland. Up until now, we have had only a few collaborations with local archives and we set out to develop further partnerships in order to grow some opportunities with those GLAM. Through our contacts with the VSA-AAS, we decided to collaboratively organize the International as well as the National Swiss Archives day taking place on the 9th of June 2017 around the Wikimedia Universe. A challenge as many archivists are unfamiliar with our projects and the great opportunities that these could potentially offer to those institutions. The stakes are definitely worthwhile considering the highly qualitative and quantitative content that is available in those institutions. The project’s organization kicked off in September 2016 in order to have enough time to onboard willing archives and provide them with enough training and support to carry out their initiatives for that special day in 2017. We preliminarily met with the VSA-AAS team and also faced challenges in finding one common language that all stakeholders could use during meetings; as it happens, we currently use a great mix of French, German, Italian and English which reflects the specificity of our language communities in Switzerland. Although being a complex operation, we believe that national projects bring strength and visibility to the Wikimedia movement and the positive outcomes are well worth overcoming challenges. We are hoping to establish new best practices in 2017 where for the first time events, public discussions etc. will he held in all parts of Switzerland. We look forward to updating you on how this project turned out in our next progress report!
Progress table
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year | ||||
Legal opinions | By Q2/2016, provide the Swiss Commons users with a series of clear answers on 10 to 20 of the most common issues listed in Commons:Copyright rules by subject matter. We will include this item in our satisfaction survey and expect a 90% satisfaction rate. | n/a | 1 out of 10 | 1 out of 10 | ||||
Wikimedia CH included this kind of support in the specific support to the community and to the partners looking in future to re-organize it. It happens that this support is asked in connection to the activities, for instance one consulting opportunity has been offered to an Italian Swiss GLAM (Monte Verità) about selecting photos not protected by a copyright or with a copyright that had already expired. | |||||||| | Pursue partnership (0.2 FTE financed by Opendata Switzerland). Help organize Opendata's General Assembly, the Conference with 150 attendees and support Wikidata as a main theme. Potentially 30-50 new contributors and several thousand Wikidata items impacted. | Partnership existed already in 2015. | The yearly Conference was successfully planned & rolled out on the 14th of June 2016. The program is available here. |
See Q1 and Q2. | |||| has been our trusted partner for several years and has been actively lobbying for the release of government data to the public domain. Opendata held its Energy Hackdays on April 8 & 9 with a total of 55 participants. Furthermore the annual open data conference took place on June 14, with over 200 participants, and Wikidata was officially part of the program with Lydia Pintscher' s participation. The program of the event is available here. Besides that, Wikidata is being used as one of the main open data sources by the Swiss Open Data Community. | ||||||||
ATED | Co-host 9 events | n/a | 5 out of 9 | 5 out of 9 | ||||
WMCH has sponsored several events of ATED and was present in all official communications. 5 events have been co-hosted including the General Assembly of ATED. However, in Q3 and Q4, it has been decided to reduce the co-hosting in order to be able to support the field of education a bit more - taking into account the Associations human resources. The Youth Hackathon has also been organized with the support of ATED. However Wikimedia CH has been invited to have some speech about topics related to the ICT topics like cyber risks which will be replicated in Romandie in the 2017. | ||||||||
UNITAS / Frontenders | Build a process to monitor user accessibility of Wikisource documents by testing at least 100 items with blind/low sighted individuals. 10 new users. | n/a | Not finalized | Not finalized | ||||
It's started a discussion for partnership but not finalized. There is a contact with another association of blind people in Italy. | ||||||||
BIS conference | 400 attendees, 1 address and 1 editing workshop, 10 GLAM partnerships initiated as a result. | n/a | Accepted speech. | The speech has been rolled-out. | ||||
Wikimedia CH submitted a speech about Wikidata and it was accepted. There was only the speech and not a list of contacts, as assumed in the 2015 when the conference was planned, because several GLAM present to the conference were already in contact with Wikimedia CH before the BIS conference. | ||||||||
Swiss Public Domain Foundation: | 300 rare music records digitized and uploaded on Commons. One active user. 30 articles impacted. | 283 files digitized in 2015 | 465 out of 300
465 out of 300
| ||||
This is where we strive for very high quality material - the relationship with the Swiss Public Domain Foundation has been ongoing for several years now. Wikimedia CH directly supports the digitization-process by collaborating with "specialisterne", an association of people with autism who are digitizing the old & rare music records. |
[edit]Tools for improving processes: internal processes and GLAM processes
[edit]The information technology area underwent big and rapid changes in the last decades. Usually, the improvement of processes and the re-organization for becoming more efficient and effective are frequently connected with an introduction of good tools or by automated systems also controlled by tools.
The request of this kind of technological support is not only internal, but the same GLAM ask to Wikimedia CH a technological support to improve their contribution and mass uploading.
In addition Wikimedia CH is increased in the last years and the ICT infrastructure and the tools don't fit the needs of the organization because they are basically kept unchanged since the creation of the first staff and are not adequate for a distributed staff.
In this direction Wikimedia CH is acting following two directions:
- Re-organization of the ICT infrastructure to improve the processes and to speed-up the work;
- Development of some tools to support the activities of GLAM.
2016 has been a hard year to improve these two areas but the results have been satisfying. The ERP/CRM has been migrated and the association has moved some activities in a second data center to assure the scalability of some infrastructure.
In both sections Wikimedia CH has followed a new approach: the first step has been that of consultation and investigation within the final users, afterwards the collection of these requirements, and their evaluation. The final users are involved in the implementation and development. The process takes longer to start the setup but reduces the risks.
For GLAM tool, for instance, after a difficult start to collect data and requirements and to identify developers, now Wikimedia Ch is on a good track because the list of requirements has been accepted and consolidated. A partial resume is present tool here.
Kiwix: Make Wikipedia accessible offline by increasing content and decreasing costs
[edit]In 2016 WMCH continued its support for Kiwix - the offline reader and major milestones were reached: among them the fact that for the first time in its ten years history Kiwix was downloaded more than a million times, and the release of a Raspberry Pi version of Kiwix-serve which will significantly decrease hardware costs (about 30% cheaper compared to the older plugs). Kiwix also broadened the variety of Wikipedia-based content accessible offline: Wikimed (an offline app that presents all of Wikipedia's medical content, developed in partnership with the Wikiproject Medicine) was released in an additional ten languages (ar, de, es, fa, fr, ja, pt, od, zh); add to it Wikivoyage (en), as well as an offline version of the famous PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math.
- Learnings:
- although both desktop and mobile version of Kiwix grew during 2016 (+17 and 110% vs. 2015, respectively), the most important learning this year was that in the offline world size does matter: this is particularly true of mobile devices, where the Wikimed app has almost as many active users 18 months after its first launch than the mobile version of Kiwix had after 3 years. A likely explanation for this growth is of course size (1 Gb at most for en.Wikimed and 50k articles vs. 53 Gb for the whole English Wikipedia), but also focus: to give a simple example, 100% of Wikimed is useful to a medical student, which explains the fact that we get a 67% retention rate, vs. <20% for Kiwix or the Wikipedia app (and 17% overall for the mobile app industry);
- we also found out that people in many countries do not download Kiwix but share it directly between users: though we barely see any downloads from Cuba, we found out that Kiwix -and Wikipedia- are widely distributed via El Paquete Semanal: since most Cubans do not have access to the Internet, one person downloads Kiwix (and more) and then shares/leases a 1 Tb hard drive for about a dollar (the bottom line being that offline is extremely hard to quantify and that all our numbers should be seen as minimal values).
- Challenge: the desktop version is reaching its end of lifecycle and might not be fully compatible with Windows 10. While the negative impact will be offset by the fact that a lot of our users have older operating systems or update them more slowly than in the North, this clearly is something we need to turn our attention to. Increased audience means also a lot more UX feedback, which we will increasingly take into account as our resources grow.
- Impact: 80% of Kiwix' million-plus user base lies in the Global South. Compared to Wikipedia's 75% in the Global North, this is as clear a demonstration as can be that audiences in the South are different, and that Kiwix is a proven solution to reach out to them. In our efforts to better understand our users and reach out to them we would like to thank the Foundation for its support - most notably Anne Gomez, Jorge Vargas and Jack Rabah at the Reading and Partnerships departments: collaboration has never been so good, and they are great assets (and great people too!).
Wikimini: an increasingly growing project
[edit]- Technical update
The funds granted by Wikimedia CH in 2016 have financed the annual rental and maintenance costs of the IT server hosting Wikimini. They also ensured the continuity of MediaWiki updates and the extensions used by Wikimini.
Among the priority objectives set for the year 2016, 3 out of 4 were achieved:
1. Ensure the tracking and continuity of MediaWiki updates
2. Update the extensions and make any necessary adjustments
3. Make corrections to new problems discovered after the last MediaWiki update (1.15 -> 1.25)
Some difficulties were met in carrying out the first 3 priorities which explains why the number of hours actually spent resolving them has exceeded the planned hours by 50. For this reason, the 4th objective was abandoned and re-conducted as an objective for the following year. It consisted of implementing the "Flow" extension to replace Wikimini's discussion pages and discussion forum, both based on abandoned and obsolete extensions.
- Successful metrics
In 2016, nearly 800 new articles have enriched the corpus of Wikimini in its French version and 270 in its Swedish version. On the 31st of December 2016, the two versions reached 16,783 articles in French (+ 5% compared with 2015) and 1,723 in Swedish (+ 18% compared with 2015). The average age of the contributors is 11-12 years.
In terms of overall attendance, the site received a total of 3,869,629 visitors in 2016, which were broken down as follows:
- 3,747,303 on Wikimini in French (+ 5% compared to 2015)
- 60,829 on Wikimini in Swedish (+ 23% compared to 2015)
- 20– 15 901 on Wikimini Stock (+ 28% compared to 2015)
- 3,747,303 on Wikimini in French (+ 5% compared to 2015)
Overall, the average number of visitors per day is 15,000 during school periods and up to three times less during holidays and school holidays.
As of December 31, 2016, there were 33,693 registered users on the French Wikimini, nearly 4,800 more than the previous year. On Wikimini Sweden, the number of registered users was 2,435 on 31st of December 2016, i.e. 576 more than a year earlier.
According to MediaWiki's statistics page, the number of active users - that is to say that has done one action in the last 30 days - is 198 on Wikimini FR and 67 on Wikimini SV. For comparison, the number of active users is 139 on the Wikiversity in French and 14 on the Wikiversity in Swedish.
It is impossible to precisely quantify the proportion of articles created or modified in the school context, as nothing is asked for when registering users, and there is no requirement for teachers to openly report a school where the project is used. On Wikimini in French, we estimate that between 10 and 15% of the articles are actually created or modified in the context of supervised educational projects. On Wikimini in Swedish, for now, almost all the articles are written by classes. But it is likely that by gaining visibility in the search engines, gradually, the Wikimini project in Swedish will in turn welcome other types of contributors.
- Introducing Wikimini Stock
Wikimini Stock is a project to create a free image bank for children. In 2016, more than 700 new images have been added to this image bank. Some of them are original creations of children. The stock of Wikimini now contains nearly 12'800 photos and illustrations classified in 570 thematic categories, identical to those used on Wikimini encyclopedias. However, only 20% of the images are currently categorized correctly. There remains therefore a great work of classification to be carried out. The use of the stock is still relatively low in comparison with the encyclopedias. In 2016, the stock received an average of 1 325 visitors per month, as against 1 035 in 2015. This is partly due to low visibility in the search engines.
Progress table
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year | ||||
Kiwix | Roll out Raspberry pi (q1). 2 mini-hackathons (Q2/Q4); 750,000 downloads on various platforms; engage at least with two major donors for 2017 (for a total of USD 100-150,000); renew existing partnerships with at least two of our current partners; extend reach to more than 1,000,000 individuals. | See here | 413'000 out of 750'000 downloads
1'020'000 out of 750'000 downloads
| ||||
| ||||||||
Wikimini | Launch another language version by Q3; user count increases by 10% vs. 2015 | n/a | 1 out of 2
1 out of 2
| ||||
Having experienced technical difficulties in carrying out the 2016 objectives, some advancements for the project have been delayed. As of today launching another language version does not seem feasible for the moment as there is only one volunteer working on the initiative. However the 10% user count increase was achieved in 2016. Historically, Wikimedia CH financially supports the Wikimini project as its founder is a Swiss national, now based in Brazil. Nevertheless, the project is actually used internationally by the French and Swedish communities. The Swedish chapter uses the project in its education program. A full report on the growth of the Wikimini project is available in the story section. | ||||||||
Tools: | Gap analysis completed by Q1; First set of tools beta-launched by Q2-Q3; roll-out and sharing with other chapters by Q4 | n/a | 1 out of 3
1 out of 3
| ||||
The beta version of the back-end of the GLAM tool has been released and it is planned to move it in production in the new data center in the first quarter of 2017. A project of research is started. The development of the other tools have been frozen to give more resources to the change of the ICT infrastructure and to migrate important tools like the ERP and the CRM. |
Unplanned activities
[edit]Activity 2016 | Target 2016 | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Status by end of year |
ICT migration | Migration of ICT systems to more efficient solutions to improve the processes. | n/a | n/a | Migration of ERP/CRM and setup of a second data center |
Wikimedia CH started to setup a migration of systems and data center. Cause the reorganization and the grow of the staff, the old systems were a little bit outdated and not valid for the size of the association. In the 2016 it started a process of selection of new suppliers of IT services using a tender offer agreement. It has been selected a new supplier for CRM/ERP and a second data center, all of them based in Switzerland in order to be complaint with the Swiss law of the data protection. In addition a new agreement has been discussed with the old data center. This activity has a little bit delayed some projects of tools but it has been required to offer a better ICT service. |
Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan APG CHF 294,000.00 294,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 294'000.00 305,113.20 305,113.20 APG 2015/2016 amount deducted from collected donations for WMF during fundraising 2015/2016 Fundraising CHF 341,000.00 111,831.87 8,830.73 27,213.61 263,188.11 411,064.32 353,889.80 426,602.55 Fundraising via website/external fundraising more efficient than planned (plus CHF 70,000.-); Kiwix donations higher: planned CHF 1,000.-, collected: CHF 1,554.- Membership fees CHF 15,000.00 9,415.87 1,109.64 195.00 1,460.00 12,180.51 15,567.00 12,640.94 60 out of the 90 members (reminder sent to members in October 2016) didn't pay their membership fee 2016. (60 x CHF 50.- = CHF 3,000.-) CHF 22,000.00 0.00 9,588.25 0.00 12,834.15 22,422.40 22,831.60 23,269.97 expenses for 2015 only paid in 2016 Fundraising fee CHF 60,000.00 43,587.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,587.60 62,268.00 45,235.21 Deducted from collected donations for WMF during fundraising 2015/2016. Q1 = fundraising expenses for 2015, fundraising fees for 2016 based on paid invoices and other administrational costs will be deducted in Q1 2017. conferences and workshops CHF 5,000.00 0.00 598.75 0.00 1,690.00 2,711.25 5,189.00 2,813.73 Q4: CHF 1,690.00 for conferences given in Q2, opportunities for paid conferences and workshops didn't present as planned Pro bono / in-kind donations CHF 45,000.00 10,507.00 15,417.00 4,650.00 14,843.33 45'417.33 46,701.00 47,134.10 Q1 and Q2: location provided for: meetings, workshops, ateliers, courses by National Library Bern (CHF 750.00), Universities and Specialized Schools in Geneva (CHF 5,934.00 + CHF 970.00), Bern (CHF 250.00), Basel (CHF 500.00), Luzern (CHF 250.00), Zurich (CHF 750.00), Social Archives (CHF 500.00), Google (CHF 250.00); hours for: website development (KIWIX, WMCH) by Y&R (CHF 6,400.00), KIWIX development by 5 Google developers (CHF 6,000.00), location and catering: 2 Youth Hackathons by ATED (CHF 1,000.- each), museum in Geneva (CHF 870.00) Q3 and Q4: locations and catering: Creative Commons Conference (CHF 1,060.-, Nov. 2016), 2-day-workshop at UNIL (CHF 4,500.-, Nov. 2016); location: 2 day-workshops at BAA MAH (CHF 3,500.-, Sept./Oct. 2016), Wikipermanence at BCUL (CHF 600.-, Dec. 2016), location: Wikipedia evening for women at Liip (CHF 200.-), at GLAM institution for GLAM Wiki Collaboration meetings (2 x CHF 200.- = CHF 400.-), Wikipedia Ateliers (3 x CHF 200 = CHF 600.-), 3 days GLAM on tour at Kirchner Museum (3 x CHF 500.- = CHF 1,500.-), Wiki on Rails events (9 x CHF 200.- = CHF 1,800.-), Edit-a-thon at Strauhof (CHF 500.-), 2 days Media in Piazza at Lugano LAC (CHF 1,000.-) All over 2016 (figures in Q4): translations services (EUR 288.30 = CHF 263.33); meeting rooms for 1 staff meeting, 3 board meetings and 1 vision finding workshop (each CHF 150.- = CHF 750.-), legal advice (27 hours = 26% rebate = CHF 2,820.-)
Merchandising KIWIX / Fondation Orange - WikiPack Africa CHF 26,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53,786.70 53,786.70 26,982.80 55,819.84 Earmarked donation for WikiPack Afrika - Orange Foundation Project 2016/2017: total amount for project - EUR 99,000.-, received EUR 49,500.-/CHF 53,786.70 in 2016, spent EUR 36,590.00/CHF 40,122.11 for consultants. In total EUR 24,010.- are for WMCH (2016: EUR 12,910.00/CHF 14,028.00, 2017: EUR 11,100.00/CHF 12,061.30) out of which hard ware, organisation of a hackathon, technical project management as well as financial administration and support have to be covered. TOTAL CHF 808,000.00 469,342.34 35,544.37 32,058.61 347,802.29 884,747.61 838,542.40 918,191.06 N/A
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Community CHF 54,500.00 3,214.90 15,742.52 11,871.88 16,427.87 47,257.17 56,560.10 49,043.49 86.71 In 2016, the community did not request our full provisioned grant budget which explains why the pot has not been entirely spent. Furthermore, having received some in kind donations through the year, we were able to reduce our spending on logistical costs related to events. Content CHF 44,000.00 342.45 1,159.90 1,922.98 5,846.69 9,272.02 34,247.40 9622.50 27.07 WMCH had to restructure some of our planned activities with the small GLAMs, WikiVillage and WikiVoyage in the content program due to administrative and human resources challenges. We have substituted the 2 latter for educational events which involved lower costs for the association as we were able to secure many strong partnerships. Please consult the story on the Media in Piazza event which met a great success and which will also be replicated in 2017. We have decided to push back the content upload related to the small GLAM project to 2017.
Outreach CHF 18,500.00 720.67 5,773.06 1,082.51 5,046.97 12,623.21 19,199.30 13100.36 68.23 2016 was a very positive year in securing in kind partnerships, indeed, we collaborated with many stakeholders for conferences and events. This resulted in reducing our spendings significantly. Tools CHF 86,500.00 31.96 5,332.65 7,591.22 44,523.02 57,414.93 89,769.70 59,585.21 66.37 For the GLAM statistical tool (Cassandra), the budget has been spent, only the latest invoice will be settled during the first quarter of 2017 which partially explains the variance. For your information, EUR 10,000.-/approx. CHF 10,715,34 (= 12.38%) will be settled this year. Additionally, the Wikimini project has been confronted with some important delays due to personal circumstances of the volunteer that works on the project and as well due to restructuring from the company Nexit who carried out the IT development of the project (media wiki updates, hosting & maintenance of the website). As the deliverables were not met in 2016, there was no invoice last year which explains an unspent amount of the equivalent of CHF 15,000.00 (17.34%). Those spendings will be carried out in 2017 once the project moves forward. Earmarked Project / WikiPack Africa - Fondation Orange CHF 54,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,225.01 42,225.01 56,041.20 43,821.11 75.35 comments see Revenue Operations (excl. staff and programs) CHF 93,800.00 14,441.37 15,732.03 21,777.20 49,425.53 101,376.13 97,345.64 105,208.14 108.07 Fundraising expenses higher than planned (+CHF 5,943.67 = 6.33%). financial expenses not budgeted but additionally higher than the previous year due to change in bank account management fees (+15.6%).
Office supplies higher than planned (+31%).
Phone cost higher than planned due to switch from one contract to another (overlap and hardware, +5%).
Accounting,consulting, revision fees much higher than planned due to various contract renewals/amendments (e. g. WMF Fundraising Agreement, WMF APG Agreement), legal case Erwin Kessler against Wikipedia, seek for external advise re closing and VAT, governance workshop for Board.
Staff expenses CHF 379,372.17 83,368.84 101,110.20 104,940.86 120,387.53 409,807.43 393,712.44 425,298.15 108.02 Payment Overtime and/or vacation not taken from previous years (2014-2016) Operating reserves CHF 100,000.00 2,748.25 0.00 6,270.00 20,122.60 29,140.85 103,780.00 30,242.37 26.4 Q1: Participation: Wikimedia Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU 2016 Communication Consultant 20% as of Q3
TOTAL CHF 819,672.17 104,868.44 144,850.36 155,456.65 283,617.69 688,793.14 850,655.77 714,829.95 84.03 N/A
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
[edit]Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
[edit]As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
[edit]- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- "Jenny WMCH (talk) 09:40, 29 March 2017 (UTC)"
- Annual plan grant reports
- Annual plan grant reports for 2015-2016 Round 1
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimedia CH
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimedia CH for FDC 2015-2016 Round 1
- Annual plan grant impact report forms
- Annual plan grant impact report forms for 2015-2016 Round 1
- Annual plan grant impact report forms by Wikimedia CH
- Annual plan grants or proposals by Wikimedia CH for 2015-2016 Round 1