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Event:Wiki na monɔkɔ mua bísó

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Event:Wiki na monɔkɔ lya bísó and the translation is 62% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
LocationOnline and in-person event
Start and end time05:23, 1 November 2023 – 22:59, 29 February 2024
Timezone: +00:00
Number of participants17 participants

Wiki na monɔkɔ lya bísó

Start and end time

05:23, 1 November 2023 to 22:59, 29 February 2024
Timezone: +00:00


In-person event

DR Congo, Congo, Angola

Online event

The link will be made available by the organizers.

#WikiForMotherTongue 2024 : Wiki na monɔkɔ mua bísó

Ili kukuza Wikipedia na miradi yake dada pamoja na kupanua shughuli za Wikimedian nchini Kongo-Kinshasa na Afrika ya Kati katika lugha zetu wenyewe, mkutano ulifanyika kati ya Mtandao wa Mikanda, Wachangiaji wa Wikipedia wa Kinshasa, Wahariri, Wauza Vitabu, Waandishi na Wakutubi ili kuanzisha ushirikiano. na kuona ni kwa kiasi gani maendeleo yanafanywa kuhusu kurejelea rasilimali na nyaraka mtandaoni zinazohusiana na historia ya Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo na Afrika ya Kati.

  1. kuongeza uendelevu wa harakati yetu
  2. Kutoa usalama na ujumuishaji
  3. Kuhakikisha usawa katika kufanya maamuzi
  4. Uratibu kwa wadau wote
  5. Kusimamia/kukuza maarifa ya ndani


The initiative started when we noticed that we're feeding large wikis almost every day basis in terms of in terms of number of articles and contributors assigned, which have more than one million articles and over 10,000 active contributors, while the small wikis, including ours too, are getting emptier and are becoming more empty. Moreover, we think it's these wikis that can be shaped in our own way, rather the ideal space in which to construct our own editing rules, because, whether it's the wikipedia language version in French, in Sängö, in Fɔngbemɛ, in Kikôngo, in Lingála, in Swahili or even in Kinyarwanda, it is considered from a general point of view to be on a par with that written in English. Along the way, we also encounter a number of obstacles, such as language barriers, because most educational projects are in English.

Pia tunawahimiza washiriki kufanya kazi na wataalamu kutoka vituo vya mafunzo ya lugha za Afrika kwa ajili ya kozi za mafunzo ya kiwango kidogo. Tunajua kwamba lugha zetu mbalimbali hazipatikani na hati zilizoandikwa na kwamba hati nyingi zilizochapishwa katika lugha za ndani zinatawaliwa na hakimiliki, kwa hiyo ni muhimu kushirikiana na miundo mingine ya elimu katika eneo hili ili kuandaa hati muhimu za ubora wa mafunzo na daima kuboresha wahariri katika kuandika makala kupitia lugha zetu kwenye Wikipedia na miradi yake ya dada, ili kudumisha kiwango cha juu cha ustadi na kuhakikisha umuhimu wa yaliyomo mkondoni au hadharani kwenye miradi yetu mbalimbali ya Wikimedia.


Wikimedia Foundation huandaa tu miradi yetu ya mtandaoni, na ikiwa hatufanyi chochote, hakuna kitu kitatokea. Hiyo ilisema, hatuwezi kuacha kuchangia kwenye wiki zingine, kama vile Kifaransa au Kiingereza, lakini pia tutaangalia kando kujaribu kuonyesha kukuza, kutoa uwazi na kuonyesha lugha zetu. Vinginevyo, lugha ambayo haiendelei kufa polepole, hadi iwe lugha iliyokufa.

We give little importance to our own works, which can nevertheless be built by and for ourselves. Wiki na monɔkɔ mua bísó aims to bridge this gap, to reduce this contribution gap, in order to highlight our intrinsic identity and revive both our languages by highlighting Wikimedia activities in Congo-Kinshasa and throughout Central Africa, as we wish and want to make the month of February within the Wikimedia movement, The month of mother-tongue contributions, and every February 21, during the International Mother Tongue Day (promulgated by UNESCO in 2000), we celebrate our different languages through the event Wiki na monɔkɔ mua bísó, a good way of preserving the cultural heritage of minority peoples through Wikimedia projects and other structures working to make their culture accessible on the Internet.

Make lobby to the competent local authorities with a view to set up an academy to help and advance our African languages progress and evolve. In the same perspective, we're fighting for the adoption of our respective national languages as language courses in African schools and universities, As in the case of the DRC, French can meanwhile remain the official language of education, but other secondary languages can be taught as branches of language courses, like English, French or Portuguese, throughout the school and university curriculum.

Muhtasari wa mradi

  • Kufunga pengo hili, kupunguza pengo hili katika michango kati ya vikuu kubwa na ndogo
  • Kuongeza michango katika Wikipedia zetu zinazofanana na lugha zetu ili kukuza na kutoa uonekano kwa lugha hizi na pia kuhusisha washiriki wa jamii yetu

Mradi kuu ni ln.wikipedia.org, lakini pia ln.wiktionary.org na Lingua Libre. Kufikia mwisho wa 2024 na mwanzo wa 2025, tunatarajia kufikia makala 5000 katika ln.wikipedia.org na mafanikio mengi katika miradi mingine kadhaa inayohusiana.

Wiki na monɔkɔ mua bísó inahitaji kila mzungumzaji wa lugha hii kuchukua mali ya mradi na kufanya ni yao wenyewe !
