Fundraising 2010/Messages/Language/nl
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[edit]geen geld, geen wiki
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-09-16
- Translates: "No money, no wiki" "recht voor zijn raap" (straight to the point), that's how dutch people mostly like it, don't know if the translation: "No money, no wiki" will work. Mvg, Basvb 21:11, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Short and clear, though a bit exaggerating (it's not like the WMF would be in acute financial trouble if the fundraising fails) - Andre Engels 12:06, 17 September 2010 (UTC)
- love it --Deniz (WMF) 00:33, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
- Where would the fundraising link be? Arbitrarily0 (talk) 15:11, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
- Behind money? Mvg, Basvb 22:02, 8 October 2010 (UTC)
- Sounds a bit like a threat to me. Wkr, Fontes 22:03, 8 October 2010 (UTC)
- Agree @Fontes The contrary is true - If you have no money you still have Wiki Patio 09:30, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- I like it because it's short and clear, which is important I think. Maybe put a question mark behind it ("geen geld, geen wiki?") to make it less threatening? MrBlueSky 15:46, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
- No cure no pay, sounds like we will money voor de voedselbank or something like that. MaanMeis 10:55, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
wiki nu, wiki straks
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-09-16
- Just FYI: While this is actually in Dutch, it has a different meaning in Danish: "Wiki now, wiki immediatly". TheIncredibleNix 12:46, 24 September 2010 (UTC)
- Good point Nix! It's not very common in Dutch writing language. BTW, how much more slogans we can expect from you @bas all pointing to USA pages that are not applicable? #dare2ask Patio 09:43, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- Is dat relevant, dat moet gewoon even naar de nederlandse omgezet worden.
- I love it!!!!! MaanMeis 10:52, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Doneren mag
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-09-16
- Maybe this one works better in dutch Basvb 21:50, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- I don't think it's very strong even in Dutch. - Andre Engels 12:06, 17 September 2010 (UTC)
- Confusing doneren has more meanings. Better would be doteren, but few people (incl. Patio know exactly what this means. Perhaps Donate too? Don't know Patio 09:37, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- Wat bedoel je bij doteren denk ik aan dotteren, en da's toch iets heel anders. doneren is gewoon een gebruikelijk woord lijkt me. Mvg, Basvb 10:40, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- There's something missing... too short. MaanMeis 10:53, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- Zeker een poging waard wat mij betreft. Effeietsanders 21:06, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Wilt u ook iets bijdragen? Dat kan hier.
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-09-16
- Translates with something like: "You also want to contribute? That's possible here." Mvg, Basvb 21:56, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- I love it!!!!! MaanMeis 10:54, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- Wel heel erg vrijblijvend denk ik. Maargoed, kunnen het proberen. Effeietsanders 21:08, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Wij gaan door
As long as you want<DonationPage>
Proposed by: Patio. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 10:00, 7 October 2010 (UTC)
- What do I want? That's the question.... To be or not to be.... (Too short, I don't know what I want.) MaanMeis 10:58, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- Nee, het logo zit echt in de weg, en de tekst spreekt eigenlijk ook niet echt aan... Effeietsanders 21:09, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Gratis kennis kost geld. U kunt ons steunen met een bijdrage
Proposed by: Michiel1972 09:44, 8 October 2010 (UTC). On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-08
- A wee bit too long. Patio 09:47, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, a little long, but besides that it's a good one I think. MrBlueSky 15:49, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
- Aan de lange kant, maar wel to the point. De moeite waard wellicht. Effeietsanders 21:09, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Houd kennis beschikbaar!
Proposed by: Fontes. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-08
- Only suitable for Wikipedia (could change p in pedia to m for media) Wkr, Fontes 22:11, 8 October 2010 (UTC)
- Prima geschikt voor allerlei projecten denk ik. Geeft duidelijk aan waar het om gaat, triggert het behoud-argument. Houd of hou? Effeietsanders 21:10, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Steun onbegrensde ontwikkeling
Proposed by: Fontes. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-08
- Langer dan strikt noodzakelijk. Lijkt me beter om er iets van te maken als "Steun onbeperkte kennis voor iedereen". Effeietsanders 21:11, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Freedom of knowledge
Proposed by: Fontes. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-08
- Vrijheid van kennis? Vrije toegang tot kennis lijkt me beter de lading dekken. Effeietsanders 21:12, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
- Mee eens. Fontes 21:21, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
- En aangepast! Fontes 21:33, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Proposed by: Fontes. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-08
- Tsja. Reclame? Ik denk dat je daarmee niet de juiste emoties triggert. Maar met wat anders verwoorden kun je er een heel eind komen. Effeietsanders 21:12, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Gerust geweten
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
Only to be used during night time.
- geweten, klinkt wel erg misdadig. Iets als "Slapen met een goed gevoel? Doneer aan Wikipedia." lijkt me een betere variatie. Mvg, Basvb 10:38, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- OMG, I feel the guilty, can't sleep anymore.... MaanMeis 10:50, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Stelt u zich een wereld voor
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Lijkt me een geweldige. Effeietsanders 21:14, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
u bent er deel van
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- I studied a little bit of Dutch... Does it say something like "You're a part of it. Support Wikipedia."? I think that i like it. --Amir E. Aharoni 08:40, 22 October 2010 (UTC)
Heerlijk avondje
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
Only to be used the days before December 5th
- Sounds more like a very, very romantic evening. MaanMeis 10:48, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Gratis plaatje
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
Only to be used on Wikimedia Commons. Similar texts for other projects.
- ...
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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top 10 vrijwilligers
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Nobody cares about top whatever Patio 08:13, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
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top 10 advertenties
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
Is this actually true?
- Nobody cares about top whatever Patio 08:13, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
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enige soort banner
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- don't think so Patio 08:13, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
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Geen advertentie
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- ...
Proposed by: Effeietsanders. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Leuk met sinterklaas of/en kerst. Mvg, Fontes 21:22, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
vrije encyclopedie
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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grootste naslagwerk
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Vrijheid om in je eigen taal te lezen (FY)
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
En dan hetzelfde voor andere Nederlandse minderheidstalen...
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Wikipedia spreekt jouw taal (FY)
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
En dat voor alle Nederlandse minderheidstalen...
- Great, greater, greatest. MaanMeis 11:33, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Blijven verbeteren
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- "ons" eruit halen en dan lijkt het me een hele goede. Mvg, Basvb 10:36, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- I agree, good one but remove "ons". MrBlueSky 16:07, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Wij beschermen Wikipedia
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- ...
gratis maar kost niet niks
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- To the point, proberen waard. Effeietsanders 21:26, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Voor niks gaat Wikipedia op
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- ...
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Erg vaag, geen fan hiervan. Effeietsanders 21:26, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
- Me either. xxx=30? sex? Patio 08:45, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
Wat is Wikipedia u waard
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- I like it! Requested for testing. Effeietsanders 21:26, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Against, please no references to Africa
- me2 Patio 08:46, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
mooiste cadeau
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Geef vandaag een cadeau
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Geef iets terug I
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Geef iets terug II
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- ...
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Doe dan liever iets als: Mag je dan wel alles gebruiken, en niet stelen. Mvg, Basvb 10:34, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Wikipedia is gratis
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Wikipedia blijft gratis
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Lijkt me een goede. Basvb 10:34, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
1000 artikelen 1 euro
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Only valid in €countries - not even in e.g. Norway, UK and Switzerland
- Het gaat dan ook om Nederland hier :) Effeietsanders 10:18, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
welkom op Wikipedia
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
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Oogst van de eeuw
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Against: Advertisement for a newspaper Patio 08:49, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
- Don't think you should see this as advertizement, but as a quote (which it is). Actually a very very positive quote from a quality newspaper in the Netherlands. Compare it with review quotes on the back of a book or on film posters. Effeietsanders 10:20, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
- ...
Proposed by: n/d. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-11
- Against: Advertisement for a newspaper Patio 08:49, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
- See above Effeietsanders 10:20, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
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Geef vandaag aan Wikipedia voor een betere wereld
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-18
- Volgens mij een veelgebruikte. Misschien wat variëren op "Betere wereld". Mvg, Basvb 10:48, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Laat Wikipedia meegenieten deze kerst
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-18
- vlak voor kerst. Mvg, Basvb 10:49, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Wiki verdient het
Proposed by: Basvb. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-18
- This one is the best so far. ;-) MaanMeis 11:57, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- Actually like this one ;-) ! One could consider to replace wiki with wikipedia to make it a little bit less colloquial.
- Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Commons, other projects, that Wiki could be replaced. Mvg, 12:51, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Euro telt
Proposed by: Fontes. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Submitted on: 2010-10-26
- Speelt imo in op de wil om wel kleine donaties te maken. Fontes 21:31, 26 October 2010 (UTC)