Europeana/1914-18/Wikimedia Romania
Romanian Wikipedia pay a special atention to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. În this respect, we initiated in 2014 a four years long project dedicated to this great event in the history of humanity.
The Portal
[edit]The central hub of the project is the dedicated portal: Romania in the First World War, that was designed to facilitate the search and lecture of the different article related to the political, military, social, economical and cultural aspects generated by the participation of Romania in the Great War.
Until now we managed to develop:
- more than 800 articles on Romanian Wikipedia
- more than 1.200 images on Commons
Editorial meetings
[edit]- conduct regular editorial meetings of the team based in Bucharest (usualy one at every two weeks)
- create a dedicated page for on-line editorial and technical discussions related to the project
[edit]- Create an off-line digital library, containing most of the books from the relevant bibliography related to participation of Romania in WWI (those books marked with a pen in the cited page). They are available on request, we providing digital extracts from this books for documentation of the editors that wish to write articles on the subject. - - Digitized document.
- Load digitized books at Wikisource. e.g. Răsboiul pentru întregirea neamului românesc, Acordul Averescu-Racovski etc.
- Load digitized works from Transcribathon Project at Wikisource (proces ongoing). e.g. Telegrama Marii Adunări de la Alba Iulia către regele Ferdinand, Programul Adunării Naționale Constituante a națiunii române din Ungaria și Transilvania etc.
Photo hunting
[edit]We conduct a series of "photo hunting" activities, in order to identify relevant media related to Romania during the First World War, in archives and libraries:
- Arhivele Militare Române (Miltary Archives of Romania), resulting in obtaing the majority of the photos of the Romanian military war commanders - see: Romanian generals of World War I.
- GLAM Partner The magazine Le Mirroir, collections from 1916-1918, at the French National Digital Library - Gallica, part of them being loaded mainly at Batles on the Romanian Front, another part being in process of categorization and further loadings.
- Arhivele Naționale ale României (National Archives of Romania) - the fonds General Arthur Văitoianu and General Alexandru Socec - process ongoing.
- Europeana Digital Libray - miscellaneous loaded at the different categories of Romania in World War I
- Oberösterreichische Landesbibliothek (The digital State Library of Upper Austria) - maps colection from Maps of Romania front of World War I
- GLAM Partner Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - photo digital archive of the IX Army Corp (austro-hungarian) - process ongoing
- GLAM Partner Staats Bibliothek zu Berlin, - photo digital archive of the 9 Army (german)
Contributing to Europeana
[edit]We have contributed - as WWI Romanian Wikipedians Team contributor name, with a series of stories at the Europeana 1914-1918 – untold stories & official histories of WW1, as follow:
- România Primului Război Mondial văzută de Albert Reich (Romania during the First World War seen by Albert Reich), a colection of 114 paintings and drawings of Albert Reich, about Romania and the fight carried out here, during the campaign of 1916
- Un general român uitat - Alexandru Socec (A forgotten Romanian General - Alexandru Socec), a colection of 25 items related to General Alexandru Socec
- Albumul foto al Armatei 9 germane din campania din România (The war album of the 9th German Army on the Romanian Front), a colection of 111 items related to the 9th German Army
Upload to Commons content from the Europeana 1914-18 site
[edit]- GLAM partner We have loaded more than 100 images from the Europeana 1914-18 site offered by the Staats Bibliothek zu Berlin:
- Post-processing the batch upload of content from the Europeana 1914-1918:
[edit]Starting with 1st of May 2017 we became a team contributor (as WWI Romanian Wikipedians Team) at the Transcribathon Project, hosted by Europeana. Till now we have contributed as follow:
Host a transcribathon
between 31 June-3 July, when we digitized more than 45000 characters, that allowed our team to reach the "Champion" level. This include digitization of the following stories:
- Nicolae Parpa si frămaâtările Generalului Averescu
- Povestea lui G.K.Constantinescu si a fratelui său Fanel
- În ziua cea de judecată
- Programul Adunării naţionale constituante a românilor din Ungaria şi Transilvania
- Unire necondiţionată
- Poporul la Alba Iulia
- Telegrama Adunării Naţionale către M. S. Regele Ferdinand
- Ferdinand I Regele României
- Cercetaşii
Other transcribed documents
- Istoria Razboiului pentru intregirea Romaniei : 1916-1919
- Jurnal de război 1914-1917
- Scrisori din colecţiile Bibliotecii „V.A. Urechia” Galaţi
- Povestea lui Stefan Ionescu
- Lupta unui soldat român pe două fronturi
Use of already-transcribed content
- Postcards sent by Romanian prisoners of war
Reference of films from the European Film Gateway
[edit] We begin identifying films and sequences from European Film Gateway related with articles from our project:
- El avance victorioso de Mackensen por La Dobrudja - linked with the article Acțiunile militare din Dobrogea
- Take Ionescu și Adina Cordescu la Budapesta - linked with the article Take Ionescu (starting with the minute 8:21)
- Baterie de artilerie română în drum spre front - iulie 1917 - linked with the article Participarea României în campania anului 1917 (starting with the minute 3:44)
- Generalul Berthelot decorând militari români pe frontul Armatei 2 - linked with the article Henri Mathias Berthelot (starting with the minute 1:31)