Procès ed pulisìa dagli informasiòun dal file
This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete. If you want to revive the topic, you can use the talk page or start a discussion on the community forum. |
Cuś ē-'l?In sìm'a 'l wiki 'd Wikimedia, dimòndi file i dróven di modē dal gèner {{Information}} per memoriśèr e fèr vèder aj infurmasiòun 'd bêś c'ma pól èser la descrisiòun dla figùra o 'l só avtōr. El persòuni i pólen léśer e capìr queschè, mo i servlòun i gh'àn biśògn ed 'n ajùt cichìn, per capìr che "Jean-Luc Picard" 'l è 'n avtōr e che "CC-BY-SA" 'l è na lisàinsa. Dounca a bśògna fèr in manéra che gl'informasiòun i gh'la chèven 'd èser leti da 'l servlòun ch'a s è drē a druèr, e queschè śuntènd di marcadōr quacê daint'r a 'l modèl. Perchè sòm-j-a 'drē a fèr quèst?La letùra avtomàtica dagli infurmasiòun la fà in manéra che quistichè i dvèinten piò facil da druè-i n'ètra volta secònda el mjóri règhli per l'atribusiòun. Soquànt eśèimpi ed strumèint ch'i dróven dagli infurmasiòun alśìbil dala màchina, egl'ìn:
With machine-readable metadata, the mobile sites would be able to display information in a way that's adapted to smaller screens, instead of showing the full description page as it currently does. Note that wikis hosting non-free content are required to identify it in machine-readable format by the Board's Licensing policy. |
Cuśa 't pō fèr:
Dì-'l a chi èter
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Sign-up list
Sign up below if you're interested in helping to clean up metadata on file information pages across wikis. There will also be a dedicated page on Commons, focusing on files hosted there.
- Guillaume (WMF) (all wikis that I can decipher with translation tools)
- TheDJ
- User:Jean-Frédéric
- Tfinc (talk) 17:17, 16 September 2014 (UTC)
- Superm401
- Slowking4
- Josve05a (talk) (on Commons, and possibly, but unlikely, on enwp)
- Nick (talk) (English Wikipedia and Commons)
- Keegan (English Wikipedia and Commons)
- Stryn
- KuboF (Esperanto Wikipedia)
- Romaine (talk) - Commons, have done some work already earlier
- PKM (talk) (Commons, possibly EN Wikipedia)
- geraki (Greek (el) Wikipedia)
- Senator2029 (Commons and English Wikipedia)
- putnik (Russian Wikipedia)
- NahidSultan (Commons and Bengali Wikipedia)
- Mdann52 (Commons and enwiki, others if needed)
- circeberman (Commons mostly and English Wikipedia)
- User:JackPotte (French Wiktionary, Wikibooks and Wikiversity)
- Aftab (Bengali Wikipedia)
- Kwj2772 (Commons & KO Wikipedia)
- Basvb (talk) (Commons, more specific dutch language on Commons)
- Grind24
- MA (Meta-Wiki primary)
- User:朝彦 (Japanese projects)
- Ibrahim.ID (Commons, Arabic Wikipedia and Other Projects in Arabic also)
- Liuxinyu970226 (talk) (Chinese Wikis)
- User:Jarekt (Commons - mostly working with templates)
- User:Perhelion (Commons - De Wikipedia)
- Arnd (Commons - mostly working with files)
- Rehman (Commons, English Wikipedia)
- --Juandev (talk) 11:42, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
- --MB-one (talk) 15:38, 16 June 2017 (UTC) (de-wiki, de-wikivoyage, commons)